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[IC] TotM:DC "Terraria: A fresh start"


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That Night


The night had been... productive for Satomi, but that felt like an understatement. Strictly, just in terms of the projects that Satomi had completed for the defense, what she had done wasn't overwhelming: she'd created two siege weapons, which was just another step along her fortification of the village. But in terms of what she had actually learned, what she had accomplished during the night for her own progression as an engineer, well... that was something completely different altogether. That was something of a magnitude that Satomi wouldn't even completely recall in the morning.


Satomi, at first, had just wanted to repurpose the skeleton of her incomplete jackhammer into a repeating crossbow as per part of her plan: it wasn't quite the same as the cluster siege crossbow that she had been planning at one point, but having a continuous and very rapid-firing siege crossbow would be essentially the same thing, and Kusuke's springs were capable of doing that. At first, though, she just thought she had some great frustration in store for her -- tungsten was a new metal for her, and whereas it had shown its value elsewhere, it wasn't actually very good for its intended use as a central component of a complicated and heavy siege weapon: breakage was frustrating possible, sometimes the springs unseated, and sometimes they snapped what they were attached to.


So she'd ended up consulting Toshiro for advice on smelting (she knew the basic Kaiu techniques of metallurgy and a couple of their more special ones, but she was not an expert like some were), and that was when she'd been exposed to information that would on its own have revolutionized Crab Clan capacities back home: advanced techniques of metallurgy that even the Kaiu and probably even the Tamori had never come close to discovering. ...and thus began what can only be described as a frenzy of work. Satomi casted gears, she recasted springs and proceeded to drag Kusuke over to make them oscillate again, she tweaked, she redesigned, and she even began to experiment.


A long wooden (albeit with pieces of metal) bar, notched in various lengths and shapes, was designed, and built to be slotted into a special area near the base, where a very fine and intricate collection of springs and gears would turn the crossbow upon its base and aim it up or down based on the way the notches hit slots in the base, and of course some of the other springs and gears. A larger spring slowly pulled it through this groove, so that the series of instructions Satomi carved into the bar would execute in order, firing in patterns that matched up to what Satomi had seen on the Wall for movement of goblins and ogres. The device that "read"' the bars and a couple of bars themselves were created for hours after midnight, with Satomi in such a wild, calculating mood of complex creation (considering several potential systems at once and then darting to ways that alterations would cause consequences) that it would take her some time later to suss out what she had actually done: she never stopped to contemplate, she just moved on and continued to build.


Nonetheless, what she ended up creating was something magnificent: a crossbow turret, gravity-fed and repeating, as well as automatically aiming along patterns of likely enemy movement. It was a beautifully complex weapon, probably the best thing Satomi had built in her life thus far, and it inspired such a sense of manic glee that she went into the creation of her next weapon with the same kind of incredible complication. It... well, this one should have remained simple. She had created what was essentially an axe trebuchet, swinging down a massive axe blade with incredible, torsion-spring powered force, and even with a rail system to move along its section of the wall, but... the 2AM glee-fueled weapon had totally redundant systems that only served essentially overcomplicate and brag, with what was even a rather lethal system of self-collapse if the user made a large mistake with the unnecessary system of levers along the weapon's chassis.


But Satomi wasn't even done, or so she thought. Next, she went to the forge, with the intent of giving her precious daisho something of an upgrade. But it was four in the morning, everyone else was gone, and without her glasses and with her incredible bleariness, even though Satomi fiddled around the forge itself for half an hour, she completely failed to see the pieces beyond the main forge, even the ones she should have been well familiar with, that she needed to actually get the process going. Everything was various levels of blurriness, after all, especially this late, and eventually she just gave up. Maybe, she figured, she could fiddle with the automatic crossbow for a little while, but in the end she just ended up slumping over it and falling to sleep not long after she started.



The Morning


When Satomi woke up, the very first thing she noticed was that she was incredibly uncomfortable. She had only had a rest of three or four hours, and the time before that had been thoroughly exhausting. She wasn't lying down anywhere, as instead she was essentially half sprawled on top of her recently-completed crossbow, with her torso draped over the top of it and her knees on a small platform she'd made to work on for an extended period of time and not get her knees dirtied. And last, but not least, she was soaked, dripping wet from head to toe as a furious rain had begun after she'd fallen asleep. She was wet, she had to work for a few moments to extricate the edges of her wet clothing from the crossbow, and she was cold, so overall she was thoroughly uncomfortable.


But that wasn't that unusual for a Crab Clan samurai, was it? Many of the samurai of her great clan spent days and days upon the Wall, watching for the eternal and vigilant threat that was the Shadowlands, an entire massive stretch of land that was intelligent, that was evil, that constantly sought for a way to destroy them. Satomi had been one of those people, too, in her role as a Kaiu Engineer working upon the siege weapons of the Carpenter Wall. So she was fine enough, though she wasn't usually the toughest, and it wasn't long at all before Satomi collected herself to walk into the town in order to finish the work upon the southern wall.


Satomi was quite the sight when she actually walked into the town, in a couple of different ways. One way was that she was visibly far more tired than the other members of the party who had slept in a nice warm inn -- rings were under her eyes, especially if anyone actually looked at her face close-up, and her gait was a bit slower, although she would be perfectly functional once she actually had a couple more minutes to wake up and once she buckled down the work. The other way, well... her hair was soaked and falling down her face and shoulders in locks, even forcing Satomi to occasionally sweep a lock of hair out of her face, a little bit cutely, perhaps. And that wasn't the only way in which the rain had affected her appearance: seeing as she was drenched head to toe, even though the colors of her kimono ensured that it wasn't particularly translucent, the way it clung to her was... interesting.

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After the meeting, Leo had about half of his ore smelted Into T-metals. He would have to wait until later to work on any major projects, and help get the forge hot enough to make normal platnuim. He gains 3 ignots of T-Platnuim and two ignots of T-iron, T-silver, And T-Lead.

He test the T-platnuim and T-lead. Along with some scrap T-steel laying around.
Finding intriguing results



Thaum > T Platinum(20 vs 19): This mana type produces a form of electricity that acts as a single mass that moves as an entity instead of breaking apart to discharge in the easiest route.


Thaum > T Lead(4 vs 8): This mana type cause temporary shifts in an object's mass and physical properties, causing it to act somewhat more like gelatin.


Thaum > T Scrap Steel(20 vs 12): This mana type causes two magnetic objects to adhere together then vibrate until they weld into one.

He would have to do some more testing, but T-platnuim mana seemed to be...easier to control? He wasent sure how it might differ when used to power something.

naturally, he promptly instructed his golems to work through the night.

Then he retreats to his room, and lays the red glassy sword out on the floor. Sitting down in front of it. 

He may as well figure out what he can from it. Useing his magical knowlage, some basic studying and his analysis spell he figures out quite a bit.



Analyze: 97, The material making up the Starfury was created by liquifying Fallen Stars, Meteorite metal, and Sunplate with massive amounts of solar energy to create a sort of ceramic-like material. This material is called "Heaven's Steel"(totally original, I know.). The natural properties of this material combined with a powerful enchantment allows the sword to create droplets of superheated plasma contained in magic bubbles and rain them down on the intended target(s). Leo gains a reusable blueprint for "Heaven's Steel". 1 unit of Meteorite metal, 1 unit of Sunplate, and 15 Fallen Stars are required to create 1 unit of Heaven's Steel. Special equipment is also needed.



Arcana check: 19 vs 12, Luck: 74, Someone(or several someones) on a massively high powerlevel created this thing. They would've had to have a primal connection to the sun, stars, and plasma/fire to create it the way they did. By studying this ancient's work Leo gains the following passive trick:

Primal Element Revelations(Fire): the user gains +1 to crafting and training checks involving fire, plasma, and other such things.  May be expended to grant a one time +6 bonus instead.

The first thing that sticks out to him are the clues which suggest immense power was used to create this. He himself wouldent be able to muster that power on his own, but he might be able to rig up a set of equipment to do so. Though he felt it would be better to create a more efficient method. He certainly wouldent have production of this stuff before the siege. But it was something to take note of for the future. It was quite intresting. His study of the sword does give him some intresting ideas regarding the element of fire, and how it could be manipulated. Perhaps he could put that to use in the plasma cannons. 

Next he figures out what he needs to actualy MAKE it at least as far as ingredients go. 
He finds signs that it took large ammounts of what seemed to amount to a physical manifestation or form of magic, which lines up with the "Stars" that the dryad had previously spoken of. The use of skyplate is more obvious, He recognizes signs of its in the magic, molecular structure and arrangement, and it just logically makes sense.
Finaly he needs...Something related to fire or the stars. It was SOME sort of metal. He could tell that much, and he was sure he would recognize it if he attempted to shape it. But he couldent put a name or appearance to it. All he knew was that it was a metal, with relation to fire and/or the stars. He would have to ask the guide later.

And apparently you need solar energy to do the melting.


He wanted to go over it a bit more, but that would have to wait. He was getting pretty tired.
Hopefuly he could sleep with the threat of impending siege hanging over his head.


Soon he finds that he can, as his golems work through the night.


Luck: 90, Random Blitz: 92, Over the course of the night the Golems find copious amounts of Copper, Tin, Iron, and Lead ores, small amounts of Silver and Tungsten ores, and trace amounts of Gold and Platinum ores. They also bring back one Diamond, two Rubies, one Topaz, and one Sapphire.


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Kusuke, as usual, had been up a bit later than was really healthy, and was lacking in his usual morning coffee besides. He was currently wandering about the town, more or less trying to remember how to be alive for the day and wondering if it was acceptable to bellyache about the destruction of his old hoodie yet. He glanced over at Satomi making her way back into the town proper, not thinking much of it - and then stared at her for a good solid moment, turning bright red and then stiffly turning away (probably too late) to hide his reaction to Satomi's outfit and what it concealed. . . and what it didn't. That rock was pretty interesting. . .

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Satomi was stopped in the middle of her walk (to the carpenter's, as a matter of fact, because she was about to begin work on the wooden supports for the southern wall) by the fact that someone was full-on staring at her. She instinctively turned to look and see who it was, and caught Kusuke turning away from her, his face lit up with a blush that was far from insignificant. Satomi looked confusedly at him for a moment, then looked down at herself. Her lack of experience with sexuality, her being distracted with her tasks, the rain, and the cold, and the fact that at the very most she had only slept for four hours meant that even a brain as prodigious as hers failed to make the connection as to why Kusuke was so embarrassed. "Kusuke-san," she called out to him, "Is something the matter? Why were you staring at me?"

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Kusuke's eyes flicked back toward Satomi, resulting in a renewal of his blush and a rather strangled-sounding noise that he managed to convert into clearing his throat. "Your uh, kimono. It's a little, er. . . damp." And clingy. And close enough to see-through to be tantalizing. If he looked hard enough he could probably spot something interesting, but he wasn't nearly enough of a lech to attempt such a thing - and she'd probably impale him for doing so regardless. "It might be a good idea to, er, dry off. For your health and stuff." 

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Satomi squinted blearily at Kusuke for a moment as he haltingly explained the reason for his staring, and then she looked downwards at herself. It was only after a couple of seconds of staring, and a rub at her eyes, that the source of Kusuke's distress finally clicked to Satomi. Oh, kami, her kimono was sticking to her figure, and Kusuke must have, erm, reacted to that. Slowly, a blush rose on Satomi's own face, and when she spoke again she was rather audibly flustered. "O-oh, um, I see--" Satomi proceeded to pull her kimono away from her chest and hips, letting it more stiffly settle, though it was apparent that that wasn't going to stay that way. "I, um, well, that's..." Her blush deepened and she smacked a palm to her face. "O-oh kami, how bad is it...?" She WAS about to head over to the carpenter's, and it'd be better to only humiliate herself in front of one person rather than two.

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Leo woke up early. Grabbing his breakfast to go and eating as he speed walked down to the smiths shop. It was time to get to work.

He quickly took stock of what had been gathered over the night, and told the golems to go back, but to try and get some flux stone. He was sure they would need more.

He gets the smith to smelt some of the Iron, and make some steel without useing the gel. The outcome is a little crude, but plenty workable.

Leo forms a stone sheath around a metal cannon, and on the inside, he attaches two steel rods which spin around a piece of Negative kelvin eternal ice in the center.

On the back of the cannon a pair of fans with the help of a small topaz core draws in air. The rods are simple, specialized cores. enchanted to form and launch magnetic bubbles. As the air is drawn in, the eternal ice core uses its ice magic to, ironically enough, heat the air by passing electricty through it. Turning into plasma which is caught by the magnetic fields. 
The targeting and IFF systems go fine.
The only problem, is that its not takeing in enough air. 



Asphyxiated Golemantic Plasma Cannon: Problems with the air vents and Topaz focus prevent the cannon from drawing in enough air. Fires automatically three times for 1d6+2 fire damage at the end of each round. Requires a building or vehicle slot to use.

Nothing a few tweaks wont fix though.
He increases the fan size and RPM, and redoes the topaz core. Moveing it to the outside, and between the fans. Adjusting its programming so it does its job more efficiently.



Golemantic Plasma Cannon: A metal cannon with a protective outer stone casing. Two fans and a topaz core draw in air, and a pair of spinning enchanted steel rods form and fire magnetic bubbles. The drawn in air is heated into plasma by a negative kelvin eternal ice shard. Fires automatically three times for 12 fire damage at the end of each round. Requires a building or vehicle slot to use.

He manages to make a second one, before he runs out of the needed metal. During the process he notices a jerk in his pockets, and after some quick testing, finds that demonite, and crimtane are magnetic. Having been pulled on during the enchanting process.

And there was the seed. Just...absorbing mana. Still.
That was a little concerning....it just would not stop.

It might be worth doing something about before something unexpected or problematic happened.
naturally however, he dident want to take measures that wernt needed, so he decided to analyze it first.



Analyze: 29, Leo's findings are...mixed. On one hand the spell seems to work like normal on the other the information he gets back is strange at best. Most of the information is garbled and corrupted, replaced with gibberish and nonsensical phrases. Large swaths of information even turn up completely missing, not corrupted or destroyed, just missing like they were never there to begin with. What Leo is able to gather is that it can act like a sort of container or reservoir for magic and emotions. He also notices that while it's standing on its little spike thing it occasionally twitches back and forth of its own accord.



"Its keeping some of it from comeing back, Could be usefull for disrupting spell work."
"Hold on, Some of these lines look less like nonsense data and more like...."

Snow brings up leo's computer, and puts some of the broken lines on display. Then she starts trying to interpret them, filling in and repairing the...broken sentences and words. Letters being filled in and changed until it starts to look right, after a few moments, snow has assembled what shes pretty sure is an accurate reconstruction.



"Th__tre_s ar_ pu_ple"
"Lil_ies t_ste like__ange_ine bl_od"
"Sun _s ang_y, m_ feet__urt."
"F__ger s_ndw__hes _nd bu_t_rfly _us_c."

"The trees are purple"
"Lilies taste like tangerine blood"
"Sun is angry, my feet hurt"
"Finger sandwiches and butterfly music"

"Thats to many characters for it to all be a fucking coincidence."
"Yeaaahhhh...thats a little freaky. What are you thinking? Some sort of corrupted core?"
"I dont like the implications something might be conscious inside there. And I CERTIANLY dont like the idea that something conscious and corrupted and/or insane is in there, passively absorbing magic."

"Yeah, that sounds like bad news. We need to look into it more, But we dont have time. For now, we need to stop its magic intake" 

He Decides to ask the smith to help him make a small box from thran metal shards, but sadly, it seems magic is not the only thing its good against.
Though leo does find that if he holds plant mana to it long enough it grows....some stuff that is really good at reflecting force? Not what he was going for.


Crafting: 14 vs 10, Quality: 89, Random Blitz: 57, Leo manages to grow a small amount of:

Thran Vine-metal: even more physically durable than normal Thran metal, however it lacks some of the reflective properties of Thran metal.
Requires an exorbitant amount of Green mana to produce.

At this point he just goes to the drayd, and after some talking, Gets a box made of plants around the seed. Which he promptly hands off to the SCP golems.



Sunflower box: A small container about the size of a fist made of woven sunflower stalks. It has no opening and the Grief Seed is contained within. The sunflowers absorb magic coming in or out of the box, but this has a tendency to...alter them, better watch it closely.

At some point his miners also returned. Bringing back more ore, and some intresting fungal samples. And mud.
After looking them over, he sends them back in for more stuff


Luck: 91 Most of the Golems come back with more of the same, no more gems though. [1] However a few come back caked in thick mud laced with glowing neon-blue fungi, in their packs are several fist sized glowing mushrooms, some Mycelium samples, and one of them even has the remains of a much larger mushroom it harvested. Leo gains:

Glowing Mushroom(x10): Neon-blue and sickly whiteish in color, a powerful antibiotic and painkiller.
Glowing Mycelium(x3): Grow your own!
Giant Glowing Mushroom Pieces(x7): Feels like light spongy wood.
Thaum > Glowing Mushroom(10 vs 12): a liquid mana that causes an explosion of growth in bacteria beneficial to whatever it is applied too.

Thaum > Glowing Mycelium(5 vs 7): a liquid mana that causes rapid fungal growth anywhere near it.
Giant Glowing Mushrooms are the same as the normal ones.


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Around the Village:


Rose goes to see the Guide and ask him about the strange magical rod she found in the ruins.


Lucille works on a type of Bamboo with shoots that remain dormant until they detect the vibration of something the right size and weight walking over them at which point they spring up from the ground with great velocity to drive a hardened point into whatever unfortunate soul was standing above.
She litters these in the forest South and West of the Village.


The Carpenter spent most of last night studying Satomi's Medium Siege Crossbow and then most of the morning recreating a working copy of it to mount somewhere on the walls.


The Gun Merchant spends his time working on a very powerful and mostly illegal Arapaima .50 Machine Gun.  He'll setup and operate it somewhere on the wall during the siege.


Amelie & Tattletale start to talk and decide it's in their's and the party's best interest to move the ship to The Frozen Lake until after the siege since Tattletale doesn't think any Goblins with go that far north.  They head into town briefly to inform the party and will be back tonight after moving them.


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Kusuke cleared his throat awkwardly, his eyes flicking back and forth; he was trying to simultaneously not ogle her, and look at her to see just how bad it was, as she'd asked. "It's um, er. . . Well, it's not see-through because your kimono's dyed, at least." Satomi's fiddling with the garment only drew more attention toward her figure, and at this point he was outright blushing at it. "Uh, I could probably help dry you off. By skipping your clothes forward, i mean. With you in them. I'm not asking you to strip." He half-considered asking her to slap him; it might snap him out of this horrible awkwardness, at least.

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Azgrurk, for the most part, was a busy Ork. Sleep was important, at least, an he wasn't dumb enough to sleep out in the rain, but the instant he had awoken, which was fairly early, the giant Ork went to work. There was a siege he had to prepare for, and no fake-Ork was going to break into a place with a true-Ork inside, that was for sure. So, the giant Ork had lumbered around, searching for his first part of his new invention... A tree. It took him a while, marching around to find a proper tree that was big enough for what he had in mind. But, with enough looking and backtracking (with loud muttering of him commenting on the smaller tree's sizes and how they were not suitable), he had found the PROPER tree, large, thick, with a mighty trunk.


And, naturally, Azgrurk merely ripped it right out of the ground, carrying it back to the village and using his clawed mech arm to gouge out the inside, until it was hollowed out. That was the hard part, but it left him with a suitable middle. The next part was to find explosives... Which took him a lot longer. But, he managed to find a shop full of them, taking as much as he could while ignoring one of the human's look. He was an Ork, and those were explosives. He needed them more than they did. But, with it, he managed to take the explosives back... And shoved them all in, almost haphazardly. At least, to normal humans. They wouldn't understand Ork engineering, not by a longshot. But, once he was done with that, Azgrurk went out to get... Well, simple painting supplies and metal. It needed to look "Orky", after all.


After what was likely half an hour, Azgrurk had finished up his own painting and reinforcing. The log was now not just a log. It was now a log covered in metal, planting it firmly into the ground, with plenty of intimidating white and yellow marks painted on both the log itself. Even the back of the log was covered now, with a large collection of fuses leading out and tied together for easy activation. If anything knocked by this gate, they'd be sorry for coming in with an Ork Cannon ready to blow them apart.


And that was just how Azgrurk liked it as he stood to the side of his work, marveling its appearance.



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Toshiro woke up like any other morning, however this day was different. He noticed pieces of scrap metal scattered around the village and they also need to form defenses. Then it hit him, what if he turned all that scrap into something more useful, something that could slow down the invaders. Caltrops! He could make a whole bunch of caltrops! So he went a gathered as much scrap he could find and once he was satisfied he had a sack with about 47 pounds of the stuff. He then began to then heat of the scraps into thin strips with pointed edges. He then folded them into obtuse angles and connected them in pairs at the vertex.


Crafting 24 vs 12,
Quality: 77,

Toshiro makes:

Large sack of Caltrops(x4): Can be used to cover an area with small metal spikes, enemies moving through the area must make a Dex or Con save or half their Init halved.


It took many hours but he finally finished his fourth bag of the metal spikes, its already the afternoon. This should be enough to cover all around the village, can't wait to see the look on those goblin's faces when they get a foot full of metal. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

(42) Leo's golems return with one additional Topaz and one Diamond in the way of gemstones. Otherwise they've got an unrealistic amount of unlit torches, rope segments, and broken pottery. One of them also has an Ironskin potion and two swirling blue bottled potions.

Wormhole Potion:
Teleports the drinker to an ally they're thinking of on the same plane of existence.
Requires one action slot to equip and all of the drinker's moves in a round to activate.
Usable once only.

After the golems come back, leo gets to work on more cannons. He has the smith make normal iron and steel, useing charcoal instead of gel, much to the smiths complaint.

It takes a bit of time, and is quite uninteresting and repetitive, but he eventualy gets three more cannons, now packing a total of five.
He also does some testing with the granite found previously. Useing the most basic method of programing a golem, useing T-granite mana (That is to say, the he threw mana at it and willed it to become a golem) He did succeed in making a golem that obeyed the one simple impulse he gave it. And now there is a little finger sized rock zapping insects in the area, instead of zapping leo. Its kind of cute.

He notes this result down for later and after a bit of mana testing, finally decides what to make next. He creates two sets of eternal ice plasma mines. Just as he is finishing up with those arminuis shows up looking for him.



Quality(mines): 31,
Quality(network): 34,
Leo finds it difficult to build a self contained mine that actually fully controls the Neg-K E-ice
and can be triggered by the weight of a goblin stepping on it. Because of this the areas where the mines are buried have odd temperature fluctuations, causing plantlife over the area to die and making things randomly heat up or freeze from time to time. Similarly networking through solid ground with his current time and setup is difficult. Meaning that while the area may be set to "Deactivate", it's probably not best to linger if you can avoid it.


Thaum > Shiverthorn + Thaum > Icy Shard(9 vs 6): This combination causes the mana to instantly "Combust" upon reaching the appropriate ratio, devouring almost all heat and most forms of electromagnetic radiation within its area of effect.

Thaum > Shiverthorn + Thaum > Dense Ice(4 vs 19): The mana freezes solid, slowly disseminating its effect as it "thaws" over time. The time it takes to "thaw" has little to do with heat and more to do with ambience, higher ambience causes a faster "melting" process.

Thuam > T-Granite > Icy Shard( 5 vs 8): This mana type forms icy spheres that draw flames and heat into "orbit" around them, creating an aura of cold for a few feet around them and a layer of intense heat close to the sphere. Eventually the spheres shatter from the heat and release it all at once.

Thaum > Icy Shard > T-Granite(9 vs 1): This mana type forms a shard of glowing ice the functions much the same way as "Granite Core Shards" but they draw in ice and water instead of Granite.

"Oh hey, Its uhhh...the guy with the minions. What do you need"

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Arminius gestures to his minion.
"I just found out that there's a meteor that fell to the North-East and I need Meteor ore to make a gun that shoots stars... And I don't know how to mine. So I need to borrow some of your golems so Iris can go take them to mine it."

He pauses as he thinks and then nods again.

"By the way, what's a meteor? Some kind of sky rock that falls sometimes right?"

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Arminius nods. And then after a pause shakes his head.

"Not me, Andre. You know, the guy who's toilet I blew up. But we can make a gun that shoots fallen stars with it, yes. Not actual stars as they turn out, they're just concentrated mana."

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"That sounds like EXACTLY what I need. Here, take a look at this."
Leo pulls out the star fury and lays the red glassy sword flat in his hands.
"I picked it up at the sky islands, and did some analysis on it, As far as I can tell the material is made from immense amounts of magic from the fallen stars, A metal I found up at the sky islands, And some third substance. I dident recognize it but I could tell it was a metal with some sort of relationship with stars, and fire. If you need this ore to make a star gun, It might be the same thing I need to make more of this stuff."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Another dawn, another day, nothing terribly important to note.

The Barkeep asks for more mushrooms to make more potions with.

The Blacksmith is working on making various weapons and armor for the villagers.



Over night several of the villagers keeping watch report seeing goblin scouts around, the army must be getting close.  Like wise one of the countless traps around the village is found to have a scout among the normal assortment of animals and slimes.


Characters get +1 to their first roll today due to better sleeping conditions.
The Goblin army is getting closer and could be here any hour(I've rolled for a random time).


Merit gain:
Leo: 2,
Toshiro: 1,
Kusuke: 2,
Satomi: 2,
Jun: 0,
Arminius: 1,
Az: 3,


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After returning from the expedition with plenty of the meteoric ore Leo  had some smelted and did some testing, finding thats its mana had very intresting effects when paired with gemstones.


Thaum > Meteorite Bar > Ruby > Ruby > Diamond(12 vs 11): This mana type produces a thick pink colored "Laser" that streaks and burns as moves through the air. The energy in the "Laser" is chaotic and unstable, anything cut by it has the wound instantly cauterize and scar over.

Thaum > Meteorite Bar > Ruby > Ruby > Topaz(1 vs 10): This mana type produces a red-orange "Laser" that favors a conical shape, the energy inside is a spiraling torrent of flames that often casts off rings of fire in random directions.

Meteorite Bar > Ruby > Ruby > Slime crystal(5 vs 14): This mana type forms a sickly pale orange-yellow colored "Laser" that looks glossy and smooth, practically wet. The energy inside simply passes through anything it touches, setting it "on fire" with a wet looking greenish flame that "burns" things into a viscus slime.


Meteorite Bar > Ruby > Ruby > Lapis Lazuli(10 v 7): This mana type forms into a maroon "Laser" that doesn't seem to do anything apparent aside from violently burn anything it comes into contact with.



(44) Leo manages to construct about twenty simplistic stone golems equipped with copper and tin weapons that stand out in the fields outside the walls, waiting for the enemy.

Then he ran into Lucile. Learning about her ability to create life and encode various concepts into them, He decides there is only one thing to do.
 Use one of the attunements he had found to make a flower turrent!


Leo: Ess check: 11 vs 18, Luck: 11, Lucille: Craft: 43 vs 19, Quality: 87, Lucille is less than thrilled with the idea of help Leo with another of his insane experiments. This isn't helped by the fact that he struggles to maintain control over the unstable energies in the "laser", much less enforce his will over them. Soon though Lucille has her ritual circles setup and starts the process of reprograming the chosen flower(a stalk of one of the sunflowers that the Dryad grew). Leo quickly loses any semblance of control he once had over the mana as the ritual sucks it into to tear it apart for concepts. When all is said and done the two are left with an eight foot tall stalk ending in a two foot wide pink and purple sunflower head that smokes and burns with strange energy.

Dragon's Fire Sunflower: When agitated this flower releases a plume of pink, purple, and red "fire" that burns, cauterizes, and scars over wounds.
HP: 50
Dragon's Fire: At the end of each round this flower deals 2d6+10 fire damage to any create that dealt melee damage to it this round.  The targets also suffer the status "Scarred" for two rounds that reduces the effectiveness of healing on them by 50%.
Regrow: In the event of a round passing without the flower taking any melee damage it instead gains 10 HP

The energy was a bit harder to keep a handle on then leo had expected, but it still came out well enough. 

Following that, leo made a few more golems before going to bed


(54, 46) Leo creates three more squads of five Golem Warriors.

As the sun started to peak over the horizon, he climbed out of bed and headed downstairs.
So, today would be the day, but they still had a little bit of time.

They needed to finalize there plans.

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Over breakfast many of the groups brightest sit down and work out a solid plan for the battle, some ideas are discarded as unfeasible but most are worked in.


During the battle the following effects will be enacted:
Tattletale will grab one of the villagers and go get the ships should things start going bad. (Arminius)
Everyone moves more efficiently on the walls, gaining 2 to their Dex when determining moves-per-round. (Satomi)
Everyone deals an extra 5 damage with their first hit each round. (Leo)
The Borean Strider will make a flanking sneak attack some time during the battle. (Lucille)

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Following the battle meeting, leo decides to get more work in.
He starts with toshiro's swords, in hopes of bringing it up to par with jun's new rapier.



Craft: 15 vs 15, Quality: 96, Random Blitz: 54, Craft: 10 vs 20, Quality: 95, Random Blitz: 45, Leo successfully manages to enchant the sword, though with a couple mixed results.

Craft level: the user has a 20% boost to resisting mental effects that do not induce calm.

Craft level: When this weapon successfully deals damage it inflicts a Frostburn effect(not to be confused with IceFire) that deals 2d3 cold damage at the start of the user's next turn.  Due to high magic draw this item may start causing strange things to happen if the local ambience is worn thin.

The Ambiance draw was a little much, but it should be ok. 

Next leo moves on to the saber. Some odd stuff happens, but it goes well enough. The blade length dial works fine, the air intake is fully functional, as is the Force Heatpush function.


Craft: 17 vs 15, Quality: 94, Random Blitz: 26, Craft: 8 vs 6, Quality: 56, Leo begins his work, shaping metal, carving gemstones, and fine tuning golem cores. Everything starts out fine, but as time goes on odd things start to happen. First when he tests mana through the lens for the first time in the weapon they instantly fused together and to the housing, still perfectly workable but strange. Next he felt a sense of being watched, like something was staring over his shoulder and breathing down his neck despite there clearly being nothing there.

Pink Phaseblade:  pulsing with strange energies.
Long or Short blade,
This weapon deals 1d4+2 Fire/Necrotic damage that ignores Res and attacks made with it inflict "Cauterize" for one round, reducing the effectiveness of healing by 25% on that target.

Leo finished up the main design and tested it a bit, not bad but he still had plans. He added the modification exploiting the properties of Meteorite Ore.

Craft level: As an action the user may create a wall of force that throws two targets back and deals 2d4+2 Fire damage to each, cooldown of one round.

Eventually the feeling of being watch subsides after passing the sword off to Toshiro and going on to another project.

He then ends up helping jun and toshrio with some project, corrupting silver with ebonstone mana for them


Firstly Leo attempts to Corrupt the silver using Enbonstone mana, the process take much more effort than was expected and the result is somewhat curious. A shiny purple metal that shares many properties with Demonite and yet is different.

[Proto-Demonite recipe gained, congrats]

Craft: 14 vs 18, Quality: 49, Next Toshiro get's to work putting together the core. The process isn't exactly difficult, it's just with your current tools(or lack there of) it's slow and tedious. A perhaps disappointing amount gets done before Toshiro has to go work on something else, leaving the core for later.



Thaum > Proto-Demonite(10 vs 9): This mana type creates a smoking weak acid that burns anything that isn't Corrupt, organic or otherwise. Images of silently screaming faces appear and disappear on the surface of the metal as time goes on.

Thaum > Shiverthorn + Thaum > Proto-Demonite(4 vs 17): The mana attuned to Proto-Demonite acts extremely xenophobic, attempting to avoid with Shiverthorn mana before mixing about as well as water and oil. Nothing spectacular happens besides the mana slowly evaporating.

Kinda freaky, but neat. Having the ability to acid just about anything would be handy.
The inability to mix with shiverthorn mana does give him the idea to try mixing proper demonite mana with the mana of the flower.


Thaum > Shiverthorn + Thaum > Demonite Ingot(2 vs 13): This mana type is an extremely potent acid to non-Corrupt organic matter and upon burning organic matter it produces a thick, heavy, toxic smoke. Leo feels sick standing near it.

Leo promptly resolves not to use that again until he has something to protect him from fumes. The intensity of the Acid effect was worth considering as a weapon though.

Next leo goes to upgrade the constructor golems he gave to satomi for use as laborers and assistance during the siege.
….Only for them to fall to pieces.


Golem craft: 3, As it turns out the stones Leo made the construction golems out of was a bit too brittle for the stresses Satomi put them under. The act of adding iron bands to them causes too much force to be exerted and tears the cracked stones apart. Construction Golems turned into Gravel Golems.

"What did she DO to you guys?"

Not one to let them go to waste, leo takes the useless rubble and broken programing, and quickly assembles a crude golem cloud of lightning from it, altering his spell work with granite mana

The granite mana providing lightning worked more or less as he expected. He had not considered the rise in territorial behavior, but it made sense in hind sight.



Alt cast: 17 vs 10,

Due to a staggering increase in territorial behavior Golems made with this alternate cast are naturally better for guards, monitors, and overseers. Golem craft: 27,

The resulting golems begin crackling with electricity and collecting
even more stones off the ground to add to their bodies. That is before immediately going to town on the local bug and small animal population. Leo manages to direct them outside the town despite heavily damaged programing but the best he can do is define an area for them to "protect" and hope they stay there.

Welp, guess he will have to make new ones for the walls
No big deal



Golem craft: 38, Leo spends some time to make proper fresh golems to use as loader teams.

Labor Golem(x5): Designed to preform basic manual labor on the front lines.  Made of stone and iron.
Effective stats: 7 Str, 2 Int, 2 Dex,

Returning to his "Proto-demonite" Leo get some testing in.


Thaum > Proto-Demonite > Shiverthorn(9 vs 14): When this mana type is blended with another the result becomes highly xenophobic and synthesis types produce materials that tend to create silently screaming faces.

Thaum > Proto-Demonite > Shiverthorn + Thaum > Platinum(19 vs 8): This mana type creates "Xenophobic" electricity that only flows through Corrupt materials and magnetic fields generated only interact with Corrupt materials.

Thaum > Shiverthorn + Thuam > Platinum(16 vs 14): This mana type functions similarly to Platinum, however it produces much more "densely packed" electricity, tending towards surges of power instead of a constant stream. Better for lightning and EM pulses.

Jun comes to leo asking for help on the incomplete dark power core thing Agian.
So leo makes a suggestion. Why not use something that naturally creates dark electricty, The tainted alloy ingot.
The plan is simple, create a sphere out of the alloy, and enchant it as a golem core, set to process equations and meaningless data repeatedly. That will agitate the metal, and cause it to discharge its signature black lightning. And the core could also be programed to direct it in specific ways, such as away from damaged sections.  

The plan seemed sound. 
And this is when things got....Intresting.....


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Part one:


Craft: 18 vs 14,

Quality: 13,

Random Blitz: 2,


Leo grabs one of the now liquid Tainted ingots and heads out with Jun. Leo forms his mold and get's ready to pour the metal into it. Jun notices(while Leo is distracted) as that strange dragon-child-thing from on the bus walks out of a very small bush, far smaller than should've been possible. It watches Leo(who fails to notice it at all despite looking at Jun and giving a ready sign) carefully, intently, and with a sort of disturbing child-like wonder. Once Leo pours the metal and while he's busy containing dark energy blasts the Dragon steps forward(now visible to Leo) and through his barrier without hesitation. It's look curiously at the object Leo's making. It hasn't made a sound or taken any sort of direct action against you.


"Easy there, you probbly dont want to get to close to this."


Jun will attempt to gain the dragon child thing's attention by doing something entertaining, such as using her A.G.I.L.E. system and gravity gauntlet to juggle nearby objects and her plasma sword, and she will also beckon Discord to not approach the damned thing

(FAIL, 22 vs 28, Because: CHAOS)

Jun's party trick's and pleads don't seem to do much to dissuade the dragon from the sphere of highly concentrated chaos Leo's working with. Leo on the other hand looks back down after speaking to the dragon only to find the cooling mold of tainted alloy has been replaced with a brightly colored beach-ball. The mold is now in the hands of the Dragon.


Basically Jun will attempt to convince Discord to play with the demon power core instead of the temporal alloy, as it is also filled with tempting chaotic energy


leo will gently sit the hot metal and its container down next to the ball, and slowlyyyyy, back out of the field


(Dex save: 11 vs 15) Leo slowly steps back only to find an excessively slippery banana peel underfoot. He slips and comically falls on his back with a *shwoop* sound effect.


Jun attempts to get the Dragon's attention by waving around high explosives. This works....sort of.

It snaps it's fingers, dispelling Leo's shield and causing the mold to crumble away revealing a perfectly cooled Tainted Alloy sphere.

(Ess save: 11 vs 22) It turns to Jun and with another snap she instantly becomes a massive steaming pile of rainbow-poop, complete with cartoon-y face.


The Demon core bounces out of Jun's hand and across the ground several times before landing in Baby-Discord's other claw.


"Can I be something other than a pile of refuse please? I prefer having all four of my limbs"

"And a head"


"Can I have that back please?"


The dragon-ling shakes its head to the side with a slight smile.


"ok, so, what do you want?"


The dragon throws the two cores into the air and throws out a flash of confetti spelling the word "FUN!"


"I mean I can't really be that entertaining if I can't even move"


It shrugs and waves at Jun, instantly turning her into a frog(she can still speak).


"So what do you even want to do with the core?"


"Ok so.....I have some movies you could watch." Leo brings up his computer "And....I think I had a game of pinball somewhere in here?"


"I have an entire book of songs and dances that we could try performing"

"Also videos of people making fools of themselves"


It holds up one claw on its right hand as if to motion "One second"


Jun will attempt to hop away slightly from the possible explosion while saying,

"You're not going to make them explode or anything right?"

"Because that wouldn't be very entertaining"


Its other hand reaches out, now suddenly clad in a large golden gauntlet with many sockets. The two cores fall perfectly into two of the sockets and the dragon-ling proceeds to hold the gauntlet up in the air, allowing the sphere and core to flash dark blue and purple respectively.


"What is that for?"


"It looks neat at least"


"Have you ever seen anything like it Leo?"


"Its a gauntlet with sockets. Thats not enough for me to get the exact function of it"


A dark blue flash from the gauntlet and suddenly several of the trees have twisted black bark, cobalt leaves, and the birdsong suddenly stops all around. The grass is also cobalt blue now, and Leo immediately feels like it's crawling and biting him.


Is it biting Jun?


That ruby fragment? stand up, channel mana, and burn the grass immediately around me 

"Can you not do that?"


It is also biting Jun, but it isn't actually injuring her, it just hurts.

It isn't injuring Leo either.

Though the fire makes quick work of the grass.


"What did you do to the grass? And Leo? You should go and get the Dryad right now"


"Look, thats pretty neat and all, butttttttt can you not make grass that bites at me" "Im the mage, you go get her"

"Unless you think YOU can deal with whatever magic this little guy decides to throw out"


"I'm a frog"


"Look, can I get your name please?"


"I literally can't get there fast enough"


"Ride on frostbrute shoulder then"


"Also no offense, but I think whatever the dragon is called is stronger than you"


A purple flash from the gauntlet and suddenly the field is scarred with demonic fire spelling out the phrase "The wonderful, amazing, allpowerfull, fantastic, Discord!"


"Can I have the cores back please Discord? I was planning on using it for the upcoming battle"


"I mean, we have more metal"


"really Leo?"


"We can make more, Im more concerned about this field. hey uh, discord? I dont suppose you could put some of the dryads sungflowers around her, to keep it from being a problem"


"Yeah but I put in a lot of work with designing that, and we don't exactly have much more"


Discord nods, and with it sunflowers appear, then it suddenly looks distracted before disappearing in a flash of rainbow smoke. A second later it reappears and drops a giant d6 on the ground before disappearing again.


Am I still a frog?


(21 vs 18) No, in a flash of rainbow smoke Jun turns back into a person. With all her stuff.


Leo picks up the dice


"Also Leo, what the hell is a Discord and has it been with us this whole time?"

"Because I think it owes me two power cores"


"no idea"


"Well I don't know about you, but I think we should find it"


The die is made of some kind of wood, it's intricately carved, charred in a few places, and smells faintly of sulfur. The carvings appear dark and borderline demonic. It's exactly six inches across.


"I want to roll this. But I know thats a bad idea....lets just"

Put it in a box


Jun will use her psionic powers or her gravity gauntlet

To try and roll it in Leo's hand


(18 vs 22) Leo's grip holds for a second before Jun pops it out, then as it's flying over as to dash Jun's hopes Containment grabs it and holds it in a field.

Funny, it wasn't considered dangerous until it started moving.


"What on earth are you trying to do! At least give me WARNING before you roll it!"


"I mean, I'm pretty sure that you wouldn't want to roll it either way"


Analyze: 60,

Leo's magic washes over the die and the first thing that he notices(as if he couldn't already) is a strong demonic origin as well as the fact that whoever thought up and made this thing must have been a madman. Literally, there are magics in it that can't be performed by those of sound mind. When thrown the die unfolds, releases the small demon bound within, and disappears. What number was rolled determines who's side the demon starts out on, every time someone or something is slain the demon switches sides. When the demon dies its body and weapons dissolve and the die reappears. 

Oh and it's one of a set called "The Diabolical Dice".


Alright, first Ill grab the agony equivlant of ebonstone, and see if its mana type is ebonstone's equivlant


Due to the composition of the area Leo can't find and Scrapeslate right now, it hasn't spread far enough.

Looking around though, the place is already practically teeming with life ever after only five minutes. A plant with red striped purple leaves and covered in thorns replaces wildflowers. Blue-black tickets are already sprouting here and there. Armored shiny blue beetles buzz around.


Leo gains samples of the following: Painwood, Deathweed, Agonthorn, Scrapegrass, Blue Knight(tiny, live).


Mana test all but the blueknight, which gets a container with air holes

The grass gets a small pot of dirt



Thaum > Painwood(20 vs 13): Plants or objects infused with this mana type are more easily manipulable by entities beyond normal human comprehension.


Thaum > Deathweed(15 vs 12): This mana type corrupts, alters, or perverts magical effects it's combined with.


Thaum > Agonthorn(18 vs 2): Causes rampant growth in plants and accelerates mutations that make the plant develop Neurotoxins or Hallucinogens. Continued exposure encourages additional toxins and increased severity.


Thaum > Scrapegrass(16 vs 8): This mana type causes organic matter to writhe and twist it bizarre or disturbing ways. Using this on a living creature causes extreme pain.  (100)The effects revert if exposure is fairly brief, occasionally something really weird sticks if you use it long enough though.


So about the area, does it have any more room to spread before it hits the sunflower wall?

And are there any stones in that area?


It's not right up against the flowers yet but it won't cover any rocks until it starts spreading underground. You could easily toss a few nearby river stones into the area.


(46) Leo tosses the stone in and waits, and waits, and waits. After nearly a half an hour sitting in the middle of ground zero the stone finally has a few specks of the Agony on it. Just enough to test it.



Thaum > Scrapeslate(6 vs 13): This mana type slowly taints anything it's applied to with the Agony. Objects touched by eldritch power from beyond are more susceptible.


Alright leo will use that mana to hurry that stone up, and then tally up all the information he presumably gained about the area during the half hour he spent sitting there observing things.

Then he will gather his samples, and head for the dryad's place.

Part two:


Leo collects his things and goes to find the Dryad and Lucille. (12) Only to turn around and see them approaching from the village, presumably to check out the commotion. Jun also sees them.


Can Jun read their body language and facial expressions from here?

Do they seem angry? Tensed? Confused? Or just curious or surprised?


Both of them curious, a tad confused, and highly suspicious.


“Oh that’s good, I was just about to come get you. We have....a situation”

Snow: ”Some dragon showed up and made....this”

“I’ve gathered samples, and discord was kind enough to contain it without any fuss, but I would love your expert opinion on the area’s threat level”


Jun quietly approaches the group before she states,

"I believe that Discord was simply bored and decided to seek out the closest source of entertainment, we just so happened to fit the bill"


"Oh no, oh nonono no." She pushed forwards past Leo and Jun "This can't be good."


Lucille's visage hardened. "And just what were you doing out here to make something like this happen?'


"We were forging a new power core for my suit using tainted alloy, apparently Discord noticed that and decided to mess with it for his own enjoyment."


“We we’re experimenting with a new power core idea. It was going fine, right up until discord replaced the mold with a beach ball and teleported the molten metal into his hands as a cool solid sphere. He put the orb in some gauntlet he pulled out of nowhere, and with a snap of his fingers...well. This.”

”I can provide video playback if you like”


The Dryad goes about checking the tainted region, the sunflowers curiously, and various other things.

Leo feels like if Lucille's eyes ever really moved much she'd be rolling them a thousand times over at him. "A playback would be useless to me, but Tania might want to see it. Now what's this Discord you were talking about?"


"A black baby chinese dragon that has been hanging out on our bus ever since we left the brockton bay, it apparently came to this world with us"


"Oh uh, snow, can you make an image for her to feel out in my computers hard light?"

 "Sure give me a moment"

Snow will use the hard light projector in leo's computer to create and project a solid 3-D model of discord for Lucile


Once Snow has finished constructing a solid 3-D model of Discord; Jun will attempt to lead Lucille to it or at the very least state that it is done


Leo and Jun here some low mumbling as the Dryad looks around more.

Lucille stands there unamused at Jun's description while waiting for Leo's hardlight module. With a click she seems satisfied with figuring out the general shape, that is until Jun steps forward the "help" her find the thing and force her hands on it to feel it like a savage. "What the hell do you think you're doing--" she jerked away from Jun and Do's hair started standing up on end. "I'm blind, not a braindead walking vegetable."


"I apologize, I'm just used to watching blind people touch objects to get a detailed impression of it's shape, and simply wanted to make sure that you got a decent impression; mostly because I forgot that you've already mastered the art of single click echolocation, I'm gonna... back away now."

She then slowly backs away from the nice half dragon cat for a moment before she turns towards the dryad and says, "It's not as bad as it looks; Discord encircled it with sunflowers before it could start to spread, and I'm pretty sure that it has yet to spread deep enough to bypass their protection. It's still a worrying sight, but so far it's nothing that can't be fixed without the generous application of purification powder. Although I can't discount the possibility of someone cutting the sunflowers down while we are away, or purification powder not working as well with this specific kind of corruption as it does with others."


Leo sighs at Juns behavior and turns to the dryad

“So, what’s the verdict on threat level?”


Lucille huffs in Jun's direction and Do calms down a little.

The little bird on her shoulder piped up, chirping something strange at Jun. "ahtw a bchit"

Lucille refocused on Leo and the hardlight projection. "I remember him, an anomalous creature made from some strange stones I found in Earth Bet. I couldn't bind him, but he didn't seem malicious. None of my animals seemed upset when I went out to feed and check on them yesterday."


The Dryad steps out from behind the flowers, she hasn't exactly calmed down much, just gone from panic mode to "I'm so disappointed in you".

[24] "It'll take me a while to figure out exactly what the damage is, how fast and deep it will spread, and if there are any places it could spread underground." She glared between Leo and Jun. "Now do you understand what I meant when I said you shouldn't play around with stuff like this?"

"If we're very lucky I might be able to clear this area out with purification powder, but with the chance of missing something it'll be years before I can take this land out of quarantine, that's assuming nothing breaks through or burrows underground taking specks of it with them, or a whole host of other things. Do you realize how much work it takes to contain something like this?"


"I agian would like to state that we dident make this, I used the same containment measures used in the creation of the sword. Everything was going fine until we had to deal with outside interference"

Leo looks back to the area, with a thoughtful look on his face

"Still though, this might actualy benefit us in the long run. Ive noted a commonality in the magic of this area's materials. This is just my guess, but I think that with some study I might be able to turn its magics against the corruption and crimsion. Alter them. Make them less dangerous or hamper there ability to spread."


Jun stood silently for a moment before she suddenly turned towards the bird to chirp out, "I knwo you rea, ubt hwat am I?" before she looked back at Leo and the dryad and said, "We actually weren't 'playing around' with any of this, from what I saw Leo learned his lesson and took all of the necessary precautions needed to prevent the alloy from reacting violently or spreading it's magic anywhere, we were actually waiting for it to cool down when Discord entered into the picture and decided to exchange the alloy with a beach ball."


"No no no, he exchanged the MOLD for a beach ball. Mid pour. THEN he took the alloy."


The Dryad let's out an exasperated sigh and rubs her temples.

Lucille speaks up, "I guess I'll try and talk to 'Discord', maybe I'll be able to convince him not to interfere with delicate projects in the future."


A piece of the fourth wall breaks off and hits Jun over the head, it deals 7 damage.


"If its such a big problem having it here, why not just ask discord to get rid of it, or negate its ability to spread entirely. In fact, considering the power they displayed, I wouldent be surprised if they could shove the area into a pocket dimension or teleport in large ammounts of a gravity defying substance and turn the area into a floating island."

"Thats not a bad idea, it would leave it open to study, but negate any real danger. I think"


"You might want to try and convince him to give up or destroy the alloy and demonite they still have as well, just in case they get bored and make another copy of this biome for kicks"


"I'll see what I can do. Meanwhile you two should probably go tell the others before they find out on their own."


"I'm not volunteering to be the one to tell Satomi"


"Alright then, just give me a moment." Leo shapes solids and golem crafts up an Iron megaphone.


"Mostly because actual video evidence of Discord's involvement would help convince her to not-"

"This might be best done in person Leo"


[55] Megaphone done.


"If we need to let, everyone know, a large scale announcement is best."


"Yeah but perhaps you should follow it up with an actual video for certain peoples who I presume have already threatened to stab you to death in case this happens"

"It might help defuse the situation"


"I can do that if they ask."


"They probably will"


"Well unless we have anything else to discuss I'll be going now, take care."


Leo returns to town, and climbs up the tower, then he takes out the megaphone.

"Attention, A new corruptive biome has appeared to the south. As of right now, it seems to lack any noticeable hostile entities, and is under containment by sunflower. However, it should be treated with the same caution you would show to the corruption or crimson until we know more. Also, If you find a little dragon of immense magical power with a yellow gauntlet before Lucile or Tania, Please direct him to one of them. We would very much like to discuss the possibility of him moving his little creation elsewhere."


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Satomi had spent much of the day working -- on her own gear, on the tower, and truth be told she had managed to get enough of a rhythm going that it felt like everything would be smooth going until the goblins showed up. And Satomi was feeling quite confident about the siege, as she had been given the time and materials to showcase Kaiu engineering to the highest degree she could, as well as her own mechanical fascination and abilities... which, Satomi figured, was a pretty high degree even if she only now considered herself proficient in the Path of Stone. She was quite skilled with her specialties, if she dared say so herself.


However, that pleasant feeling of things generally going right was brought to a screeching halt when a sound was blared from the tower -- Leo's voice, amplified as though by a shugenja spell. Leo's voice, specifically, announcing the creation of "a new corruptive biome", used in the same breath as "the corruption" and "crimson". What this meant was glaringly obvious to Satomi -- though a little dragon was somehow involved, Leo was in some way responsible for the creation of a NEW, THIRD KIND OF TAINT ON THIS WORLD. Satomi's face flickered between expressions for a few moments: shock, disbelief, frustration, and then (predictably) fiery rage. "He... he... he did WHAT?!" she shouted, and then she was off like a shot.


Satomi bolted towards the tower and loudly made her way up it, the sounds of her scrabbling footsteps echoing up the tower towards Leo. Not long after he heard the sound of his reckoning coming, Leo would see the very VERY angry samurai bolt up onto his level of the tower, her hand on the hilt of her katana, strands of her hair whipped around and on her face thanks to the haste with which she'd moved, and a frenzied expression on her face. "WHAT DID YOU DO, LEO?!" she screamed at him. Then she clenched her teeth, and shouted: "WHERE IS IT?!"

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Judging by the way Satomi’s expression morphed into a further rictus of rage (she was now outright baring her teeth at Leo), she was none too impressed with Leo’s nonchalant, exasperated reply. ”Just ANSWER THE QUESTIONS, LEO. I do not have the patience right now to sit through frippery when there is a new type of Taint. I TOLD you I would be watching to see if you went further with the Taint, and now I am going to clean up your mess and you had better hope that is all I do! I have let this go on for TOO LONG and now this world is taking the consequences, SO TELL ME WHERE THE TAINT IS AND HOW IT WAS MADE! NOW!

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