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Retired Mons


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So Reborn has this way of making you love mons you never thought you would use, and also makes you switch out your team members often. Which mons have you grown attached to but eventually had to retire permanently?


For me: Swalot, Manetric, Meowstic, Roserade.

Thanks for all your hard work.

Edited by Tamurlin
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I trying to make a one team on all game, so I rarely change my pokemons. But, sometimes i must do this. For me, this pokemon is Aggron He did everything he could, and I replaced him with Jolteon

Edited by Silver Boy
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When I play Pokemon, I like playing as if I'm running a sports team. In other words, if you don't play well, you get benched. The first member to get benched was Mariah Carey the Exploud. She was instrumental in my win against Julia, as Soundproof blocked Sonicboom. However, she eventually fell behind in the stats department. I ended up replacing her with a Scrafty named UGG LIFE. However, UGG LIFE was replaced next. Mine came with Ice Punch, and I didn't know at the time that I could get Dragon Dance. As such, I replaced it with Belle, my Florges. She did relatively well, but eventually, I discovered (and E17 spoilers below)...


...that in the Mirage Tower, there was a Mimikyu hiding. I ended up replacing Florges with that.

I still hold each teammate near and dear to me, as each were instrumental to the team's success in their own right.

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4 hours ago, Wolfox said:

Delphox. It was my first starter in reborn and it did the work. Now it's replaced by Gardevoir and Chandelure

I never ever replace my starter. It's one of my golden rules when I play Pokemon. Unless it's a mono where you can't get a starter of that very type (e.g Bug)

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5 minutes ago, Jess said:

I never ever replace my starter. It's one of my golden rules when I play Pokemon. Unless it's a mono where you can't get a starter of that very type (e.g Bug)

I started with Froakie, but (I believe around Radomus) left it behind since it's movepool sucks. I kept training it though and using it every now and again just because I felt like I should. Since I now taught it scald and dark pulse it's back on my team again, so I suppose it all worked out eventually.

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28 minutes ago, Jess said:

I never ever replace my starter. It's one of my golden rules when I play Pokemon. Unless it's a mono where you can't get a starter of that very type (e.g Bug)

I will hopefully be taking that up a level in my mono grass playthrough by have a requirement to always keep it in my party. So that will be fun.


But onto things I retired... I can't think of any in my run before my dark mono I only took on permenant members and in my dark run I never officially retired anything other than replacing it with a better version of the same poke (IV's and egg moves). There may have been pokes that were unofficially retired but I can't remember.

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I rarely ever retire something, just feels like a waste of time and resources spent in getting up to speed. I often have a rotation of about 8 mons max(aside from my mainfile which has like 50~ mons)which I just rotate in and out as the game progresses. Feels better that way. Never box my starter either aside from monos, just can't do it.

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In my first playthrough, I ended up placing my Arbok, Mightyena and Noivern in PC.


Then there are the mons I use just to try something out and then never use again, like Sawk. Then again, I haven't really "grown attached" to mons like these. I also tend to eventually drop some mons out of rotation, like Vanillish, Sudowoodo and Octillery in my latest playthrough.

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For me,it would be kricketune.I loved this pokemon but I don't like using pokemon with single typing.Only having 1 stab really start to get annoying late game.Others would be meowstic(I didn't even know it could have prankster) and scrafty.

In meowstic's case the same problem:single typing.In scrafty's case,I chose torchic(don't judge me,I know it is broken) in multiple runs so didn't want another fighting type.

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6 hours ago, Just2Reborn said:

I started with Froakie, but (I believe around Radomus) left it behind since it's movepool sucks. I kept training it though and using it every now and again just because I felt like I should. Since I now taught it scald and dark pulse it's back on my team again, so I suppose it all worked out eventually.

You replaced Froakie?? How can you do that to THE frog? Protean Greninja  EV invested 2HKOs nearly everything xD

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Chimchar -> Monferno -> Infernape

Budew -> Roselia -> Roserade

Abra -> Kadabra -> Alakazam (Was available early when I started) / Inkay -> Malamar

Mareep -> Flaafy -> Ampharos

Marill -> Azumarill

Rattata -> Raticate / Phanphy -> Donphan / Drilbur -> Excadrill


I've only replaced Alakazam (Contrary Malamar intrigued me) and Rattata (Useful Early-Game) and Donphan (Like Excadrill better)

I never saw the need to build a massive rotation as my core team carried through the game nicely enough

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I didn't actually switch it out but I thought about it with my Skill Link Cinccino.

Until I finally found a King's Rock for a decent 40% flinch.


Otherwise, I ended up replacing my Dragalge (now a water HM slave) and Manectric with Mimikyu and Lucario, respectively.

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My Golem carried the team through a lot of battles, notably destroying the mirror arena with earthquake sturdy combo and helping with Garchomp's first fight and beating Ditto arceus with Confide cheese. but evantually he was just outclassed by better mons :(


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I completely scrapped my teams in runs 1 and 2 post E15. Like Azeria, I don't like swapping out pokemon because grinding new members blows. On my second run I ended up scrapping my team pre-Agate, and again post E15. But the ones that were scrapped become rotations that I use when I get stuck.


First run I chose Froakie, not knowing anything about Gen 6 and just wanting to experience it. Got a Protean Froakie by fluke. I did not enjoy it. It kept dying and wasn't doing much damage as a Froglider either. So I dumped it around Corey. Only reason I didn't do it sooner was Hariyama carried me through Florina. Unfortunately I ended up having to retire him at Ciel because he was getting 1-shot. 


Honestly can't remember my second run other than I got Hariyama again.


Did a hardcore run for my 3rd playthrough and found Sudowoodo. I cannot sing her praises enough. Legit would put on any team because it's utility. However, I'm trying to use different pokemon each run so my latest 4th run for E17 will not include it, but it's really hard not to.

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