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[IC] TotM:DC "Terraria: A fresh start"


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"[19] On the way back into town Satomi finds a young deer. Blood oozing down its side from a splintered piece of wood stabbed deeply into its hind leg as it tried to hobble to the river for water. When it sees Satomi it jolts up and tries to turn and run...only to twist and fall over due to its bad leg. It screams for a minute or two before calming down enough to approach if Satomi wishes."


The Crab Clan had a term for members of other clans coming to aid at the wall, on the rare occasions when they did: ponies. They were named after how, when ponies went lame, the Crab Clan would tie them up in the Shadowlands near the wall to attract the weaker kinds of Shadowlands inhabitants, the kind that would hear the cries of a lame animal and come in to feed -- so that these could in turn be used for target practice. Members of other clans were seen as weak and useless out in the wild and only useful for busying some other creatures, because that was the nature of the eternal battle outside the Carpenter Wall: things that were weak and dying would die in droves, because even the things that weren't weak were prone to horrific, gory death. The Crab Clan didn't stop to help every little wounded animal they came across -- why would they? The world is full of death and injury and things being brutally put down, so what was the point of stopping on your way to do something important when you were and always would be surrounded by death anyway? There wasn't one, really -- Compassion was a tenet of Bushido, sure, but to the Crab, it was much less important than Duty. Satomi thought the same way. She had a Taint to deal with, and the world wasn't one where saving some wounded animal made a difference -- the world was one where there were evils to be fought that would consume the world -- no, the worlds, and every breath had to be expended to fight them. So, after stopping to see what the source of the noise was, and squinting to try and focus so she could literally see what it was, Satomi decided she didn't really care to waste them on a deer, and so she simply continued on her path to return to town.


Satomi made it to town, her focus not terribly disrupted by the incident with the deer, and immediately sought out the Dryad, the myriad small nicks and scrapes on her telling the story of her difficult with what she had been doing. "I've been dealing with that damned Taint that Leo created, but I've run out of purification powder. I intend to better garb myself so that that infuriating place doesn't slow me down with its cuts and stings, and I already have made some progress, but I can't progress more until I have powder -- and preferably as much as you can give me. Every minute that Taint exists on this world is an affront to it, but that siege is coming soon. With Kusuke's aid I believe I can take it on but I do need the materials to do so."

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Leo just, kind of half turns to look at kusuke as he walks
"Have you even been paying attention to the area? Everything is super close togther. Snow and Ice That way, Forest over there, passed right by a desert earlier. Numbers have been crunched regarding theoretical outcomes of worlds without Elemental Delineation. If we even accept such a thing is possible, then the odds of an alternate system that can support such world, with its diverse biomes so close togther, is so low as to be almost non-existent."
He gestures in various directions as he speaks, pointing out the vague locations of the other biomes
"And agian, like I said, the idea of a world that can survive without elemental delineation is absurd. Why on earth would my first thoughts on a new world be 'Huh, I better go check with some important person, who probbly has more important things to do, if a fundamental law of nature is still in effect.'?
Leo will clearly not be convinced so easily 
They soon reach the smiths shop, where leo sits down at an outdoor table with some of his stuff scattered around it.
Ready to begin his work


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"Most people would have punched you for talking like that, and I'm still weighing my options." Kusuke turned and walked away as Leo sat down, trying to separate himself from the golemancer before he did something rash. The nerve of some people. . . His world was "absurd" or "impossible," apparently, and he was an utter loon for suggesting that not every world followed the same laws as Leo's, despite being one of the foremost experts on magic in his own world. It was fairly clear at this point that speaking to him was an exercise in frustration at best, which meant that they were going to have to deal with him some other way. 

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Satomi finds the Dryad harvesting...something out of some strange looking plants she's never seen before.

"I was just making some up now, give me a second and you're welcome to a couple bags." 

The Dryad turned back and pulled out a bowl of fine powder glowing a silvery-purple color, she mixed the two ingredients and divided them into several bags similar to the one she gave Satomi before.

"I understand that you want to clear this corruption up as soon as possible, however I've inspected the perimeter and from all I can tell it won't spread beyond the flowers any time soon.  It would be tragic if the town was attacked during your absence and we suffered more losses than necessary."

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Satomi shook her head emphatically, a strange look glimmering in of her eyes of fury, determination, and fear.

“I have to stop this. I have to stop this. I know you have experience with these things too, but I...” Satomi exhaled heavily. “It is the duty for which I exist. The ravages of the Taint, and those things like it, are surely the greatest threat to the realms other than their current marauders. I HAVE to stop this. I’m sorry, I can’t talk about it much longer, I have to go to continue dealing with this!” She made to leave, but then turned back for a moment. ”If you spot them beginning the siege before I have returned, tell the group to tell Tattletale to station herself at the cluster-bolt trebuchet, and station the loading golems, if Leo made them between toying with Tainted evil things damn it— gah, to station them around the weapons!” Satomi then grabbed four of the bags and moved onto her next task.


Huffing with the resurgence of her fury with Leo and the intensity with which she was pursuing her task, Satomi immediately hunted down Kusuke. Finding him walking in the town, the visibly nicked-up samurai immediately energtically beseeched him. ”Kusuke-san! I have need of your time! I was out dealing with that damned Taint, but it seems to be made in a way that makes it difficult to tackle. I intend to create something for myself to make this less of a problem, but I don’t have the time to do so and also tackle the new Taint itself! Please, I need to be able to tackle this lest something worse happen with it!”

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Kusuke saw Satomi approach, and opened his mouth to speak; however, he didn't get a chance to say his piece before she started on her own. "I can probably help with that. Leo, on the other hand, is a lost cause. I tried to talk to him about how dangerous his experiments have been, and he spouted some nonsense about nonexistent natural laws and completely brushed me off. I feel like we're going to have to do something a bit more dramatic about him at some point, before it's too late." He eyed Satomi for a moment. Had she even slept since they'd gotten here? "You sure you're up to doing all of that at once? It's not like I'm giving you any extra energy."

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"I have already entertained the possibility of hunting down and destroying everything Tainted he's created -- more drastic measures than that may be considered afterwards, if I go down that path. However, we don't have time to do so right now, even with your help: this third biome is very difficult to destroy, and though I have in fact made some progress, I very much doubt I will get to anything else today, especially if the goblin forces reach our walls in this time. The plan I intend to undertake in order to deal with as much of this third Taint type as I can is that I will, with some of your gifted time, create a wire-meshed series of cloth guards to prevent the nicks and stings that that place abounds in from deterring me further. Then I will make another try at erasing it from existence with my own time. Then you could serve as a lookout to tell me if the siege is arriving as I work." upon further inspection, Kusuke could see that in addition to looking sleep-deprived, Satomi had small nicks and scrapes dotting her -- nothing truly damaging, but uncomfortable-looking.


"As for energy, well, us Crab are used to spending long hours up on the Wall, vigilant against the eternal threat of the Shadowlands. I shall be fine." To tell the truth, Satomi really was feeling her sleeplessness set in a bit, especially with how exhausting and frustrating her jaunt into the corruption just now had been, but she was not lying that the Crab had to be prepared to push through that, and that she had experience with the Wall. It had carried her through the previous day even, and with not only a siege to combat but a Taint to destroy, Satomi could scarcely afford to slow down at all.

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"If you say so." Kusuke couldn't prevent his dubiousness from showing in his tone. She seemed resilient enough, but she definitely seemed to be overtaxing herself. She was, in essence, doing the work of two people, while only eating and sleeping for one; it was an issue he'd had to deal with himself, and he doubted Satomi was nearly as used to it as he was. "Just make sure none of those cuts get infected or anything. Who knows what kind of nasty diseases that place is carrying?" He thought for a moment. "Though I do have to ask; even if you're fine, are you sure it's a good idea to go out with the siege this close? They've probably already got outriders in the area, and getting caught out wouldn't help anyone."

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Satomi nodded resolutely at Kusuke’s last concerns. ”That’s why I want you out there to be a lookout while I deal with the Agony. If you see the siege’s outriders about to bear down on my position, then we can slip back into the village and be prepared when they arrive. Now, I’m going to go create that gear so that place doesn’t cut me up anymore, I’ll report back to you once I’ve finished and we could set out.”

Satomi walked back up to Kusuke... well, from his perspective, only a few minutes later, because she had been using time provided by him to go about her task. It had been a couple of hours for Satomi, though, and busy ones — she was running around the village, gathering materials and putting together a specialty outfit. In the end, what she’d created was a sleek piece of work; fabric, wire, and purification powder placed together in an outfit that fit under her kimono and that, she predicted, would do its job well and stay quite secure on her. Of course, it wasn’t PERFECT — in retrospect, the belts and straps probably weren’t needed to keep it tight and well-fitting, because the thing was honestly a bit too tight as is, but it was fine work indeed for someone who wasn’t normally a tailor, she thought.


Satomi showed up in front of Kusuke looking quite different — her arms and hands were covered, as were her lower legs, and she had a hood poking out above her kimono. Kusuke could see the outline of three... interestingly placed belts under the kimono, and... well, it wouldn’t be entirely clear to Kusuke, but it looked a lot like her figure was more emphasized by her clothing than usual. Satomi rubbed her eyes and then began speaking. ”It’s strange having fabric on my legs like this, but I’ve created what I think is a very much functinal outfit for dealing with the third Taint. I’ve meshed wire and purification powder between two layers of fabric, so the stinging effects of that place should be blocked! It covers essentially my entire body, too, beyond what Rokugani clothing normally does.”


Satomi proved her point by carefully sweeping aside her kimono and the inner robe of the outfit (her normal one was now waiting in the Inn) to show Kusuke what she had created for her legs. She was keeping him from seeing her inner robe much, and her legs were abnormally covered, so the somewhat sleep-deprived girl didn’t think it particularly indecent. As for what it actually looked like, the leg-guards were relatively thick overall, and they did have a strap up the side and the outline of the wire mesh vaguely visible through the fabric, but... well, they were quite tight on her legs, and Kusuke got a brief flash of a fabric pattern on the top of one that altogether meant that these looked an awful lot like thigh-high stockings. ”So, are you prepared to make a jaunt out with me?”



Agony-Resistance Outfit: A set of stockings, sleeves, gloves, hood, and an inner robe made of two layers of fabric, a wire mesh, and purification powder. The stockings go to the thigh, are a bit tight, and the silk pattern around where the wire mesh ends at the top create an almost lace-like appearance. They also have straps running down the sides. The sleeves (with the same kind of straps) and gloves are fairly mundane, though the gloves have a fancy pattern on the palm and fingers intended to retain grip. As for the nagajuban, as it is under the kimono, it isn't usually visible, but Satomi's idea of placing belts above and below her chest and just above her hips has the unintended effect of tightening the inner robe enough to even emphasize her figure with a kimono on.

Level 1: Grants the wearer 2 Res and immunity to some environmental effects, doesn't require an action slot if worn with another set of armor.


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Kusuke blinked. The outfit was. . . something. It reminded him of home, a bit, but it also reminded him of two things Satomi happened to possess. He nodded somewhat distractedly when she explained the ideas behind the outfit - it made sense, though he was no tailor or armorsmith - but coughed with a somewhat strangled-sounding undertone when she showed off what could only be described to his eye as lacy thigh-highs, albeit particularly thick and durable ones. "Uhm, yeah. Yes, I've got everything I might need on me, already. Let's go." He spoke quickly, trying to move on from the topic of the clothing Satomi had whipped up.


There was no way this was accidental, right?

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Leo gets back to work as promised. 


Useing some iron, wood and some gold leo will form small messenger bird golems. These little guys look like birds, with horn like antenna where there ears would be. They are mostly made of wood, which is largely hollow with an internal hexagonal structure, to reduce weight without completely sacrificing durability. The gold core gives them quick processing speed, and allows leo to work in some extra creativity, to ensure they can reach there destinations, and that they wont freeze up if something totaly outside the norm happens. These birds can follow orders, and fly thanks to iron bands along its wings. Its iron antenna and beak allows it to hear and speak. They can record messages and then repeat them aloud to designated recipients. Along with give reports on anyhting unusual they might see while flying. Leo will make enough of these little guys as needed to help with communicating across town and the walls


Quality: 57, Leo makes one golemantic messenger bird flock.

Probably about 40-60 in there.

Kinda lost count half way through.

Then he decides to double up on labor golems, building another set of five!

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Everyone waits with bated breath, watching the setting sun and wondering which rustling bush is an innocent animal and which is a sign of the approaching hordes.

Eventually though the thundering footsteps grow louder and louder, supplies like ammunition and healing potions are passed around while the Nurse sets up a makeshift medical tent near the walls.

Quickly the siege engines are loaded while Satomi, Kusuke, and Az are ushered inside the walls.






Brilliant flashes of plasma and the crashing of trees announce the presence of the Goblins in the South, a massive swarm of Goblins of all descriptions and a single Ogre march along either river bank.  More crunching and crashing can be heard in the forest beyond, this isn’t all there is to come.


From the East well managed Hordes pour in from the Desert with carts of supplies.  Archers immediately open fire on the walls while the others are constructing...something.


From the West a slightly less thunderous approach, the Horde here is thinner, already weary from travel and low on morale.  Two Ogres drive up the front with Mage batteries slinging spells from the back and armored Hordes in the middle.



Here’s how this is going to work, there are four locations(East, West, South, and Town/North).  Everyone starts in any location they choose and can move to any other location with a single action.  The golem-birds allow communication between locations but otherwise allies and enemies cannot interact with each other if they’re in different locations.  

At the start of each round anything on the battlefield below the walls suffers a random environmental effect based on one of the many, many, many traps that have been placed around.



The following items are up for grabs:
20 Standard Healing potions,

4 Ironskin potions,

5 Full sets of Terrarian Bronze armor,

3 Terrarian Bronze Bows,

6 Terrarian Bronze Swords,

4 Terrarian Bronze Shields,


Standard Healing potions: Restore 25 HP, used as a free action, imbiber gains the debuff "Potion sickness: cannot use healing items" for one round.

Ironskin Potion: +3 Res for the remainder of the encounter, usable once only, usable as a free action, usable before the start of combat.


Terrairan Bronze Helmet: +1 Res while equipped, if equipped with matching Chestplate and Grieves requires no action slot and grants an additional +2 Res.

Terrarian Bronze Chestplate: +2 Res while equipped.

Terraian Bronze Grieves: +1 Res while equipped.


Terrarian Bronze Bow: Deals 2d6+[Dex] damage to one target.

Terrarian Bronze Sword: Deals 2d6+[Str] damage to one target.

Terrarian Bronze Shield: Reduced incoming physical damage by 10%.




Average Dex: 9



12 Jun

11 Toshiro

8 Kusuke

7 Satomi

3 Leo

2 Arminius

1 Az



18 Amelie

4 Mason

4 Carpenter



8 Goblin Horde(W1-2)

7 Lucille

5 Guide

4 Goblin Mage(W1-2)

4 Siege Ogre(W1-2)

3 Tavern Keep



8 Goblin Horde(SW1-3)

8 Goblin Horde(SE1-4)

8 Dryad

4 Goblin Bomber(SW1-2)

4 Goblin Mage(SE1)

4 Siege Ogre(SW1)

4 Siege Ogre(SE1)

7 Demo

4 Tattletale



10 Arms Dealer

8 Goblin Horde(E1-4)

5 Blacksmith

3 Goblin Engineer(E1-3)

3 Huntress(Rose)





Jun: 24/24,

Toshiro: 30/30,

Kusuke: 24/24, 2 Moves,

Satomi: 24/24,

Leo: 24/24,

Arminius: 24/24,

Az: 36/36,



Amelie: 30/30, 2 Moves, North,

Arms Dealer: 40/40, East,

Dryad: 55/55, South,

Demo: 40/40, South,

Guide: 40/40, West,

Mason: 40/40, North,

Carpenter: 40/40, North,

Blacksmith: 40/40, East,

Tattletale: 30/30, South,

Tavern Keep: 40/40, West,

Huntress(Rose): 62/62, East,

Lucille: 28/28, West,


SE Walls: 875/875

SW Walls: 875/875
E Walls: 995/995

W Walls: 995/995

Town: 1,360/1,360




Current Effect: Bamboo Spikes,

Horde 1: Healthy,

Horde 2: Healthy,

Siege Ogre 1: Healthy,

Siege Ogre 2: Healthy,

Mage 1: Healthy,

Mage 2: Healthy,



--West Bank:

Current Effect: Plasma mines,
Horde 1: Healthy,

Horde 2: Healthy,

Horde 3: Healthy,

Horde 4: Healthy,

Siege Ogre 1: Healthy,

Mage 1: Healthy,


--East Bank:

Current Effect: Bamboo Spikes,

Horde 1: Healthy,

Horde 2: Healthy,

Horde 3: Healthy,

Siege Ogre 1: Healthy,

Bomber 1: Healthy,

Bomber 2: Healthy,



Current Effect: Golem Warriors,

Horde 1: Healthy,

Horde 2: Healthy,

Horde 3: Healthy,

Horde 4: Healthy,

Engineer 1: Healthy,

Engineer 2: Healthy,

Engineer 3: Healthy,


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  • 2 weeks later...

Satomi immediately ran as fast as she could over to the southern wall, swords, shield, and siege crossbow bouncing against her armor and kimono -- it was where her most complicated weaponry was located, after all, and she felt it was her responsibility to operate it. Even if it was mounted upon a wall that she had since surpassed and which appeared to have been... defiled by Azgrurk. She forced herself to take a deep breath, or at least as close as she could get to one while running. Functionality over prettiness was one of the core pieces of the Crab, yes? It did appear he had done something useful, even if it was atop her own work, and she ought not take the role of the Crane here.


Once she got onto the wall, Satomi began speaking immediately, even as she stationed herself at the axe trebuchet she'd created and began to get to work examining it and cooking up ideas for potentially making it more deadly. "Tattletale! If you believe yourself able to operate the group-shot trebuchet please do so, otherwise I'll simply want your help in reloading it! I'm going to handle the axe device now and be prepared to deal as much damage as I can when those ogres get into position, but those hordes will need dealing with as well, especially the specialty troops!"


Satomi starts South and uses the Destructive Inspiration Trump on the Axe Trebuchet, giving her a 33% chance to deal x3 crits with it and deal an additional effect on said crit as well!


Destructive Inspiration: Satomi is suddenly struck with a burst of inspiration as to how to use a siege or base weapon to devastating effect. For the rest of the encounter, when Satomi uses this weapon she has a 33% chance of getting a critical hit with it, a critical hit which deals 3x the damage rather than simply 2x the damage, and has an additional effect at the GM's discretion. Can only be used once per World.


Structural Repair: Satomi starts to repair the damage done to a structure, a skill she has developed over the course of her duties. (INT+CON)d4 damage repaired to a structure such as a base, building, siege weapon, or fortification.


Daisho (currently Wakizashi): A set of two swords (a katana and a shorter wakizashi) carried by absolutely any Samurai at all times, the Daisho is a mark of the Samurai's noble class and honor. 2d6+STR damage, when upgrading the weapon Satomi can choose a different effect for each sword (Katana and Wakizashi) for each level, but must choose only one of these swords to wield in combat at the beginning of each encounter. The Katana deals 3d6+STR damage, whereas the Wakizashi gives a bonus of +3 to structural actions.

Level 2: The Katana now deals 3d6+STR damage, whereas the Wakizashi now gives a bonus of +3 to structural actions.


Time Sandwich Samurai Armor (Level 2): These rectangular plates of samurai armor (on Satomi's thighs, shoulders, and chest) have been modified, with usage of the metal resulting from the bay explosion making the armor extremely difficult to pierce without sustained effort -- damage only sticks on one of the phases of the timeshifting metal.

Level 1: +3 RES when equipped.

Level 2: +4 further RES when equipped.

Level 3: +2 more RES when equipped.

 --Agony-Resistance Outfit: A set of stockings, sleeves, gloves, hood, and an inner robe made of two layers of fabric, a wire mesh, and purification powder. The stockings go to the thigh, are a bit tight, and the silk pattern around where the wire mesh ends at the top create an almost lace-like appearance. They also have straps running down the sides. The sleeves (with the same kind of straps) and gloves are fairly mundane, though the gloves have a fancy pattern on the palm and fingers intended to retain grip. As for the nagajuban, as it is under the kimono, it isn't usually visible, but Satomi's idea of placing belts above and below her chest and just above her hips has the unintended effect of tightening the inner robe enough to even emphasize her figure with a kimono on.

Level 1: Grants the wearer 2 Res and immunity to some environmental effects, doesn't require an action slot if worn with another set of armor.


(this is a total of 11 RES from gear lmao)


Sphere-launcher Ballista Emplacement: A fairly simple and “small” piece of equipment(as far as siege weaponry goes) that can be packed up and moved from location to location for field operations or as transient support. It requires two moves(from the same or different characters) to setup or take down the emplacement, one move is required to load the weapon after setup and each shot, one move is required to fire the weapon, a character who intends to fire the weapon at a quickly moving or distant(50+ yards away) human sized or smaller target must also first spend a move aiming the weapon. This weapon deals 20+[Operator’s Int]+[Ammunition] damage to a single target. Different ammunition may add or alter effects beyond damage. Fills two action slots in the loadout.


(8x) Stone Fragmentation ammoA deceptively simple set of spheres, these pieces of ammunition for Satomi's ballista are simply slightly jagged spheres of stone that have been hammered and struck with relatively light force so that though they remain intact, an impact such as hitting something after being launched will send them violently flying into sharp, momentum-filled stone shards. She carries them in a sack. Adds 8d4 damage and forces the damage to be divided between four targets when used in an appropriate siege weapon.


Slaughtaur Shield: A large, shiny, oval shield with spikes along its outer edge and a large skull in the center.

Level 2: The first time the user takes damage in the round they reactively raise the shield, reducing any further incoming damage by 50% until their next action or the end of the round.  Only activates automatically once per round.  Training again with this item with at least 10 Int may unlock another effect.


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This had been the moment Azgrurk had been waiting for. Ever since he had first heard of these "Goblins", he had been waiting for the chance to clobber them into nothing but dust. So, as he stomped his way over to the Southern Wall where his handy work laid, he couldn't help but grin widely, hoisting his new Mauler as he did so. Once he got up on top of the wall, her placed his mechanical hand onto the wall's edge, gazing out over the battlefield, his grin growing larger as he did so. Lots of enemies, which meant lots of fun. He was going to enjoy this. 


For a second, Azgrurk did glance to the side, hearing Satomi's shouting, but quickly decided to ignore it as he cleared his throat,


"OI!" Azgrurk shouted over the sounds of marching, his deep and loud voice carrying past the wall easily, "YOU'Z ZOGGIN' GITZ GOT SOME SCREWZ LOOSE IN DERE? SEE DIS FLAG 'ERE?" Azgrurk asked, directing his metal hand towards the 'flag' he had put onto the wall, "DIS 'ERE IS AN ORK FLAG, WHICH MEANS DAT DIS WALL BELONGS TO DA ORKZ... WHICH MEANZ DAT RIGHT NOW" he added, lifting his Mauler up and aiming it at the advancing hordes,




With that, a loud crack of electricity emanated from Azgrurk's rifle as he began opening fire upon the hordes, bolts of lightning flying at the Goblins down below.


Azgrurk opens fire upon "Goblin Horde(SW1-3)" with his Lightning Mauler, dealing 3d6+6 damage, along with ignoring the first 4 points of Res.


Action list (5/5)



Grab: Azgrurk reaches out with his claw in an attempt to grab an opponent.
Level 1: Azgrurk forces a STR V STR check against a single target. If he wins, the target is “Grabbed”, and is unable to take any physical actions, until Azgrurk either lets them go or they win another STR V STR check. Can only be used against targets capable of fitting into his hand.


Smash: Azgrurk slams his large claw into the ground.
Level 1: Deals 2d6+STR damage against one target.
Level 2: Deals doubled damage if used when Azgrurk has a target “Grabbed”.




Everytime Azgrurk fires a gun, he gains +1 damage to all guns and a 1% chance to miss. This can stack indefinitely, and “Anorky” stacks pass over to other encounters.



Ork Mechsuit: The suit of metal Azgrurk wears, enhancing his already “Orky” abilities.
Level 1: Gives Azgrurk +3 Resistance.
Level 2: Now bound, and gives Azgrurk +1 Strength.


Lightning Mauler: A scarred and partially fused assault rifle, the barrel glows with a yellowish aura.

Deals 3d6+[Ess] Electric damage, ignores the first 4 points of Res, cannot be altered by traditional means.


Az's tank is still around if anyone wants to use it


Name: Orkish Choppa-Tank

HP: 150


Con: 13
Res: 10
Str: 8

Threshold Damage: If the Tank would take less than 10 damage it takes no damage at all.

Vehicle: As an move a character can climb into the Tank and begin operating it or become a passenger, a maximum of two characters can be in the Tank at any time.
While operating the Tank the characters lose access to most of their actions and gain access to the Tank’s actions, two different characters can’t use the same Tank action in the same round.
Damage targeting the characters is redirected to the tank instead, should the Tank be reduced to 0 HP the character(s) inside take overflow damage distributed evenly before being ejected.

Deals 2d6+[Dex or Int] damage twice, 50% chance to gain one “Heat” stack on the first use of the round, 100% chance on additional uses.  Becomes unusable at 5 Heat stacks.  Not using this action for one full round removes all Heat.

Ram one enemy to deal 2d6+[Str] damage and make a Str vs Str check, stun on success.
-Craft Level: Enemies attacking the Tank in melee now take 1d6+[Str]/2 retaliation damage.

Increase Str by 5 for two rounds, effect doesn’t stack with itself but using it again before it wears off refreshes the duration.


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Cybernetic Enhancements : Due to balance issues, the complex series of cybernetics that were implanted or woven in somewhere inside of The Ambassador's body might only be able to give a flat +2 bonus to dexterity that applies for everything a dexterity stat affects. That is if this item idea doesn't get rejected outright.


Ambush Hunter: By exploiting a target's complete and utter inability to react to his presence quickly enough the Ambassador can deal an additional 1d4 damage when he attacks a target that was already attacked this round or if the Ambassador currently has Void of Incomprehensibility up, in which case it also grants him first strike.
Level 2: This ability now adds 2d4 damage

Level 3: This ability now adds 3d4  damage

Level 4: This ability now adds 4d4 damage.


C.H.O.K.E. System: An unsurprisingly complex series of modifications allows the Ambassador to somehow store the power generated by his rapid movements and use it to power an excessively hard to use gravity manipulation device stored in his gauntlet. In essence this allows him to lift objects and people that weigh a total of [Intx10] Kilograms from a distance, or he can attempt to lift a single target up and hold them in place painfully with an Int v Essence roll to try and stun them. One round cooldown.

Level 2: This action is now usable once per round.

Level 3: The enemy's roll is now made with a -2 modifier to the roll.

Level 4 (Trick): Jun gains +3 on checks relating to carry/moving a single incapacitated person.

Level 5 (Trick): Stunning effect now applicable to huge targets.


A.G.I.L.E. system: The Ambassador's power armor comes equipped with the ability to climb up walls and "fly" in short bursts when inside a planet with Earthlike gravity, he can choose to temporarily overcharge this system and multiply his Dexterity or Strength stat by 1.2 for two rounds. Three round cooldown.

Level 2: Two round cooldown

Level 3: The multiplier is now 1.4

Level 4: The multiplier is now 1.6

Level 5: The multiplier is now 1.8


I NEED HEALING: The Ambassador is mysteriously able to appear behind a healer and blare out a surprisingly polite request for immediate healing, causing them to gain an immediate out of turn move that they can only use to use a single target healing ability on the Ambassador.

Level 2 (Merit): This action no longer takes up a slot to use, and it can be equipped without taking up a slot.


(Perk Backed) Void of Incomprehensibility: The Ambassador can choose to over charge his personal field of chaos to the point where absolutely anything can be used to distract others enough to trigger mass change blindness and cause him to effectively disappear and become unable to become the target of any single target actions. The Ambassador must make an opposed Dex v Int check to stay in stealth if he has attacked the other participant in the opposed check, or if they had managed to successfully land a blow on Jun anyway. And he takes a malus to the roll that is equal to the other participant in the opposed check's Intelligence for every single success. He can choose to immediately end the stealth effect at will, and this ability can only be used once per encounter.
Level 2: Jun now gains a +3 to the first opposed check to remain hidden

Level 3: This action is now treated as being a First Strike action

Level 4: This action is now usable twice per encounter, but the second time it is used Jun must succeed on an opposed DexvInt check against the enemy closest in the initiative order to the move Jun uses to reactivate this action. Jun rolls twice for his roll and uses the lowest result.


Demon Mantel Defense System: A durable suit of power armor heavily modified by Jun and corrupted by demonic energies of Korax.
The user gains 5 Res and takes 5% less damage from Divine sources.
This item has one slot for specially designed modules.

(Slotted into the Demon Mantel Defense System) Meteorite Shield Core: a softly glowing powercore made of Meteorite metal and Silver, projects a powerful shield. Must be socketed into armor with module slots. Activates upon being struck by a projectile, reduces the damage taken from projectiles by 50% for one round then goes on cooldown for one round. +1 Res.


Needle of Agony:
Deals 4d6+[Dex] dark damage to a single target.  The target suffers 1/4 the damage dealt in stacks of “Agony”.  If the number of Agony stacks they posses exceeds their current HP they become incapacitated/die.  Agony stacks are cleared from active targets at the end of each round.
Level 2(craft): Once per combat as a free action the user may fire a bolt of dark energy that deals 2d6 points of dark damage and inflicts half as many Agony stacks.
Level 3(craft): The user can as an action create a dark cloud of mist that is roughly 6x6x6 and inflicts 2d6 Agony stacks to any enemies that passes through it, cooldown = 5.


Jun will head to the eastern wall and activate his A.G.I.L.E. system to multiply her Dexterity by 1.8 for two rounds, she will drink a Life Force potion to up her own MHP by 20, and an Ironskin potion to add +3 RES.

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Arminius calmly made his way to the tower. He didn't actually know who it was that was there but he could tell they had some kind of long range weapon, and likely one that would be good for taking down important targets.

Arminius requests that Amelie aim for the goblins maintaining the little order there is first. (Drummers, Bannermen, Big Goblins.)

With that out of the way, Arminius preps the tank with the cactus cocktail as Piglet gets into it.

Arminius action: Poison the tank's choppy bits.

Piglet action: Start Driving the tank. Also consume an Ironskin Potion.

Piglet Actions.









First Generation Tinker "Personal Transportation": The user gains a Blueprint every time Arminius gains a point of merit, based on the encounter. Blueprints are reusable items that can be used to create Tinkertech Items, which are higher quality than normal, and have very predictable results.


Vehicular Genius: The user never makes checks when repairing or operating items they have made, unless it is forced by an outside effect.

DK: The user can begin Drifting when operating any vehicle, while active, everyone in the vehicle has 20% Dodge Chance, but a 25% Miss Chance.

Drugs are Good, Mkay?: Whenever the user is afflicted by any mental status effect, their Int increases by 5.


(Active effect) Ironskin potion:  +3 RES

Terrairan Bronze Helmet: +1 Res while equipped, if equipped with matching Chestplate and Grieves requires no action slot and grants an additional +2 Res.

Terrarian Bronze Chestplate: +2 Res while equipped.

Terraian Bronze Grieves: +1 Res while equipped.

Arminius' actions.


Essence: 10
Constitution: 2
Dexterity:  2
Intelligence: 3
Resistance: 2+6
Strength: 2
Synergy: 2
 Flaw: Only human: The user's stats (Excluding Essence) are considered 1/3 lower, and this effect can be negated temporarily for a random debuff.

Monster Girl Binding Field: Once per world, when a boss is defeated their essence is sapped to create a minion with halved stats. Each boss gives a bonus to player characters in a group with Arminius. Only one bonus can be used at a time and once per plot switch MG mid combat, but at will any other time.

Goblin Negotiation Tactics: Prices are divided by Arminius's Essence minus the shopkeeper's

Mythriltongue: Grants access to the move "Mythril tongued"
Actions: 6
Inspire: Improve an ally’s morale giving them +½ essence to Str for a turn.

    More Inspirational: Inspire lasts for an additional turn.

    Dr. Feelgood: Who needs a medical liscence!?  Heals the target for 1/2 Ess

Mourner's Ice: Arminius forcibly grabs some of the opponent's soul and takes it for himself. This reduces the opponent's Essence by 1 for the encounter and gives Arminius an essence piece of a type that depends on the person he took it from. 

      Souls for the Soul Forge!:  After combat Arminius automatically collects an essence piece from dead enemies.


Perk Backed: Mythril tongued: Arminius tries to get an enemy to be more willing to help the party. Ess V Ess, exact effects are up to the GM.

Mass Inspire: Improves all ally’s Morale giving them +½ essence to Str for 5 turns. Usable once per plot.

    Churchill's Counterpart: Also improves the RES of allies.

    Gorge your Hatred: Inspired Allies get an extra attack.

 Terrarian Copper Bow of Chilling: Deals 4d4+[Dex]+3 cold damage and reduces the target's Init by 2 points, Frostfire arrows used with this weapon have a 50% increase in magnitude, cannot be used with Fire arrows.

Terrairan Bronze Helmet: +1 Res while equipped, if equipped with matching Chestplate and Grieves requires no action slot and grants an additional +2 Res.

Terrarian Bronze Chestplate: +2 Res while equipped.

Terraian Bronze Grieves: +1 Res while equipped.


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Kusuke goes South. He'll fire the SHOT Trebuchet at Horde 1, and store one action for later use.



HP: 24
Moves: TBD

  • Essence: 6
  • Constitution: 2
  • Dexterity: 8
  • Intelligence: 7
  • Resistance: 2
  • Strength: 3
  • Synergy: 4

Doubleshift: Kusuke adds his INT to his DEX for the purposes of calculating the number of moves he receives in a turn.


Take Two: Kusuke automatically rerolls any failed checks once. Uses per round limited to (number of worlds cleared +1.)


Take It Back: Kusuke has the ability to accelerate or rewind an object along its personal timeline if he can reach it. This can include moving it, or simply aging/de-aging it in place. Success (when not governed by an Action) is determined by Essence, Synergy for the raw magnitude of the shift, and Intelligence for finding the proper timelines to move it along. Doing this too often in a short amount of time, or doing a shift with a very high magnitude, can prompt checks for exhaustion, which can cause negative status or damage to Kusuke. Sentient and sapient targets may also attempt to resist, using their Essence.


Flaw - Automatophobia: Kusuke loses 1 Essence every time he is attacked or otherwise negatively affected by a mechanical enemy until the encounter ends. 




Recall: Sets Kusuke's status back to what it was at the start of last turn. Only usable once per turn.

-Level 2: Can target people and objects other than Kusuke.



(Trick) Blink: The user spends one turn to nullify a wide range of physical status effects such as bind and slow by teleporting out of them or using it to enhance mobility. Out of Encounters, this technique allows for a teleport of up to Int+Syn Feet.

-Trick Level: Blink can now move Kusuke twice as far.


Borrowed Time III: Kusuke stores a turn for later use, up to a maximum of 4 turns.


Martial Arts: Allows Kusuke to deal 1d6+DEX damage without using a weapon, and adds DEX/2 to damage dealt with small weaponry such as knives. 


Timeslicer: A nearly indestructible knife made for Kusuke by Satomi, this knife was made painstakingly with timefucked metal -- Satomi hammered each phase into a knife shape, and managed to make a razor-sharp, saw-toothed edge for each phase, these teeth flowing smoothly in their positioning between phases and thusly making a knife that will chew up armor and is very difficult to stop
Deals 2d8+[Dex ] damage, ignores all Res and active(or lower) level defensive effects.
+50% base damage on a crit.
50% less likely to be stolen, destroyed, or unequipped by outside effects.


Lightweight Time Sandwich Armor: A simple chestplate, as lightweight and small as Satomi could get a plate that consists of two pieces of metal and a piece of time-metal between them. It's got some weight to it, but it really isn't that bad and the plate is small enough and curved enough to not be much of a hindrance to Kusuke's movement either. It is also very durable, and less roughly made than Satomi's armor -- she's hammered the edges together on this one, so on first sight it just looks like a single metal breastplate.
+3 Res while equipped, 50% less likely to be stolen, destroyed, or unequipped by outside effects.


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Toshiro drinks a Drinks a Swiftness potion (+3 Dex in relation to moves-per-round, Free Action, Can’t stack) and the Endurance potion (Reduce Damage for the rest of the encounter by 10%, Can’t stack, 3/3 Uses [now 2/3]) He then goes to the West side.


Using the Pink Phaseblade, Toshiro creates a wall of force that throws two targets back [Goblin Horde(W1-2)] and deals 2d4+2 Fire damage to each, cooldown of one round.





HP: 30 
Energy: 8/110 (Base: 100, Capacity Increase: +10%)

Stats: 21/21 +6 from Training

Essence: 1
Constitution: 5
Dexterity: 10 + 2
Intelligence: 10
Resistance: 1+8
Strength: 0
Synergy: 0

Way of the Catfish: One of the paths of the Hylotl, where they train their mind and body must be in sync. When Dexterity or Intelligence increases the other stat will increase without having spend extra merit.

Way of the Swordfish: One of the paths of the Hylotl, where they train to end fights as swiftly as possible. Grants the Passive: Energy Basin.

Way of the Shark: One of the Paths of the Hylotl, where they train their grit to never yield in battle. Whenever an attack lands 25% of damage dealt to enemies is healed back to Toshiro. Must be at least 1 HP.

Natural Paralysis: The Hylotl body is not equipped to handle any kind of electric shock. Whenever Toshiro is hit with an electric attack he will be stunned on his next action.

Actions: 8 (6 Naturally, 2 Purchased)

Rending Strike: A fundamental Hylotl sword technique using the long blade.
Level 1: Deals 2d6+Dex+[Equip Long Blade Bonus] damage
Level 2: Can now target up to 2 enemies with a 1 turn cooldown

Skewering Blade: A fundamental Hylotl sword technique using the Short blade.
Level 1: Deals 1d6+Dex+[Equip Short Blade Bonus] damage. Deals double damage if target was previously hit by Rending Strike this turn.
Level 2: Deals 2d6+Dex+[Equip Short Blade Bonus] damage.

Dash Tech: Give the user the ability to suddenly dash at great speeds a short distance forward.
Level 1:  Free action, Increase Dex by 1.5 for this round. 3 Round cooldown, must have a Dash Tech Card to use

Energy Basin: (Perk Based) Everytime Toshiro makes an attack add Int amount of points into his energy pool. Actions may pull from this pool to make themselves more powerful or grant certain effects. However, points may not be gained when using point-based actions.
Level 1: Basin Size is 100 Energy
Level 2: At the end of combat all unused energy is stored for future use.

Form 0: Sunder: A stance taken to analyze a weakness in their foe and strike it. However, it take emmese concentration and cannot be used all the time.
Level 1: Spend a turn and 100 Energy to guarantee the next attack to deal triple damage and ignore Res. Toshiro may spend the energy cost next attack to continue it.
Level 2: Energy cost reduced to 80
Level 3: Energy cost reduced to 60
Level 4:


Dual Blade Belt:
Provides two action slots that may only be filled with one-handed bladed weapons and reduces the wearer's Init by 1.
Long Blade:
Blizzard Blade:
Long blade,
Deals 2d4+2 cold damage,
Cold Blooded: User gain 15% resistance to cold damage and weakness to fire damage,
Craft level 1: the user has a 20% boost to resisting mental effects that do not induce calm.
Craft level 2: When this weapon successfully deals damage it inflicts a Frostburn effect(not to be confused with IceFire) that deals 2d3 cold damage at the start of the user's next turn.  Due to high magic draw this item may start causing strange things to happen if the local ambience is worn thin.

Short Blade:
Pink Phaseblade:  pulsing with strange energies.
Long or Short blade,
This weapon deals 1d4+2 Fire/Necrotic damage that ignores Res and attacks made with it inflict "Cauterize" for one round, reducing the effectiveness of healing by 25% on that target.
Craft level 1: As an action the user may create a wall of force that throws two targets back and deals 2d4+2 Fire damage to each, cooldown of one round.

Dash Tech Card: A highly advanced tech chip embedded in one’s body which allows for the user to do a superfast dash in a short distance.
+2 Dex
-Microchip: Due to this card’s small size and it being embedded into one’s body it goes with the wearer without much effort. (When the user has the “Dash Tech” action taking up an action slot this item takes no action slots, however, all future upgrades have lower effects)

-Hylotl Shibuichi Helm: A finely crafted Shogun style helm made from silver-copper alloy.
+2 Res,
Set Bonus: If equipped with "Hylotl Shibuichi Chest & Legs" this requires no action slot and the user chooses a resource pool they have, that pool has 10% higher max capacity.

-Hylotl Shibuichi Chest: A finely crafted Shogun style chest piece made from silver-copper alloy.
+3 Res.

-Hylotl Shibuichi Legs: A finely crafted Shogun style pair of greaves made from silver-copper alloy.
+3 Res.


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Leo grabs and drinks an Ironskin potion. He also takes two standard health potions.
 Once ready he climbs up onto the South wall, and takes position.

"All defense systems were online at last check. Im out of range of a fair bit of it, but we should be good to go"

"Right, just sit back and relax, we've got this."


"Not like I have much of choice"

Leo draws the Starfury, electing for a weapon he can use at range. The staff they had acquired from the fight with the big angry cloud was set on his person for quick and easy reach, in the event he needed to use it.


"Alright everyone this is it! Don't let a single one of these creeps through!"
  Leo raises his arms and cast his Blizzard Wind, throwing the frigid gust at all enemies on the south side.



(high quality Trick) Blizzard wind: The user cast a spell that kicks up an icy wind. Dealing 1d6 Ice damage to all foes.

Starfury: A shortsword that appears to be made out of some kind of red/pink glass. Summons stars made of plasma above the user’s enemies. Deal 1d6+[Str] damage to a single target, (when used as a melee weapon) no cooldown OR summon 1d4+1 stars that crash into the same or different targets and deal 2d6+[Syn/2] damage each, cooldown of three. (As a ranged attack)

Alternate Mana Casting: The user may attempt to cast a spell they know using a different type of mana, the effects of this are unknown until discovered. Spells cast like this require that at least 1 point of mana be spent.
Winter blade: The user uses a skill that wreaths a weapon in icy energy from there body, dealing weapon damage+STR Ice damage. Has a 10% (30% against targets weak to ice) chance of inflicting freeze for one turn, stunning them. Freeze is cured if the target is struck by an Fire attack and the attack is negated.


(Action level 1) Channel: The user channels mana from there soul to perform a fiatable action.
   (Trick level 1)-
The user may channel while preforming other actions, but only if there hands are free


Staff of lightning bolts: A simple silver staff with a golden lightning bolt on one end. Deals 3d6+[syn]+[int] damage, and half as much damage to two other targets, ignores Res, useable once per combat


Golem tech arm mounted computer: a custom-built arm mounted touch screen computer. It has a small touch screen with a curve to it, and can project hard light holographic screens and interfaces on command. Its Main purpose is to monitor and control golemic systems, but it IS a computer. It also includes a web browser, several utility programs, and…a few simple computer games, along with a few movies.

In battle this device can project a hard-light shield. granting plus+1 res. This item does not take up an action slot.


(Passive) Machine Synergy: When using mechanical or golemic equipment, the effectiveness of the equipment is boosted by 3, or by [Gm fiat] if No numerical values exist for that piece of equipment.  This does not take up an action slot


Between the shield, machine synergy and potion, the bonus res is 7 

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The Villagers grab up any remaining supplies to improve their own chances of survival.

The spike plants trigger in the West, Ogre W1 takes 11 damage and Ogre W2 takes 15.

And again more spike plants in the Southeast, Ogre SE1 takes 15 damage and Horde SE3 takes 7.

Plasma from the Southwest blasts each of the Hordes for 10, 14, 12, and 15 damage respectively.

Golem squads in the East attack Goblin Hordes E1 and E2 for 11 and 11 damage.


A rifle shot cracks out from the North and impacts with the wall of meat that is Ogre W1.  [78 Crit!] Amelie deals 108 damage.


Jun buffs herself.


Toshiro creates a wall of force that pushes back the two Hordes in the West, the heat from it is absorbed by their shields.


The Arms Dealer let’s loose with his .50 cal dealing a grand total of 40 damage to Horde E1.  That Horde is significantly weakened losing it’s Warriors and Archers, leaving only Brutes.


The Hordes move into action!

The Hordes in the West fire arrows at the wall dealing 36 damage.

Two Hordes in the Southwest charge, attacking with their melee weapons for 71 damage, the other two Hordes fire arrows at Leo and Az for 2 and 16 damage respectively.

One Horde in the Southeast fires arrows at the Dryad for 14 damage while the other two hunker down for some reason….

All four Hordes in the East hunker down for some reason….


The Dryad drops some odd seed pods over the wall, shortly afterward they explode dealing 18 damage to Horde SW4.

It seems all the Brutes in that Horde have been finished.


Kusuke works some time magic and(with Tattletale’s assistance) fires that SHOT trebuchet at Horde SW1 but the shot spreads out dealing 7 damage to each enemy on the West-bank and 3 damage to two of the Hordes on the East bank.


Lucille and Do descend upon Ogre W1 dealing 13, 15, and 5 damage to it.


The Demo drops a grenade that deals 13 and 15 damage to Hordes SW1 and SW2.

Horde SW2 is now short more than a few Warriors.


Satomi prepares herself for the total destruction she’s about to unleash upon these poor bastards.


The Guide gives Toshiro some helpful tips about movement around the wall boosting his Dex by 4 for two rounds.


The Blacksmith buffs the East wall with 13 THP


The Mason and Carpenter hold their turns.


The Mages in the West start working their strange purple magic, one group to create a fiery barrier around Ogre W2 and the other to send bolts of energy at the Tavern Keep dealing 12 damage and setting him on Shadowfire.  He immediately burns for 2 damage.

The Mages in the Southwest form another fiery barrier around Ogre SW1.


The Siege Ogres all march forward into melee range of the walls, not much else to say here.


Two small goblins carrying crates move with Hordes SE1 and SE2 towards the walls, gaining the protection of their thick shields.


The Tavern Keep throws a Molotov at the Mages who just set him on fire and the wounded Ogre.  They’re all set on fire for 8 damage for two rounds.


The Engineers in the East each produce a Siege ladder(can be targeted) which Hordes E2, E3, and E4 grab and set against the walls.  

Up to three troops in the East can move over the walls each round now.


Rose blasts Horde E1 with her Frost Staff for 15 damage.


Leo creates a maelstrom of icy wind in the South making everyone but the Mages extremely uncomfortable but unhindered beyond that.  The Mages take 3 damage.


Arminius continues his Scorpion shinanigens by poisoning the tank’s blades before one of his minions drives off with it.

Piglet drives off with the tank.


Az fires his gun(gaining an Anorky stack) at Horde SW1 dealing 20 damage and bullets spark and jolt into the goblins.

All the Warriors in that group are dead now.


The Mason and Carpenter move to the South.


The Turrets:

[6] Medium Siege Crossbow is fired at Ogre W1 by the Labor Golems for 49 damage, the bolt sticks and starts smoking.

The Clockwork Auto-Turret hits Horde W1 for 42 damage and Horde W2 for 17 damage.

Horde W1 has lost its Archers.

The Plasma Cannon fires three times at Horde W1 for 4 damage each.

The Brutes in Horde W1 are dead now too.



The Plasma Cannons fire on Hordes SW1 and SE1 for 12 and 6 damage.



[1] Medium Siege Crossbow is fired at Engineers E1 by the Labor Golems only for the bolt to sail out into the great beyond, smoking and burning all the way.

The Plasma Cannon deals 12 damage to Horde E1, putting the last of them into their fiery graves.





Two groups of Goblins carrying large sacks of something shiny appear in the West.

Two more Goblins carrying crates and a formation of Goblins using gliders appear on the West river bank in the South.

Two more Hordes and another group of Strafers appear on the East river bank in the South.

Two more Hordes join the fight in the East.



Average Dex: 9

Naming Convention: [Location]:[Designation]




18 Amelie

4 Mason

4 Carpenter



15 Toshiro

8 Goblin Horde(W:1-2)

7 Lucille

5 Guide

4 Goblin Mage(W:1-2)

4 Siege Ogre(W:1-2)

4 Spiker(W:1-2)

3 Tavern Keep



10 Kusuke

9 Satomi

8 Goblin Horde(SW:1-4)

8 Goblin Horde(SE:1-5)

8 Dryad

7 Demo

6 Goblin Strafer(SW:1)

6 Goblin Strafer(SE:1)

5 Leo

4 Goblin Bomber(SW:1-2)

4 Goblin Bomber(SE:1-2)

4 Goblin Mage(SE:1)

4 Siege Ogre(SW:1)

4 Siege Ogre(SE:1)

4 Tattletale

4 Arminius

3 Az



18 Jun

10 Arms Dealer

8 Goblin Horde(E:1-6)

5 Blacksmith

3 Goblin Engineer(E:1-3)

3 Huntress(Rose)




Jun: 44/44, +3 Res, +8 Dex for two rounds, 2 moves,

Toshiro: 30/30, +3 Dex for moves, -10% damage taken, +4 Dex for two rounds, 2 moves,

Kusuke: 24/24, 2 Moves,

Satomi: 24/24,

Leo: 22/24,

Arminius: 24/24,

-Piglet: 20/20, +3 Res,

Az: 20/36,



Amelie: 30/30, 2 Moves, North,

Arms Dealer: 40/40, East,

Dryad: 41/55, South,

Demo: 40/40, South,

Guide: 40/40, West,

Mason: 40/40, North,

Carpenter: 40/40, North,

Blacksmith: 40/40, East,

Tattletale: 30/30, South,

Tavern Keep: 26/40, West, Burning for two rounds.

Huntress(Rose): 62/62, East,

Lucille: 28/28, West,




SE Walls: 875/875

SW Walls: 875/875

E Walls: 1008/995

W Walls: 959/995

Town: 1,360/1,360




Horde 1: Heavily Wounded Archers and Brutes dead,

Horde 2: Lightly Wounded,

Siege Ogre 1: Badly Bloodied, Burning for 8 damage for two rounds, Burns for 4d6 damage once,

Siege Ogre 2: Lightly Wounded,

Mage 1: "Healthy", Burning for 8 damage for two rounds,

Mage 2: "Healthy", Burning for 8 damage for two rounds,

Spiker 1: Healthy,

Spiker 2: Healthy,



--West Bank:

Horde 1: Wounded, Warriors dead,

Horde 2: Wounded, Warriors dead,

Horde 3: Lightly Wounded,

Horde 4: Wouned, Brutes dead,

Siege Ogre 1: Lightly Wounded,

Mage 1: Lightly Wounded,

Bomber 1: Healthy,

Bomber 2: Healthy,

Strafer 1: Healthy,


--East Bank:

Horde 1: Lightly Wounded,

Horde 2: Lightly Wounded,

Horde 3: Lightly Wounded,

Horde 4: Healthy,

Horde 5: Healthy,

Siege Ogre 1: Lightly Wounded,

Bomber 1: Healthy, Protected,

Bomber 2: Healthy, Protected,

Strafer 1: Healthy,



Horde 1: Tenderized and well-done.

Horde 2: Lightly Wounded,

Horde 3: Healthy,

Horde 4: Healthy,

Horde 5: Healthy,

Horde 6: Healthy,

Engineer 1: Healthy,

Engineer 2: Healthy,

Engineer 3: Healthy,


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Using the Guide's advice, Toshrio activates his Dash to to quickly and efficiently maneuver around the western front and cut through both of the goblin hoards, leaving a fiery blue trail in his wake.


As a Free action Toshiro activates his Dash Tech to increase his Dex by 1.5 for 1 Turn, 3 Turn cooldown

The Fishman then uses Rending Strike on the two Western hoards, 1 Turn cooldown (2d6+2d4+26 Cold Damage) [When this weapon successfully deals damage it inflicts a Frostburn effect(not to be confused with IceFire) that deals 2d3 cold damage at the start of the user's next turn.]




HP: 30 
Energy: 28/110 (Base: 100, Capacity Increase: +10%)

Stats: 21/21 +6 from Training

Essence: 1
Constitution: 5
Dexterity: 10 + 2 + 4
Intelligence: 10
Resistance: 1+8
Strength: 0
Synergy: 0

Way of the Catfish: One of the paths of the Hylotl, where they train their mind and body must be in sync. When Dexterity or Intelligence increases the other stat will increase without having spend extra merit.

Way of the Swordfish: One of the paths of the Hylotl, where they train to end fights as swiftly as possible. Grants the Passive: Energy Basin.

Way of the Shark: One of the Paths of the Hylotl, where they train their grit to never yield in battle. Whenever an attack lands 25% of damage dealt to enemies is healed back to Toshiro. Must be at least 1 HP.

Natural Paralysis: The Hylotl body is not equipped to handle any kind of electric shock. Whenever Toshiro is hit with an electric attack he will be stunned on his next action.

Actions: 8 (6 Naturally, 2 Purchased)

Rending Strike: A fundamental Hylotl sword technique using the long blade.
Level 1: Deals 2d6+Dex+[Equip Long Blade Bonus] damage
Level 2: Can now target up to 2 enemies with a 1 turn cooldown

Skewering Blade: A fundamental Hylotl sword technique using the Short blade.
Level 1: Deals 1d6+Dex+[Equip Short Blade Bonus] damage. Deals double damage if target was previously hit by Rending Strike this turn.
Level 2: Deals 2d6+Dex+[Equip Short Blade Bonus] damage.

Dash Tech: Give the user the ability to suddenly dash at great speeds a short distance forward.
Level 1:  Free action, Increase Dex by 1.5 for this round. 3 Round cooldown, must have a Dash Tech Card to use

Energy Basin: (Perk Based) Everytime Toshiro makes an attack add Int amount of points into his energy pool. Actions may pull from this pool to make themselves more powerful or grant certain effects. However, points may not be gained when using point-based actions.
Level 1: Basin Size is 100 Energy
Level 2: At the end of combat all unused energy is stored for future use.

Form 0: Sunder: A stance taken to analyze a weakness in their foe and strike it. However, it take emmese concentration and cannot be used all the time.
Level 1: Spend a turn and 100 Energy to guarantee the next attack to deal triple damage and ignore Res. Toshiro may spend the energy cost next attack to continue it.
Level 2: Energy cost reduced to 80
Level 3: Energy cost reduced to 60
Level 4: Energy cost reduced to 50


Dual Blade Belt:
Provides two action slots that may only be filled with one-handed bladed weapons and reduces the wearer's Init by 1.
Long Blade:
Blizzard Blade:
Long blade,
Deals 2d4+2 cold damage,
Cold Blooded: User gain 15% resistance to cold damage and weakness to fire damage,
Craft level 1: the user has a 20% boost to resisting mental effects that do not induce calm.
Craft level 2: When this weapon successfully deals damage it inflicts a Frostburn effect(not to be confused with IceFire) that deals 2d3 cold damage at the start of the user's next turn.  Due to high magic draw this item may start causing strange things to happen if the local ambience is worn thin.

Short Blade:
Pink Phaseblade:  pulsing with strange energies.
Long or Short blade,
This weapon deals 1d4+2 Fire/Necrotic damage that ignores Res and attacks made with it inflict "Cauterize" for one round, reducing the effectiveness of healing by 25% on that target.
Craft level 1: As an action the user may create a wall of force that throws two targets back and deals 2d4+2 Fire damage to each, cooldown of one round.

Dash Tech Card: A highly advanced tech chip embedded in one’s body which allows for the user to do a superfast dash in a short distance.
+2 Dex
-Microchip: Due to this card’s small size and it being embedded into one’s body it goes with the wearer without much effort. (When the user has the “Dash Tech” action taking up an action slot this item takes no action slots, however, all future upgrades have lower effects)

-Hylotl Shibuichi Helm: A finely crafted Shogun style helm made from silver-copper alloy.
+2 Res,
Set Bonus: If equipped with "Hylotl Shibuichi Chest & Legs" this requires no action slot and the user chooses a resource pool they have, that pool has 10% higher max capacity.

-Hylotl Shibuichi Chest: A finely crafted Shogun style chest piece made from silver-copper alloy.
+3 Res.

-Hylotl Shibuichi Legs: A finely crafted Shogun style pair of greaves made from silver-copper alloy.
+3 Res.


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Fingers Drifts into the fray in the South East, revving the engines of the tank as she goes.

Arminius looses an arrow at the bombers.

"If anyone can use fire I'd advise using it on the crate guys! Hopefully that'll set their bombs off!"


Piglet actions: Tank


HP: 150




Con: 13
Res: 10
Str: 8

Threshold Damage: If the Tank would take less than 10 damage it takes no damage at all.

Vehicle: As an move a character can climb into the Tank and begin operating it or become a passenger, a maximum of two characters can be in the Tank at any time.
While operating the Tank the characters lose access to most of their actions and gain access to the Tank’s actions, two different characters can’t use the same Tank action in the same round.
Damage targeting the characters is redirected to the tank instead, should the Tank be reduced to 0 HP the character(s) inside take overflow damage distributed evenly before being ejected.

Deals 2d6+[Dex or Int] damage twice, 50% chance to gain one “Heat” stack on the first use of the round, 100% chance on additional uses.  Becomes unusable at 5 Heat stacks.  Not using this action for one full round removes all Heat.

Ram one enemy to deal 2d6+[Str] damage and make a Str vs Str check, stun on success.
-Craft Level: Enemies attacking the Tank in melee now take 1d6+[Str]/2 retaliation damage.

Increase Str by 5 for two rounds, effect doesn’t stack with itself but using it again before it wears off refreshes the duration.



DK: The user can begin Drifting when operating any vehicle, while active, everyone in the vehicle has 20% Dodge Chance, but a 25% Miss Chance.

Drugs are Good, Mkay?: Whenever the user is afflicted by any mental status effect, their Int increases by 5.


(Active effect) Ironskin potion:  +3 RES

Terrairan Bronze Helmet: +1 Res while equipped, if equipped with matching Chestplate and Grieves requires no action slot and grants an additional +2 Res.

Terrarian Bronze Chestplate: +2 Res while equipped.

Terraian Bronze Grieves: +1 Res while equipped.


Arminius actions


Essence: 10
Constitution: 2
Dexterity:  2
Intelligence: 3
Resistance: 2+6
Strength: 2
Synergy: 2
 Flaw: Only human: The user's stats (Excluding Essence) are considered 1/3 lower, and this effect can be negated temporarily for a random debuff.

Monster Girl Binding Field: Once per world, when a boss is defeated their essence is sapped to create a minion with halved stats. Each boss gives a bonus to player characters in a group with Arminius. Only one bonus can be used at a time and once per plot switch MG mid combat, but at will any other time.

Goblin Negotiation Tactics: Prices are divided by Arminius's Essence minus the shopkeeper's

Mythriltongue: Grants access to the move "Mythril tongued"
Actions: 6
Inspire: Improve an ally’s morale giving them +½ essence to Str for a turn.

    More Inspirational: Inspire lasts for an additional turn.

    Dr. Feelgood: Who needs a medical liscence!?  Heals the target for 1/2 Ess

Mourner's Ice: Arminius forcibly grabs some of the opponent's soul and takes it for himself. This reduces the opponent's Essence by 1 for the encounter and gives Arminius an essence piece of a type that depends on the person he took it from. 

      Souls for the Soul Forge!:  After combat Arminius automatically collects an essence piece from dead enemies.


Perk Backed: Mythril tongued: Arminius tries to get an enemy to be more willing to help the party. Ess V Ess, exact effects are up to the GM.

Mass Inspire: Improves all ally’s Morale giving them +½ essence to Str for 5 turns. Usable once per plot.

    Churchill's Counterpart: Also improves the RES of allies.

    Gorge your Hatred: Inspired Allies get an extra attack.

 Terrarian Copper Bow of Chilling: Deals 4d4+[Dex]+3 cold damage and reduces the target's Init by 2 points, Frostfire arrows used with this weapon have a 50% increase in magnitude, cannot be used with Fire arrows.

Terrairan Bronze Helmet: +1 Res while equipped, if equipped with matching Chestplate and Grieves requires no action slot and grants an additional +2 Res.

Terrarian Bronze Chestplate: +2 Res while equipped.

Terraian Bronze Grieves: +1 Res while equipped.


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"AND NOW!" Satomi roared once the ogres walked within range of the walls -- because as the ogre on her side of the southern wall got into range to strike the wall in melee, it also got into range for things on the wall to strike it in melee. And along with her roar came a furious blur of motion from her hands, as she operated each and every step of the complicated duds and real levers that made up the axe trebuchet, the genius engineer's memory firing on all cylinders before she yanked a final level furiously... causing the device to fire, just as she slammed onto the side of it and, as mechanisms engaged, it pushed to the side, hopefully swinging the axe at a diagonal angle directly into the ogre. This was an idea she'd had just now -- it would have a far higher likelihood to lop something off or destroy an organ in the torso or something this way than plainly vertical.


Satomi fires the Axe Trebuchet at Siege Ogre 1 in the Southwest! 52+Int (12) damage, ignoring RES, with a 33% chance to deal a x3 damage crit and deal an additional effect!

After the first time Satomi gets hit, thanks to the Slaughtaur Shield, she will take 50% damage from then until her next action or turn end!


Destructive Inspiration: Satomi is suddenly struck with a burst of inspiration as to how to use a siege or base weapon to devastating effect. For the rest of the encounter, when Satomi uses this weapon she has a 33% chance of getting a critical hit with it, a critical hit which deals 3x the damage rather than simply 2x the damage, and has an additional effect at the GM's discretion. Can only be used once per World.


Structural Repair: Satomi starts to repair the damage done to a structure, a skill she has developed over the course of her duties. (INT+CON)d4 damage repaired to a structure such as a base, building, siege weapon, or fortification.


Daisho (currently Wakizashi): A set of two swords (a katana and a shorter wakizashi) carried by absolutely any Samurai at all times, the Daisho is a mark of the Samurai's noble class and honor. 2d6+STR damage, when upgrading the weapon Satomi can choose a different effect for each sword (Katana and Wakizashi) for each level, but must choose only one of these swords to wield in combat at the beginning of each encounter. The Katana deals 3d6+STR damage, whereas the Wakizashi gives a bonus of +3 to structural actions.

Level 2: The Katana now deals 3d6+STR damage, whereas the Wakizashi now gives a bonus of +3 to structural actions.


Time Sandwich Samurai Armor (Level 2): These rectangular plates of samurai armor (on Satomi's thighs, shoulders, and chest) have been modified, with usage of the metal resulting from the bay explosion making the armor extremely difficult to pierce without sustained effort -- damage only sticks on one of the phases of the timeshifting metal.

Level 1: +3 RES when equipped.

Level 2: +4 further RES when equipped.

Level 3: +2 more RES when equipped.

 --Agony-Resistance Outfit: A set of stockings, sleeves, gloves, hood, and an inner robe made of two layers of fabric, a wire mesh, and purification powder. The stockings go to the thigh, are a bit tight, and the silk pattern around where the wire mesh ends at the top create an almost lace-like appearance. They also have straps running down the sides. The sleeves (with the same kind of straps) and gloves are fairly mundane, though the gloves have a fancy pattern on the palm and fingers intended to retain grip. As for the nagajuban, as it is under the kimono, it isn't usually visible, but Satomi's idea of placing belts above and below her chest and just above her hips has the unintended effect of tightening the inner robe enough to even emphasize her figure with a kimono on.

Level 1: Grants the wearer 2 Res and immunity to some environmental effects, doesn't require an action slot if worn with another set of armor.


(this is a total of 11 RES from gear lmao)


Sphere-launcher Ballista Emplacement: A fairly simple and “small” piece of equipment(as far as siege weaponry goes) that can be packed up and moved from location to location for field operations or as transient support. It requires two moves(from the same or different characters) to setup or take down the emplacement, one move is required to load the weapon after setup and each shot, one move is required to fire the weapon, a character who intends to fire the weapon at a quickly moving or distant(50+ yards away) human sized or smaller target must also first spend a move aiming the weapon. This weapon deals 20+[Operator’s Int]+[Ammunition] damage to a single target. Different ammunition may add or alter effects beyond damage. Fills two action slots in the loadout.


(8x) Stone Fragmentation ammoA deceptively simple set of spheres, these pieces of ammunition for Satomi's ballista are simply slightly jagged spheres of stone that have been hammered and struck with relatively light force so that though they remain intact, an impact such as hitting something after being launched will send them violently flying into sharp, momentum-filled stone shards. She carries them in a sack. Adds 8d4 damage and forces the damage to be divided between four targets when used in an appropriate siege weapon.


Slaughtaur Shield: A large, shiny, oval shield with spikes along its outer edge and a large skull in the center.

Level 2: The first time the user takes damage in the round they reactively raise the shield, reducing any further incoming damage by 50% until their next action or the end of the round.  Only activates automatically once per round.  Training again with this item with at least 10 Int may unlock another effect.


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