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[IC] TotM:DC "Terraria: A fresh start"


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When Toshiro awoke the sun was just beginning to rise. Immediately he got dressed and headed outside with his two blades for his daily morning warm up. He kept doing practice swings out behind the Inn until the aroma of a prepared breakfast signaled his completion. Once his finished his meal he headed immediately to the forage and adorned a blacksmith's apron and tied a handkerchief over his head. Before he could get started on working with the metal Leo had walked in,  "Greetings, I was just about to forge a blade with this metal over here. You're free to watch so long as you keep quite and don't interfere. Ha ha ha." The fishman chuckled waving towards the man.

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"Had a lot to think about." she answers. She closes the rest of the distance and kneels upstream of Arminius, cupping some water in her hands and splashing it on her face "Something I wasn't proud of. Something I never thought I'd get another chance at. One that I'm glad I did though." as she washes the dried tears and the salt away, it's easy for him to see how red her eyes are. She stays quiet for a few moments more, as she finishes wiping it all away. Before long she stands again, hair hanging in dripping wet clumps, but seeming to have few damns to give about it.

     "Traps won't be enough to stop them, you know. The way things sounded, as prepared as they are to storm this place and kill everyone, walls probably won't do the job either. No... no... I think what they need, is to suffer a blow so debilitating, there's no chance for them to recover in time. Their little march from the sea needs to become a living hell that few of them will survive. Hmph, it's almost ironic really. I have more than a few ideas how to do just that- but I need a genetic sample from them to do it. And I can't get any until the buggers actually get here, and it'll already be too late..."

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"Aye, we have three ingots in total. Jun and I are planning on making some blades with the stuff, but enough talk lets get to the interesting part!" Toshiro then took and ingot and placed in the red hot forge and waited for the metal to get hot enough to soften and start forming it... and waited............. and waited....................... During this time he occasionally tested the metal to reform it but nothing happened. He put the forge on maximum heat but still nothing. It wasn't until his last hit triggered something in the steel.


Crafting: 7.5(5+2.5) vs 11,
Quality: 26,
Random Blitz: 3,


As Toshiro takes a single Tainted Alloy ingot and puts it into the forge it occurs to him that they have absolutely no clue what sort of temperatures are needed to melt or soften it, nor how to properly temper it.


As time passed the metal gets hotter and hotter but each time he tries Toshiro fails to notably deform it in any way.
As the metal heats to what he predicts is the maximum temperature of this forge it goes through a sudden shift, causing Toshiro to drop it when he tries to remove it to strike.  It falls to the ground with a dense thud and sends a bolt of dark energy into Toshiro's upper left arm.  The pain is agonizing and sends Toshiro to the ground as well.


When the pain subsides and Toshiro comes too he(and anyone around him) finds nothing amiss with his arm and that the metal has deformed ever so slightly where it hit the ground on its corner.


In order to complete this craft you need:
A more powerful forge that can reach higher temperatures(Hellforge or equivalent tech boost),
To research and experiment on the metal to better determine its properties(optional, will greatly reduce difficulty and increase quality),
Find a way to nullify the dark energy it releases upon being struck.


A dark energy bolt escaped from the ingot blasting into his arm and launching him onto the floor. He could feel the dark energy coursing through his arm as the pain overwhelmed him. He let out a loud scream of agony, however, it didn't last too long as the dark energy escaped his arm seemed to be just fine. It angered him after all of this effort he was only able to deform the metal slightly.


"Fuck that hurt." The blacksmith muttered shaking his arm to the side,  "Looks like this forage isn't hot enough to melt this damned ingot. If only I had a cold welder I would be able to make something out of this without the need of heat. Though this cursed metal stuff is a bitch to work with as well. Either way, I can't do much with it as of now." The fish was notably angry while speaking, tapping his right foot as he spoke.

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Leo darted over to make sure he was alright, but since he seemed fine, there wassent much to do for that.
He looked over the metal. It defiantly seemed pretty strong.  He tested its mana type and nodded.



Thaum > Tainted Alloy ingot(4 vs 4, 97)  This mana turns into a faintly glowing mass of dark energy that sends a surge of blindingly powerful pain into anything it hits, eventually overloading the nervous system of anything it hits that has one(or an something similar).  A large enough amount of mana may cause mass cell death.

"You might have killed off a few cells, but you should be fine as long as you don't take to much of its energy.
Its power causes large amounts of pain that could potentially overload your system."

Leo looks over it and thinks.
"And i think i know just how to heat it up enough."

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"Im able to create Eternal ice. Which is a perfect insulator. We wrap it up, set it out in the sun, and the light will pass through it and heat the metal, Since eternal ice can't absorb heat, it will become trapped, and the metal will continue to get hotter and hotter the longer it stays trapped in the ice"

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After a rather busy and generally unsatisfying morning that involved almost choking on a sausage that was too big for her mouth, trying and failing to gleam even more information about this world's culture and.... finding her notebook stolen the moment she looked away from it in the suspiciously brand new looking Inn. She then tried to make a belt by herself while she waited for Toshiro to finish smelting her sword, and that.... worked relatively well, by the standards of the day that is. She was well on her way to showing the result to the fish man when she opened the door to the smithery... and found the man on the floor, gripping his arm in pain, and screaming out what to her ears sounded like a generic scream of pain, but could have in all honesty have been fishman for 'FUCK THIS'. 

She let out a sigh before she sat down on a nearby chair and tabled the belt for some other time, "You know on the bright side, if we actually succeed in turning this metal into an actual sword; that wave of agonizing pain when struck thing would be a really useful feature... if we can channel enough mana into it of course."

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"Hmmmm, I gotcha. That just might be crazy enough to work." Toshiro said pounding the side of his right fist into his left palm.  "I say we go for it. Couldn't hurt to try at least." The fish man shrugs.


Once Jun arrived he couldn't help but chuckle at her remark,  "Well, I guess that's one bright side of this." He then remembered something quite important,  "Say Jun, you didn't happen to have done some work on the belt yet have you? I'm eager to see it." He then noticed the belt on the table and grabbed it. He put it on, it was a bit bulky but functional.  "Not bad, I can fix it up when I get some free time. Thanks!" He give a give smile to Jun after he give her his gratitude. 

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"It definitely looks effective."

"A simple core enchantment could give the energy it needs to power the effect, and would also allow us to direct it."


Once the metal cools down, leo wraps it in eternal ice and sits it out in the sun


Crafting: 20 vs 7,
Quality: 31,
Random Blitz: 32,

Leo encases the ingot in Eternal ice and sets it out in the sun, it doesn't explode right away so that's a good start, this will probably take a few hours.(check back in the afternoon)


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Jun slid the admittedly shoddy belt she had made earlier over to Toshiro as she said, "And do you happen to know any other mana effects that would pair well with the weapon? And uhh... you don't happen to have a use for two gallon's worth of potentially poisonous blood taken from a dragon don't you?... or any of its bones and teeth actually."


Dual Blade Belt: Provides two action slots that may only be filled with one-handed bladed weapons and reduces the wearer's Init by 1.

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"Dragon blood and bones? I can't say I keep those things on me." Toshiro looked at the lady questioningly at the lady's request. He then remembered the two silver swords in the armory. Maybe he could use those as a temporary replacement.  "Actually guys I'll be right back. Should only take too long." He waved to the two before heading to grab the two swords.


Once he got to the swords he didn't like they were crafted. He could spare a few moments to form them to fit his fighting style and that he did. 


Crafting: 18 vs 3,
Quality: 6,


Though not his best work, possibly because of the slightly odd properties of the silver, or because of the fact that they were already made into blades.  Either way they're functional and better than what he was using.


Silver Katana: 1d6+2
Silver Wakizashi: 1d2+2 Pure damage.


Well it worked and now he has serviceable blades over the ones he had before. With that out of the way he headed back to the duo to continue what they're doing.

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2 hours ago, Sutoratosu said:

"Had a lot to think about." she answers. She closes the rest of the distance and kneels upstream of Arminius, cupping some water in her hands and splashing it on her face "Something I wasn't proud of. Something I never thought I'd get another chance at. One that I'm glad I did though." as she washes the dried tears and the salt away, it's easy for him to see how red her eyes are. She stays quiet for a few moments more, as she finishes wiping it all away. Before long she stands again, hair hanging in dripping wet clumps, but seeming to have few damns to give about it.

     "Traps won't be enough to stop them, you know. The way things sounded, as prepared as they are to storm this place and kill everyone, walls probably won't do the job either. No... no... I think what they need, is to suffer a blow so debilitating, there's no chance for them to recover in time. Their little march from the sea needs to become a living hell that few of them will survive. Hmph, it's almost ironic really. I have more than a few ideas how to do just that- but I need a genetic sample from them to do it. And I can't get any until the buggers actually get here, and it'll already be too late..."

Arminius shrugs as he goes back to washing up. It seems he had some soap from some place.

"Oh, I know I won't stop them with traps. I won't stop them with the poisonings either. Or killing their leaders, sucking out their essence and putting up the bodies, bombing their supplies, burning their shelter... None of that is to stop them, but every little bit of what I plan is going to make them paranoid, afraid, and weak. And those are all traits you want in an attacking army. I've worked on such things before, probably will do again... But if you need some samples from a goblin, I could help with that."

He pauses and turns to her, frowning slightly.

"But you might need to offer something in return."

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Jun quickly makes a gesture as if to say 'I'll be right back' before she walked back to her room in the inn and brought a container full of deathwyvern blood, one of the deathwyvern's bones, and the one scale she bothered to keep, with her as she walked back to the smithy and placed them all down on the table that Leo was sitting on, "What can you make with bones anyway? And uhh...exactly one middling sized scale."

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"...." She has an almost instinctual feeling she's going to hate whatever is about to come out of the man's mouth next. But like it or not, their gene sequence is crucial to acquire if she had any intention of spawning a creature to hunt them all down one by one, or turn the very environments they'd have to trek through into specifically toxic hell holes that would cull all but the weakest among them...

     "...and just what would that be, pray tell?"

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Arminius shrugs as he gets to washing his hair. After the water is out of his face he speaks.

"I have no clue. She's dumb as shit though so that may influence it. You can ask her yourself."

Arminius snaps his fingers and with a pop Fingers appears on the bank. Before Lucille can even say anything the goblin speaks.

"I wanna' ride da' dragon'."

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Once Calvera awoke, she yawned, and stretched out her back and arms. Today, she had work to do. She swept out of bed, dressing herself, and out the door of the tavern in a hurry. She jogged around the village looking for Satomi, and upon finding her, waved.

"Hey! I had some defense ideas to run by you, if that's okay!"

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"pffffffffffffffffft...is that it?" Lucille chuckles at the demand "please, that's a trifle, I was expecting something far more outlandish- Do!" 


The cat-dragon responds without hesitation, diving into the river before jumping right back just a few moments later. The water coating his coarse fur flash freezes as an aura of cold briefly envelopes him, and he spreads his wings out towards the sun, body glittering with countless scales of ice, sculpted in such a way that his physique is nigh indistinguishable from a full-blooded drake. He saunters back to the girl, circling around fingers as he does.

    "Alright then, how about this- I need a sample of a goblin's physiology; don't particularly care what it is. A bit of blood, some fingernails, a tuft of hair, hell, even something as a bit of spit in a cup would suffice. You give up a sample for me, and Do here will let you take him for a ride. Isn't that right, Do?"


The cat Ice Drake gives a little roar in agreement, guttural and befitting of a draconic beast.


"So... with those conditions out of the way, do we have a deal?"

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The Goblin nods.

"Sure thing Boss! Tell me where to put it and I'll cough it up for ya'!~"

Arminius yells from the river.

"Keep it appropriate Fingers!"

The goblin slumps a little before straightening up with a roll of her eyes. She's very slightly hopping in excitement.

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A certain pigeon coos from on high. She descends from the heavens and lands directly on lucille's head, dropping a small earthenware cup into the girl's hands. It felt rough, plain, no change in texture that told of complex paint schemes. Probably just the first thing the pigeon had found laying around. Either that or she stole it from the barkeeper in the tavern. Actually, considering how quickly the bird got the job done, that's the most likely explanation. Lucille didn't care though, she'd deal with it's return later.

    Lucilles holds the small cup out for the goblin to take "Here, put it in this."


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The Goblin quickly takes the cup and bites her thumb, the cut little fang cutting it so blood drips out into the cup. She hands it back and quickly goes to get onto the Dragon Cat. Meanwhile, Arminius is getting his clothes on, having apparently finished bathing during this little interaction.

"Don't feel to special about Fingers, she wants to ride Kusuke to!"

Arminius shouts at Lucille jokingly.

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Satomi walked out to an area roughly halfway between the village and the northern wall (where Satomi intended to start her work on the village's defenses), made the golems march out with her, leaving them on that spot. Satomi intended to go recruit additional workers from the village, see, but she didn't think it would help her case much if she had a bunch of these golems standing behind her to creep out the villagers. Instead, she would inform the villagers of their existence during recruitment (if she found any success, anyway -- some of these villagers seemed awfully apathetic to their own defense), and combine the group with the golems on the way to the northern wall.


So, putting this hopeful course of events into action, Satomi made her way down to the village center, gathering any of the villagers currently in nearby areas of the village to it if she could, walking into a position where she could see all of them, and then the samurai began to speak. "This is the situation: I am going to begin the biggest project of the defense works. As far as the actual village defenses go it is also going to be the most critical project, because it should be the main line of defense and will be what multiple of our defenses are rooted on strategically and placed around. Leo has created a golem workforce for me, but I am planning to make both of these walls and the defenses atop them before the siege comes, and that is not a terribly long time.


So I need all of the help putting these walls together that I can get -- just the golems probably will not be enough, especially seeing as they are very basic. What I need volunteers to do, and this will be directly working to keep you safe not only from the imminent siege but in the foreseeable future, is to perhaps do some of the manual labor, especially on some of the more complex work, but for the most part just oversee the golems and make sure they are doing their tasks properly -- I will be doing so to some extent myself, but I will also be overseeing the construction on the largest level, as well as doing some of the most precise work myself, so I cannot do all of this oversight myself."

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Do takes off soon afterwards, leaving just her and the others there as Arminius calls out in jest.


"I'm sorry, what?" even she was taken aback by that uh... that little tid-bit. A slight chill runs down her spine, as she tries to shake her head clear of those implications "Uh-huh...I see... then. Is uh... is that a habit of hers? Wanting to...ride things? and people." She takes the cup of blood and gives it to Zoidberg to hold, the lobster gingerly scuttling over to a nice clear patch of dirt. Part of her is suddenly a bit more worried about the cat, and takes a moment to order a relay report. The response comes back nigh instantly as the drake swoops several meters overhead, roaring with the goblin on his back.


All clear... for now. She lets it go for the moment and reaches into her bag, taking out her cane and going to work on the sigil "Actually, speaking of which... you have several more like her, don't you? I sensed what you did after we killed that...giant...eye thing. Do all of them hold the same... inclinations?" 


Why the actual fuck was she asking this? She couldn't even answer it herself, except for, well... she had to admit, some small part of her was morbidly curious, both of whatever the hell this man had been doing to acquire these servants this whole time, and if she needed to take special care to keep Do at a safe distance in the future.

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"No no, Fingers is as innocent as they come now. She's only a goblin, they don't get THAT bold without a group or a Hobgoblin about."

Arminius shrugs. He considers if he should keep this private but decides he might as well just tell her about it.

"Actually, she was claimed while the runes weren't quite perfected. Lost quite a bit of power since she was a shaman rather than a warrior. As for the others... Well, it's their nature as monsters from my world. Rather than getting their fill from murder, fear, eating people, whatever it was that they originally fed on they eat spirit energy. Essence, mana, soul bits, all of those are names for spirit energy on my world. It used to not be all that important actually, until the new Demon King took over. All of a sudden, the monsters were uh... how do I put this? Succubized? Basically they became more like succubi, happens whenever a different monster type becomes the demon king I guess. Anyways, they started to eat like Succubi. It was a real problem for ages, until the Margrave treaties. Anyways, the only way to get spirit energy is from uh, a male's essence so monsters became lewd in response. They're pretty much like humans other than that though. My minions shouldn't be a problem since they get a constant stream of my mana due to our connection, and they're forced to follow my orders so it's not like they could do it even if they wanted to... Uh, I'm sure you have more questions so just ask them now."

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