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Destiny Bond not working

Tapu Fufu

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14 minutes ago, GS BALL said:

You can use perish song. Some event pokemon can come already knowing it as their bonus egg move. Or train that Smoochum we save from Beartick, south of Shade's gym. I can't recommend you Smoochum enough. Keep it unevolved until level 45. Also, it is fast and hits hard from special.

I actually forgot to get it, whoops. Anyway, I beat him by just leveling up Shuppet with Victoria until it got Curse and just replaced Destiny Bond since it clearly doesn't work.


i was kinda salty because I thought this would mean that I'd have to leave the Volcano and lose relationship points with Victoria. Thankfully, it didn't have to come to that.

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It half works.

From what I know Destiny Bond should be active until you use another action.

But (due to a bug?) it only works for the current turn here.


So the only way I see it being useful on Solaris as is, is by having it on a Sharpedo since X-Speed + Speed Boost made mine faster than Garchomp on turn 2.

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