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[IC] TotM:DC "Terraria: A fresh start"


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"From my understanding of this metal while working with it, it is inert until struck. I don't think it'll just sporadically unleash these jolts." The Fishman adds onto Leo previous statement.  "Though, if this thing is really malicious do not destroy it. Call it a Blacksmith's hunch but there's more we can do with this blade. I had a vision that we can transform this into one free from corrupted energy. Given we are able to get the necessary materials that is. So lets not go throwing this thing into any volcanoes now alright? Ha ha ha!" Toshiro ended lightheartedly, trying to ease the tension with a joke. 

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Having failed to find the person she was aiming to speak to, Rivers instead makes her way to one of the walls, at which point she proceeds to rain heavy stones upon several slimes until they lose cohesion and splatter, then descends upon them to collect their bits.


+22 Gel

+3 Merit


She then spends some time experimenting with the remains of the Slimes and ends up managing to extract some Sparks from them! Who knew, things here at least had a little bit of something close enough to Essence... weird shit, though.


+7 "The Purity" Sparks

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Satomi was silent a moment, her arms crossed as she put what the two had said through her mind and weighed the dangers as she went through the process of coming to a conclusion. Eventually, she spoke again (without, of course, showing the slightest hint of levity at the fish samurai’s joke), without the bellowing fury of only a few seconds earlier, but with that tight simmer of anger still in her voice, even if it had settled slightly. ”Toshiro, the problem is not the spontaneity of the energy. It is the existential threat that the source of the energy provides, and whatever level of control you may for now have is not enough on its own to change anything.


Leo... okay, we will talk to the Dryad, and we will hear what she has to say about this sword. But know this: if I am not convinced that this blade does not pose an active threat, one whose very presence provides the risk of taint for us or which is dangerous enough to endanger this realm, I will do my utmost to see it destroyed, no matter the cost to me, material or physical. If I am not convinced that the blade is free of corruption —not merely contained in some way that some other realm’s magics may undo— then I will do my utmost to ensure it does not leave this world. Do you understand?”

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"I just want to point out that nobody, at any point, told me this was some sort of weird-ass demon sword." Kusuke had been slowly edging backward as the confrontation went on. He wasn't too fond of being roped into something like this; while he didn't share the magnitude of Satomi's concern, it was definitely still something to think about. "And, uh, generally one doesn't want to trust visions you get from cursed or demonic artifacts. Not that there are a lot of those where I'm from, it just seems like common sense."

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At just that moment the Dryad rounds the corner of the Blacksmith's shop and almost walks into Leo.  She has a slightly concerned look on her face, but is mostly just surprised.

"Oh sorry.  I'm glad you're still here though, I had to step away for a second to deal with something.  I heard screaming on my way back, is everything alright?"

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"Yeah, I was just about to go looking for you. See toshrio and I made this sword"
He holds up the object in question.
"But Satomi freaked out, because shes worried about the sword's magic. We made it from an alloy that toshrio made from the two metals from the Giant eye, and some stuff jun gave him. Now my pelimary test suggested it LACKED a corruptive influence, but in the interest of calming her down, and verifying its not going to throw corruption and crimson everywhere when we take it to some other world, we were going to ask you to take a look and see what you think."


Leo then describes the effect of the metal, compared to what he found testing the other ignots, and how it reacts when struck. Along with explaining the magic he put into it and what it does.

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The Dryad listened to Leo's explanation, occasionally sighing or glancing over to the frothing rage that was Satomi.

"Well despite your foolishness in meddling with such things you're very lucky.  Metals from the Corruption and Crimson rarely have the capacity to spread their taint.  Instead they act like reservoirs for dark energy.  There have been a couple instances of things made from Crimtane or Demonite that spread taint, but those things were very deliberately made for that purpose."
She looks at the blade for a second longer.

"For everything I know it won't bring about the destruction of the world by spreading the Corruption or Crimson.  If you can bear actually using it on anything."

She turns to Leo and Toshiro with a disappointed look.

"You got lucky.  But for all our sakes be a little more careful next time, or even better just don't do it again."

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"I assume the remaining ignots of this metal should also be fine to work with? You know, as long as we don't design it to spread the dark magic everywhere?"


"Hey don't forget the vision."
"Oh right. toshrio had some kinda vision. Ill let him talk to you about it, we figured you might know something"


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"'I got lucky this time, so I'm going to start doing the exact same thing again.' Fucking hell, man, you'd better hope I'm around to clean up the mess. Which is all I'll be doing from this point forward, by the way, if you keep messing with this shit." Kusuke shook his head, and began to walk away. To where? He didn't really know. Somewhere people were less suicidally insane, hopefully. 

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One of the comments that the Dryad made caught Satomi's attention, and the still very grim-faced samurai spoke up then. The anger had mostly died from her voice, but there was still of course not even a mere trace of levity in her voice as she spoke. "You say that it acts as a reservoir of dark energy... so what I want to know is this: is the corruptive power of the Taint not present, or is it merely something that is contained and which could be potentially released by an unfortunate reaction with some other world's magics or energies? We have had at least one terrible incident occur because of something much like that," and even if they never one day rescued her, Satomi would always remember Somatotrope, "and I will not allow one involving Taint to occur."

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"I mean, I assumed she meant we got lucky with the metal itself. Since it dident blow up when it was made or anything crazy."


"Its pretty obvious she meant don't mess with in general, Idiot."

Snow turns to others "He gets like this, just ignore him until his ability to think returns"

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The Dryad goes a little wide eyed at Leo's follow up, she was hesitating to answer when Satomi asks her question.  The Dryad took the opportunity of the distraction.

"The energy is there, but the energy isn't what spreads the Taints.  They spread by exploiting the natural order of life, grow, death, and decay.  I can't speak on the magic of other worlds, though if you're worried about it take this."

She pulls out a small pale blue sack full of silvery white powder.

"It cleanses the Corruption and Crimson from anything recently converted.  So if I'm wrong somehow this ever does spread you can undo the damage."

Leo spoke up again and the Dryad turned back to him.

"Look.  I con't stop you from meddling with the Corruption and Crimson, but at least have the decency to build a containment area or do it outside of the village and keep the purification powder I gave you nearby in case anything goes wrong.


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"Good Idea. Mmm might also help prevent any mishap with other things to...Something portable?"
Leo brings up his computer and starts typing something as a keyboard made of hard light appears for him.

"A collapsible force field generator is a good start, and something to get rid of anything that goes wrong..."
He continues to mutter to himself while snow turns to the dryad.

"Sorry about him, Hes as thick as he is curious. I think he already has plans for today, but tommrow, could you maybe see about teaching him more about the magic you use to counter the corruption? If hes going to be working with the stuff, Its a good idea to have a counter measure, and it might help him keep whatever he DOES make stable."

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"Also side note, do you know if there is any merit to my previous vision?" Toshiro asked the Druid scratching his head.  "It involved someone near an alter of some sort with 4 swords. Those swords being this new one we forged, a blade of ice, a shining blade of light and a blade of strong winds and lightning."

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"Kh." Satomi let out an undeniable scoff of displeasure as the situation seemed to resolve itself without any action being taken on her part to get rid of the damnable taint-sword, but she then reached out and took the sack of powder from the Dryad, placing it into her obi. "I will be checking up on whatever situations may be arising with that thing, even if it means I have to deal with Jun far more than I would like, and if it calls for action I will take action. But for now... I have spent enough time screaming at you. I can only hope you do not go further down this terrible path, and that you do not fuck us all over with it. Take care to avoid that -- the Taint is NOT a toy. REMEMBER THAT. Now I must go take care of my plans to go mining -- we need stone for the southern wall."


Satomi headed out, then, the frown still fixed on her face -- she did have mining to do, and it would do her well to do it with Kusuke there to provide her with his usual aid.

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Leo looks up from his mumbling and calls after satomi as she leaves, "Ill send some mineing drones to you later, should be handy" before typing a few more things. Apparently satisfied he puts his arm down, the computer going back to sleep, and turns to toshrio.


"I have things to work on, can you give the sword to jun?"

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"I think I can do that, if he's willing to listen."

The Dryad replied to Snow before turning to answer Toshiro.

"I wouldn't trust visions granted by a strange and dark sword if I were you, I doubt anything good will come of it."

With that the Dryad turned away and started walking towards the village center.

"I've got some other business to attend to, I'll be around later if anyone needs me."

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Leo now having a design figured out heads out and finds some old stone bricks laying around, and gets to work on them shaping them in a few different small forms, and having frostbrute carry them back to his table. From there he gets started on the functions, and programming. Freezeing water and his last healing potion, casting eternal ice on the former, In addition to some normally cold ice, he also creates negative K eternal ice, and rigs it so one of the golems can use it to fire plasma blast. He also includes his eater bone shard, and a chip of ruby. Then of course there was the iron. This project called for quite a lot of iron and made quite a dent in his supply.

"Make sure the track works right...."
The collapsible ring, the force field generator slid in and out of itself easily.

 Soon enough, he had all the parts just like he wanted them, and started programming. Laying the enchantments and createing his new assistants. Before finally... 

"The units are online and fully functional."



Quality: 63,
Int craft(ruby): 11 vs 9,
Luck: 96,

Leo manages to create a small chip of ruby.
He spends [4] mana super-cooling the ice.
He finds a pile of small discarded stone bricks to use in the creation of the golems.


SCP Lab Golems:
Disposal: a small stone golem equipped to destroy experiment samples with Death mana, Life mana, Fire, Ice, and/or Plasma blasts.  It can control each element separately.

Prevention:  a small stone golem that possesses a large ring it uses to create a containment force field.

Protection: another small stone golem that can generate large shields of force to protect bystanders and create small beams of healing mana.

Recovery: a small stone golem that primarily takes action to recover any lost experiments or wounded parties.

Monitor: a small floating stone golem that watches situations and takes action commanding it's linked golems when Leo and/or Snow are unable.

Each golem ends up roughly the size of a small dog when in "transport" mode.
The golems have the ability to operate separately or to combine into proportionally larger golems with the capabilities of their component parts.


-2 PP, -1 healing potion, Iron pile is now a small iron pile, ruby ring is now chipped ruby ring.




The golems Clamor over each other. Protection acts as the torso, while disposal forms two right arms, by attaching to protection's arm. Its "Eye" looking directly down at its somewhat spindly manipulators. Protection keeps its more humanoid left arm, recovery latches onto the legs, using its own to increase the standing height. Its box now about where the hips would be. Prevention is above that, clinging to the back, where is basicly acts as a glorified mount for the force field ring. monitor latches on to the top and acts as the over all "head" of the creation. 


Leo steps back to admire his work.

"Dosent that seem a  little unnecessary?"

Leo simply shrugs. Before moveing on to his next project. He still has time, and would like to get this done before the afternoon.


Its a bit of a rush to get the stone together and do the programming, but before you know it, he has a small work force of twenty humanoid golems with boxes on there backs, and iron pick shaped claws on there hands.



Craft: 18 vs 18,
Quality: 50,
Golem quality: 52,

Leo's in a bit of a rush, but he manages to scrape together the parts and slap them into functioning golems.

Mining Golem(x20):
Can be sent mining to collect valuables, loot, or stone.  They can carry up to three item types and will prioritize the most valuable/rare items they find first unless told otherwise.  How long it takes for them to return depends on a luck roll and the rarity of what they're looking for.  They come equipped with rudimentary tracking/mapping capabilities.  They can dig through stone very slowly and softer materials.  They have poor combat performance and will avoid it where possible.

Leo's "Small pile of iron" is now "Scrap Iron(x2)".

-1 pp


Leo then promptly Sends Half of them to Satomi

8 of the remaining ten are then sent to gather Stone, gems, and metal for him. With no particular orders on what kinds to grab. The reaming two, stay by his side for later.

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Kusuke had a few moments to clear his head a bit. He almost wished he had a few more Nazis to beat up, but unfortunately(?) there were no real criminal elements to speak of about. Well, the arms dealer was a bit sketchy, but it'd be a bit much to assume he was a criminal and act from there. He might've gone out to find one of the local monsters to hunt instead, and in fact was starting to lean in that direction when Satomi emerged from the smithy looking about as chipper as one could expect from dealing with the ones still within.


"Did you manage to get the Idiot Brigade to disband yet, or are they still coming up with new and inventive ways to kill their teammates?" He gave a somewhat rueful smile, trying to make light of the unending frustration that this group seemed to offer up at times.

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Well, at least Satomi had managed to find Kusuke quickly enough. She was losing daylight thanks to that argument, and that was something she didn’t have time for. Still, she supposed it did behoove her to at least tell him the results of the latter end of it. ”I got confirmation that that sword ISN’T a Taint outbreak waiting to happen, and then the dryad also gave me powder in the event that something goes wrong, which is about the safest thing I believe I can expect. I’m still going to keep an eye on them where I can, though.” Finished with that explanation, Satomi bowed briefly to Kusuke. ”I have a favor to ask of you, Kusuke-san. Could you provide me with aid in mining stone? The northern wall used all that we have, which was not even quite enough, and I would not like to rely on concrete for these walls if it is possible, so I’m going to spend the rest of this morning morning stone. Your aid would be deeply helpful and would be much appreciated. ...er, and then I apologize, but you would probably also be useful later when I do woodwork for the northern wall; the golems will be working on the stonework for the southern wall during that time.”

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"I'm trying to do my best to be helpful today, and unless you've decided to build the wall out of high explosives or something it's probably less likely to result in me being seriously injured than helping anyone else. I don't think you've gotten the sudden urge to emulate the rest of the party, anyway." He stretched his arms a bit. "What kind of help are you looking at needing? I can probably just help break rocks, but I feel like there's a faster way we could do that. Maybe jackhammers? You were asking about those earlier, and I don't remember the specifics on how they work but I'm pretty sure we could figure them out. Just need a power source, really."

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Satomi paused and put two fingers to the bridge of her nose, her hair swaying as she bent her head down slightly, a look of consideration on her face. "Hmm... I was planning to simply mine, but considering that Leo has said some of his less horrific creations will be helping with that, I suppose there isn't that much point in us contributing that manual labor... yes, if a power source were provided I am confident that I would be able to devise a chassis around it, even if I don't have any experience with these jackhammers -- it's merely a matter of providing focused, directional force repeatedly, and if we can get the thing that provides the impetus behind that then I have enough skill with mechanical things, if I may say so myself, to build something around it. ...but Rokugan doesn't have much in the way of power for me to have precedent with, and I suspect that simply spring-powering it would be inefficient and difficult. Do you have any suggestions for power sources?"

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"We could see if the materials to build some kind of engine. This place has a lot of ambient magic, but I unfortunately don't remember much on how Magic Formula engines work. . ." He frowned for a moment. He could have sworn that he did, but he had no idea why he would think such a thing. He'd never studied up on it. . . Maybe he had, and he just didn't remember right now. "There's also combustion or steam engines, which someone around might actually know how to make one of those. I could try to stick a set of springs into that weird time-vibrating state, too, that could probably provide some sort of usable power."

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