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Totally not wanting to fit in


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So, since this has been a recent trend, and I haven't exactly been able to post....

This is yet another one of those "What does x think of you" threads. If you came during my ban, I'm going to base it off of what I've seen on the forums. Oh, and I'm probably not going to sugar coat anything.

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Will: You're extremely chill. I've been year for a year and a half, and I still don't know you too well. If you want to, we can fix that/. oh, and you're art is okay too.

Horizon: ^ - the art. +You're funny.

Cyrus: Go eat a box of Twinkies.That and you were probably my first friend back when I joined reborn aaaaaaaaaaages ago. You're probably the reason why I stayed, even with Ashler's bullshit. You've a;so done a shit ton of maturing over the past year. Hopefully, I'll catch up.

TSS: Your streams were another big reason why I stayed. All the Gundam. So uh ^ -Twinkies

Skeleton: Honestly, I thought you were the crux of all annoying weaboos. However, right before I left, I started to see that you're actually a really cool person. I'm hoping we can kinda forget all the stuff pre-ban, and move forward.

Silver: From what I've seen, you're really chill. Hopefully, I'll get to know you better.

Kaito (I'm assuming): I had always thought you were the biggest possible kiss-ass ever. On top of that, I hated you for even bringing that clan of your's with you. (Note that this was pre-ban) After looking back, I realized that you're just a really mature kid. Keep doing what you're doing, man.

Mashew: I honestly don't know where I stand with you. It's always been

Not talking to me --> Friends --> Hate me --> Friends --> Hate me --> ?

I also feel that you still have some hard feelings over the whole Tyler/Ashley thing. Meh, Idunno. I've always thought that you were awesome. Meh, if you wanna be friends again, I'm down.


Fast forward to about a minute.

Roo:....You were possibly the dumbest person I've ever met. Ever. Ever. -Pre-ban Now: Really funny guy. Hopefully, we get to know each other better.

Summer: Very anti-social. Always came off as you had something to prove. Still kinda do.

Let's see if that changes.

Conor: One of my favorite people here. Always great to be around, fun to battle with, etc. Keep doin' what you doin', bro.

Inuki: <<>>

An all around great guy. You remind me much of myself off of my pill.

Astro: You're a cool guy, Austin, but.... You try too hard to fit in. Your behavior around certain people almost makes me want to double-take three times. If you can get away from the whole "must fit in" thing, and start doing you, you'll find that people will flock to you.

Eternal Edge: When you joined, I hated you with a passion. Always saw you as a humongous kiss ass, In fact I remember a pm to someone from back then "He needs to pull his head out of Ashley, Mashew, and Tyler's collective ass" That was a year ago.

Now, you're easily one of my best friend's around here. You're always down to talk, always reasonable, just plain amazing.

Phoenix: "The silent badass" You're serious when you need to be. Chill, when it's appropriate. What more could you ask for?

Ikaru: You'll always be my squiddly-diddly-iddly Squidwife. (As much as you deny it). If I knew you IRL, you'd fit in perfectly with my circle of friends. (Which says a lot)

Owen: TERRAWR, JULIA BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM, SUN TEAMS, HATRED OF MY DRILL BABY. By far one of my best friends around here. Thanks for putting up with all my shit, man. Also, Maractus.

Enigma: Yes, I love Metric. Before you became "TheNewEnigma" I could sum you up with these words: "No-good", "Lying" "Thief"

Now....not so much. You've done a shit load of maturing, and I respect you for that. Keep it up.

Edited by Neo
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Mashew: I honestly don't know where I stand with you. It's always been

Not talking to me --> Friends --> Hate me --> Friends --> Hate me --> ?

I also feel that you still have some hard feelings over the whole Tyler/Ashley thing. Meh, Idunno. I've always thought that you were awesome. Meh, if you wanna be friends again, I'm down.


Loljk <3

Hiya. I fought really hard on your behalf btw.

Welcome back :D

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