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[IC] TotM DC; Borderlands Subplot: Pandora's Box


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As Tim pulled out his Amulet, he focused. Slowly, the dirt and sand began to move until dramatically, it swept up in a whirlwind, blowing off into the distance. Below it revealed a very rusted, and very large pair of solid metal plates, with a tight seam between them. Everyone could spot the obvious lock about 3 feet in height, from what was visible. In a very scratched and dirty look, there was a off-white painted word on the large door. Hyperion. And with no obvious way to open up, besides a pair of bars on each side of the door, everyone seem confused.


That is, until Vitor once again called upon his Psychometry. His magecraft revealed to him the true purpose of this compound, as well as a way to open it. It's a very old Hyperion weapons foundry from the early days of Hyperion, made by Maxim Turner, the founder of Hyperion. It's main purpose was to keep corporate manufacturing secrets safe during the Last Corporate War. As for opening this so-called vault of secrets, there's a pretty obvious fake stick about twenty feet from the door, that looks a little too straight. Apparently you're supposed to pull it.


Upon someone pulling the lever, you hear the hiss of steam, before the giant door in front of you starts slowly opening, before getting caught on rust somewhere in the mechanics. Luckily, it's opened enough for you to enter.


Inside, directly below, rows of computers and desks covered with cobwebs, only now being shined on by the afternoon sun, casting a dim, and narrow ray down the corridor below. Down to the darkness.

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"Have you discovered anything about this Hyperion, Vitor? And how large is it?" Ena stared down into the darkness, attempting to determine what might not be visible at first glance. "I have a night vision scope obtained from the fight over the derelict, if anyone is unable to see."



Look at all this random stuff I have for Ena for seeing in the dark:


High Resolution: Ena's optical sensors are finely tuned, allowing her to perceive things at great distance, and accurately calibrate her motions with ranged weapons to hit distant objects. +2 to INT for perception checks, +2 to ranged damage.

Level 2: +1 more to perception checks and damage

Level 3: +1 more to perception checks and damage

Level 4:+1 more to each

Level 5: +1 more to each

Level 6: +1 more to each

Level 7: +1 more to each (for a total of +8 to each currently)


Sensor Array Utility: Level 1 (starting gear level): Prevents perception based detriments from inhibiting vision. Gives the ability to see well in the dark.


1 night vision scope (removes darkness penalties if a gun is also equipped)


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"It looks like it's an R&D lab focused on weapons technology.  Apparently created by Hyperion's founder, Maxim Turner, to ward off industrial espionage during a 'corporate war', whatever that is.  There's probably some good stuff in here, but there might be enemies too.  That entrance wasn't nearly as well hidden as I feel like a secret military lab should be." 

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(24 vs 12): Perception Check Success.


In the darkness, Ena's vision definitely isn't inhibited. Throughout the hall of computers, she finds several boxes with more cash in them, totaling out to about $700 Borderland Bucks. Besides that, there was another item among the boxes. Ena receives two [Borderlands Grenade: This grenade takes on the property of whatever grenade module is equipped. If no module is equipped, defaults to 3d4 damage to one target. Single use.] alongside some of the cash. At the end of the hall, she spots a lever, labelled in large black letters 'POWER.'

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Ena pocketed what appeared to be cash, then called out to those behind. "There's a lever marked "Power". Vitor, will turning it on activate some form of defense mechanism? Or simply turn on the lights?" She also grabbed two grenades which were sitting near the boxes. Odd that they'd be sitting out, but neither had their pins pulled, and Ena couldn't see any traps using them.

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"I didn't see any evidence of traps, but that doesn't mean they aren't present, just that they didn't make a strong impression on the building's history," Vitor says, "But if they've got an elevator or mechanized doors or anything like that, we'll need the power just to navigate the place.  I think we're going to have to roll the dice and hope for the best."

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After Ena flips the switch, at first, no lights turn on. In the distance, a low rumble sounds out before the lights slowly flicker on. Most surprisingly work, with the occasional light strobing before dying out. All the computer screens simultaneously flash awake, showing a turning white "H," presumably for Hyperion. A small console rises from the floor in the middle of the room with a loud bang, as it quickly shoots up. A similar hologram 'H' pops up, turning slowly.


Before long, the hologram flickers out, before being replaced by the image of a rugged, and fit male with short hair. The figure turns towards the group, and places its arms behind its back.

"Good evening, Director- Wait, you're not Director De Quidt... Who are you? And what are you wearing?"

The figure seems to point at every single individual in this room simultaneously, looking rather confused.

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"Um, Lucine Nadine Einzbern Yggdmillenia. And it's just a hoodie, I don't understand what's wrong with it. . ."

"Didn't your mother tell you not to talk to strangers?"

"I don't ha- Um, just shut up!" A second, muffled clang sounded as Lucine slapped Opal downward, a flustered expression on the girl's face.

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The lights started coming on at almost the exact moment Tim finished digging through one of his bags and pulled at a lit torch.  He frowned and shoved the torch back into his bag.

"Useless" he muttered under his breath.


After the console came out of the ground he gave Lucine's spat with Opal a quick glance before taking several steps forward to get a better look at the hologram.  The hood of his cloak hid the majority of his face, save the tuff of beard sticking out.


"I have many names, some call me Tim, others 'The red wizard', and still others 'That Asshole who lives on the hill'.  Who are you?"

Edited by StormLord
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"Agent Vitor Santos-Schultz, pleased to meet you, I think," The Brazilian greets the possible AI, possible phone call, "And we're wearing clothes.  What, you got something against clothes?  And the director probably ain't here.  This place has been abandoned for a real long time.  We came down here to make sure it isn't fulla uncontrollable killer robots or something, and salvage what we can.  It's pretty clear nobody else wants what's in here, or this place would still be in use."

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"Good evening. I'm Ena. Who's this Dr. DeQuidt?" Ena asked this, then turned her head away from the hologram to glance around the room. Mainly, she was searching for any odd shaped lines on the wall that might conceal security measures. If they were not allowed to be here, it was reasonable to suspect that their greeter might activate something.

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"Stellio Kontos, though most refer to me as the Ogre of Whitewall." was all stellio answered with "And it's called 'Armor', my good man. Keeps you alive on the killing field, you know? Just like it did against that rabble we put down outside; Did you by chance have any connection to the one who commissioned us to come here? Infact, better yet, care to explain where 'here' even is? I unfortunately can't tell one desolate wasteland apart from another these days."

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It didn't take long for Freya herself to get over her lack of finding anything worthwhile, as an entire hideout opened up from the ground. Needless to say, for the young Necromancer, it was beyond cool, though she was the last one to walk into the dusty vault... Thingy, due to her staring in wonder.


Then, the entire place lit up on its own, and not long after, a spirit flickered to life, turning to them in greeting before going into shock at their outfits. Which made Freya herself raise an eyebrow before looking down at herself, noticing the fact that her outfit, at the point, had multiple tears and holes in it now. That was bad, mostly because she didn't exactly have anything else on her to change into. Which was saddening, and quite frankly, annoying. Really annoying.


"Well, I am Freya" she replied to the spirit with a small wave. Now that her attention was off of her outfit, she noticed that something was off about this spirit. Specifically the fact that she didn't actually feel anything coming from them. It was like they just existed.


... Weird.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The projection of the man splits into several clones of himself, each approaching every individual of the group. As he begins to speak, it becomes apparent that he's conversing with each individual. He folds his hands together, and takes in a digital breath.



"A pleasure to meet you Lucine... and apologies, I'm not used to this... 'hoodie' attire. I'm afraid I've only been around suits and corporate wear for..."

His eyes turn green, a small white dash spinning in the center, stopping after a moment.

"Well, for quite a while, by my calculations. Seems the power has been off for about 50 years."



The projection chuckled at Tim's comment.

"Well met, Asshole on the Hill. I am known as O.R.I.O.N. or Optimum Remnant Intelligence Onboard Network. A acronym that sounded cool to my creator, but in reality they had no clue how to define it. I'm made from an organic remnant, a fancy way of saying that I was created from a fragment of someone's brain. Relatively painless, according to the Director."



"A pleasure, Agent Vitor. No, nothing against clothes... just not used to these apparent new fads, as I've been dormant for... well, 50 years now according to my calculations.

The AI appears to look at nothing but the air, then back to Vitor.

"By the looks of it, I have several Loaderbots still in service here, but no rogue ones that I can detect. You're welcome to look around, as it appears that your observation is correct. I have no records of the research teams leaving here, yet everything is covered in dust and webs. How odd... well, I'll start roaring up the generators for the rest of the lights, and get the Loaderbots running diagnostics. Hopefully there's no squatters in here. If you find anything useful, feel free to take it. Better use in someone's hands rather than dust. Least I can do to thank you for activating me. I suppose if you're in need of shelter, my doors are open, so to speak. Let me know if you have any further questions."



"Hello Ena. To answer your question, Director De Quidt is my creator, as well as the head of research and development for the Hyperion Corporation, and has been since the founding. However, due to the time that has passed, he has likely passed away by now. I doubt a 70 year old man could live another 50 years in this environment."



(79) As Ena inspected the room for security measures, she noted a few things. One, there were several cameras watching every angle of this room, now with a red recording light on. Besides that, a few small round incisions on the ceiling of the room that looked like they opened up, and it wasn't for ventilation. However, as the AI seems to be acting quite friendly and accepting, it's unlikely you'll have to worry about these.



"Ah. Armor... well, I must say that I've never seen exactly what you're wearing. I believe the Director was working on something similar except it had energy shielding capabilities... Anyhow, according to my outdoor cams, did you come in those wrecked Hyperion escape pods? How curious... I'm not sure who would've sent those to pick someone up. Or did you come from Hyperion HQ? As for where you are, this is Pandora. Unless they recently changed the name. Say... do you come from somewhere else?"



"Well met Lilly. I am O.R.I.O.N. How curious... is your pet native to Pandora?"



"Well met, Freya. You seem confused about my existence."


The Entire Group

The clones all come together once again, to form as one. The man looks between everyone in the group. Everyone had at least heard a few of the things Orion had said to each individual, but not as loudly as the things they heard themselves.

"To those of you that I did not introduce myself to... I am O.R.I.O.N. I am an AI. And this..."

He gestures to the end of the control room, slowly turning to the wall, which proceeds to loudly open as if it were the maws of a metal beast. Beyond the doors, massive lights flicker on, showing a massive hanger bay of steel, with various workbenches of projects and components. The most notable thing beyond the sheer size of this bay, was the large towering yellow robots, standing on two feet. These robots flicker on as well, turning the claws on the ends of their arms as they presumably run their systems diagnostics.

"...is Hyperion Research and Development."


Moments later, a familiar robot voice screams. 


Anyone in the group would recognize the voice as that of Claptrap, the robot that summoned you all here. And shortly after the scream, the said robot wheeled up into the control room, looking a bit rusted and sporadic.



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Law's eyes light up with delight as the building lights up with actual light.


"Machines, AI, and Research too, Maybe this planet wasn't such a b-bad pick after all!"


His excitement is dampened as his ears are assaulted by the Claptrap unit.


"Well, t-then."


"Ok!  Now, I'd like to see a Loaderbot and run some diagnostics of my own, do you have any gripes with me scanning some of your systems?  Even internal diagnostic tools can become damaged with enough dust and age."


Law says, scampering over to the workbench full of parts and taking stock.


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The AI appears over by the workbench, through seemingly unknown reasons.

"Feel free to run diagnostics on one. Although, we here at Hyperion are quite thorough when it comes to back up systems."

 Law & Co. find quite a few items for the party:



1x Loaderbot Claw

2x Loaderbot Capacitor

1x Loaderbot Activity Core

16x Loaderbot Wires

5x Circuitboards

1x Diagnostic Tool- Runs a one-time diagnostic test on any electric or motorized item/construct. This test gives insight as to what is causing said item/construct not to work. Gives +3 to checks to fix/repair whatever problem is discovered.

1x Power Socket

2x Loaderbot Joint motors

32x Scrap steel

$6000 Borderland Bux


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At O.R.I.O.N's comment towards her, Freya nodded her head, "Yeah... Seriously what's an AI..." she muttered, trying to put a finger on what it was specifically. It was what Orion was... She just didn't know what that really meant. Some kind of... Undead Spirit?


... Scratch that, that sounded dumb and impossible.


Thankfully, her attention on that question was stopped by the appearance of a small robot with a familiar, tad bit annoying voice screaming at them, causing her to turn to it and walk towards it, "Hey Claptrap... How long have you been here?" she casually asked as she approached, then paused as she remembered what one of the Orions said before, how long this place had been down, "... Actually, nevermind. I didn't even think you'd be here. But, uh, yeah, we're here! That thing we you sent us was kinda... Uuuuuuuuuuuh.. Terrible to ride..." she stated, remembering the aftermath of the landing.

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"What is the primary focus of Hyperion Research and Development? If you wouldn't mind, could you direct me to possibly weapons development, power supplies, or any metamaterials which you may have developed? I have a vested interest in these things, in a few ways." The depressions on the ceiling were likely some form of security measure, possibly automated turrets. Ena didn't suspect the brain based intelligence of any deceit currently, but she made an effort to position herself in a way that would make it more difficult for the turrets to target her, and give more sources of cover. It was almost like a game, testing herself against the facility's designers.

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"Ah, well, AI stands for Artificial Intelligence. I'm a robot with extremely fast and precise calculating skills, essential-"


ORION sighs, and turns to Ena.

"The primary focus was to develop the best weaponry to fight off the natural horror that is the surface of Pandora. Crazy people, giant monsters, you name it. In terms of the weapons development, it'll be down in the bay. My scans don't show any weapons lying around, but some of the materials we were experimenting with on the outer shells could be tricking my sensors. Feel free to take a look. As for power supplies... check with one of the Loaderbots. They'd know more about what's down there than I. I'll have to update my internal stock counts."

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"Thank you very much, ORION." The green light patterns on Ena's faceplate formed a smile, and she headed off in the direction that the AI had indicated, towards the bay. She did stop on the way, next to one of the loaderbots, and inquired: "What have you in the way of power sources, preferably smaller than half a cubic meter in volume." If the loaderbot told her about something in the bay, she would then continue on her way over, to look through the bay for both weapons development and powersources.

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Ena would find a Loaderbot that seems to be scanning a view crates, and as she approaches, it turns to process her request.

"Running inventory check . . . $300 or equivalent."

The Loaderbot reaches into a crate with precision, and pulls out a square, glowing battery, as a tray pops out of its midsection for the transaction.


ORION pops up next to the Loaderbot, and gestures to it.

"Apologies, it does cost to make some of these things. But, you're getting a premium price for it, if that comforts you. You do have the local currency, right?"

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(Total money: 700 before transaction, 400 after).

"That shouldn't be a problem", Ena answered, depositing some cash into the tray, and accepting the battery.

She would then head down to the bay where she had been directed for the weapons development, and take a look around.

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