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[IC] TotM:DC "Terraria: A fresh start"


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Forest Clearing





For the most part, the Forest was as peaceful as it always was. Even with the slime still hopping about, almost happily, and even with the two strange vehicles parked around. There were still dead bodies rotting away at the edge of the clearing, but that was simply nature.


What WASN’T nature was the giant, flaming rock hurtling down from the sky and crashing straight into the forest.


As expected, the crash of the rock was devastating. Trees were both burned and broken apart by the sudden, hot force, entire chunks of the ground being thrown away as the rock crashed into the ground, actually managing to bounce out of it once before crashing back into it. Not even the slimes were safe, as a few were unable to hop out of the way of the rock before it vaporized them. Slowly but surely however, the rock came to a stop, right past the two other ships. Perhaps the strangest thing about the rock, once it stopped, was the random bits of metal covering it, along with the large engines strapped onto the back, which slowly guttered and died.


For almost a straight minute, the rock was utterly silent, remaining still as the last engines died out. Then, one of the metal panels was kicked off, flying several feet through the air before crashing back onto the ground.


With a groan, a rather large, green skinned, humanoid creature crawled his way out of the ship, shaking his head as he looked around, “OI… WAIT…” he muttered loudly, before grinning, straightening from the exit of the ‘ship’ “HAHA! I LIVE! NUMBAH TWO ALWAYZ LANDZ WIFFOUT A PROBLEM! HAHA-” he shouted in victory… Only to be cut off when a giant, metal clawed hand jutted out from the ship, grabbing the creature tightly as an even larger creature pulled himself out, before repeatedly slamming ‘Numbah Two’ into the hull of the ship. After roughly six slams, the bigger creature threw the smaller away.





“TOLD YA I’D ‘AVE YER ‘EAD YA ZOGGIN’ IDIOT!” Azgrurk yelled at the now dead body of his Second in Command. He really needed to get some good pilots, because everytime he got on a ship it always crash landed.


Or maybe Orks weren’t meant to fly, hell if he knew.


With a groan, Azgrurk jumped down from the hole of his ship, his metal legs making a large slamming clank as they hit the floor. Looking around, he noticed several of the slimes that had retreated from the landing sight... And then the other two ships, "OI... DOSE LOOK LIKE 'UMIE SHIPZ..." he commented, turning himself to face the ships, "MUST'A BEEN FOR DEM 'UMIES DAT MESSAGE TOLD ME ABOUT" he added as he began to walk towards the Weatherlight, his footsteps making rather loud clanging sounds as they hit the ground.

Edited by GodofGamingRWBY
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Kusuke, presumably after discussing plans a bit further, decided to head off and try to whip up some of the aforementioned springs.


Crafting: 20 vs 7, Quality: 24

After finding a few suitable pieces of metal Kusuke manages to lock four of them in bending/unbending time loops appropriate for constructing machines with.


Copper Temporal Spring(Low force) x2

Steel Temporal Spring(High force) x2

Satisfied with his results, he brought the springs back to Satomi for her own usage before excusing himself once more. He'd mentioned Magic Element engines, and he'd been pondering them ever since. Somehow, he knew he could build one, in fact he was fairly certain it should be basic to him. He realized two things after some thought; one, that he was fairly certain he did actually remember the basics, and the second was the likely reason why. . . Despite a suddenly blooming headache, he elected to attempt to build one. This world had a lot of ambient magic, so the functionality should be even better than the ones back home.

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Jun had arrived back in town with a half baked plan forming in the back of her mind, a whole lot of information that is largely irrelevant for said plan, and an actually good reason to meet both the Dryad and the Guide once more. She was quite disappointed when she learned that the woman was presently unavailable, but her feelings of disappointment was soon replaced with that of pleasant surprise when she learned from Toshiro that the only thing that went wrong with their attempt at crafting a rapier was the amount of complaints it generated from the more moderate minded people in the group.


The fishman also mentioned something about a vision he saw that involved the rapier and several other weapons being brought to the altar, and she found herself gesturing at her plasma sword and asking, "A blade of light? So something like this then?," after the man spoke of one. She also mentioned how she could feasibly see someone knap a blade of ice from one of the particilarly dense shards of ice they obtained from the Borean Strider as she slowly tried to segue the conversation into an aspect of the fishman that she was particularly interested in, and that aspect was of course, 'Whether or not he could beat her in a fight.'


This of course led to an improptu sparring session that ended just as abruptly as it started when Leo walked in and asked the two of them if they wanted to head to the sky island today... just before any of the two could land the deciding blow.

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"Sure why not?" Toshiro said sheathing his blades looking towards Leo,  "We might find something interesting up there. Though for all we know it could just be just floating dirt with nothing to it than later. Lets hope it's the former though." He chuckled agreeing to the idea of heading to the islands in the sky.

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Jun slowly straps her rapier to her waist before she said, "Well we wouldn't have to go very far to find one, Tattletale said that there was a cluster of floating islands right above the village as we speak... she also said that you brought a trained sniper with you on the weatherlight, and that she is likely to shoot anyone who approaches it without your permission."

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Crafting: 22 vs 21,
Quality: 79,
Random Blitz: 29,

Kusuke manages to gather up enough assorted scrap to build an engine about the size of someone's head that consumes magical energies in the air to rotate a driveshaft.  It works well and seems to rotate at a consistent speed, the only notable issue is that as far as he can tell the only ways to turn it off are destruction or starving it for energy.

Kusuke frowned. It worked well enough, that wasn't the issue; really, he was surprised he got it worked out as well as he did, with how faintly he thought he'd remembered how to do so. However, there was one rather glaring oversight he'd made, and he really wondered how he'd managed it. An off switch was generally something that was fairly important. . . Still, there were better engineers about than him. He was sure Satomi could use the power source anyway, so he tucked the thing under one arm and made his way back in her direction, resisting the urge to simply teleport over there; the motor was rather awkward to carry around, to say the least.

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"We have a sniper on board? Huh thats news to me. I guess i dident notice after the rest of my group went off to wherever."

"I wonder why they dident leave with us"

"I would take them some food, but we have some on the ship, anyways, yeah, lets go. I would like to meet this sniper myself."

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Jun gave Leo a bit of an odd look from inside of her helmet before she said, "Perhaps they simply realized that the ship and its cargo hold was completely and utterly undefended, and that no one else seemed to be volunteering for the task of securing the only ticket out of this place? And actually judging by how open and vulnerable your ship looked I honestly think that we should bring your sniper some coffee as they probably haven't gotten much sleep in the past couple of days, at least if they're as paranoid as I am anyway." She took a deep breath and started to walk towards the town gate before she continued with, "And we should honestly try to be careful around the Weatherlight if your sniper is anything like me they would have already turned the area surrounding the damned ship into a deathtrap, just to pass the time."

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"Well then, enough talking and more moving. If we want to reach the sky islands and have enough time to explore before it gets black out we should go now." Toshiro said walking forward a bit but then stopped before adding one more note,  "Oh, someone should bring a source of light just in case it does get dark up there. Like a torch or something of the sort so we don't accidentally wander off the side of the side of the floating mount of sky dirt because we can't see in front of us."

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"Well I don't know about the two of you but I am not exactly planning on staying up there in the night, and also my other sword's blade is made out of plasma, which should suffice to light my way back to the Weatherlight. Although I personally think that everyone in this expedition should prepare for the eventuality of us becoming separated by some sort of trap or deadly enemy by bringing your own light sources. It wouldn't be wise to travel alone in the dark after all...especially when none of us here know of what horrors might lurk there." Jun said just before she stood by and waited for Toshiro to follow.

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The time that had passed, Calvera had spent in meditation, not attempting to necessarily improve upon anything, but in contemplation. She felt her inner heat beginning to dim. How odd. She continued breathing in the fresh air of the valley, spending her time by the river, almost in solitude. She spent the majority of the day there, only stopping her meditation for a mid-day snack, as well as a drink of water from the stream. Eventually, the sun had set upon the horizon, to which Calvera longingly stared into. She knew what was coming for her, it brought a smile to her face, but not one of joy. The release was going to be a relief, she supposed. Time away from the action. Sweet serenity of space, the gravitational effect she had on the things around her. It in and of itself was almost like meditation, the mindless spinning on her axis, lazily watching the planets in orbit around her. The images came to her head, in such brilliance and beauty. Something so simple, yet so elegant, that those around the universe find it beautiful and awe-inspiring.


Before long, she found herself walking back to the village, the light in the sky dimming by the minute. She felt her bare feet touch the soil beneath her, softly curling the toes on every odd occasion, just to feel the grab of something. It was going to be a long while until I feel this again. Calvera was seeking out one person, to have share this night with: Arminius. She finally understood, now. She understood those deeply covered feelings, that she struggled to understand for what seemed so long now. She eventually found him, and dragged him off, wearing her familiar soft smile once more, dragging him to the spot in the clearing she had brought him to not terribly long ago. Except now, the moonlight lit the clearing, with the stars shimmering up above, almost in anticipation.


Calvera took a deep breath, and looked to her friend. "There's a few reasons why I brought you back here," She sat down on the rock, crossing her legs, "but you'll have to hear me all the way through, before you can speak... I don't know quite the best way to explain this, so I will try my best." Another breath. "I am some creation of the Multiverse, powered by a star, as you know. That's where I get my name Calvera from. I know my real form is on the verge of being expended, on the verge of going supernova. I can feel the yearn and tear in my physical form now. I fear for what may happen if I stay here, and for my true form to meet it's final fate... I fear it may be replicated on a smaller scale here, killing you all. So, I feel I have to go... for the safety of you all, and ultimately the safety of the Multiverse if you were to fall. I feel I've done what I've come to do, for the most part, and if the Multiverse needs me again, I'm sure it will find a way to muster me once more."


At this point Calvera had been looking down, the occasional tear dropping from her face, glinting in the moonlight as each fell, hitting the rock. She looked up to Arminius, and smiled almost a pained smile. Once more, she opened her mouth to speak. "The hardest part is, I've finally figured out how I feel, Armi... I love you. And leaving you... that hurt more than the pain I feel now from the strain of my true form. I..." Calvera stopped, and wiped the tears from her face, before grabbing the sides of Arminius' face, as she slowly leaned in. Her lips lightly met his, she held the kiss for as long as she felt necessary, not moving much at all, as it was more of innocent love, than passion. As she retracted, she planted her forehead onto his, before leaning into him and planting her head on his shoulder, allowing him to speak for a moment. After those peaceful moments had passed, Arminius would notice as her body became incredibly warm, and began glowing. "Goodbye, Armi..." Her voice sounded very pained, as her body then spontaneously seemed to turn to a bright glowing dust, slowly swept into the wind, and eventually up into the stars above, like a spread out swarm of fireflies easily visible from the village, at this point. Arminius would stare into the stars, and spot a suddenly very bright explosion in the far far distance. The supernova of a star, finally reaching the skies of this world. It almost gave the effect of a second moon shining in the sky, before slowly dimming down to darkness. To nothing. Left sitting on the rock next to Arminius, was the necklace that Calvera had always worn, a small silver sun.

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Arminius had been silent while Calvera hugged him. He was silent the whole trip out into the woods in fact, he could tell that the star had something important to tell him after all. But the admission that she'd be leaving him, and that he'd most likely never see her again. It really hurt him in a way that he hadn't been hurt in a long time. And unlike last time there was nothing he could get angry at, nothing to blame and rage against and fight. As he watched the dust be swept up in the wind he finally found the words he wanted to say. "Please don't leave me..." He whispered, the words getting carried away into the wind just as Calvera had been. Tears finally feel as he saw the glow in the sky appear and then disappear. He went to sit but, seeing the necklace, instead grabbed it and stared at it. He closes his hand around it as he shuts his eyes, steeling himself. With that he started back to the village. Calvera wouldn't want him to shirk his duty for her.

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"Alright then! To the weatherlight!"



The three get about two thirds of the way there when they see a large fireball streak across the sky and come to a crushing halt somewhere nearby the clearing with the ships.
Upon reaching the clearing they see two monstrous green humanoids, one dead by the burning remains of a asteroid-ship and the other, larger one approaching the Weatherlight.

"Uhh. Hello there?"

Leo does not entirely know how to react to this. 

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Jun let out a slight sigh wyen she saw the rather large humanoid approach what she presumed would be the sniper's killzone. It only took a few moments of deliberation before she decided that it would actually be a bad idea to wait to see if the sniper exists/would take a shot/would take a warning shot/would actually manage to kill the newcomer with her shot, and decided to slowly but surely approach them with her hands hidden firmly where the newcomer couldn't see them as she outright declared, "I would advise you to not take another step forward, as I'm afraid that I have it on good authority that the area you are approaching is currently under the protection of someone who both knows their way around a very big gun and are extremely willing to use said weapon to clear an area of potential hostiles... such as the rather large potential hostile who just crash landed here and started to walk towards their ship. So why don't you stay here for a moment and introduce yourselves and maybe, just maybe we can talk about letting you get on board," her visor approximates a smile for a moment as she continued with, "Unless of course if you wanted to try your luck with the sniper, I mean who knows...she just might miss."

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Suddenly, at the sound of two humans, the large Ork turned around, scanning the area and quickly finding the source of the humans. However, instead of staying where he was… He merely turned his entire body around, walking towards them, “YOU MUST BE DEM ‘UMIES I WAS TOLD TA MEET. DA ONEZ FIGHTIN’ DEM ‘TREZPASSAZ’” he replied as he approached, his mech-arm rising to his chest in a rather… Unsmooth fashion, “NAMEZ ‘CAPTEN-GENERAL COMMANDA COMMISA CENTURION WARLOCK NOB WARBOSS AZGRURK DA THIRD OF DA 423RD BRIGADE’... BUT MOST ‘UMIES JUST CALL ME ‘AZGRUK’” he added, stopping a good 15 feet away from the group, “PLEASA TO MEET YA, ‘UMIES”

Once he introduced himself, his arm brought itself down, "GOTTA SAY, I'Z EXPECTED DA 'UMIES TRYIN' TA SAVE DIS PLACE WOULD BE TALLA."

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"Ah, a new party member. Im leo, me and my friends here were about to go to some floating islands. But if your not inclined to join us, im sure the rest of our number would be willing to get you up to speed back in the village. Our current mission is to prepare for, and fend off, an incoming siege."


Leo dosent really point out the long list of titles or the unsmooth movement of his hand. Hes was just glad to have a conversation hook he could latch onto at the moment. Though he might want to take a look at the mechanical arm later.

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Having spent a couple of hours mining but without actually gathering all of the materials needed, Satomi found herself at a very unfortunate hitch in her plans: she didn't actually have the stome to start the work on the southern wall, which was a very concerning delay. She didn't want to be working through tomorrow on that wall if it were at all possible, because she needed the time to do her other preparations like building the siege weaponry. It would be a manifest failure of her duty if this town were to be poorly defended from the siege thanks to her own failure to build and gather in a timely manner. This was her duty, her training, what she was specifically meant to do!


No time to stand around and mope, though, instead she needed to find a way to use her time productively. Since building the southern wall was off of the table for now, Satomi would have to instead woek on the woodwork for the northern wall (something she would most assuredly have the material to do, having torn down the sad excuse for a wall there present previously). Of course, this was also something she would be unable to do without the stome core of the wall being present, and accordingly Satomi ventured up towards the northern wall-in-progress to see if the stonework was complete.

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Satomi finds the wall is coming along nicely.  The Mason is overseeing the placement of the last few bricks and now all that's left is to wait for it to dry.  That shouldn't take more than a few hours, about as long as setting out the wooden frames and getting them prepared will take.

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"And I didn't expect universe saviors to be so huge," Toshiro said to Azgrurk with his arms crossed,  "Not everyday you see such a bulking behemoth such as yourself. The name is Toshiro, it's nice to meet'cha! So tell me, are folks where you come from usually your size or are you just taller than normal?" The fishman spoke rubbing his chin and tilting his head, his three red eyes rotating with them.

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"And I am pleased to meet you Capten-General Commanda Commisa Centurion Warlock Nob Warboss Azgrurk Da Third of Da 423rd Brigade, and do you mind if I refer to you as Azzie from now on outside of a formal setting? As I can already imagine a few situations where referring to you by your full name might cause me to embarrass myself." she shifted slightly in place a bit as the red dots visible on her visor seemed to scan every inch of the newcomer before she took a confident step forwards and offered the man a handshake, "Especially since I wouldn't want to mispronounce any of them, the name's Ambassador Jun by the way."

She quickly motioned at the Weatherlight right after she had turned to shoot a glance at the corpse's direction, "And would it be fine if we move this conversation somewhere less...morbid? We do have someplace else to be now don't we?"

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Rivers had been busy. After finding out that these slimes produced something close enough to Essence to be useful and confirming its nature with the Dryad, she'd confirmed that it could, indeed, be very useful to her. That being said, she was now outside of town, heading toward the hill, occasionally pausing to sketch symbols in the air and send tiny blades and needles of air into a nearby slime, breaking its surface tension and splattering it all over the ground, then harvesting its chunks of ooze and the small crystals she catalyzes out of its Soul.



Rivers manages to kill [11] slimes, netting her [4] Merit, 16 gel, and 8 Purity Phased Sparks.


Having finished this, she'd make her way toward the large group of people at the nearby transports, approaching them cautiously.


"Hello, I assume from your gathering here you're all to be going out on some adventure or other? Would you be willing to take someone else along? I have an interest in what may be found in the far reaches of this world, and would like to explore it if possible."

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In response to Jun’s hand, Azgrurk looked both confused and impressed at the same time, before figuring figuring out what she was trying to do, using his non mechanical hand to shake hers, “PLEASURE TO MEET YA” he responded before turning to Toshiro, “I’M ACTUALLY ONE OF DA SMALLA ORKZ FOR MY AGE, BUT I’Z STILL GOT THE FORCE TO BEAT ANY PRETENDA WHO GOEZ AGAINST ME-” he stated confidently, pointing his claw at Number Two, “LIKE DAT GROT OVA DERE” he added, bringing his claw back,


“BUT, YOU’Z GOT DIS ORK’Z ATTENTION. WHAT ARE YA GOING TO DESE ISLANDS FOR? AND WHO’Z DUMB ENUFF TO TRY AND SIEGE A PLACE WITH AN ORK INSIDE?” he asked, stepping to the side to let them move to their ship, mostly since Jun wanted to move away from the dead body (like the weird human she was).

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Leo shrugs, "Apparently some army of goblins, I would ask the others back in town for more information. As for the islands, I was hopeing there might be good resources or something up there. They might be kept aloft by some variety of gravity defying substance, which of course could have many uses in various devices, structures, vehicles, and weapons. And this land is supposed to have artifacts from an old civilization scattered around as well, so who knows what we could find."


Leo ignores the dead body, assumeing that by go 'Go against me' the large orc was referring to some act of treachery. After all who would send someone who kills underlings for no good reason to a mission to protect the multiverse?


Leo nods at rivers when she appears and ask to come along.
"The more the merrier"

Leo starts to step onto the ship, waiting at the threshold for the others.

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