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[IC] TotM:DC "Terraria: A fresh start"


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Cybernetic Enhancements : Due to balance issues, the complex series of cybernetics that were implanted or woven in somewhere inside of The Ambassador's body might only be able to give a flat +2 bonus to dexterity that applies for everything a dexterity stat affects. That is if this item idea doesn't get rejected outright. 

Ambush Hunter: By exploiting a target's complete and utter inability to react to his presence quickly enough the Ambassador can deal an additional 1d4 damage when he attacks a target that was already attacked this round or if the Ambassador currently has Void of Incomprehensibility up, in which case it also grants him first strike.
Level 2: This ability now adds 2d4 damage 
Level 3: This ability now adds 3d4  damage 
Level 4: This ability now adds 4d4 damage. 
C.H.O.K.E. System: An unsurprisingly complex series of modifications allows the Ambassador to somehow store the power generated by his rapid movements and use it to power an excessively hard to use gravity manipulation device stored in his gauntlet. In essence this allows him to lift objects and people that weigh a total of [Intx10] Kilograms from a distance, or he can attempt to lift a single target up and hold them in place painfully with an Int v Essence roll to try and stun them. One round cooldown. 
Level 2: This action is now usable once per round. 
Level 3: The enemy's roll is now made with a -2 modifier to the roll. 
Level 4 (Trick): Jun gains +3 on checks relating to carry/moving a single incapacitated person. 
Level 5 (Trick): Stunning effect now applicable to huge targets. 

A.G.I.L.E. system: The Ambassador's power armor comes equipped with the ability to climb up walls and "fly" in short bursts when inside a planet with Earthlike gravity, he can choose to temporarily overcharge this system and multiply his Dexterity or Strength stat by 1.2 for two rounds. Three round cooldown. 
Level 2: Two round cooldown 
Level 3: The multiplier is now 1.4 
Level 4: The multiplier is now 1.6 
Level 5: The multiplier is now 1.8 

I NEED HEALING: The Ambassador is mysteriously able to appear behind a healer and blare out a surprisingly polite request for immediate healing, causing them to gain an immediate out of turn move that they can only use to use a single target healing ability on the Ambassador. 
Level 2 (Merit): This action no longer takes up a slot to use, and it can be equipped without taking up a slot. 

(Perk Backed) Void of Incomprehensibility: The Ambassador can choose to over charge his personal field of chaos to the point where absolutely anything can be used to distract others enough to trigger mass change blindness and cause him to effectively disappear and become unable to become the target of any single target actions. The Ambassador must make an opposed Dex v Int check to stay in stealth if he has attacked the other participant in the opposed check, or if they had managed to successfully land a blow on Jun anyway. And he takes a malus to the roll that is equal to the other participant in the opposed check's Intelligence for every single success. He can choose to immediately end the stealth effect at will, and this ability can only be used once per encounter.
Level 2: Jun now gains a +3 to the first opposed check to remain hidden 
Level 3: This action is now treated as being a First Strike action 
Level 4: This action is now usable twice per encounter, but the second time it is used Jun must succeed on an opposed DexvInt check against the enemy closest in the initiative order to the move Jun uses to reactivate this action. Jun rolls twice for his roll and uses the lowest result. 

Demon Mantel Defense System: A durable suit of power armor heavily modified by Jun and corrupted by demonic energies of Korax.
The user gains 5 Res and takes 5% less damage from Divine sources.
This item has one slot for specially designed modules. 
(Slotted into the Demon Mantel Defense System) Meteorite Shield Core: a softly glowing powercore made of Meteorite metal and Silver, projects a powerful shield. Must be socketed into armor with module slots. Activates upon being struck by a projectile, reduces the damage taken from projectiles by 50% for one round then goes on cooldown for one round. +1 Res. 

Needle of Agony:
Deals 4d6+[Dex] dark damage to a single target.  The target suffers 1/4 the damage dealt in stacks of “Agony”.  If the number of Agony stacks they posses exceeds their current HP they become incapacitated/die.  Agony stacks are cleared from active targets at the end of each round.
Level 2(craft): Once per combat as a free action the user may fire a bolt of dark energy that deals 2d6 points of dark damage and inflicts half as many Agony stacks.
Level 3(craft): The user can as an action create a dark cloud of mist that is roughly 6x6x6 and inflicts 2d6 Agony stacks to any enemies that passes through it, cooldown = 5. 

Jun charges towards the beastmasters and attempt to start poking and cutting them down.

Normal Move: Needle of Agony on Beastmaster 1, deals 4d6+Dex damage and afflicts them with 1/4 of the damage dealt in Agony stacks

(Presumably still active) Meteorite Shield Core: Activates upon being struck by a projectile, reduces the damage taken from projectiles by 50% for one round then goes on cooldown for one round.

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A scream of fury and anguish tore its way out of the orange-haired samurai as she watched her wall, the creation into which she had poured her time, her sweat, her pride, her learning, her urgency, her duty, the core of her being as a Kaiu, crumbled to the ground, an avalanche of stone and wood and dust. When the Wall fell at home, it was a sign of failure of the Crab Clan, of its Duty, of its strength. It was a failure of the sheer desperate force of an entire Clan that had dedicated itself to defending against a single threat, a failure of the Hida family to hold the wall, a failure of the Hiruma to scout ahead of it, a failure of the Kuni to support it with magic and to take down the oni, a failure of the Yasuki to get the resources the Crab needed, perhaps even of the Toritaka to fill their combat niches. When the Wall was breached in Rokugan, it was always a catastrophic event, which fell upon an entire Clan.


In the heat of the battle, with her own personal work, the falling of this wall seemed no less catastrophic, but to Satomi it seemed she had noone but herself to blame.


To the screaming samurai, the destruction of her wall eclipsed everything else in her consciousness -- the positions of her allies faded to the periphery, and she didn't even register the black cloud of roiling pain that rolled over the battlefield. Even the fact that she had been set aflame retreated to the back of her mind, the burning pain dwarfed by the tsunami of emotion and rage that crashed upon the young Kaiu when she saw her wall fall. And, accordingly, the only thing in Satomi's mind was to keep fighting, to harm and kill what had brought down her wall, to expend every last bit of her will both in continuing to defend and in getting payback. She'd do it to her last breath, if she had to.


If it still works (because it's on the SW Wall as opposed to the SE Wall) Satomi will use the AXE Trebuchet again, on Siege Ogre 2! Otherwise, she whips out her god damned sword, the Wakizashi dealing 2d6+STR (3) damage!


Active Passives: Destructive Inspiration (33% chance for a x3 crit and additional effect while using the AXE Trebuchet), Slaughtaur Shield (First time hit in a turn, take 50% reduced damage until end of turn or next action).



Destructive Inspiration: Satomi is suddenly struck with a burst of inspiration as to how to use a siege or base weapon to devastating effect. For the rest of the encounter, when Satomi uses this weapon she has a 33% chance of getting a critical hit with it, a critical hit which deals 3x the damage rather than simply 2x the damage, and has an additional effect at the GM's discretion. Can only be used once per World.


Structural Repair: Satomi starts to repair the damage done to a structure, a skill she has developed over the course of her duties. (INT+CON)d4 damage repaired to a structure such as a base, building, siege weapon, or fortification.


Daisho (currently Wakizashi): A set of two swords (a katana and a shorter wakizashi) carried by absolutely any Samurai at all times, the Daisho is a mark of the Samurai's noble class and honor. 2d6+STR damage, when upgrading the weapon Satomi can choose a different effect for each sword (Katana and Wakizashi) for each level, but must choose only one of these swords to wield in combat at the beginning of each encounter. The Katana deals 3d6+STR damage, whereas the Wakizashi gives a bonus of +3 to structural actions.

Level 2: The Katana now deals 3d6+STR damage, whereas the Wakizashi now gives a bonus of +3 to structural actions.


Time Sandwich Samurai Armor (Level 2): These rectangular plates of samurai armor (on Satomi's thighs, shoulders, and chest) have been modified, with usage of the metal resulting from the bay explosion making the armor extremely difficult to pierce without sustained effort -- damage only sticks on one of the phases of the timeshifting metal.

Level 1: +3 RES when equipped.

Level 2: +4 further RES when equipped.

Level 3: +2 more RES when equipped.

 --Agony-Resistance Outfit: A set of stockings, sleeves, gloves, hood, and an inner robe made of two layers of fabric, a wire mesh, and purification powder. The stockings go to the thigh, are a bit tight, and the silk pattern around where the wire mesh ends at the top create an almost lace-like appearance. They also have straps running down the sides. The sleeves (with the same kind of straps) and gloves are fairly mundane, though the gloves have a fancy pattern on the palm and fingers intended to retain grip. As for the nagajuban, as it is under the kimono, it isn't usually visible, but Satomi's idea of placing belts above and below her chest and just above her hips has the unintended effect of tightening the inner robe enough to even emphasize her figure with a kimono on.

Level 1: Grants the wearer 2 Res and immunity to some environmental effects, doesn't require an action slot if worn with another set of armor.


(this is a total of 11 RES from gear lmao)


Sphere-launcher Ballista Emplacement: A fairly simple and “small” piece of equipment(as far as siege weaponry goes) that can be packed up and moved from location to location for field operations or as transient support. It requires two moves(from the same or different characters) to setup or take down the emplacement, one move is required to load the weapon after setup and each shot, one move is required to fire the weapon, a character who intends to fire the weapon at a quickly moving or distant(50+ yards away) human sized or smaller target must also first spend a move aiming the weapon. This weapon deals 20+[Operator’s Int]+[Ammunition] damage to a single target. Different ammunition may add or alter effects beyond damage. Fills two action slots in the loadout.


(8x) Stone Fragmentation ammo: A deceptively simple set of spheres, these pieces of ammunition for Satomi's ballista are simply slightly jagged spheres of stone that have been hammered and struck with relatively light force so that though they remain intact, an impact such as hitting something after being launched will send them violently flying into sharp, momentum-filled stone shards. She carries them in a sack. Adds 8d4 damage and forces the damage to be divided between four targets when used in an appropriate siege weapon.


Slaughtaur Shield: A large, shiny, oval shield with spikes along its outer edge and a large skull in the center.

Level 2: The first time the user takes damage in the round they reactively raise the shield, reducing any further incoming damage by 50% until their next action or the end of the round.  Only activates automatically once per round.  Training again with this item with at least 10 Int may unlock another effect.


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In the Southwest spike plants trigger impaling the Mage groups for 12 and 20 damage.

In the Southeast a flash of light engulfs one of the Hordes and the Mages dealing 9 and 17 damage.

No traps trigger in the East.


Amelie fires again [30 crit!] dealing 132 damage to one of the Beastmasters in the East and killing it instantly.


Jun swings at a Beastmaster for 33 damage, the creature howls in pain, but little is done to actually stop it.


Toshiro successfully makes his way to the East wall, things aren’t looking great judging by the monstrous cat-dog-things everywhere, but he doesn’t step on any spike balls so that’s nice.


The Arms Dealer opens fire again, trying to chew through one of the Hordes, he deals 42 total damage rendering one group crow chow.

As a free action he chugs a healing potion in preparation of the oncoming swarm.


The Horde in the Southwest starts lobbing explosives over the walls, one explodes at Satomi’s feet flinging her into some rubble for exactly 9 damage, nearly knocking her unconscious.  The second explosive sends bits of rubble and shrapnel into Kusuke dealing 15 damage.

The dazed Hordes in the Southeast recover from their stun.

The Hordes in the East fire arrows at Jun and the Arms Dealer for a total of 18 and 24 damage.


Kusuke recalls Satomi and then goes to town on the Ogre dealing 21 and 19 damage.


The Dryad heals herself for 16 HP.


Lucille heads to the East.


The Strider stomps all four remaining Beastmasters dealing 16 damage to each.


The Demo throws a bomb high into the air and the madman actually manages to hit the two Strafers dealing 12 and 13 damage to them, nearly grounding them.


Recovering from her most recent near-death experience Satomi enlists the aid of the idle worker golems and manages to rotate the AXE Trebuchet to face the current Ogre, she fires it [1] and it slams into the Ogre dealing only 64 damage.


The Guide heads to the East to help out.


The Blacksmith, Carpenter, and Mason work desperately to shore up the other wall and prevent it from coming down.  They restore 42 HP to the Southwest wall.


Two of the beasts pounce on Jun for 9 and 4 damage.

Con saves: 22 vs 23, 22 vs 12,

Jun starts bleeding some.

The third beast pounces the Arms Dealer for 10, he’s rendered bleeding.

The last beast starts climbing the walls.


Leo stands in the glory of his destruction, that is at least until two balls of purple/black fire slam into him.  He takes 9, 10, and 12 damage and is set ablaze.


Piglet finds herself in a bit of an awkward position as a massive foot comes slamming down on the tank she’s in.

The Siege Ogre deals 114 damage to the tank, thoroughly crushing the front end, it takes 12 retaliation damage.


The Strafer attacks Satomi for 4 and 0 damage.


The Tavern Keep hangs around to keep watch on the West wall.


Rose blasts one of the Hordes in the East for 21 damage turning several goblins into popsicles.


Leo fails to act due to being unconscious.


Piglet runs over one of the local Mage groups.  Twice. Dealing a total of 48 damage and scaring off any that aren’t paste.


Arminius attempts of commune with the enemy.

[22 vs 13] The Ogre grunts and responds in a low growling voice “You kill friend and family already, why would I care?”


Az blasts lightning at the Hordes in the Southeast dealing 14 and 22 damage.







The remaining plasma turret shoots down the last Strafer.



The plasma turret here blasts the Horde again.

[4] The siege crossbow follows up with another 47 damage, offing the Horde.




Average Dex: 9

Naming Convention: [Location]:[Designation]




18 Amelie

4 Mason

4 Carpenter



3 Tavern Keep



10 Kusuke

9 Satomi,

8 Goblin Horde(SW:4)

8 Goblin Horde(SE:3, 5)

8 Dryad

7 Demo

6 Goblin Strafer(SW:3)

5 Leo

4 Goblin Mage(SE:1)

4 Goblin Mage(SW:2)

4 Siege Ogre(SE:2)

5 Blacksmith

4 Tattletale

4 Arminius

3 Az



18 Jun

15 Toshiro

12 Beast Masters(E:1-5)

10 Arms Dealer

8 Goblin Horde(E:6)

7 Lucille

5 Guide

5 Borean Strider,

3 Huntress(Rose)





Jun: 5/44, +3 Res, Bleeding(2d4),

Toshiro: 20/30, +3 Dex for moves, -10% damage taken,

Kusuke: 2/24, 3 Moves, +5 Str and Res for one round,

Satomi: 12/24, 2 Moves, +5 Str and Res for one round,

Leo: -5/24, Burning(x3),

Arminius: 23/24,

-Piglet: 20/20, +3 Res,

-Tank: 36/150, 

Az: 20/36, 25% DR, 



Amelie: 30/30, 2 Moves, North,

Arms Dealer: 6/40, East, Potion Sickness, Bleeding,

Dryad: 44/55, South,

Demo: 40/40, South,

Guide: 16/40, West,

Mason: 40/40, North,

Carpenter: 40/40, North,

Blacksmith: 40/40, East,

Tattletale: 30/30, South,

Tavern Keep: 9/40, West,

Huntress(Rose): 62/62, East, 

Lucille: 28/28, West,


Borean Strider: 500/500,

Armor: 250/250,




SE Walls: Broken!

SW Walls: 731/875

E Walls: 1008/995

W Walls: 734/995

Town: 1,226/1,360




Horde 1: Iced,

Horde 2: Merged,

Horde 3: Routed,

Siege Ogre 1: Seared Mincemeat,

Siege Ogre 2: Routed,

Mage 1: Skewered,

Mage 2: In lots of little pieces,

Mage 3: Deaf and dead,

Spiker 1: Full of holes,

Spiker 2: Full of holes,



--West Bank:

Horde 1: Merged,

Horde 2: Merged,

Horde 3: Merged,

Horde 4: Wounded, Pyrotechnics,

Siege Ogre 1: Multiple head wounds,

Mage 1: Thin Paste,

Mage 2: Wounded,

Bomber 1: Merged,

Bomber 2: Merged,

Strafer 1: Burnt up,

Strafer 2: Burnt up,

Strafer 3: Badly Wounded,


--East Bank:

Horde 1: Golem chew-toy

Horde 2: In agony,

Horde 3: Wounded,

Horde 4: Fried alive,

Horde 5: Wounded,

Siege Ogre 1: In agony,

Siege Ogre 2: Wounded

Mage 1: Death's Door,

Bomber 1: Star-fried,

Bomber 2: Burnt to a Crisp

Strafer 1: Burnt up,



Horde 1: Tenderized and well-done.

Horde 2: Fine mist,

Horde 3: Skewered

Horde 4: Crow-Chow

Horde 5: Dead,

Horde 6: Healthy,

Engineer 1: Dead,

Engineer 2: Exploded,

Engineer 3: Cut down like wheat to the scythe,

Beast Master 1: Red Mist,

Beast Master 2: Wounded,

Beast Master 3: Lightly Wounded,

Beast Master 4: Lightly Wounded,

Beast Master 5: Lightly Wounded,


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Snow manifest her avatar and looks "Down" at the unconscious leo with a hand on her face.
"Did you seriously just get fucking downed by that one, two shot attack? You Just got patched up a few moments ago! Uhggg. This is embarrassing."
Snow gives a wave to the others. For someone who was standing over there burning, unconscious companion, she didn't seem overtly worried. Just annoyed, and calmly aware that he should probably get some help.
"Hey can someone get him? I think you guys got this, but I would prefer he Not burn to death. Hang on let me call for some golems"

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The Kaiu Engineer was still utterly furious -- the rage that had been instilled within her upon seeing her wall get brought down wasn't going to be subdued at all by getting in one hit or by getting knocked around some, even if she'd very nearly lost consciousness. No, Satomi was going to keep fighting until either the entire siege was dead or she was physically unable to fight any longer. Her armor had done well to keep her alive thus far, but that just meant she could fight harder, longer, not that she was going to focus on her own self-preservation. Her wall was down, so now the way to stop the siege was to slay those conducting it. Another fire of the trebuchet.


Satomi will use the AXE Trebuchet again, on Siege Ogre 2! Fuck that thing!


Active Passives: Destructive Inspiration (33% chance for a x3 crit and additional effect while using the AXE Trebuchet), Slaughtaur Shield (First time hit in a turn, take 50% reduced damage until end of turn or next action).



Destructive Inspiration: Satomi is suddenly struck with a burst of inspiration as to how to use a siege or base weapon to devastating effect. For the rest of the encounter, when Satomi uses this weapon she has a 33% chance of getting a critical hit with it, a critical hit which deals 3x the damage rather than simply 2x the damage, and has an additional effect at the GM's discretion. Can only be used once per World.


Structural Repair: Satomi starts to repair the damage done to a structure, a skill she has developed over the course of her duties. (INT+CON)d4 damage repaired to a structure such as a base, building, siege weapon, or fortification.


Daisho (currently Wakizashi): A set of two swords (a katana and a shorter wakizashi) carried by absolutely any Samurai at all times, the Daisho is a mark of the Samurai's noble class and honor. 2d6+STR damage, when upgrading the weapon Satomi can choose a different effect for each sword (Katana and Wakizashi) for each level, but must choose only one of these swords to wield in combat at the beginning of each encounter. The Katana deals 3d6+STR damage, whereas the Wakizashi gives a bonus of +3 to structural actions.

Level 2: The Katana now deals 3d6+STR damage, whereas the Wakizashi now gives a bonus of +3 to structural actions.


Time Sandwich Samurai Armor (Level 2): These rectangular plates of samurai armor (on Satomi's thighs, shoulders, and chest) have been modified, with usage of the metal resulting from the bay explosion making the armor extremely difficult to pierce without sustained effort -- damage only sticks on one of the phases of the timeshifting metal.

Level 1: +3 RES when equipped.

Level 2: +4 further RES when equipped.

Level 3: +2 more RES when equipped.

 --Agony-Resistance Outfit: A set of stockings, sleeves, gloves, hood, and an inner robe made of two layers of fabric, a wire mesh, and purification powder. The stockings go to the thigh, are a bit tight, and the silk pattern around where the wire mesh ends at the top create an almost lace-like appearance. They also have straps running down the sides. The sleeves (with the same kind of straps) and gloves are fairly mundane, though the gloves have a fancy pattern on the palm and fingers intended to retain grip. As for the nagajuban, as it is under the kimono, it isn't usually visible, but Satomi's idea of placing belts above and below her chest and just above her hips has the unintended effect of tightening the inner robe enough to even emphasize her figure with a kimono on.

Level 1: Grants the wearer 2 Res and immunity to some environmental effects, doesn't require an action slot if worn with another set of armor.


(this is a total of 11 RES from gear lmao)


Sphere-launcher Ballista Emplacement: A fairly simple and “small” piece of equipment(as far as siege weaponry goes) that can be packed up and moved from location to location for field operations or as transient support. It requires two moves(from the same or different characters) to setup or take down the emplacement, one move is required to load the weapon after setup and each shot, one move is required to fire the weapon, a character who intends to fire the weapon at a quickly moving or distant(50+ yards away) human sized or smaller target must also first spend a move aiming the weapon. This weapon deals 20+[Operator’s Int]+[Ammunition] damage to a single target. Different ammunition may add or alter effects beyond damage. Fills two action slots in the loadout.


(8x) Stone Fragmentation ammo: A deceptively simple set of spheres, these pieces of ammunition for Satomi's ballista are simply slightly jagged spheres of stone that have been hammered and struck with relatively light force so that though they remain intact, an impact such as hitting something after being launched will send them violently flying into sharp, momentum-filled stone shards. She carries them in a sack. Adds 8d4 damage and forces the damage to be divided between four targets when used in an appropriate siege weapon.


Slaughtaur Shield: A large, shiny, oval shield with spikes along its outer edge and a large skull in the center.

Level 2: The first time the user takes damage in the round they reactively raise the shield, reducing any further incoming damage by 50% until their next action or the end of the round.  Only activates automatically once per round.  Training again with this item with at least 10 Int may unlock another effect.


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Arminius sets his face in a determined glare. "Oh? And what are you doing exactly? Do you not think that we have friends and family as well? I don't blame you if you've only been ordered to fight here by higher ups, people don't have a choice in the matter a lot of the times. But right now you do, you can walk away and make it that much harder for support to be drummed up to waste hundreds of lives in suicidal offensives like this. One person doesn't seem like a lot but they can neuter a whole army. Hell, if you want you can live in the village, they won't ask for a whole lot and I'm sure they'll be happy to have the extra hands."
Piglet continues having a good time, running over the last mages and Horde 3.



Essence: 10
Constitution: 2
Dexterity:  2
Intelligence: 3
Resistance: 2+6
Strength: 2
Synergy: 2
 Flaw: Only human: The user's stats (Excluding Essence) are considered 1/3 lower, and this effect can be negated temporarily for a random debuff.

Monster Girl Binding Field: Once per world, when a boss is defeated their essence is sapped to create a minion with halved stats. Each boss gives a bonus to player characters in a group with Arminius. Only one bonus can be used at a time and once per plot switch MG mid combat, but at will any other time.

Goblin Negotiation Tactics: Prices are divided by Arminius's Essence minus the shopkeeper's

Mythriltongue: Grants access to the move "Mythril tongued"
Actions: 6
Inspire: Improve an ally’s morale giving them +½ essence to Str for a turn.

    More Inspirational: Inspire lasts for an additional turn.

    Dr. Feelgood: Who needs a medical liscence!?  Heals the target for 1/2 Ess

Mourner's Ice: Arminius forcibly grabs some of the opponent's soul and takes it for himself. This reduces the opponent's Essence by 1 for the encounter and gives Arminius an essence piece of a type that depends on the person he took it from. 

      Souls for the Soul Forge!:  After combat Arminius automatically collects an essence piece from dead enemies.


Perk Backed: Mythril tongued: Arminius tries to get an enemy to be more willing to help the party. Ess V Ess, exact effects are up to the GM.

Mass Inspire: Improves all ally’s Morale giving them +½ essence to Str for 5 turns. Usable once per plot.

    Churchill's Counterpart: Also improves the RES of allies.

    Gorge your Hatred: Inspired Allies get an extra attack.

 Terrarian Copper Bow of Chilling: Deals 4d4+[Dex]+3 cold damage and reduces the target's Init by 2 points, Frostfire arrows used with this weapon have a 50% increase in magnitude, cannot be used with Fire arrows.

Terrairan Bronze Helmet: +1 Res while equipped, if equipped with matching Chestplate and Grieves requires no action slot and grants an additional +2 Res.

Terrarian Bronze Chestplate: +2 Res while equipped.

Terraian Bronze Grieves: +1 Res while equipped.



HP: 36




Con: 13
Res: 10
Str: 8

Threshold Damage: If the Tank would take less than 10 damage it takes no damage at all.

Vehicle: As an move a character can climb into the Tank and begin operating it or become a passenger, a maximum of two characters can be in the Tank at any time.
While operating the Tank the characters lose access to most of their actions and gain access to the Tank’s actions, two different characters can’t use the same Tank action in the same round.
Damage targeting the characters is redirected to the tank instead, should the Tank be reduced to 0 HP the character(s) inside take overflow damage distributed evenly before being ejected.

Deals 2d6+[Dex or Int] damage twice, 50% chance to gain one “Heat” stack on the first use of the round, 100% chance on additional uses.  Becomes unusable at 5 Heat stacks.  Not using this action for one full round removes all Heat.

Ram one enemy to deal 2d6+[Str] damage and make a Str vs Str check, stun on success.
-Craft Level: Enemies attacking the Tank in melee now take 1d6+[Str]/2 retaliation damage.

Increase Str by 5 for two rounds, effect doesn’t stack with itself but using it again before it wears off refreshes the duration.



DK: The user can begin Drifting when operating any vehicle, while active, everyone in the vehicle has 20% Dodge Chance, but a 25% Miss Chance.

Drugs are Good, Mkay?: Whenever the user is afflicted by any mental status effect, their Int increases by 5.


(Active effect) Ironskin potion:  +3 RES

Terrairan Bronze Helmet: +1 Res while equipped, if equipped with matching Chestplate and Grieves requires no action slot and grants an additional +2 Res.

Terrarian Bronze Chestplate: +2 Res while equipped.

Terraian Bronze Grieves: +1 Res while equipped.


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Azgrurk continues to use the Goblin army as a practice range, firing again with his Lightning Mauler at the SE Horde once more, dealing another 3d6+6 damage. Anorky now gives him +5 damage, and a 5% chance to miss.


Classical Ork actions



Grab: Azgrurk reaches out with his claw in an attempt to grab an opponent.
Level 1: Azgrurk forces a STR V STR check against a single target. If he wins, the target is “Grabbed”, and is unable to take any physical actions, until Azgrurk either lets them go or they win another STR V STR check. Can only be used against targets capable of fitting into his hand.


Smash: Azgrurk slams his large claw into the ground.
Level 1: Deals 2d6+STR damage against one target.
Level 2: Deals doubled damage if used when Azgrurk has a target “Grabbed”.




Everytime Azgrurk fires a gun, he gains +1 damage to all guns and a 1% chance to miss. This can stack indefinitely, and “Anorky” stacks pass over to other encounters.



Ork Mechsuit: The suit of metal Azgrurk wears, enhancing his already “Orky” abilities.
Level 1: Gives Azgrurk +3 Resistance.
Level 2: Now bound, and gives Azgrurk +1 Strength.


Lightning Mauler: A scarred and partially fused assault rifle, the barrel glows with a yellowish aura.

Deals 3d6+[Ess] Electric damage, ignores the first 4 points of Res, cannot be altered by traditional means.


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As a Free action Toshiro activates his Dash Tech to increase his Dex by 1.5 for 1 Turn, 3 Turn cooldown

The Fishman then uses Rending Strike on Beast Master 2, (2d6+2d4+26 Cold Damage) [When this weapon successfully deals damage it inflicts a Frostburn effect(not to be confused with IceFire) that deals 2d3 cold damage at the start of the user's next turn.]


Energy: 110/110 (Base: 100, Capacity Increase: +10%)

Stats: 21/21 +6 from Training

Essence: 1
Constitution: 5
Dexterity: 10 + 2 + 3
Intelligence: 10
Resistance: 1+8
Strength: 0
Synergy: 0

Way of the Catfish: One of the paths of the Hylotl, where they train their mind and body must be in sync. When Dexterity or Intelligence increases the other stat will increase without having spend extra merit.

Way of the Swordfish: One of the paths of the Hylotl, where they train to end fights as swiftly as possible. Grants the Passive: Energy Basin.

Way of the Shark: One of the Paths of the Hylotl, where they train their grit to never yield in battle. Whenever an attack lands 25% of damage dealt to enemies is healed back to Toshiro. Must be at least 1 HP.

Natural Paralysis: The Hylotl body is not equipped to handle any kind of electric shock. Whenever Toshiro is hit with an electric attack he will be stunned on his next action.

Actions: 8 (6 Naturally, 2 Purchased)

Rending Strike: A fundamental Hylotl sword technique using the long blade.
Level 1: Deals 2d6+Dex+[Equip Long Blade Bonus] damage
Level 2: Can now target up to 2 enemies with a 1 turn cooldown

Skewering Blade: A fundamental Hylotl sword technique using the Short blade.
Level 1: Deals 1d6+Dex+[Equip Short Blade Bonus] damage. Deals double damage if target was previously hit by Rending Strike this turn.
Level 2: Deals 2d6+Dex+[Equip Short Blade Bonus] damage.

Dash Tech: Give the user the ability to suddenly dash at great speeds a short distance forward.
Level 1:  Free action, Increase Dex by 1.5 for this round. 3 Round cooldown, must have a Dash Tech Card to use

Energy Basin: (Perk Based) Everytime Toshiro makes an attack add Int amount of points into his energy pool. Actions may pull from this pool to make themselves more powerful or grant certain effects. However, points may not be gained when using point-based actions.
Level 1: Basin Size is 100 Energy
Level 2: At the end of combat all unused energy is stored for future use.

Form 0: Sunder: A stance taken to analyze a weakness in their foe and strike it. However, it take emmese concentration and cannot be used all the time.
Level 1: Spend a turn and 100 Energy to guarantee the next attack to deal triple damage and ignore Res. Toshiro may spend the energy cost next attack to continue it.
Level 2: Energy cost reduced to 80
Level 3: Energy cost reduced to 60
Level 4: Energy cost reduced to 50


Dual Blade Belt:
Provides two action slots that may only be filled with one-handed bladed weapons and reduces the wearer's Init by 1.
Long Blade:
Blizzard Blade:
Long blade,
Deals 2d4+2 cold damage,
Cold Blooded: User gain 15% resistance to cold damage and weakness to fire damage,
Craft level 1: the user has a 20% boost to resisting mental effects that do not induce calm.
Craft level 2: When this weapon successfully deals damage it inflicts a Frostburn effect(not to be confused with IceFire) that deals 2d3 cold damage at the start of the user's next turn.  Due to high magic draw this item may start causing strange things to happen if the local ambience is worn thin.

Short Blade:
Pink Phaseblade:  pulsing with strange energies.
Long or Short blade,
This weapon deals 1d4+2 Fire/Necrotic damage that ignores Res and attacks made with it inflict "Cauterize" for one round, reducing the effectiveness of healing by 25% on that target.
Craft level 1: As an action the user may create a wall of force that throws two targets back and deals 2d4+2 Fire damage to each, cooldown of one round.

Dash Tech Card: A highly advanced tech chip embedded in one’s body which allows for the user to do a superfast dash in a short distance.
+2 Dex
-Microchip: Due to this card’s small size and it being embedded into one’s body it goes with the wearer without much effort. (When the user has the “Dash Tech” action taking up an action slot this item takes no action slots, however, all future upgrades have lower effects)

-Hylotl Shibuichi Helm: A finely crafted Shogun style helm made from silver-copper alloy.
+2 Res,
Set Bonus: If equipped with "Hylotl Shibuichi Chest & Legs" this requires no action slot and the user chooses a resource pool they have, that pool has 10% higher max capacity.

-Hylotl Shibuichi Chest: A finely crafted Shogun style chest piece made from silver-copper alloy.
+3 Res.

-Hylotl Shibuichi Legs: A finely crafted Shogun style pair of greaves made from silver-copper alloy.
+3 Res.

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Jun quickly thanks Kusuke for the free healing before she charges forward to stab one of the beastmasters that just stabbed her.

Normal Move: Needle of Agony on Beastmaster 2, deals 4d6+Dex damage and afflicts them with 1/4 of the damage dealt in Agony stacks

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A cloud of gravel-lightning golems tears through the Southeast ending the last group of Mages.


Several worker golems run forward and quickly collect Leo’s unconscious body, delivering him to the Nurse’s work station.


Another rifle crack signals the head of one of the beasts exploding directly in front of Jun, spraying her with gore but saving her from getting and more cut up.


Seeing that her current target is dead Jun takes the opportunity to lunge forward and slash at another beast and its rider, she leaves a deep gash for 22 damage and causes it to whimper in pain.


Toshiro speeds forward and helps Jun double-team the Beastmaster, leaving a long frostbitten and burning cut for 36 damage along the creature’s midsection.


The Arms Dealer finishes the job by administering 5 doses of 50. Cal lead supplements.


The Horde in the Southwest lobs bombs up at the Plasma cannon decommissioning it for the day.

The Hordes in the Southeast seem a bit disorganized with their allies dropping like flies left and right.

The Horde in the East isn’t faring much better, and actually seem to be arguing over something.


The Dryad runs over and starts pumping magic into the giant flaming purple sunflower on the crumbling wall.

[18 vs 1]  Giant thorned roots start snaking over and through the loose piles of crushed rock, filling most of the opening with dangerous and difficult to cross terrain.


Kusuke stops the Golems transporting Leo, a jolt of time manipulation brings him back to the land of the waking.

He chugs a potion and then materializes next to Jun and forces her to take one too.  They gain 25 HP each.


Lucille plays her healing kazoo and restores 10 HP to the Arms Dealer.


The Strider fires a spear of ice at the remaining Horde, it explodes freezing several solid and causing all the others to run for the hills.


The Demo lobs a couple bombs at the last group of Mages dealing 17 total damage.


[3] The Ogre, distracted by Arminius, doesn’t seem to even see it coming, the terrible wrath of mechanical genius as Satomi lands a hit square in the side of its head.  She deals 192 damage as the axe blade splits the Ogre’s skull and wedges deep into his collar bone, it slowly slumps over. Dead.


The Guide fires an arrow at one of the Beastmasters for 8 damage.


One of the Beastmasters looks around and surveys the wreckage of their army, now a small group and shambling and wounded soldiers.

The Beastmaster pulls a small horn from their belt and blows it sending a low call across the battlefield that draws everyone’s attention.

With that finished he and his last remaining fellow turn their beasts about and leap from the walls, running off into the hills.

Several people bleed.


The Smith, Mason, and Carpenter continue their endless work on the walls.


The small group of remaining Mages call out something in gibberish to the nearby Horde before a glowing circle appears beneath them and they vanish from sight in a flash of purple flames.


The Southeast Hordes turn to run while the Southwest Horde stands in disbelief staring at the spot where their superiors abandoned them.

The Huntress fires a blast of ice after one of the running Beastmasters cursing them under her breath.


Arminius is cut off halfway through his sentence as Satomi axes the Ogre a deadly question.


Both Piglet and Az find enemies who aren’t fighting back both easier and more disappointing targets.

(Az should actually have 8 stacks of Anorky due to multiple attacks on some rounds)



It's done.

As the last few goblins run into the distance and the dust settles. 

It's over, the siege has been beaten and they won't be back any time soon.


What now?



Final Status:



Jun: 25/44, +3 Res, 

Toshiro: 20/30, +3 Dex for moves, -10% damage taken,

Kusuke: 24/24, 3 Moves,

Satomi: 12/24, 

Leo: 1/24, Reconsidering his Options,

Arminius: 23/24,

-Piglet: 20/20, +3 Res,

-Tank: 36/150, 

Az: 20/36, 25% DR, 



Amelie: 30/30, 2 Moves, North,

Arms Dealer: 16/40, East, 

Dryad: 44/55, South,

Demo: 40/40, South,

Guide: 16/40, West,

Mason: 40/40, North,

Carpenter: 40/40, North,

Blacksmith: 40/40, East,

Tattletale: 30/30, South,

Tavern Keep: 9/40, West,

Huntress(Rose): 62/62, East, 

Lucille: 28/28, West,


Borean Strider: 500/500,

Armor: 250/250,




SE Walls: Broken!

SW Walls: 731/875

E Walls: 1008/995

W Walls: 734/995

Town: 1,226/1,360




Horde 1: Iced,

Horde 2: Merged,

Horde 3: Routed,

Siege Ogre 1: Seared Mincemeat,

Siege Ogre 2: Routed,

Mage 1: Skewered,

Mage 2: In lots of little pieces,

Mage 3: Deaf and dead,

Spiker 1: Full of holes,

Spiker 2: Full of holes,



--West Bank:

Horde 1: Merged,

Horde 2: Merged,

Horde 3: Merged,

Horde 4: Routed, Feels Betrayed,

Siege Ogre 1: Multiple head wounds,

Mage 1: Thin Paste,

Mage 2: Teleported out,

Bomber 1: Merged,

Bomber 2: Merged,

Strafer 1: Burnt up,

Strafer 2: Burnt up,

Strafer 3: Gone with the Wind,


--East Bank:

Horde 1: Golem chew-toy

Horde 2: In agony,

Horde 3: Routed,

Horde 4: Fried alive,

Horde 5: Routed,

Siege Ogre 1: In agony,

Siege Ogre 2: Half a mind to quit,

Mage 1: Tazed to death,

Bomber 1: Star-fried,

Bomber 2: Burnt to a Crisp

Strafer 1: Burnt up,



Horde 1: Tenderized and well-done.

Horde 2: Fine mist,

Horde 3: Skewered

Horde 4: Crow-Chow

Horde 5: Dead,

Horde 6: Frozen and Routed,

Engineer 1: Dead,

Engineer 2: Exploded,

Engineer 3: Cut down like wheat to the scythe,

Beast Master 1: Red Mist,

Beast Master 2: Splattered,

Beast Master 3: Triple-teamed,

Beast Master 4: Routed,

Beast Master 5: Routed.




6 Merit each, well done.

Kusuke gets 1 extra Merit for clutch heals.

5 Standard Healing Potions(unused and leftover from the beginning).

Literally about 6K tiny spiked balls, all over the ground.

Harpoon Gun: Fires a bolt and chain that deals 1d4+[Str] damage and drags the target into melee range and to the same Init slot as the user.




2x Plasma Cannon, one blown up and the other crushed under rocks.

SHOT Trebuchet, torn up from the ground by an Ogre.

A large section of the Southeast wall, turned piles of rubble, hole now impeded by spiked roots.

Leo(No wound).

Most of the combat Golems.


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Arminius has just stood there for a few moments after the ogre had been unceremoniously killed in front of him. Admittedly, he didn't mind the killing very much, even if it did get a fair amount of blood on him, but it was the sheer disrespect for what he was doing and murder of someone that was for all intents and purposes out of the fight and likely to help later that really pissed him off. Which is why when he turned he was visually not happy at all. "Satomi what the fuck was that!? I could have convinced him to help us, but no you're fucking bloodlust clouded your mind apparently and you just murder the guy! You're smarter than this, you shouldn't need to be told not to kill things that are actively in a conversation with an ally!"

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After the fight, Satomi just put her hand to her mouth, breathing irregularly — eyes darting between the fleeing goblins, the slain ogre, and patched area where one of her walls had fallen. Despite the battle being over, the rage and energy of combat was still pounding in her ears and flowing through her body, and it was all too much, even. She couldn’t calm down. Her wall was broken and should be repaired, but also there was the strange land that Leo had Tainted, and she was still furious, because there was so much to be furious at and it just wouldn’t leave her—


And then Arminius went up and started talking to her about a conversation. Her response was immediate and her tone vicious and mocking. ”Oh, were you having a conversation with the massive creature that had just destroyed the walls and was in the middle of destroying our other defenses? Are you angry I didn’t stop fighting in the middle of the battle so you could get out the flower arrangements and the tea and have a nice little chat? Were you going to make friends with the wounded oni by just sitting down and having a polite talk as he crushed Azgrurk’s contraption and prepared to go through the gap in the wall? Was that your plan, hmm?”

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Arminius crossed his arms. "You know what? Yes, yes I fucking am mad about it. I'd managed to get him to stop for the time being and I could have gotten him to leave at worst, or at best we could have had a new ally to repair our walls or haul lumber and stone or any number of things an ogre can help with! But lets put that aside and look at that FUCKING additude! We aren't on your world any more, you're going to have to contend with the fact that now we aren't going to get by just on being good at building shit! This is a full on war, not the half assed shit your used to. We're going to need building sure, but we need hands, and weapons, and armor, and basic resources more! We won't get those just from fighting! We need diplomacy and sabotage too! And you need to get off your fucking high horse before someone beats that smug additude out of you." Satomi probably didn't know it, but at that point the anger Arminius was feeling came entirely from his own concerns about his methods and what other people would think about them.

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”Ahaha, only if “stop for the time being” actually means “keep actively fighting and destroying our things”. The only thing that was stopped was your only useful contribution to this battle. A new ally? He was our foe, an oni employed for the sole purpose of destroying — and was fighting to his last misbegotten breath like the others.” She leaned forward and attempted a mirthless smile, but it was warped into a grimace by her own surging anger and disdain. ””Half-assed shit”. It’s like the words of the Crane, or perhaps what they mean. I was born to war, as was everyone else in my family, my clan. War is the reason the Crab Clan exists. War against twisted, inhuman foes given horrific abilities by a realm of pure evil, foes invincible but for jade powder, goblins who make suicide charges with flame that sticks to your body and burns you with no respite, worms that burrow into your flesh and will consume your heart unless you slice them out of your veins, massive slavering monsters larger than those ogres, beings whose very presence gives an affliction that cannot ever be removed and which will doom you to a life of seclusion and agony at best. And they cannot be beaten, only held back through the blood and struggle of samurai and ashigaru, of a clan that has done this for centuries and has BECOME war. And this is besides the wars with any of many foes which have convulsed our entire empire over and over.


You are probably like those Samurai of the other clans, who are used to fielding an army against each other for a week until the Imperial court steps in and they can stab each other in the back there instead. Except, no, even the Crane were involved in the War of the Spirits, you aren’t even on their level. You are below them, and have no conception of war.”


She leaned in further, with a wild look in her eyes, challenging him. ”And you’ve not got the duel training of the Crane either, I am sure. And I am no Crane, but I am trained in Iaijutsu. So the question is: who is going to beat this attitude out of me?” Her posture grew more tense, more challenging. ”Is it you, Arminius? Do you have the slight little amount of courage and honor in you that is needed to back up your threats? Will you try it in the night like a backstabbing, lying Scorpion? Or do you think I will be intimidated by the empty words of a coward?”

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Arminius doesn't say anything, mainly because he busies himself by launching himself at her, arms out intent on using the weight of his borrowed armor to tackle her and pin her as he pumps some Greater Meteor Head Essence into her.

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Well, then, Satomi had an instant to think, that answered that question. It didn't seem by his stance that he was going to use iaijutsu, probably because that was a Rokugani method of conducting duels and he was a gaijin, but oh well, Satomi would. As Arminius started to move to lunge at her, Satomi didn't move out of his path. Instead, a hand whipped to the sheath of her katana -- muscle memory kicked in as Satomi fell into the stance of the iaijutsu lessons she had so specifically taken in order to prepare for revenge against Scorpions... though she'd expected the literal Scorpion Clan at the time.


Quick as a flash, with Arminius still in the air, Satomi's sword whipped out of its sheath and through the air in an upwards arc, Satomi having the rather brutal aim to prevent Arminius' collision by stabbing him and hopefully carrying him over her body altogether using her sword. She was not trying to kill him --this wasn't a duel to the death, after all-- but she didn't mind giving him a good stab somewhere that wouldn't immediately kill him.


Satomi uses Iaijutsu Strike with her katana, dealing 3d6+STR (3) damage First Strike!

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As soon as the goblins began to run, the Warboss let out a beastial roar, finally halting his barrage of electric bullets and pumping his rifle into the air, "DAT'Z RIGHT, RUN YA GITZ! NEVAH TRY N' TAKE ON DA WARBOSS!" he yelled after the retreating creatures, "DISAPPOINTMENTS, ALL OF YOU" he muttered shortly after, before scanning the battlefield around him. In his focus on the goblins below, he failed to notice how much had happened, the walls besides him had crashed down, and there were plenty of goblin bodies and weapons strewn across the battlefield. Hell, even his own tank was practically destroyed, the front in crushed in by one of the Ogres.


Truly, this was the type of fight Azgrurk missed.

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Leo groans, Pulling himself up, and muttering a 'thank you' in Kusuke's direction. He gestures at some of the rubble from the wall and mutters the shape solid spell, creating some chains.
"Snow, new orders for the combat Golems. Have them go out and find any goblin stragglers or those unable to flee. Have them take the chains and bring them back alive. Make sure they bring the injured to the nurse."
"On it." 

Leo tells the group he will be back in a minute, and heads to the nurse for his own healing, 
Once that is done he heads outside for a few brief moments to examine the roots the dryad had grown from the dragon flower.

Surely the roots would have some interesting properties, grown from such an interesting flower.
Ok so the roots are a little underwhelming. He had been expecting something reactive, or hot or something that spewed fire when disturbed



Not great, but anyone with half a brain would try to find another way around.

They don't spout flame or anything


Attempting to cut them with something non-magical has almost no effect.

But something even slightly magical has more or less normal effect, albeit still treating it like a tough wood.

Perhaps they might still hold useful properties if further tested though. Regardless, at the very least, the mana type seemed useful.


Thaum > Enchanted Dragon's Fire Roots(10, 1): Produces plant mana that causes the target to rapidly grow a larger and reinforced root system or whatever the equivalent in the target.

He cut himself some samples, and as the Golems began to return with goblins in chains, he made his way back down to the nurse with them.


[27] Leo gives his golems the orders and the chains, but there's a lot of ground to cover and not much time before most wounded goblins would have bled out. Still they manage to find [19] living goblins and get [13] of them back to the Nurse alive. Here's where the next problem hits. The Nurse is already swamped with about a dozen injured villagers and PCs and doesn't have time to deal with a bunch of goblins most of which have heavy burns, compound fractures, and/or deep cuts. Leo's choices right now boil down to reprograming the golems to work on the goblins, convincing the few healthy and untrained villagers to take up medicine for the day, let the goblins die, or think of something else.

It's safe to assume anyone with significant medical skill and/or healing magic is mostly busy.

Unfortunately It seemed like everyone was busy, Leo was about to see about using some raw healing magic to stabilize them, or perhaps useing some potion, but kusuke stepped in, and Timecloned the nurse, which made things so much easier.


Kusuke timeclones the Nurse allowing her to work on more patients at once and thus freeing up several others like Lucille and The Dryad who go to work healing the wounded goblins.
[90] They manage to save all of them, even sparing any use of healing potions which is nice.  Though most of the goblins won't ever be quite the same, horrors of war and all that.

Once that was done it was time for questioning, he gets the names of the captured goblins, and takes them out one at a time to ask questions. Ensuring that they wont be able to collaborate on a false story or pressure one another into specific answers by presence.

It goes....less then perfectly.


"Why did they attack?"
"Why did they think attacking was a good idea?"
"Where were they in rank?"
"What is the chain of command in the goblin army?"
"How loyal are you to the goblin army"
"Who ordered the attack?"
"Are you willing troops, or were you drafted?"
"Where is the goblin homeland"
"Where is the nearest goblin base"
"How likely do you believe they will attack again" He will take each goblin away to ask these questions one at a time, so they wont be able to make something up on the fly without someone ruining it. While also making it less likely a loyalist or something will, by presence, pressure someone less happy to lie.


Diplomacy check: 10 vs 22, Luck: 13,
Getting the bad rolls done early tonight I see.

Well it doesn't go great. Three of the goblins aren't capable of much more than sitting in one place and slowly rocking back and fort and another four simply refuse to talk at all.

Of the others Leo gets several wildly conflicting stories, but still manages to piece together some information from commonalities and general guesswork.

Their goblin nation was expanding so they sent out "Colonization" fleets to various remote islands.
They're leadership is bloodthirsty.
Mostly grunts, though one claims he was an advanced general and secretly in charge of the whole operation.
The strongest rules.
Varies wildly, on both severity and believabilty.
The strongest on the homeland.
Unclear, the question makes them all uncomfortable.
"Days and days across the sea"
There are, or were, ships in the southwest. No idea if they're still there.
Varies wildly from "They'll never attack again" to "You're dead before the year is out"

None of the goblins are terribly thrilled about being taken away alone, nor their cohorts being taken one by one.

Oh well, he gets the group of goblins back together and moves to get the final questions out of the way

 “Alright, So, if you would like to go home back to your fellows, raise your hand.”


After a few minutes [8] raise their hands.

“Alright, now, among those who did not raise those hands, one at time, I want to hear what you would like to do.”

“Options include, but are not limited to, negotiating with the village for permission to live and work here, joining the world hoping travelers on their adventures across the multiverse, going as far away from here as possible, going and finding another world to live in, going and living like a hobo somewhere, or going to the nearest therapist.”
 “If you have any questions about these options, ask them now.”


After a long awkward silence two of the goblins finally speak up. One of them explains that if he goes home he'll just be killed for not building good enough siege engines so he might as well stay with the village. The other asks what "Therapist" means.

“A therapist is a sort of doctor. In this context I’m referring to the kind who specialize in dealing with mental issues. Like trauma. A few of you seem a little shell shocked and traumatized by the massacre we just inflicted upon you. So I figured someone might want to see one.”


The goblin who asked the question nods slowly and then turns to one of his fellows, it's at this point Leo realizes that three of the goblins that didn't raise their hands are the three who didn't do anything but rock back and forth during questioning. The fellow's eyes unglaze and they talk quietly in a language Leo can't understand for a minute before coming to some agreement. "Darz should stay and see therapist"


“Right, we will have to take him off world, or see if we can’t find one willing to come here, but I’ll see what I can do.”
“The other two will probably need to be treated as well”
“One more question for all of you. During the fight a black mist cloud swept down onto the battle field. Were any of you struck by it? And if so, aside from a few moments of searing agony, are you experiencing any lingering effects or side effects?”



"Darz and the others were right up against the wall when it happened, I was on the other side of the river" He gestures to the three ill goblins

Well then, that explained a lot. He must have underestimated the psychological effects of the sheer amount of pain his attack caused. He would have to be careful with that in the future. Maybe he could dilute the mana? Thoughts for later. He certainly hadn't been aiming to reduce them to this state. He didn't really Regret using it, They had been attacking after all, and he would do it again. But still the battle was over, and his goals had been to kill, slow, or disable. Not turn them into broken wrecks.

“Huh, So that is probably a major contributor to there current state. Note to self, survivors of lethal levels of mana types derived from tainted alloy ingots may suffer crippling psychological damage. Use sparingly. Do not deploy in non lethal combat”



Several of the goblins shudder and visibly recoil from Leo.

He ignores the reaction, and carries on, not really caring if he freaked them out or not. 

Turning towards toward the 8 goblins who said they wanted to go home, he shatters their chains “If you leave now you might still make it to the ships. Leave now, hurry home, and don’t ever let me see your faces ever again.”

“Snow please have the combat units escort them out of the village. If they come back for any reason other then to beg for shelter renouncing there former home, I want them killed on sight.”



The goblins leave, quickly and with terror in their eyes.

“Alright. Now that that’s taken care of....you five, with me.”
“Oh wait....”
.....”Frostbrute, carry these three”

Leo gestures at the traumatized goblins, allowing Frostbrute to pick them up in its massive hands

Goblins in tow, he heads to see the guide.



Leo finds the Guide at his office/house sitting at his desk with about six books open writing back and forth in three of them.  There isn't really enough room for Frostbrute and all the Goblins, so Leo goes in with the two speaking ones.
The Guide looks up and sets down his pen.
"Ah Leo, what can I help you with?"


"Well. After the battle I sent the remaining combat golems to find and gather any survivors of the siege. The few survivors were brought to the nurse's station for treatment. I got a little, information out of them, but not much. I sent eight of them home. Of the remaining goblins three are extremely psychologically damaged, and effectively non functional at the moment, One wishes to remain in the village fearing what his former comrades will do to him if he returns, and one...."

Leo turns to the one who had asked about therapy for the others

"What did you say you wanted?"



The goblin shrugs.
"Darz is my brother."

The Guide nods and listens to what Leo has to say, confusion briefly flashes over his face when Leo mentions send some of the goblins home, but it passes quickly.

"I see.  Well I can't guarantee things will go smoothly right away, but if they truly are trustworthy the others should warm up to them eventually."

"Right, I was also wondering, do you know any good therapist? The three outside kind of need one. If you can't get one here, we will either have to take them off world, or let them stay here till we can find someone to bring here. The sooner we can get the effected some help, the better."



The Guide thinks for a minute and rubs his chin.
"I'll ask the Dryad if she has anything that could help, but for now there is an empty house on the north side of town they can stay in."

"Alright. Is that agreeable to you two?"


The goblins nod, knowing a good deal when they see one.
Goblin Tinkerer added to the NPC list.

"Right, Frostbrute can help you two get the other three to the house. With any luck, the dryad will have something and they will be back on their feet soon."
"Don't cause any trouble now, Ive got work to do"

Sending the goblins on their, Leo stretches and looks up at the sky, feeling pleased that at least some goblins survived and changed sides.
They were probably better off here then in the goblin kingdom, it didn't sound like a very pleasant place.

Now then.....he should probably start looking into the disappearance of the gem......

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Now that the immediate crisis was over and he'd worked on helping the nurse help who she could, it was time to talk to Leo again. He was tired, almost too tired; he was mostly running on fumes and anger at this point, having exerted himself so much through the siege and just afterward. At least the background magic of this world was close enough to seithr for it to have not burned him out via Drive overuse. . . He stalked up to Leo, who was looking annoyingly chipper as usual. "We need to talk. Now. You brushed me off earlier, but now you owe me."

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Status: Wounded / Healthy,
Init: 10 / 8,
Miss: 80(hit),

Satomi squares up and Arminius lunges, with a lightning quick flash of blade Satomi leaves a bloody slice across Arminius' torso.

Grapple: 5 vs 8,
Footing: 7 vs 11 / 18 vs 3,

Unluckily for her however it isn't enough to throw Arminius off course and he still collides with her. The loose rocks slide underneath her and they fall to the ground.

A rush of strange energy passes through Arminius' hands and into Satomi's side creating a great deal of heat in the process burning and charring Satomi's side and armor.

Luck: 9,
Random Blitz: 85,

Satomi immediately feels strangely bloated, gains a massive fever, and her skin starts to feel almost crusty. Within seconds Arminius can hardly hold on from the heat radiating off of her, her skin glows red, and has dark earthen growths in patches here and there. Satomi is now experiencing the sensation of her skin being turned to burning magma without the needed secondary power of total fire immunity.

Satomi: Wounded, Burning alive, Grappled.
Arminius: Wounded, Bleeding badly, Grappling.

Arminius discovers the following effects of Greater Meteorhead Essence on living targets:


Infusing this essence into a living target causes them to take on an aspect of the Meteorheads, their skin turns to bubbling magma and their core heats uncontrollably. For one minute the target gains 50% fire resistance, 2 Syn, and 2 Str, they gain an aura of heat that deals 8 fire damage each round to themselves and any enemies who engage them in melee range.


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It turns out that Arminius had not been going for a physical battle or any sort of duel -- Satomi should have expected that, but she supposed she had expected even with how infuriated she was that he wouldn't try to outright kill her. But nonetheless, the soul-shard-stealer slammed into her despite her attempt to slash him away, and she felt an intense burning heat. Satomi let out a yelp, but that was only the beginning. She felt a strange sensation of bloating, and a discomfort -- and then heat. Heat, and then heat, and then heat, and more heat built up inside of her outside of her, her skin turning red and magma-like, and what had been a yelp turned into screaming as she began to burn, the pain horrific and very nearly overwhelming, agony lighting up in her entire body as her kimono and armor was singed and scorched. And that screaming... it was ragged, high-pitched, and most of all loud. Satomi screamed over, and over again, her voice filling the air with nearly no pause.


The pain was only nearly overwhelming, however. Throughout her life, whenever Satomi had suffered something at someone's hands, it very often made her angrier -- the loss of her mother to the Scorpion Clan, for example, fostering not fear but furious hatred. This was the case here -- as she was set aflame, screaming, instead of curl up into a ball or stop or even slow down, Satomi pressed further, intending to make Arminius pay for what he had done to her, even as she screamed and screamed. Her hands went lunging forwards, attempting to use the very thing that had been done to her to sear marks onto Arminius' face by clamping her hands onto it and not letting go.


Satomi attempts to burn Arminius' face with her hands thanks to the Meteorhead Essence effect, maintaining the grapple.

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Arminius for his part was horrified with himself. Sure she had provoked him, and really he should have seen through it given it'd be the exact thing he'd do if it helped. But the stress of battle and anger at the pure tactical abortion Satomi had preformed really didn't leave him in a kind state. Which is why despite feeling the rising heat, Arminius hadn't even thought of moving off the samurai. Her turning all molten and firey however did get him to jump some, if only to try and get away from the heat near his vulnerables. It didn't end up helping much though as the woman made a grab for his face, which was enough to get his mind back in order. He'd set her on fire. He was burning her alive. And for all her flaws, that just wasn't something she deserved yet. So, thinking quickly, Arminius did the only thing he could think to do. He doubled down on pinning the Rokugani woman and grabbed her with both hands, ignoring the burning.

Then, Arminius began sucking the essence he just infused into Satomi out.

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Ohhhh boy. 
This was going to be annoying. He really didn't want to deal with Kusuke right now. He had actually important things to do, and if he told him about the gem, he was sure he would not hear the end of it. With any luck this would be quick.

"Oh right, I guess you did help out with my injuries. Your help with the nurse was also appreciated. What do you need? If your looking for weapon upgrades it will have to wait a little bit."



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Satomi / Arminius
Grapple: 18 vs 11,

As Arminius pulls back and recoils from the heat Satomi reaches forward clamping her hands like dual branding irons around Arminius' face.


Ess check 14 vs 25,
Luck: 51,
Random Blitz: 3,

Despite the now blinding heat and searing pain Arminius reaches forward to removing the power causing this mess.  He siphons off the strange energy and Satomi suddenly feels cold, her skin quickly stops glowing, and the fire fades away.  She's still angry sure, but the...uncontrollable rage isn't there anymore.


Ess save: 5 vs 5, 9 vs 19,


Satomi feels slightly weaker than she did before the battle, possibly exhaustion, possibly something more, she isn't entirely sure yet.


Arminius quickly finds the energy isn't exactly what he put in anymore, it's already leached and fused itself with Satomi and as such really doesn't like him.  Soon enough it manages to break free from his control, a twisting pulsing mass of reddish energy not unlike liquid metal in appearance.  It slowly contorts and changes form growing four limbs, a head, and a stone-y patchwork skin with pulsing veins of magma underneath.  It's vaguely similar to Satomi in general body shape, albeit about two feet shorter.


After coming to the realization of its creation it looked down at its hands before glancing up at Arminius and losing it.  It let out a nearly human screech from its "mouth" and immediately charges Arminius.



Satomi: Badly Wounded, Grappling,

Arminius: Badly Wounded, Burnt, Bleeding, Grappled.


???: Healthy, Angry, Charging Arminius,

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