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Speaking of office, I haven't seen Obama in this situation. It's weird considering that this is about people of his race.

Obama has impressed me a great deal and I don't think he'd make a statement in this case without facts, and seeing how the witnesses disagree and so many important details are left out, I can see how he would not dare make a definitive statement one way or another because there is no one side that is obviously correct.

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Obama has impressed me a great deal and I don't think he'd make a statement in this case without facts, and seeing how the witnesses disagree and so many read details are left out, I can see how he would not dare make a definitive statement can be made one way or another because there is no one side that is obviously correct.

So I guess that means that all of us aren't obviously correct, and that all we have been doing is going around circles huh?

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So I guess that means that all of us aren't obviously correct, and that all we have been doing is going around circles huh?

No, no one is obviously correct and what you have been following are one-sided views with only partial facts.

Why did I... I as a person... have to be the one to notice and point out that the reporter did his duty to tell the truth and told the camera that the crowd had moved the traffic cones meant to keep safe boundaries and placed them far too close in defiance of police authorities? If not for my attention to detail, would you not still consider their response whole unnecessary and unwarranted when in fact it was?

Very few things in life are obviously correct, karpy. I don't know why you haven't seen enough to understand this fact.

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No, no one is obviously correct and what you have been following are one-sided views with only partial facts.

Why did I... I as a person... have to be the one to notice and point out that the reporter did his duty to tell the truth and told the camera that the crowd had moved the traffic cones meant to keep safe boundaries and placed them far too close in defiance of police authorities? If not for my attention to detail, would you not still consider their response whole unnecessary and unwarranted when in fact it was?

Very few things in life are obviously correct, karpy. I don't know why you haven't seen enough to understand this fact.

I already knew it, just that I made that comment for some reason........

I remember why. I wanted to steer this whole conversation and go on a topic that hasn't been covered all the way and doesn't end up with everyone going into war or whatever.

Edited by Gyaradoskiller
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What did you mean then if police weren't actually killing protestors? Speak up now, because that is what you said.

"Killer Mike"

He identifies himself as a killer. I am so likely to take his word seriously, Neo. So serious, Imma call 911 and report his ass. Killer knows all about peace and protests and law enforcement that doesn't kill anyone because he obviously has experience. He totally stands out from all the other shit rappers that brag how they are ganster and off everybody who looks and them wrong or gets in they way. It wasn't a black culture that said a man's word is his bond, because I can't count as high as there are rappers who are full if it.

Neo. WTF is this shit?

I will edit to add more once I have listened to the full video. Prepare your anus, Neo.


prison as the cornerstone of economics... right...

because prisoners aren't fucking treated better than US infantry soldiers. Because it doesn't cost taxpayers millions/billions to provide for prisoners.

Judging a book by the name on the spine, cool.

Also, prison-industrial complex. Ever heard of it?

Maelstrom, on 22 Aug 2014 - 7:13 PM, said:

"Police see a lot more of the worst in human behavior, they don't see the best. It's their job to protect us from the worst.

Hence why they see the worst more often than they see the best. Don't leave those few words out.

Using ex-military in the police. That has been true for a long time. Using military tactics? They are relevant to a police job. Militarizing police? Didn't he just acknowledge that they were hiring ex-military for the police?

You know damn well that hiring ex-military and having the police strapped to the teeth are different things.

An area policed by strangers.

Bitch, don't you realize how that means the area is policed by people who are unaware of local bias, racism, and hypocrisy? They see the situation without prior bias from the area. It isn't about the cops having prior bias, it's about the cops knowing the community that they police. When the neighborhood knows the cops, they can trust them, they don't fear the police. The police can also relate to the people of that community AND perform their job more effectively.

Children do childish stuff. Police are human and make human mistakes.

"It's systematic" Oprah, Michael Jordan, LeBron, JayZ, Beyonce... they have these examples, but they're the exception. OK. They have far more people telling them to be different. Other rappers and gang members. Which is easier? To be talented and creative or anybody else? Clearly you completely missed what Mike had to say. A few people cannot represent and entire group of people. These people had very and I mean VERY special avenues open to them to get into their position.
black males are the least looked upon. Okay. what values do black males profess? I can only look the the most obvious and blatant media examples: the rappers who talk about sex, weed, money. The dude who raps about taking your girl, shooting people, and driving fancy cars. Maybe that's not who they are, but that's what it says to me when popular artists become popular. You think anybody listening to that shit wants a thing to do with people who share those values? Get mean mugged and beat a nigga up? Fuck no. The people who have the money, who have power over the money making jobs... they don't want those kinds of people. They can't trust people who seem to have those values.

Congratulations, you said the most racist thing in forum history. First, you make sweeping generalizations about two cultures that are intertwined, then you go onto say that a form of entertainment equates to our values. I guess white people are all about eating chicken fried steak, breaking up with women, and living in the backwoods, because that's the impression that country music gives off. I guess Latinos are all about partying and love songs because that's the impression their music gives off.

Then, after all that you have the gall to say 'nigga' and proceed to say that because of the music these people put out, and in turn the music that people listen to that 'nobody wants these kind of people because they can't trust people who share those values'. I wasn't aware that a) choice of music equated to one's values and B) that one deserves economic disenfranchisement BECAUSE of what they listen to and the perceived values they hold.

"Violate the rights of an 18 yo african american child." The cop had little way of knowing his age. Even the parents said he looked older than he was. The way he said it you think he was conscious of the fact that he was african american and a child. Does age and race matter to anyone who is attacked? Certainly not the forefront of MY mind if I was out in public and had a disagreement with a stranger and got attacked.

Way to focus on the wrong part of the fuckin' statement. The issue stands with the fact that his rights were violated. Race comes into play when you look at the long history this nation has with systematic racism.

The president said there is a perception and there is a reality.

"This 'thug life' has to end. It serves to fill cemeteries and prisons for foolishness." I couldn't agree more. The concept of 'Thug Life' was born out of complete distrust for the system. It encourages blacks to live their lives outside of that system and protect them and their own. So while I'm sure you agree with what the president said, I don't for a second believe you agree with why he said it.
Oh, so he is killer Mike because he kills microphones. He's the first person I've heard to have a reasonable explanation for a name like that. With no background context OTHER THAN THE OTHER HUNDREDS OF RAPPERS BEFORE HIM, I thought the worst of him. What's in a name? Connotation. That is the goddam answer. Connotation.

Wasn't aware you needed an explanation before passing judgement. Judging a book by what's on the spine is an easy way to get the wrong idea from the book.

Gangster rapper is tongue in cheek. Okay. Glad there was a waving flag that told me he was different from all the other fucking rappers out there.

Damn, bruh, you sure are good with that broom. More sweeping generalizations.

Replies in bold, and I apologize for fucking up the page formatting.

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Im suprised you guys haven´t start cursing each other since most comments seems pretty angry if you ask me.

The policeman kills a young man, whenever he did commit a crime or not, killing is never the damn answer.

A shitstorm happens because the young man is an african american, and I understand that from a point of view it seems fucking terrible, racist and whatever. And it is. It doesn´t matter if they´re black, white, red, brown, yellow or whatever, a human being just died, and according to what I read and many of you know as well, the kid was innocent when it happen.

The cop could just arrest the kid ass and avoid all this if he was commiting a crime, but no, and why did he kill him? Hell if I know, but he did and that´s fucked enough.

I for one cannot be so sure if he was innocent or not, even if the autopsy said he didn´t struggle, but many things can happen seconds before the cop put out his gun and point. I, and most of you, wasn´t there to clarify.

black males are the least looked upon. Okay. what values do black males profess? I can only look the the most obvious and blatant media examples: the rappers who talk about sex, weed, money. The dude who raps about taking your girl, shooting people, and driving fancy cars. Maybe that's not who they are, but that's what it says to me when popular artists become popular. You think anybody listening to that shit wants a thing to do with people who share those values? Get mean mugged and beat a nigga up? Fuck no. The people who have the money, who have power over the money making jobs... they don't want those kinds of people. They can't trust people who seem to have those values.

There´s many black people who have amazing jobs such as doctors, high school directors, professors and many many more jobs that deserve our respect and appreciation and from my point of view, is way better that being a damn rapper who speak of something so damn used by hundreds of others, but, like you said, rappers are one of the most overrated jobs and some are stupid enough to believe that it´s easiest way to become rich and why? because it speaks of what many people desire: Money, girls, weed, fancy cars, big ass houses and who the fudge else, and many would die to be like the one their hear or see on tv or internet.

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Race still doesn't mean a thing, the kid attacked a cop, the cop defended himself. People go angry and blamed the cop. Evidence had proven that the cop was innocent. People got pissed. And rioted to a point where it endangered the life of the citizens who inhabit the town/city. Cops tried controlling and keeping the citizens of Ferguson safe. People label the cops villians.

That is what happened. Any objections?

Also Obama will not speak in this, this my guess as to why.

Obama speaks the truth, he gets half of America hating his guts. Obama sides with all the blind people who are poisoning the minds of the people. The smart people hate Obama.

Long story shot. Obama is just avoiding a shit storm

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I already knew it, just that I made that comment for some reason........

I remember why. I wanted to steer this whole conversation and go on a topic that hasn't been covered all the way and doesn't end up with everyone going into war or whatever.

You can't change the facts to suit your desires, Karpy. You have to understand them head on if you want to have any chance of instituting change

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Race still doesn't mean a thing, the kid attacked a cop, the cop defended himself. People go angry and blamed the cop. Evidence had proven that the cop was innocent. People got pissed. And rioted to a point where it endangered the life of the citizens who inhabit the town/city. Cops tried controlling and keeping the citizens of Ferguson safe. People label the cops villians.

That is what happened. Any objections?

Also Obama will not speak in this, this my guess as to why.

Obama speaks the truth, he gets half of America hating his guts. Obama sides with all the blind people who are poisoning the minds of the people. The smart people hate Obama.

Long story shot. Obama is just avoiding a shit storm

Obama has impressed me a great deal and I don't think he'd make a statement in this case without facts, and seeing how the witnesses disagree and so many important details are left out, I can see how he would not dare make a definitive statement one way or another because there is no one side that is obviously correct.

So which reason is it that Obama won't speak about this situation?
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The autopsy report didn't prove the cop's innocence, where the fuck did you get that?

There are two possible conclusions from the autopsy results, so don't start misconstruing facts to support your viewpoint on the matter.

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Judging a book by the name on the spine, cool.
Also, prison-industrial complex. Ever heard of it?

Omg a word means something?! Let's use something else to be the definition of the word and expect everybody else to follow it. Words have meanings. Fucking learning them. Shakespeare made new ones when there weren't enough. Your hero can't just make shit up with old ones that already have meanings.

prison-industrial complex? I have, indeed, NEVER HEARD OF IT BEFORE. Tell me how how calling oneself a killer has anything to do with anything industrial or industrial aged. The people alive who know anything about the industrial age of the US are long dead.

"Police see a lot more of the worst in human behavior, they don't see the best. It's their job to protect us from the worst.

You know damn well that hiring ex-military and having the police strapped to the teeth are different things.

You hire ex-military, and then you get the stuff that they are trained when and where to use. They are connected. They are hiring ex-military to do the same things they're used to doing. Just not the killing since they have non-lethal stuff to work with. They are not two different things because they want the police to handle more and more situations.

How many fucking times do I have to stay, do you have any motherfucking idea what they are strapping themselves down with? I see new vests. What do they do? They hold more random shit. They might hold more ammo for the officer, but other than that, they DON'T hold more weapons than what they normally fucking carry. The highest lethal weapons in the past and now that i see are assault rifles (non-automatic) and sniper rifles (snipers have long been accepted into the police force for hostage and other situations AND HAVE NOT BEEN PRESENT ON FERGUSON POLICE so you can't claim them as actually having anything more lethal with them. At most, they have more rounds, and more stun grenades with them as a result of a vest that lets them carry more shit. BE SCARED MOTHERFUCKERS, HE HAS MORE POCKETS!!!

No, I don't know damn well. How the military appearance actually make them more effective?

Hence why they see the worst more often than they see the best. Don't leave those few words out.

So you agree that they are trained to see the worst and protect us from it? How often they see the best is far rarer and obviously cannot be applied to the overall crowd in Ferguson.
I'm not the fatalist. Godot is. And he can see how stupid, reckless, and dangerous people as a group are.

the cops knowing the community that they police. When the neighborhood knows the cops, they can trust them, they don't fear the police. The police can also relate to the people of that community AND perform their job more effectively.

fine. tell me how many cops in the ferguson police force aren't local.

Clearly you completely missed what Mike had to say. A few people cannot represent and entire group of people. These people had very and I mean VERY special avenues open to them to get into their position.

So a few police incidents can tell us that the entire goddamn Ferguson department is corrupt? Sing it again, Erick, how the may are maligned by the mistakes of a few. Hallelujah!

First, you make sweeping generalizations about two cultures that are intertwined, then you go onto say that a form of entertainment equates to our values. I guess white people are all about eating chicken fried steak, breaking up with women, and living in the backwoods, because that's the impression that country music gives off. I guess Latinos are all about partying and love songs because that's the impression their music gives off.

Then, after all that you have the gall to say 'nigga' and proceed to say that because of the music these people put out, and in turn the music that people listen to that 'nobody wants these kind of people because they can't trust people who share those values'. I wasn't aware that a) choice of music equated to one's values and B) that one deserves economic disenfranchisement BECAUSE of what they listen to and the perceived values they hold.

I listen to radio stations, which are supposed to have the current, popular music. And I have been to clubs and all sorts of shit. It is not racism that influences me, but experience. HOW THE FUCK DOES MUSIC NOT EQUATE TO PEOPLE'S VALUES? THE SONG SAYS ONE THING AND YOU FUCKING SAY YOU LIKE IT FOR THE BEAT?! That would make sense if there was real music accompanying rap and not beats that it takes 2 brain cells rubbing together to reproduce on percussion instruments. If a song you really like does not represent you... why the fuck do you like the song? FUCKING POSER. Say what you mean, don't pretend ignorance. Hypocrite.

one deserves economic disenfranchisement BECAUSE of what they listen to and the perceived values they hold.

One deserves to be aware of the negative stigma they induce because of their taste in music. How the fuck I dress tells a lot about me. The tattoos I fucking have or don't have say something about me. The music I listen to says a lot about me. To say anything different is ignorant as fuck, Erick. Ask an employer how they feel about tattoos and you'll get different answers. Wake the fuck up. What you do, what you say, what you enjoy says things about you. Don't be stupid.

The concept of 'Thug Life' was born out of complete distrust for the system. It encourages blacks to live their lives outside of that system and protect them and their own. So while I'm sure you agree with what the president said, I don't for a second believe you agree with why he said it.

Thug- a violent person, esp a criminal. I call bullshit. I've only seen thug life used to rationalize a life of violence to take what a person desires. Might makes right for thugs.

Wasn't aware you needed an explanation before passing judgement. Judging a book by what's on the spine is an easy way to get the wrong idea from the book.

I'm glad i mentioned it was for an example of first impressions. Because you totally missed that part. If I was some dude who only judged by the cover, I would not have so goddam much to write in response. This is just what the words mean to me, a whitewashed mexican (a coconut some would say- brown on the outside, white on the inside). I know a lot of how the presiding white people think, because I fucking grew up among them. If you can't look at my analysis and take it fucking serious... then you are completely blind to the gap between cultures, because I am fucking spelling it out to you. I'm not saying it's right, but you're dismissing it out of hand like it's nothing for you to consider when nothing is further from the truth.

Way to focus on the wrong part of the fuckin' statement. The issue stands with the fact that his rights were violated. Race comes into play when you look at the long history this nation has with systematic racism.

Cop defends himself from male who was resisting arrest and attacked him. Tell me what rights were violated. As it stands, that 'fact' has yet to be determined.

Gangster rapper is tongue in cheek. Okay. Glad there was a waving flag that told me he was different from all the other fucking rappers out there.

Damn, bruh, you sure are good with that broom. More sweeping generalizations.

A 1/100 exception makes the general rule completely unfeasable?! Fucking math and logic says the one is the exception and the rest will likely be a certain way.

Don't tell me you expect most mexicans to be white? Or do you expect them to be brown? herp derp, experience determines all.

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A distance greater than about 9 inches between the skin and the gun, depending on the gun, would be categorized as a "distant wound," Davis said.

"Three feet would look the same as 4 feet, 10 feet, 50 feet," he said. At that point, the history of the deceased comes into play. Did witnesses report a shooter across the street or a few feet away? Are there any security cameras showing the shooting?

That is a huge flaw, the angle of entry does not prove one way or another, gg. Parents are not subjective, viable character witnesses.

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Omg a word means something?! Let's use something else to be the definition of the word and expect everybody else to follow it. Words have meanings. Fucking learning them. Shakespeare made new ones when there weren't enough. Your hero can't just make shit up with old ones that already have meanings.

Clearly you must be satan incarnate because you have an alt that's called Lucifer. Clearly, you're a killer whale because of your alt called Orca. Don't be fucking silly.

prison-industrial complex? I have, indeed, NEVER HEARD OF IT BEFORE. Tell me how how calling oneself a killer has anything to do with anything industrial or industrial aged. The people alive who know anything about the industrial age of the US are long dead.

You made two points int he square that I quoted. Don't pull shit out our your ass. For someone that acts and claims to be as "in-the-know" as you, I find it hard to believe that you don't know what it is. Anyway, read up:




You hire ex-military, and then you get the stuff that they are trained when and where to use. They are connected. They are hiring ex-military to do the same things they're used to doing. Just not the killing since they have non-lethal stuff to work with. They are not two different things because they want the police to handle more and more situations.

How many fucking times do I have to stay, do you have any motherfucking idea what they are strapping themselves down with? I see new vests. What do they do? They hold more random shit. They might hold more ammo for the officer, but other than that, they DON'T hold more weapons than what they normally fucking carry. The highest lethal weapons in the past and now that i see are assault rifles (non-automatic) and sniper rifles (snipers have long been accepted into the police force for hostage and other situations AND HAVE NOT BEEN PRESENT ON FERGUSON POLICE so you can't claim them as actually having anything more lethal with them. At most, they have more rounds, and more stun grenades with them as a result of a vest that lets them carry more shit. BE SCARED MOTHERFUCKERS, HE HAS MORE POCKETS!!!

No, I don't know damn well. How the military appearance actually make them more effective?

So you agree that they are trained to see the worst and protect us from it? How often they see the best is far rarer and obviously cannot be applied to the overall crowd in Ferguson.

I'm not the fatalist. Godot is. And he can see how stupid, reckless, and dangerous people as a group are.

For the last fucking time. Treating your citizens like they're in a war zone is wrong on multiple levels. If you're cool with being treated like a threat to your nation, be my guest, but don't act like everyone should be.

fine. tell me how many cops in the ferguson police force aren't local.

It's cool that you're able to completely misconstrue the conversation. The topics discussed have clearly taken on broader scope, don't be a fuck.

So a few police incidents can tell us that the entire goddamn Ferguson department is corrupt? Sing it again, Erick, how the may are maligned by the mistakes of a few. Hallelujah!

What do successful black people have to do with this whatsoever?

I listen to radio stations, which are supposed to have the current, popular music. And I have been to clubs and all sorts of shit. It is not racism that influences me, but experience. HOW THE FUCK DOES MUSIC NOT EQUATE TO PEOPLE'S VALUES? THE SONG SAYS ONE THING AND YOU FUCKING SAY YOU LIKE IT FOR THE BEAT?! That would make sense if there was real music accompanying rap and not beats that it takes 2 brain cells rubbing together to reproduce on percussion instruments. If a song you really like does not represent you... why the fuck do you like the song? FUCKING POSER. Say what you mean, don't pretend ignorance. Hypocrite.

See what I'm getting at? Music =/= Values. You sound like a parent from the 90's who things Marilyn Manson is evil

One deserves to be aware of the negative stigma they induce because of their taste in music. How the fuck I dress tells a lot about me. The tattoos I fucking have or don't have say something about me. The music I listen to says a lot about me. To say anything different is ignorant as fuck, Erick. Ask an employer how they feel about tattoos and you'll get different answers. Wake the fuck up. What you do, what you say, what you enjoy says things about you. Don't be stupid.

Again: I guess that must mean that all white people are all about beer, breakups, and the backwoods. Clearly, that's the message they're sending to society... Oh wait, nobody takes that shit at face value, and Hip-hip/rap shouldn't be taken at face-value (Unless the artist states otherwise)

Thug- a violent person, esp a criminal. I call bullshit. I've only seen thug life used to rationalize a life of violence to take what a person desires. Might makes right for thugs.

You're really gonna sit here and tell me what part of the culture I've not only lived, but studied means? Fuck outta here.

I'm glad i mentioned it was for an example of first impressions. Because you totally missed that part. If I was some dude who only judged by the cover, I would not have so goddam much to write in response. This is just what the words mean to me, a whitewashed mexican (a coconut some would say- brown on the outside, white on the inside). I know a lot of how the presiding white people think, because I fucking grew up among them. If you can't look at my analysis and take it fucking serious... then you are completely blind to the gap between cultures, because I am fucking spelling it out to you. I'm not saying it's right, but you're dismissing it out of hand like it's nothing for you to consider when nothing is further from the truth.

Golly! Like you've been doing with half the shit I've said?

Cop defends himself from male who was resisting arrest and attacked him. Tell me what rights were violated. As it stands, that 'fact' has yet to be determined.

Kid is dead for either robbery/assaulting an officer. Both offense that require a trial. Tell me where the violation of rights didn't occur.

A 1/100 exception makes the general rule completely unfeasable?! Fucking math and logic says the one is the exception and the rest will likely be a certain way.

Don't tell me you expect most mexicans to be white? Or do you expect them to be brown? herp derp, experience determines all.

You clearly have little-to-no knowledge on hip-hop and the artists within the genre. Therefore, you don't know what the rule or the exception is.

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Erick, I said Autopsy + Case Report.

Brown died during his struggle with the cop.

inb4 "But the Autopsy report didn't show signs of a struggle."

Sure it didn't, but something was brought up here earlier by Duster that you guys chose to ignore.

"Has anyone seen that Darren Wilson has reportedly received injuries, including an optical fracture and a few other bruises, to suggest violence before the shooting?"

This proves that the struggle wasn't initiated by Wilson, but by Brown. Also, for you non-anatomy experts, this states that Wilson has taken a blow to the Left Side of his head. This means that Brown struck him, potentially more than once with his right arm.

Fush, you kept stating "the gun shots were performed from a fair distance" not a long distance, a fair distance... You guys know what a fair distance is? the range from the hip to the head. That is a few feet. It would also make sense as for the fact that the kid did reach and struggle for the gun. It also adds support to the fact that he officer was trying to defend himself, by pointing out the side of the body that was shot, was the side that Brown had struck Wilson with. The placement of the gun wounds also support that Brown was in a combative position.

Also kids, Physics is a thing, despite what Terrawr tells you. The autopsy did show signs of bruising on the Victim. He fell flat on his face unprotected after being shot.


When you push a domino down... how does it fall? in the direction you pushed it no? If Brown was shot in a "surrendering position" he would have fallen backward landing on his back bruising the back of his head no? especially with the number of times he was shot.

The only way he could have landed on his face, was if he was lying on top of something... or someone... like... I don't know... The cop he was attacking.

That is all I got for now, if you guys wish to argue with this, go for it.

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Clearly you must be satan incarnate because you have an alt that's called Lucifer.

I absolutely relate to Satan/Lucifer, so that is why I chose it. If I was him incarnate/ the anti-christ, I would be surprised, but I would accept it. I am no devil worshiper, but I have looked it up and found the actual ideollogy to be more appealing and sensible than traditional judeo-catholicism. Did you think I was lackadaisical is my choice?!

Prison Industrial Complex. That thing that is looked upon as making prisoners contribute something to society and earn their keep within a prison? I AM NOT KIDDING YOU WHEN I AND OTHER SOLDIERS HAVE LOOKED AT OUR OPTIONS AND FOUND PRISON TO BE THE KINDER OPTION THAN REMAINING AS US INFANTRY SOLDIERS (if it weren't for the whole dishonorable discharge thing). I was not fucking kidding when I said the were treated better than we are. The only think that makes it worse for prisoners are the organizations of prisoners themselves- aka, gangs. So they kinda do it to themselves.

Treating your citizens like they're in a war zone is wrong on multiple levels. If you're cool with being treated like a threat to your nation, be my guest, but don't act like everyone should be.

I don't always protest, but when I do, I stay within established legal lines. As such, I have never been considered a threat to the law enforcement agency that has set those lines for safety of all involved. Given the second amendment, the right to carry, the right to conceal, the fact that drug cartels and gangs acquire guns illegally... yeah, I'd consider myself under as much threatemed within some parts of the US and I would if I were deployed to a war zone. The citizens aren't in a warzone unless the citizens make it one. And even then, in a lot of the pictures, the police weren't wearing body armor. Just vests that help them carry more shit. Treat citizens like they're in a war zone? Bitch, they would be shot with real bullets if they decided they were going to ignore all warnings and the soldiers went through the proper escalation of force. People wear fucking suicide vests and drive cars carrying literal tons of explosives into compounds , so you fucking can't compare what the police are doing to treating people like it's a fucking warzone. It's a hazardous area, do no the cross the line. I said do the cross! Goddamn it- shoo's crowd away with 'tear' gas. Act like fucking citizens, not hooligans. There was no problem during the day...

The only people complaining about militarization are the ignorant ones.

For the last fucking time. Treating your citizens like they're in a war zone is wrong on multiple levels. If you're cool with being treated like a threat to your nation, be my guest, but don't act like everyone should be.

Hi, I know better than to directly challenge the police as a part of a large, volatile crowd. Police are trained in crowd control because crowds get out of control. That isn't warzone mentality, that is crowd mentality as seen across the world. This is probably the time I'd be contacting a lawyer or lawmaker, not being angry as part of a large crowd aimed at a relative few people.

Again: I guess that must mean that all white people are all about beer, breakups, and the backwoods. Clearly, that's the message they're sending to society... Oh wait, nobody takes that shit at face value, and Hip-hip/rap shouldn't be taken at face-value (Unless the artist states otherwise). I'm in the army and i've seen enough country boys to take the initial assumption more seriously. Cuz yeah, it's kinda true. Your point is moot here, even though I'd group them more as being obsessed with the great outdoors and how the losses in their lives (their dog, their girl, their house, their brother, etc, to hear some sing of it) have made them who they are. I can respect that much more than other musical examples.

You're really gonna sit here and tell me what part of the culture I've not only lived, but studied means? Fuck outta here.

oh, you lived the thug life? please do share. cuz obviously I have a great misconception of it thanks to all the rapping about it. This guy actually shares my misconceptions

Cop defends himself from male who was resisting arrest and attacked him. Tell me what rights were violated. As it stands, that 'fact' has yet to be determined.

Kid is dead for either robbery/assaulting an officer. Both offense that require a trial. Tell me where the violation of rights didn't occur. Rights forfeited when he attempted to wrest control of the gun away from the officer. I've said that before. He is not dead for robbery, but the robbery means it is more believable that he tried to used violence against the cop. Character reference, not outright defense, foo. If an officer is assaulted, he is allowed to defend himself. He has to prove later that he actually feared for his life enough to used his sidearm. I can see where the violation potentially occurred. Your fault is you ASSUME it occurred no mater what. If he did go for his sidearm, that's an automatic threat against the officer's life. Lethal force authorized. Let me spell it out again, "Lethal force authorized."

You clearly have little-to-no knowledge on hip-hop and the artists within the genre. Therefore, you don't know what the rule or the exception is.

Did I mention, I'm a white-washed mexican? Yeah, I kind of don't, but i can hear what gets to the radio and I'm not pleased. Just as I am not pleased with screamo/heavy metal.

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Erick, I said Autopsy + Case Report.

Brown died during his struggle with the cop.

inb4 "But the Autopsy report didn't show signs of a struggle."

Sure it didn't, but something was brought up here earlier by Duster that you guys chose to ignore.

"Has anyone seen that Darren Wilson has reportedly received injuries, including an optical fracture and a few other bruises, to suggest violence before the shooting?"

This proves that the struggle wasn't initiated by Wilson, but by Brown. Also, for you non-anatomy experts, this states that Wilson has taken a blow to the Left Side of his head. This means that Brown struck him, potentially more than once with his right arm.

If you read Duster's post, he said that he saw it on Fox News. And we all know that Fox News is full of shit. He also said that he didn't trust news sources, especially in situations like Ferguson.
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Fox news gets some facts straight. But then it interjects opinions like they are facts and that's where Fox goes down the toilet. or gets incredibly hilarious. depends on your point of view. Fox is only good for making me laugh, or making me angry.

First perceptions generate expectations. Not everyone is willing to go beyond that initial judgement.

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A religion war! In the Middle East?!? That's unheard of!

plot twist, that is what 90% of the New Testament in the bible was about

Real talk though. Saying that there is a religion war in the Middle East is news, is like saying that the next Pokemon game involves collecting badges. That place is in a constant state of war, even before we got there. We have been in war with the Middle East for longer than I can remember.

As for the previous post regarding Fox News.

It baffles me that you guys won't take the legit facts out of fox's shitty biased news reports as a valid piece of evidence.

But the morons you follow on twitter provide the word of god and all of his teachings.

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The amount of judging that's going on from a few sentences of replies in this thread is absolutely baffling; instead of looking at only the surface of each other, can we actually try to understand each other's reasons for their points of view before writing out an angry reply out of your own point of view?

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I absolutely relate to Satan/Lucifer, so that is why I chose it. If I was him incarnate/ the anti-christ, I would be surprised, but I would accept it. I am no devil worshiper, but I have looked it up and found the actual ideollogy to be more appealing and sensible than traditional judeo-catholicism. Did you think I was lackadaisical is my choice?!

I...You...You missed the point completely. To avoid having an aneurism, I'm just not gonna continue this one.

Prison Industrial Complex. That thing that is looked upon as making prisoners contribute something to society and earn their keep within a prison?

Could you be any more wrong? I honestly feel like you're just choosing to outright ignore the shit I'm posting at this point. Go read the links I posted.

Whether or not prisoners receive better treatment than soldiers is an entirely different can of worms.

The only people complaining about militarization are the ignorant ones.

Tell that to the people of China, the people in former Soviet Republics, and the people in North Korea, I'm sure they'd love to hear this crock of shit.

I'm in the army and i've seen enough country boys to take the initial assumption more seriously. Cuz yeah, it's kinda true. Your point is moot here,

even though I'd group them more as being obsessed with the great outdoors and how the losses in their lives

(their dog, their girl, their house, their brother, etc, to hear some sing of it) have made them who they are. I can respect that much more than other musical examples.

You honestly... cannot miss the point this bad. It's like you're going out of your way to sounds as ignorant as possible at this point. If you can't see why making broad statements about a race of people over music

is fucking wrong, then I can't help you.

oh, you lived the thug life? please do share. cuz obviously I have a great misconception of it thanks to all the rapping about it. This guy actually shares my misconceptions

Swear on my mother if I see that corny fuck on the forums one more time. No, I haven't lived the 'Thug Life'. Did you miss the very important word choice I made in the words 'PART OF THE CULTURE'

I'm gonna make this as simple as possible. Black/Hip-hop culture is the result of a reaction to external stimuli. It IS NOT the reason why Blacks are in the place they are, but the result of being put there.

Your fault is you ASSUME it occurred no mater what.

Just like your fault is to assume the altercation occurred at all. Nice double-standard there though.

Did I mention, I'm a white-washed mexican? Yeah, I kind of don't, but i can hear what gets to the radio and I'm not pleased. Just as I am not pleased with screamo/heavy metal.

Ah, I suppose your ignorance to the subject is a valid excuse for making these broad generalization then. Oh wait. IT ISN'T. If you're not going to educate yourself on the subject, then don't go out of your way to make these sweeping generalizations.

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I got your point, but maybe people should be more aware of how their activities and interests represent themselves.

Go read all your links? How about you summarize them? You're concerned about prison workers being used as forced labor. They kinda used to do that already- chain gangs breaking rocks, picking up litter on the side of the road. And society provides them room, board, and medical while they're kept away from most of society. It's supposed to be a punishment, not a paid holiday. If you want, we can argue the programs have the potential do a lot of good, instead of you only seeing the potential for bad.

The only people complaining about militarization are the ignorant ones.

Tell that to the people of China, the people in former Soviet Republics, and the people in North Korea, I'm sure they'd love to hear this crock of shit.

We're talking about the people here in America, OBVIOUSLY. And there's far more wrong in those places well beyond the fact that they're equipped.

You honestly... cannot miss the point this bad. You're going out of your way to sounds as ignorant as possible at this point. If you can't see why making broad statements about a race of people over music is fucking wrong, then I can't help you.

The point, which you missed, are the grains of truth in generalizations. Denying them denies the root of the existence and derivation of such things. You're deliberately blinding yourself if you think they mean absolutely nothing.

Black/Hip-hop culture is the result of a reaction to external stimuli. It IS NOT the reason why Blacks are in the place they are, but the result of being put there.

One can argue that some elements of it are influential in keeping them there too. As if there aren't self-destructive elements in any culture or society. Define the attitudes it promotes and how those attitudes are actually used to influence what types of actions.

Ah, I suppose your ignorance to the subject is a valid excuse for making these broad generalization then. Oh wait. IT ISN'T. If you're not going to educate yourself on the subject, then don't go out of your way to make these sweeping generalizations.

Let me put it to you simply- myself and a lot of people don't share the values and attitudes professed in a lot of those songs. Nevermind the actual musical aspect of it. Please educate me on how that would NOT make people be initially averse to people who sync with something that goes against their own values. Why would one want to learn more about something if they have no interest in doing so? I have no interest in listening to more, or trying to become an artist in those genres.

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