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[IC] TotM:DC "Terraria: A fresh start"


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Calvera nods, and picks it up with a little struggle, but hands it over to Arminius. She dusts off her hands, and puts them in her pockets.

"I think if we could make some fire-proof tubing that shoots up out of the ground, I can put a bunch of fire into the pipeline, and make a wall of fire, or something similar to that effect."

She smiles a grin, as if she's proud of this thought.

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Arminius thinks for a bit before nodding.

"Yeah, that sounds like it could work out really well actually. Only problem is making the tubes but I'm sure someone can do that."

As Arminius talks he starts breaking off the smaller limbs from the branch.

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"Well, at the least, tunnels would probably be okay. I don't imagine dirt would exactly be unstable when having flames running through it... but yeah, I'll ask someone about the pipes, and see how long that would take."

Calvera turns back to Arminius, and tilts her head.

"Whatcha doing with that?"

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Arminius pulls out his knife before pausing and tapping his chin with the branch.

"Well, you remember the eyes? I have a whole bunch of essence from them now. So I figured I'd see if I could make some kind of ward or something that uses the essence so I can always be watching an area."

Having seemingly found the inspiration he needed, Arminius starts carving the branch.

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2 hours ago, Powder Miner said:

Satomi gave Jun a glance that was still none-too-pleased -- it seems that Jun's earlier teasing (or, depending upon your point of view, harassment) had genuinely not been appreciated by the samurai girl. Then she spoke, rather reproachfully: "Still doesn't mean it's your place to bring attention to it, especially after that earlier move of yours. I have to make do with what I have, and in this case this is all I have got, but it is both less pleasant and less clean to go solely in my kimono for just a brief while until I can reach my room than it is to not clean these at all. It doesn't need your comment. Hfff." This said, with that little infuriated huff at the end, Satomi climbed out of the water, and went immediately for her kimono, minimizing the time she spent nude outside of the stream. 


Satomi did wince a little at the fact that she was putting her kimono immediately over her wet body with nothing underneath, but she had in fact meant what she said, so without hesitating much she grabbed her daisho, secured it around her waist, and grabbed the pieces of clothing at the center of her little rant -- they were hardly cleaned back to white, cold water wasn't going to achieve that, but they had gone from colored various shades of brown, from rust brown to dirt brown to being mostly off-white, and that was a significant achievement. Then she stepped into her sandals and addressed Onyx Rivers of Mourning. "Well, I am ready to go back when you are, then."


Jun made damn sure to turn away from Satomi for the few moments it took for her to quickly get dressed, "Well actually I was trying to not embarrass you any further and not refer to the matter directly but uhh-" she turned around again to get a good look at Satomi before she rather quietly said, "Your chest.... they're sort of.... pointy right now". She coughed as politely as possible before she turned around slightly to face the wilderness, "I'll uhh... go on ahead if you don't mind." She said as she slowly started down the long and slightly awkward walk back towards the village.

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Kusuke finds a secluded clearing with whatever unimportant bits of scrap and the like that he can find, and practices his Temporal Slice to make it less shitty.


Temporal Slice (Trick, level 1): Kusuke attempts to cut or damage an object by rewinding or accelerating a small part of it. Can be used to clear debris, with precision and overall success determined by an INT check, or as a way to attack an enemy (opposed by Essence.)


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Sleep grips the progenitor tightly. Somehow, a blanket has found it's way over her curled form. 


"Woopwoopwoop..." A certain crustacean utters as it lifts her head with one claw, and positions the pillow from the bed under it with another. The others have already curled up in their respective places around her, drifting off as well. Only zoidberg still walks among the woke at this late hour. And only zoidberg sees as she begins to stir in her sleep, muttering,


"A...Avada... no...how.... no, I...I..."


Tossing and turning, her breathing becomes more ragged by the minute.


Only he is awake to sense the fear and confusion surging from her. With one claw, he gently pats her head, for as much good as it will do...


When lucille awakens, it is not in the still air of the inn. Gone is the creaking wood boards, gone is the relative silence, replaced by cold, solid stone and a familiar fervor of wildlife. The crackle of a fire fills the space, the scent of cooking meat wafting through the air. The texture of the clothes but in the Cape world are replaced by the unmistakable sensation of raw hide and furs.


Disoriented, she clicks her tongue, and realizes there is another presence...


"Lucille? Youuu Who~ you okay? You kinda... blanked out there for a minute."


The twin weights of confusion and horror fill her stomach, as she nigh instantly recognizes the voice.


"A...Avada... no...how.... no, I...I..." she scrambles back, falling off the rough stone and hitting her head on the cave's floor


"Whoa, Careful! Here," a hand takes hers, all too real. With a surprisingly gentle strength, the other girl pulls her back to sitting position, her fingers brushing the newly formed bruise on lucille's head. Somehow, the rational part of her mind finally seizes control back from the terrified animal, forcing herself to calm. That...that fall... it hurt all too much. Her touch was all too tangible. This air, the sounds, even the beating of the other girl's heart- especially the beat of her heart - all of them indistinguishable from reality. From how she remembered. 


Except she didn't remember. She... she remembered sitting here, yes, sharing food over this fire, yes. But she had never fallen back then. Never hit her head like now. Avada had never been this close to her.


"It's not a memory then... but... it feels too real... it can't just be a dream. But what else could it be..."


"Doesn't look too bad- definitely seen worse. Just to make sure though... follow my finger, alright?"


"I'm blind." It's two very simple words to respond with, but at the moment she truly does struggle to come up with anything else


"Good to see your head's not scrambled then~" the girl giggles "be a shame too, I'd hate if you forgot what we were just talking about or something..."


Her own heart skips a beat. Yes, she remembers. The ritual... the accursed, wretched ritual... 


"I... I know you aren't sure about it but, come on... it's probably the best chance I'll ever have, without diving into one of those stupid ruins, and it's not like I got much to lose..."


"Your life." 


"Well, yeh..." The girl admits, rubbing her arm. Lucille can hear the flaking skin, the same type of rash on the girl's face, arranged almost like a butterfly in flight,      "but... when was my life ever safe? When was yours? This world... it's not kind to people like us. You know how it us, just as much as I do. The way I see it, I could do here, while you're trying to help me, yeah. But I'm a lot more likely to die just trying to stay fed or find the cure by myself, down there."


Lucille thumbs the galdur seed in her vestments. Once, its presence during this deliberation had only been another peice of the uncertain puzzle- the looming question of whether one, or both, of them would regret this. Now, it was like hot fire, biting, tearing into her very being. A weight that if she let it, would kill one of them and leave the other wondering- what if...


"...Do you hear that?"


"No, hear what?"


They call to her. As she sits there, dreading the prospect of killing this same girl twice, she finally manages to hear it. Cells. Cells organized into tissues, tissues into organs, and organs into complex systems- complex systems that make up the greater whole of the living organism. Like an alien melody that lured her ever closer with it's honeyed notes. Almost instinctively, Lucille reached out, not realizing how close she was to Avada's face before her fingers brushed on the butterfly rash. The calling only grew stronger


"L-lucille? Um...what are you?"


She ignores her. Mind, body, soul, all focusing on the voice of the cells, on their song. She pours over every inch of it's composition, checking note after note, and before long, she finds it. The place that is out of tune. Horribly, horribly out of tune. And it disrupts the entirety of the melody following it. 

     She does not hesitate. She does not falter. She assaults the offending notes with every once of her being, slicing, slaying, banishing them from the melody, that the proper ones might take their place. The melody resists, but she persists. She feels a gentle heat beneath her hand, feels a thrum in her chest, one that radiates out and terminates in her digits with an electric tingle. And she wills that tingling thrum, that gentle warmth, to wash over Avada as well.

     For several moments, Avada does not breath. Not even realizing the breath she holds, as the surge of power runs rampant through her body- a sensation beyond describing in any of the mortal tongues. Like merciless hounds, it goes to work, and soon, there is a tingle, and a burn... a burn that is somehow soothing, cleansing, like the radiant fires of a thousand splendid suns purging the curse of her blood. 


And it is strongest where the rashes occur.




Lucille does not answer yet. The last of the bad notes are nearly gone. The sensation fades from Avada's body. The rampant pain is gone, the feeling of her being slowly torn asunder from the inside out with it. The butterfly rash is gone, as is the one on her face. Lucille does not withdraw her hand though.


"...I... I don't know exactly. I... just heard them calling out, did what came to me..."  Something warm trails down her cheek. "But... it doesn't matter. I think you're gonna be fine now. Let's just... just stay like this for a little while longer... okay?"


"Um...o-okay... yeh, sure."



Trick training: 19 vs 2,
Quality: 92,
(WTF Lucille?)


Lucille gains:


Immune Alteration(fluff pending): By focusing her power Lucille can cause temporary or permanent changes in a biological subject's immune system.  Effects range from becoming immune, resistant, or vulnerable to a specific type of status effect, altering a body's reaction to certain foreign matter, or any other alterations of the immune system(such as causing a body to attack itself).  She must make an Ess check(difficulty based on desired effect) to alter unwilling targets or make permanent changes.  Temporary changes last three turns.  Permanent changes may only be made outside of combat.


"Wooop?" She's... smiling? Despite the tears rolling down her cheek, soaking the pillow, yes, Zoidberg is not mistaken. She truly does smile. The lobster pulls his claw away, satisfied that whatever nightmare it was has passed. Soon enough, he curls up and joins the others in their slumber.

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Onyx nods, stretching out a little.


"Yes, I can use it on others, though I'll warn you it's a little uncomfortable until you get used to it. It'd probably be better to use a Water version, but I don't have that right now."


When questioned about returning back to town, she'd lean over to pick up her dress from earlier, doing her best to shake off most of the dirt and fold it up for easier carrying.


"Yes, that sounds nice. I need to find somewhere to settle down for the night and do some experiments."

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The night presses on with little worth note and soon enough the early morning comes and the birds start singing.
Breakfast at the tavern is similar to what it was yesterday, though over all the place seems a little bit cleaner and nicer.

During breakfast several people note on a strange chattering sound that can be heard from the rafters, no one seems to be able to locate the source.

The weather outside is clear and cool, almost no clouds in the sky.


Characters get +1 to their first roll today due to better sleeping conditions.


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 Arminius is internally grateful as he walks down to the bathing area. He hadn't taken a bath last night so this was as good a time as any to do so. He put down an invisible sight ward and wadded into the water, ready to wash up for the day.

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Before sleeping, Rivers spends some time studying the Eternal Ice core she'd been given, spending quite some time getting used to its magic, before experimentally beginning to extract that magic into a nodule of Raw Ice Essence, ending up with an uneven, blocky chunk of ice-blue crystal.




In the morning, she goes looking for the man who'd given her the ice in the first place, to show him the crystal and see if he could provide any more for her to experiment on.

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Last Night


Satomi shot a glare at Jun that was, frankly, furious, the humiliated blush still firmly rooted on her face, but she then sighed and shifted the small load of laundry in her arms so that it was over her chest, blocking the... phenomenon that Jun had pointed out from view. Then she began stomping off towards the village. Though this naturally kept her with the other two, she didn't seem to want to say anything, instead staring at the ground as she walked towards the village, scowling the whole way. Rivers was fine, but that damn Jun had gone out of her way to make what should have been supremely comfortable not so. She'd known she'd been right not to trust the Scorpion-like woman, but she hadn't guessed that Jun would do all of that.



Back in the village, Satomi had managed to make it up to her room in the inn without being harassed by anyone else, and then had hung her inner robe and koshimaki to dry out the window. This led to her sitting in her room for a while, her daisho laid gently and carefully in the corner as she now just sat on top of the inn room's bed (strange compared to the futons she was used to). Despite the embarrassment of her time bathing, Satomi did have to admit that she was much more comfortable now, sitting here. It wasn't just that she was more comfortable, either: she also realized that she had something she had been sorely missing lately: an opportunity for a night of sleep where she wasn't bone-exhausted, and an actual order of events in the future. That was... very nice, actually. It also meant that she had the energy and time to center herself, to consider her situation, and to reflect upon her Duty. Satomi didn't know how to meditate, but this... would probably be good enough.


Satomi Kaiu was a samurai of the Crab Clan, and of the Kaiu family. Her job in Rokugan was to build up the defenses of the southern border, so that the looming threat of the Shadowlands did not consume Rokugan. The Kaiu Wall, the siege weapons, the mechanical devices, the purpose of all of it was to protect the very existence of Rokugan and its inhabitants from annihilation and corruption. The strength of the mountain lies at its base was the motto of the Kaiu family, and while it was rather grand, that grandeur was well-justified by the fact that it was true. The situation Satomi was in now was, of course, very similar, and she'd known that from the start, but she hadn't had the time before to put it into words and think about it. So Satomi started to mutter to herself, comparing, with the goal of putting her new Duty in the very center of her being. 


"Rokugan is under siege by the Shadowlands. The many realms are under siege by the Trespassers. The Crab Clan tirelessly defends Rokugan from its enemies. The teams of heroes from the realms tirelessly defend the multiverse from its enemies. The realms and Rokugan are the same, like this. These teams and the Crab Clan are the same, like this. The strength of the mountain lies at its base. I am still in a mountain, just a mountain of infinite scale. But no matter how large the mountain, the strength of the mountain lies at its base. I am a piece of the base of the mountain. I am a piece of the base of the mountain, and as I strengthen myself, and as I strengthen the worlds around me, as I aid those around me, I strengthen the base. If I strengthen the base, I strengthen the mountain. And the mountain must be strengthened against its besiegers. I must put my heart, mind, body and soul into strengthening the base of the mountain. It is my Duty. It is my Duty!" Satomi slammed her fist into her open palm, to punctuate the fire she'd worked up into herself. To protect the worlds, to protect Rokugan, it was all the same, the same kind of mountain and the same kind of base.


Training: 14 vs 11, Luck: 79, Nothing special happens, Satomi gains 1 Ess.




...of course, Satomi actually a little bit of time before she was likely to have to go to sleep, so even though she’d just kind of capped her day off by dramatically centering herself on her duty, she’d find herself something else to do until the time genuinely came for her to sleep. Satomi hated wasting time, usually, because wasted time was time she could have spent learning something or doing something to further her Duty. Satomi hummed out a long, quiet ”Hmmmm...” to herself as she tried to figure out what exactly to do, though.


She had that shield, though, didn’t she? The one she had taken from the body of one of the humanoid oni back in that one realm they had briefly visited by portal. The shield was a piece of gaijin equipment, Satomi knew that much even though she hadn’t had any contact with gaijin before this whole incident. But she wasn’t actually sure how to use it, besides try to get it in front of weapons (and that was about as simplistic and useless as “hit the enemy with your katana” as a description of kenjutsu, she suspected). Satomi also suspected that there was something more to this shield than what met the eye, but she also suspected she’d had to learn how to use it to discover it - the nature of many a weapon in Rokugan was lost on those who had never used it, after all.


So Satomi thought up a way to train herself in its use. She managed to prop her Perfection Crossbow up and tie a string to its trigger so that she could shoot at herself with it, and then she took the wakizashi and carefully hacked the heads off of a box’s worth of bolts (she wasn’t looking to shoot herself to death) before loading it in. She grabbed the shield off of the ground, prepared to block a bolt, tugged at the string, and promptly completely failed to prevent a headless rear half of a bolt from thumping into her gut. Ow! Okay, that wasn’t going to wound her, but it did hurt. But that was just incentive, right...? With a pensive expression, Satomi tied the string to her shoulder so too strong a twitch or jerk back upon being hit would launch another bolt half at her, and got to work.


Several minutes (and multiple little forming bruises) later, Satomi hadn’t actually managed to adopt any deep secret within the shield. But what she HAD done was manage to teach herself to reflexively use the shield to block things, and that was actually pretty exciting on its own — few samurai in Rokugan (excepting the Mantis and Unicorn Clans) had likely spent as much time with gaijin equipment as she now had, and that knowledge and skill was fascinating even though she was still just a novice with them. Satomi could now go to sleep satisfied (for now)... but also still furious with Jun, that wasn’t going to end any time soon.


Training: 10 vs 6,
Luck: 64,

Satomi's practice with the shield goes quite well and she gets fairly adept as raising the shield quickly from her side, but she feels there is more to be learned.
Level 2: The first time the user takes damage in the round they reactively raise the shield, reducing any further incoming damage by 50% until their next action or the end of the round.  Only activates automatically once per round.  Training again with this item with at least 10 Int may unlock another effect.



The Morning

Satomi rolled out of the inn’s bed blearily, let her feet touch the floor, and then she got up and started to put herself together largely automatically (most any Crab Clan samurai was capable of this, as stationing along the wall doesn’t allow cozy hours). Satomi grabbed her nagajuban robe and koshimaki skirt from where she’d hung them to dry last night, wrapped them around her body, and then her kimono around them. She tied her obi sash around the kimono, took a few minutes to get her daisho and armor on and get her miscellaneous pieces of gear hanging properly off of her armor, a couple of straps, and her obi, and then thusly finally situated she headed downstairs for a quick breakfast, concluded with a curt payment to the tavernkeeper.


She was going to get down to business today, and that meant she needed to get the preliminary pieces of it done immediately. Specifically, this meant that she was going to find the “golem” maker (Leo, she remembered his name, one of now two other extradimensional travelers she’d met here), and she was going to try to get him to make laborer golems for her as he had touted his ability to do: for the walls, she would need labor.

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After the meeting leo went to bed, as he laid there he tried to recall frigid shock again, to no avail. It was till pretty fuzzy.
"Uhgggg forget it, Ill figure it out in the morning. wake me up for breakfast ok?"

"Got it, I should wake up from my cycle around that time anyways."

"Good Night, don't forget we have lots of work to do Tommrow."

So leo went to bed, snow activated her sleep cycle, and the night passed on.
Snow woke up first, All system checks were completed, no anomalies detected, and she rebooted without incident. Once awake she checked the time and woke leo up.


Leo came down the stairs to the tavern, rubbing his hand where snow had blasted it with cold when he wouldent wake up, and grabbed a plate of food. Sitting down to eat.

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Satomi approached the boy and his artificially intelligent weapon. She had already finished her meal by this point, but she did have business with Leo she intended to complete, so she sat down across from him. ”Hello, Leo. I wanted to talk to you about your role in the defense construction. You mentioned during the meeting with the dryad that you were capable of making golems to help the construction process, and since I am going to be working on the walls today, I want you to make some laborer golems for me so that I can have some reasonable manpower to actually physically get them built.” 

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Leo take a break from eating and mumbling to himself in some language Satomi dosent understand and looks up at her.

"Oh, right. Mmmm"

He taps the table, thinking.
"The basics should do just fine. Ill shape some rocks up into golems and set them to work. You shouldn't need anything advanced to get the wall together....unless you have any special request?"

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Satomi puts her hands together on the table, interlacing her fingers. ”The only requirement I have for the golems is that they be capable of following my orders exactly, and be capable of doing so in a pattern. The wall’s construction will be precise, and once I begin to work on the mountings, battlements, wood, and scaffolding, it may become fairly complex. I won’t be needing the golems able to make decisions, but I do need them to be able to construct as I tell them to construct.”

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"Twenty it is then!"
He takes the last few bits of his food before standing up

"Come on, lets go get them set up"

Without waiting for her, he heads outside and starts looking around. While doing that he also starts saying something Satomi dosent understand and points his hand up at the sky...

Ice forms just above his palm, crackling with electricity, and rockets off.
Leo stops and looks at his hand.....then sighs
"This should not be that hard"
"At least you got something usefull out of it"



Trick Training: 5 vs 13, (third attempt)
Quality: 73,
Random Blitz: 93,

Leo thinks that he's got it for sure this time, no way this could go wrong.  When he tests the spell(out doors of course, with a clear area so he won't hit anyone) it does...something, not exactly what he intended though.

Ice Shock: The user fires a shard of ice that trails lightning from their hand at a single target, the target takes 1d6+[Syn] cold/electric damage and suffers a [Int]/2 Init debuff.  Deals a critical hit for 2x damage if the target is covered in a liquid such as water or flammable oil.  Cooldown of one turn, costs two mana to activate.

Leo resumes his search while snow explains to Satomi that hes been trying to remember a spell that lets him form clouds and call down lightning strikes, but has forgotten some of it. Apparently his last attempt made rain, but dident get cold enough for lightning, while this one got cold enough, but was to close and became to condensed.

Eventually leo finds what he is looking for. A large boulder and some scattered rocks around it.

"This should do"


The rocks glow as he cast shape solid, they form into human looking solid shapes, then leo cast the most basic of golem magic on them.
Programming them as cores, and giving them animated bodies. A quick addition of basic wireless connectivity allows snow to confirm there functionality, and boom! A set of 20 smooth humanoids stand before them, like glowing animate statues.



Shape Solid quality: 79,
Golem quality: 91,

Leo makes 20 stone worker golems that can act as basic untrained labor in mass crafting.


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Satomi inspected each of the animate statues, lightly sweeping her fingers across some of them, and once she had looked over each of them like this, she nodded at Leo. ”As far as I can tell, these are sound. I will come and tell you how effectively they fared after I begin construction on the first wall.”

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Lucille is still lying there, as the morning rays peircing through the window. Though they fall directly on her eyelids, she doesn't both trying to turn over or pull the blanket over head. She knows that moment is gone. She knows she will likely never have it again. Yet she clings to its remnants regardless. Refuses to let it fade into nothing, as easily motes of dust swept passing through the morning rays. 

    Whether it was a dream, a phantasm across the very fabric of space and time itself, or something even more bizarre entirely, she doesn't care. So tightly does her heart clutch that alternate route, as if by some massive feat of desperation she can substitute it for the past she has already known. As if it can undo what was already writ in stone and sealed by folly. But alas, it is not so. Eventually, she lets go of it, resigning herself to the fate she has already chosen- for both of them.


But dreaded it though she did, much to her surprise... the memory of the dream does not fade once she does. The touch of her skin is still all too real. The sound of her heart. The thrum of the power that she summoned from... somewhere to save her. She still frets thought, for the next few minutes. Afraid it was too good to be true. Afraid that if she got up from this spot, tossed covers off and went about her day, this precious little moment of time would be gone, and she'd never find it again. 

     And then, for the briefest of moments... something tosses her hand. grabs it tightly, holds it. Nothing is there, no one is there, she knows it. Yet it's precisely as how she did. The same reassurance through nothing more than a gentle squeeze- gentle strength. Strength that for all the power a god could wield, she still somehow lacked. But it was her strength that let her ponder that maybe, just maybe... she had indeed saved Avada. That she had made it right with her. Or at least, some version of her, somewhere, somehow. In a place and a time she may never know again. Perhaps this was her farewell... and somehow, Lucille felt that she'd never be able to forget what occured last night, if she could've even fathomed wanting to forget. 


"Mreow?" Something course and cold brushes her hand. The cat drake purs softly; she can sense his unease a mile away. With a scratch behind the ear, she tries to comfort him


"I'm... I'm fine. Well, I will be. Don't worry."


He withdraws as she gets up. She can feel the trails long dried tears have left, and she doesn't imagine she looks that well, despite her words. The thought of tidying up just a little comes to her; there was no point going for a full bath in the river, she had already cleaned off the grime and blood of yesterday's battles after she'd made Zoidberg. But a few splashes of water to the face will probably help to clear her head regardless. 


"She wants me to keep going... and she's right. I've probably wasted  more than enough time already."



Before long, the sound of the river draws closer. She looks for no spot in particular, simply for the one closest to town- though the moment she manages to pinpoint it from the sound of shifting rapids, she realizes that she's not alone. She stops about 30 paces from the source of the splashing, recognizing the general sound map as humanoid. If she weren't blind, perhaps she would've been blushing at the situation. As it was though, there wasn't even a hint of embarrassment on her face as she called out...

   "I see someone's up early."


a figure of speech, of course, given well....

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Arminius hadn't bothered turning to face the intrusion. He had already seen her coming thanks to his ward. It only took closing his eyes to conjure up the image. That said, he doesn't bother covering himself. He was already waist deep and the girl was blind. Not that he'd really bother if anyone else was there, they're all adults and it's not like they shouldn't have seen this by now. He does straighten up before he speaks up though.

"Hey. Yeah, I typically get up at the crack of dawn. Gives me time to set up traps and stuff before enemies start moving. Why are you up though?"

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Leo nods. "I look forward to it. If you need anymore help come see me and ill see what I can do. In the mean time, I have a few projects of my own to work on."
He shapes up a table and some chairs and has frostbrute carry them back, setting up shop so to speak outside of the blacksmith shop. Laying matrials out on the table and looking them over.

Recalling that the Toshiro had been working on something here last night he steps inside, to see if he is there.

"Hey, anyone here?"

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