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Song/ost request ep17


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Il put a spoiler just in case. When diving in amarias gym i found the track playing to be damm relaxing! I immediately after looked through the game-files and found the track under " ambient-Mirage" and it is the right track.

But the thing is the Ingame version loops on the calm part while the track has a Very loud climax. My request/question is if anyone has the ingame version somehow, would be oh so grateful for that!


Edited by It's Still Magicarp inside
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18 minutes ago, Just2Reborn said:

I believe the reason it loops is because that's the way it's coded, so there might not be a loop version :(

Thats a damn shame if it is like that. A last resort solution would be to just record the ingame audio, but that would make it pretty shit quality

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Yeah like Jesse said it's looped by RPGM. I (used to) manage the pinned OST thread and I often got requests from other users like this to link mp3's or something of the exact ingame audio (like, the slowed version of Atmosphere- Rush/the bike theme that plays in Vanhanen Castle, and stuff like that) to the thread and I never got around to it buuuuuut since the thread is two episodes behind now I should really kinda probably get on that or smthn idk


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2 hours ago, Synder said:

Yeah like Jesse said it's looped by RPGM. I (used to) manage the pinned OST thread and I often got requests from other users like this to link mp3's or something of the exact ingame audio (like, the slowed version of Atmosphere- Rush/the bike theme that plays in Vanhanen Castle, and stuff like that) to the thread and I never got around to it buuuuuut since the thread is two episodes behind now I should really kinda probably get on that or smthn idk


I would be oh so grateful! Buuuut dont force yourself to do it if it is alot of tedious work! :)

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