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Question About E17 Gym Leader


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So I'm not sure but something seems off with how speed is being calculated in the gym battle with Amaria. I'm aware the terrain slows grounded pokemon but my Flying type should be immune right?


Here's the situation, I have a Hawlucha with max Speed investment and Focus Sash being removed which should activate Unburden. Ludicolo comes in and outspeeds (with a Life Orb so no Choice Scarf) probably due to Swift Swim. However, even with Swift Swim Ludicolo should be slower than Hawlucha after Unburden right? Is one of these interactions bugged or am I missing some factor to this?

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This is not the case, Hawlucha doesn't count as grounded so its speed is not getting halved. That said, had the Hawlucha been switched out since it lost the Sash? You say fully invested speed, but what about IVs and Nature?

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16 hours ago, DreamblitzX said:

Despite being Flying Type, I believe Hawlucha is grounded (it's not eligible for sky battles), and thus suffers the half speed of the waters surface

This is false. Sky battles are irrelevant to groundedness.

Ludicolo has increased speed due to swift swim, yes. Can we have more details, like Natures, IV, Level of Hawlucha?


EDIT: fug u marcello

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He has 252 Spd EVs, 30 Spd IVs and a neutral nature (Naughty)


Frankly the nature and IVs shouldn't matter because we're talking Hawlucha (base 118) vs Ludicolo (base 70)


Also he was not switched out of battle after breaking the sash.

Edited by Zemenes
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