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The Political Soap Box


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They're also officers walking around without badges.

You know, the charge that they can lost their jobs for in any state, including their own right now.

There are also numerous examples of gang members, etc. coming together to stop people from looting during the protests.

I can't deny the looting, but those aren't always the protesters, nor are they always for selfish gain; i.e people going into McDonald's to get milk to wash out the eyes of people who have been tear gassed for standing in place.

90% of the protests going on there are just that- marching or protests. But of course, we're only going to be shown violent citizens who want to fight for their rights, right?

That's the message I wanted to get across. Take it or leave it, I don't care which. But please, keep it in mind.

@Gaza/Palestine; I'm not exactly informed on the situation as much as I'd like to be, but this is about the back and forth missile launches, right? Israel being blamed for coming off as careless and brutal for firing at the Palestinian Extremists even while they hide in plain sight...?

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They're also officers walking around without badges.

You know, the charge that they can lost their jobs for in any state, including their own right now.

There are also numerous examples of gang members, etc. coming together to stop people from looting during the protests.

I can't deny the looting, but those aren't always the protesters, nor are they always for selfish gain; i.e people going into McDonald's to get milk to wash out the eyes of people who have been tear gassed for standing in place.

90% of the protests going on there are just that- marching or protests. But of course, we're only going to be shown violent citizens who want to fight for their rights, right?

That's the message I wanted to get across. Take it or leave it, I don't care which. But please, keep it in mind.

@Gaza/Palestine; I'm not exactly informed on the situation as much as I'd like to be, but this is about the back and forth missile launches, right? Israel being blamed for coming off as careless and brutal for firing at the Palestinian Extremists even while they hide in plain sight...?

I don't know if you've been paying attention, but the vast attention of the media has been on the police reacting with tear gas and anger, with VERY little on the looters and violent protestors themselves. You have to read articles or listen very closely to find out that the protestors provoked a police response. You have it backwards.

Hamas, from inside Palestine, have launched rockets into Israel. Thankfully, the Israeli anti-air and missile defense swats the vast majority from the sky. Israel has higher tech and uses it to make more precision strikes. Those still have casualties beyond what they really wish for (just like collateral casualties when US drone strikes into Pakistan killed other people). Because yeah, even though Israel has warned Palestinians to leave certain areas and stuff, Hamas threatens and coerce innocents in Palestine to stay where they are and become victims to Israels retaliatory attacks.

Hamas plays dirty as fuck.

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The Gaza situation is an absolute parallel to the US.

The Israeli's receive hundreds of rocket strikes, and since they have to retaliate, they strike back at targets... and because the extremists in Palestine intentionally hide behind civilians, it makes the Israelis seem callous, when they are not. Pretty sure I already linked an article on this topic in here, in regards to Hamas using world media coverage to gain more support for themselves.

Hamas, from inside Palestine, have launched rockets into Israel. Thankfully, the Israeli anti-air and missile defense swats the vast majority from the sky. Israel has higher tech and uses it to make more precision strikes. Those still have casualties beyond what they really wish for (just like collateral casualties when US drone strikes into Pakistan killed other people). Because yeah, even though Israel has warned Palestinians to leave certain areas and stuff, Hamas threatens and coerce innocents in Palestine to stay where they are and become victims to Israels retaliatory attacks.

Hamas plays dirty as fuck.

I must say, I have a lot of bias on this situation due to my heritage as Jew. And it frustrates me to see that a lot of people end up uninformed and only hear about how Palestinians died due to Israeli rocket strikes against Hamas. It is indeed true that Israel always warns to evacuate an area of civilians before firing their rockets. Hamas has definitely, for a fact, kept civilians in the area so that they can receive media sympathy for large amounts of civilian deaths, where Israel didn't intend nearly that many civilian deaths. Hamas hides behind the media. The fact that they are willing to end civilian lives to further themselves in a truly disgusting conflict has made me 100% on Israel's side. It sucks because if Hamas backed off, Israel wouldn't retaliate anymore and they would be over and done with. However, if Hamas had stopped firing, that would make room for other land seeking groups to begin targeting Israel. All around, no matter what happens, Israel always ends up with the short end of the stick on everything. What's even worse is the fact that Israel is one of the most thriving countries in the area and is one of the lead countries in production and use of solar energy, which can also be used to aid in diminishing countries and civilizations in Africa. My sister actually is associated with an organization in Israel that does just this. They help build schools, aid in getting them fresh water, and over all helping desperate people out. All Israel wants is peace and unfortunately, they most likely won't get it.

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The Gaza situation is an absolute parallel to the US.

The Israeli's receive hundreds of rocket strikes, and since they have to retaliate, they strike back at targets... and because the extremists in Palestine intentionally hide behind civilians, it makes the Israelis seem callous, when they are not. Pretty sure I already linked an article on this topic in here, in regards to Hamas using world media coverage to gain more support for themselves.

Not denying that Hamas is using completely unethical tactics, but the media, Israili, US, and all around the world is portraying it to a degree more than it really is. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Israel, needs to go to further means to avoid civilian casualties than they are, they'll just walk over anyone and everyone to get to a threat. Much like the US. We shouldn't be funding Israel, Palastine, or any foreign nations in my opinion.

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While I don't agree with Hamas' tactics, I fully support the Palestinian people reclaiming the land that was taken from them.

The whole situation is like a love Drama there, the land is that girl who's been back and forth with two dudes for about 5 years and now they've both asked for her hand in marriage and they'll say they each have been dating her for years.

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I just saw saw a poster advertising to form a rally to support the the protests in Ferguson...

That is code word for we should riot...

It looked new...

Why do dumb asses ruin everything for us...

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The whole situation is like a love Drama there, the land is that girl who's been back and forth with two dudes for about 5 years and now they've both asked for her hand in marriage and they'll say they each have been dating her for years.

Less back and forth for years and more like Palestine's been there since the Roman empire was a thing, and because the world felt bad after the holocaust, we told them to take a hike.

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The conflict in the middle east is one of the reasons I am steadfastly agnostic. None of this would be happening if a thousand different people didn't happen to claim Jerusalem as their holy city, not to mention all of the other things that happen because religious nuts managed to force their way into power.

Before you attack me for going after the religion and not the people, this can be directly attributed to the high religious presence in the region.

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Less back and forth for years and more like Palestine's been there since the Roman empire was a thing, and because the world felt bad after the holocaust, we told them to take a hike.

Yep. Bingo. The area of Israel was the British Palestinian Mandate, and before that, just Palestine.

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Stole? Eh kind of technically, It stemmed from the Mexican American War, which said treaty ended, in the end the US paid an equivalent amount to $500,000,000 to Mexico and over 90% of the people of california and the rest of the annexed territory remained their anyway. So I don't think that really fits here.

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Gov. Jerry Brown to Mexican Illegals: 'You're all welcome in California'

Are you fucking kidding me?


I do believe he said that to "make look good himself to those people"

The illegal immigration thing is a never ending discuss.

And yes, Antono Lopez de Santa Anna sold the lands to finish the mexican american war, they weren´t stolen as many believe.

Enrique Peña Nieto is a fucking c**k s****r low ranking killer puppet of the bastards who control México (bunch of ex presidents, who are the pawns of the biggest drug lord) What he said has no f*****g validity no matter if he calls himself president. In other words, he´s a bitch.

Edited by HolyKnight
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What happened to the old "PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR", I'm so sick of the carelessness of cops today. Shoot first ask questions later. Unless you see a gun on the man, you don't shoot first. Even if you see it then, if he's doesn't have it in his hands, you don't shoot unless he's reaching for it.


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