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[IC] TotM:DC "Terraria: A fresh start"


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Calvera nods, and takes his wrist for a moment, dragging him along with her, before letting go and just leading the way into the woods. Eventually, Arminius finds them in a comfortable spot with a rock in the middle of the clearing, the tree coverage primarily making shadow around the surrounding area, except for around the rock. She goes and has a seat on a part of the rock, smiling from the warmth of the sun, before clearing her throat.

"Um... Well, I guess I just wanted to talk to you about what happened at that facility... the one where we lost Soma. I've had some time to think about what happened, specifically what happened in the lab. Me trying to stop Soma, and hurting or blinding everyone..." Calvera stopped for a moment, staring up into the sky.


"I don't think I could ever forgive myself if I seriously injured anyone to the point of possibly... nevermind." She looked back to the man beside her, and sighed. "The point is, I feel really bad about what I did, even if it was for the right reasons. After Kusuke's words about me once we got back on the bus... I kinda broke down inside. Besides my breakdown on the bus, that is. I haven't really felt... safe to be myself, or express my opinions, much less talk at all. I've just been kinda shook, because all I want to do is help, and when I try to it's either not enough, or I fail in some spectacular way. And for someone who is supposed to help defend the entirety of everything, that's really draining."


Calvera once again looked up to the sky, a tear rolling down her cheek, and more gleaming in her eyes.

"I've been thinking on whether or not I should give up the fight myself, since I just seem to be more of a burden than anything for everyone... except you. For some reason, I can always come to you about these things, and I feel at home when I do it... it's an odd feeling that I don't quite know how to process. I can't imagine staying here, if it weren't for you, Armi. You're kinda keeping me grounded."

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"Hm, I see. That leaves... quite a bit to think about then," Lucille says. Underground portions? Well it wasn't exactly surprising- she'd already suspected there was a large part of that keep they'd missed, what with side tracked. Most of the obvious ways down below had been blocked, but... another expedition there, one that searched a bit harder and didn't have to worry about escorting a hostage back of fighting a giant spider, could probably reveal an alternate route. What truly peaked her curiosity was these... sky islands though, "That's all I have to ask for now. Thank you for your time,"

     And with that, she nods, turns towards the inn/bar, and leaves.  



Back in her room, the beasts fan out, lounging on the bed or the floor, or any raised furniture they can fit atop. Lucille herself sat on the floor against the foot of the bed, knees pulled to her chest, eyes closed, ears wide open. The noise of the physical realm soon falls away, replaced by... something else. As if she's in another time, another place entirely. Another body entirely. There's a burst of synesthesia, a rush of voices. The same noise from before is there, serving as the backdrop to the argument. Though her beasts were all around her, in that moment she could sense 2 prescences, and 2 only...


"Pavitrin, think very carefully about what you do next..."


"Think? Think!? What is there to think about, Adima? It's right there, waiting to strike, mocking us. It thinks it's immune, that it will take this world with impunity- let me show it overwise-"


"And if you lose, then what? Pray tell, Pavitrin, I'm curious. What do you think happens if this beast manages to defeat and consume one of us, take our form as it did Amalla Vajra, and his little band of rebels? We've already seen how this scenario went for the shining bolt, you'll be no different..."


"... you're wrong. Both of you. Amalla went in to that expecting to return. Had he let go off that delusion, given himself fully to his mission, he may well have spared his little paradise from it's destruction. I will not make the same mistake as him-"


"It is you who are the delusional one, boy. What makes you think sacrifice would work on such a-"


"The greatest star is always destined to eventually fall, is it not? The brightest candle to burn out quickest, the sharpest blade to dull to nothing... etcetera, etcetera. Such is the way of things. Such is as Master intended. I will give the beast what it wants. When it consumes me, I will become the brightest candle. Brighter than a thousand splendid suns. And it will burn with me."




"Enough, Adima. He has made his choice here. And so have I. Pavitrin,"


"Yes, my lady Bhadra?"


"Go. I will not stop you. But if you're plan proves wrong, if this rash course proves to only exacerbate it like Amalla's did, then..."


"The shame shall be mine, and mine alone, for a thousand eternities my lady. I'd only hope you destroy what is left without mercy"


"...Go then. I will tell the others of your decision... and prepare them encase you fail."

The voices fade, the presence fades. The only thing that remains is the noise. 


And as lucille sits there, in silence, trying to listen deeper into the bizarre, shifting tonal architecture to find it's source, she realizes...


StormLord - Today at 2:16 PM

Training: 20 vs 18,
Luck: 16,

Lucille focuses on the noise, and while she seems to get at least a little closer the process exhausts her and leaves her winded by the end of it.
+1 Syn.

This world, it is not it. It was never it.


The noise is her. And she is the noise. Each and every chord, it starts in her core, resonates throughout her entire being, and finally escapes outward into the world beyond...


The surge of memories long past and the realization soon prove enough to exhaust her, her ears dulling to the supernatural frequencies, head lulling to the side, conscious thought quickly slipping.



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Arminius listens to Calvera speak, nodding silently at her words. He folds his arms when she brings up Kusuke. He had found what he said really inappropriate especially when Calvera was already upset about it. It takes him a few moments to decide what to do after Calvera stops talking. This was a sensitive matter and he didn't want to make things worse. Eventually he puts an arm around the star person, giving her a comforting squeeze. He smiles at her before he starts to speak.

"You know, I felt like that once before this whole multiverse thing. Being a saboteur means sometimes there's unintended consequences and innocent people get hurt. It's basically the same as what happened at the facility. You had a choice there where you could have done nothing and been sure everyone would have been hurt, or you could try and do something to stop it. Sure, that time things got out of hand but think of how much worse it would have been if you'd done nothing? I personally would take being blinded for a bit and slightly scorched over getting blasted full on. And I'm sure everyone else will agree on that later as well, they just haven't realized it yet."

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6 hours ago, Powder Miner said:

”Oh, no, I wasn’t referring to that. I am Crab, and we are just about as paranoid as samurai get, I don’t fault you for actually checking for zombies or something — my daisho is within easy reach, even. I was instead commenting on, you know, you avoiding looking at...” Satomi gestured at her own bare chest, below the waterline.


She trailed off into nothing, her cheeks a little red, having managed to fluster herself. Then she cleared her throat to get herself back on track. ”Anywaaay...” she ventured forth, but took a moment to figure out a subject change. ”Bathing is actually a large part of the culture of Rokugan, and even us Crab like to partake in it when we’re not busy on the Wall or Shadowlands. This isn’t exactly an onsen, but I’m glad just to get to clean myself. It’s been... yeah. A while.”

Jun's gaze seemed to not wander down anywhere at all (although her eyes were admittedly hidden) as she said, "Well to be fair, if I spent most of the time by looking at that," while her visor suddenly filled up with a slightly familiar shade of red, and as if without missing a beat she continued with, "I wouldn't be much of a lookout wouldn't I?." She then leaned to the front slightly as she flatly said, "Although of course I wouldn't mind looking at it, if that would make you feel more at home that is."

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Satomi blushed again as Jun brought her stupid little bit of awkwardness back up after her stumbling attempt at redirection, but that was nothing compared to the reaction that Jun scored with her last line and the lean forward that came with it.


Rather stunned at the other woman’s apparent boldness, Satomi’s face turned a rather interesting shade of red immediately, and her arms zoomed to cover her chest from Jun’s gaze. ”I— you— w-whhhat? Satomi squawked, completely scandalized. The samurai girl, in fact, was undisguisedly boggling at Jun, staring at her with that crimson blush still present and shock in her eyes.  

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Since it seems the fishman will be fighting in the river during the Goblin invasion he thought it would be a good idea to start training in it's waters for when the moment comes. Taking his two blades he heads for the area outside the wall and jumps into the river's current.


"97... 98... 99..."


Training: 1 vs 6,

Luck: 67,

It's a good thing Toshiro can breath under water, because about half way through practicing he loses his footing and is swept downstream a couple hundred yards before he orients himself again. It's either a long walk or swim from where he is to the village.


Before he could take that hundredth swing one of the river rocks he placed his feet on slipped out of place which caused Toshiro to lose his balance and flow down stream. Stabbing his Katana into the river floor he finally caught himself, though now he needs to take the walk of shame back to the village. Though by the time he'll get back there'll be no more time left to finish the set. He let out an annoyed sigh before beginning to take his stroll back. However, fate may have had a gift planned for this fish man. 


Random encounter: 74,

Dex save: 12 vs 6.

As Toshiro walks back towards the village he sees a bright streak of white and yellow light falling from the sky, it looks like it's getting larger...and larger...and larger...and just before it slams into the ground where he was standing Toshiro reacts be jumping out of the way. A bright gold star shaped object impacting with the ground and seeming to bounce almost to almost eye level with him before falling again. It didn't seem to leave any mark on the ground, and it kept brightly glowing and emitting white and yellow sparkles as it sat on the ground.


The fishman pokes the yellow star on the ground with his blade to make sure it's safe to handle. That darn thing nearly smashed his three-eye'd face in. He reaches down to pick up the sparkling object. It seemed to be harmless now, maybe he'll ask the guide about it in the morning. Maybe it might but nice to use as decoration on a piece of armor or as a band/necklace. Either way with the star now in hand he continues his walk towards the village and the comforts of the Inn's bed.

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oh. Oh. Ooooooooh. She's one of those!


Rivers... doesn't actually react visibly, unlike Satomi, just a minor chuckle as she continues to clean herself.


"Ah, I see. Well, I can't exactly blame you, though I'm not particularly attracted that way. Satomi, would you like me to help clean your back? Likely easier that way, though we're working with limited resources as it is. Alas, a lack of soap prevents us from being properly clean."

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The red light in Jun's visor seemed to form a teasing smile for just a moment, "You heard what I said... or do you need me to move a little closer so that I can whisper it into your ear?." 

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Judging simply by the step Satomi took backwards away from Jun, arms still crossed to cover her bosom and pressed against it, Satomi did not in fact need Jun to get significantly closer. If Jun was just trying to embarrass Satomi, however, THAT was most certainly working, her face still almost incandescent. ”U-um, no, no it’s... I am... I am not that way?” Satomi finally managed to voice her stuttering objection.


Then she turned her head to River, and nodded to her shakily. Satomi was still mortified, and probably wouldn’t stop blushing soon, but Satomi did figure that since Rivers had said she didn’t share a certain trait of Jun’s (and, in any event, certainly was not behaving as Jun was), she was probably going to be safe letting the other woman wash her back. ”U-um... yes, Rivers, that should be fine.”


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Rivers smiles, fording over to Satomi and helping to wash her back, at least as best as she can without proper tools and supplies.


"We really do need to get soap, shampoo, and things. Only so much we can do without. And don't worry, if she tries anything, I shall fight with you."


She winks.

Edited by Ragnarok97071
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"And what did you mean by that exactly?" She said before she rather reluctantly turned around to survey the area and the equipment and clothing they all brought with them for a moment... until she realized something "On the subject of doing without, I have just realized that not only did one here bring a towel with them, but that Satomi here has apparently elected to do without her underwear for the near future."

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”I think you know exactly what I meant...” As Rivers washed her back, though, Satomi allowed herself to relax once again, sinking slightly more into the water. ”If we have to do without soap, we will have to do without it, but I think that there’s probably some in the general store that was mentioned... aah, this is nice, even if it’s no hot spring...”


Jun’s speaking again caught Satomi’s attention, and after Satomi flicked her gaze towards the inner robe and koshimaki being washed as best they could by the river to make sure that they were still properly situated (they were), she looked back to Jun and muttered a ”I don’t think my undergarments are any of your business.”

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After finishing with Satomi, Rivers turns to finishing her own bathing. Eventually, she satisfies herself that she's as clean as she's going to be, stepping out of the little stream and collecting her rune-board, closing the bracer portion around her arm before quickly drawing a pair of symbols in the air, a line of light following her finger.





She fills the spell with her will, sending wind spinning around her, water blown off her skin, drying her off rather quickly as she begins to dress herself in her borrowed clothes and boots, as those were mostly fine.

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"They actually aren't my business, but I was just pointing it out because of how... awkward it would be to walk around the place in nothing but your kimono." Jun quickly takes off her cloak as she slowly walks towards the waterline, "So basically in this case you don't need a towel to dry yourself off because for all intents and purposes, you are the towel; good to know. Any chance of you being able to do that on someone else?"

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"Yeah, I guess you have a point... I had no way of knowing whether or not uhm... 'Soma,' was going to do anything."

Calvera sighed, and leaned into Arminius, closing her eyes. She laughed shortly, shaking her head a couple times.

"Who knew saving the Multiverse was going to be filled with drama?"

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Arminius rubs Calvera's side, his eyes closing as she leans on him. He gives a small shrug at her question.

"Well, it's not like it can be like this forever right? At the very least with how our group seems to be growing eventually we're going to meet people we can have a true companionship with."

Arminius turns to Calvera with a small smile.

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Arminius is silent. If Calvera bothered to look she'd note that he's cringing. He hadn't actually been quite thinking about how he phrased that but no matter how he looks at it that sounded kind of bad.

"Well, you know, sometimes people form a bond that's uh... closer than just friendship. Like they were meant to be together in life... I-it doesn't have to be a romantic thing though! It can just be being really good friends. There's apparently quite a lot of research on the topic, although it's been mostly put on hold."

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Calvera for a moment, looks to be holding back a smile, before she bursts out giggling. After a solid 30 seconds, she takes a couple deep breaths, and smiles at Arminius.

"You're cute when you're flustered, Armi. I don't get why'd get that way talking about this though."

She shrugged, and looked back up to the sky.

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Arminius is silent for a few moments. Normally he probably wouldn't get flustered about this kind of thing, he'd just say something like "I mean friends when I say true companions of course." and continue on with his day. Weird. Arminius shrugs as well and leans on his free arm, turning to watch Calvera out of the corner of his eye.

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For a couple minutes, Calvera simply stared at the moving clouds above. A breeze blowing her hair back behind her, before slowly dying down, releasing the flowing hair to allow it to fall down to the back of her leather jacket. She closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath, a small smile coming to her face. In this spot, she seemed at ease, as if she had been here before. She leaned into Arminius once again, and simply stayed there, her body heat being a bit more than any normal person but the reason for that was obvious. Her breathing was slow, calm, and regular, her shoulders rising and falling slowly with every breath. Before long, she opened her mouth and quietly spoke, with a very calm voice. "Thanks Armi."

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Satomi gave Jun a glance that was still none-too-pleased -- it seems that Jun's earlier teasing (or, depending upon your point of view, harassment) had genuinely not been appreciated by the samurai girl. Then she spoke, rather reproachfully: "Still doesn't mean it's your place to bring attention to it, especially after that earlier move of yours. I have to make do with what I have, and in this case this is all I have got, but it is both less pleasant and less clean to go solely in my kimono for just a brief while until I can reach my room than it is to not clean these at all. It doesn't need your comment. Hfff." This said, with that little infuriated huff at the end, Satomi climbed out of the water, and went immediately for her kimono, minimizing the time she spent nude outside of the stream. 


Satomi did wince a little at the fact that she was putting her kimono immediately over her wet body with nothing underneath, but she had in fact meant what she said, so without hesitating much she grabbed her daisho, secured it around her waist, and grabbed the pieces of clothing at the center of her little rant -- they were hardly cleaned back to white, cold water wasn't going to achieve that, but they had gone from colored various shades of brown, from rust brown to dirt brown to being mostly off-white, and that was a significant achievement. Then she stepped into her sandals and addressed Onyx Rivers of Mourning. "Well, I am ready to go back when you are, then."

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"Hmm. Vera... that's new. I kinda like it."

She chuckled, before going silent again for about 10 minutes, almost as if she was asleep. Eventually, she sits back up, and stretches her arms up into the air, before slumping them back down. She stands, brushing off her jeans.

"We should probably get heading back here soon. I'm sure there's preparation that we need to do for this siege. I actually had an idea I wanted to run by you for the defenses..."

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Arminius stands and stretches. Internally he laments the loss of warmth as he gets the blood flowing as normal again.

"Yeah, run it by me. Also could you toss my that branch over there, I had an idea."

Arminius points to a fairly thick branch on the ground.

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