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The Reborn prophecy Theory


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Alright, first off: There may be spoilers if you haven't finished E16 (and I suppose E17 too) yet. This theory is based on a sidequest in Neo-Reborn which ends in a prophecy about you. If you haven't finished this sidequest yet I suggest you do that first (it starts with a woman who lost her ring in jasper ward IIRC).

Secondly: This is a theory and feedback is highly appreciated. I want people to start talking about what is going on in Reborn (especially with Lin) and if you can debunk my following theory than I'll gladly here it. Please be nice to eachother in the comments and don't attack them if they are wrong about anything or simply didn't know something.


Okay, the theory. At the end of said quest you end up at Miss Direction. As the name implies what she says may sound misleading, but I don't think it's a lie though. I'll go over the prophecy now giving my thoughts and explaining what I think is being said.


"I would hope that what I see is different this time, as it sometimes is, but I know already that it is not"

What she states here is that she'll give you the same prophecy she gave you many times before, but that the future is not set and that you can still change it's outcome. Unfortunately this is not the case yet. Perhaps when you make all the right decisions she'll give a different prophecy, but since there are still choices left to be made in future episodes (E18 and E19) we haven't met the requirements for that other prophecy yet.


"What I see in your future is hard to understand. It is a future where you do not exist. It is a future where there were never any traces of you existing. This is strange, because you are the only one I will ever see such a thing for"

This is a strange fact, but for now we can interpret this as an alternate universe in which we were never born. I'll elaborate on this later on.


She then proceeds to tell the story of this world we are not in


"During a time that this ward (Jasper) is still garnished with a deadly flora, a boy with a beaded tooth necklace steps forward to destroy the chaos"

Since we never existed we never stopped team Meteor, thus someone else did: Fern. This might be strange but remember that Fern became the way he is because he want to be better than us. Without the player character he would've never joined team meteor and instead would try to defeat them.


"He earns friends to fight alongside him. A man with spiked bracelets... another with azure hair... a girl blessed with a sleeping star... and a taciturn woman in a black and red suit"

these are Arclight, Cal and Anna in order, Anna has a Jirachi plush and since Noël has a Clefable plush, yet also a real Clefable, many people have come to the conclusion that Anna has an actual Jirachi, on top of that, there is a field effect in which Jirachi would excell and it's very likely Anna is one of the Elite 4. Then there is the taciturn woman in a black and red suit. Unfortunately there is not a single character in Reborn that fits this description as the only woman in a black and red suit is Charlotte and she is definitely not taciturn. To me this person has been one of the biggest mysteries since E16. I'll go deeper into this later on.


"together they cut the tainted roots away from this city, purge poison from the lake, and chase fire from the mountain peaks"

They oppose team Meteor with succes.


"and then... the city streets crack, spiked bracelets splinter in the fissure below. shining armor strikes, azure hair is re-dyed red. An enemy of his own blood stands before him, and beaded hope breaks apart upon the tattered stones of a city forced to live up to its name once again."

The first two sentences of this line of dialogue say that they fail, due to shining armor (this is either Lin or Titania) and because of Cal's betrayal. Due to this Arclight dies. Now for the tird sentence I'm gonna speculate that Cal wasn't the only one who betrayed them. It says an enemy of his own blood stands before him and many have suggested that this "him" is Cal, but that wouldn't make any sense since Cal already betrayed them and I wouldn't see why Blake would be an enemy then. The rest of this sentence is about the beaded hope which might refer to the boy with the beaded tooth necklace: Fern. And in this story Fern is the hero so it would make sense to start a new sentence about him. This could only mean that the other person who betrayed the group is a relative of Fern: Florinia. I know this may seem far fetched, but it almost seems like Florinia despises Fern. I mean, She would've let him die in the Fiore Mansion raid. Florinia seems always so objective and calculated, but maybe, deep down, she's motivated by her feelings out to destroy her brother. Or perhaps there are other goals Florinia is working towards. Have you are stopped and wondered about why Florinia is helping us? In some cases like Julia they are simply portrayed as good and kind people, but Florinia isn't. Maybe the only reason she is helping us, is so she can thwart Fern. Or maybe she'll stab us in the back at the most opportune moment. Long story short: Florinia is not what she seems.


"The sleeping star invokes a wish. From there, the suited girl disappears. and that future follows shortly after."

This is the last line of the prophecy and certainly the most important. Apperently Anna uses Jirachi in some way to make a wish. although we do not know what this wish is, we do know the outcome. What I believe is being told here (the whole prophecy) is a cycle. A cycle of two universes, one in which we exist and one in which we do not. At the end of the game something is going to happen which causes us to be wiped from history and this other universe to take place. From "that future follows shortly after" I gather that this event will happen soon, although I could be interpreting this the wrong way. In any case, in this other universe Anna wishes something which causes mystery woman to disappear and the universe to be reset, this time with us in it. This might explain why we don't know who this woman is. But that still doesn't answer the question of what her role was? I just read a theory of @Waynolt which stated that the player character, Lin and Terra are different sides of the same person. It could be entirely possible that that original person the taciturn woman was. Though I must say, I don't see Terra fitting into this theory. we know she's connected with Lin, probably because they're half-sisters, but other than that I don't see her importance. Lin does seem to know more and we know possibly more too, the problem is: we can't speak, so I don't know this for certain.


Alright I want to adress a few other things since this theory has some holes. It does not explain how Lin is immortal or how she has aged so quikly (Laura or Saphira, I forgot which one, recognised her from the orphanage, but she was younger back then). It also doesn't explain Lin's motives or plans (maybe she just wants to break the cycle? That might explain why she wants us allive, but there is no prove for this theory). If this theory is correct it would also mean that shining armor can't be Lin (since she doesn't exist yet) and must be Titania, which doesn't really make sense in my opinion. All in all the future is still quite vague, but maybe some of you can think of plausible theories about Lin or our future.


tl;dr: We get wiped from history, but that's okay since it's a cycle. Florinia might be bad, Anna has a Jirachi and Lin and the player character are possibly the same person.




God, that took while. Lastly I want to say I didn't come up with everything here, but a lot of what's written above is a conglomeration of other theories I've seen in my time on the forums and I hope to see more of them as the game nears its end.

Edited by Just2Reborn
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I am wondering how is it possible that the alternate universe is our future. If our timeline exists thanks to Anna who wished upon her Jirachi for a second chance to prevent the catastrophe, then shouldn't our universe be the future? And, how it is a cycle, unless we lose to Team Meteor even in our own timeline so a similar wish forces the other one to take place again. For our timeline to be the past, and Fern's the future, we'd have to make the assumption that the two timelines are looping, so past and future get perplexed and both timelines serve as both past and future to the other. In that case, it would be a vicious cycle, since we'd fight eternally, with either us or Fern leading the "resistance" and both eventually losing. 


So, I come to the conclusion that, to prevent this vicious cycle, a major decision would have to be taken by us (the MC). It is like Itachi's Izanami technique in Naruto (for the ones who have read the manga/watched the anime). You are trapped in an endless loop which will be broken only if you realise your mistakes and accept them. Maybe in the next episode we will have to make such a decision. Maybe taking the wrong one will show us scenes from the other world. Maybe we will be forced to play as Fern for a brief time period, or the final battle of the alternate world to see how badly things turned out that Anna had to wish upon her Jirachi for a second chance to save the world. And maybe then we will come back to the same point of our previous decision, offered with another choice this time.


Reborn's story is truly magnificent.


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59 minutes ago, Just2Reborn said:


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Though I must say, I don't see Terra fitting into this theory. we know she's connected with Lin, probably because they're half-sisters, but other than that I don't see her importance. Lin does seem to know more and we know possibly more too, the problem is: we can't speak, so I don't know this for certain.



Well, aside from Terra being 100% id, there is also the fact that (iirc) she is one of only 3 reality-defying characters:
> Terra is... well, Terra.
> Lin cannot be killed by conventional means, if at all.
> The MC has complete control over time. It doesn't matter how many times the MC gets something wrong or is beaten: the universe itself keeps resetting until they get it right. It doesn't matter how long do we grind or explore, the entire universe waits for us to be ready.

Also, there is surely a connection between the MC and Lin: she recognizes us immediately when we first meet her after the Pulse Abra incident, and seems to be ok with us holding the bracelets, even stating that we are together.


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2 hours ago, Waynolt said:
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Well, aside from Terra being 100% id, there is also the fact that (iirc) she is one of only 3 reality-defying characters:
> Terra is... well, Terra.
> Lin cannot be killed by conventional means, if at all.
> The MC has complete control over time. It doesn't matter how many times the MC gets something wrong or is beaten: the universe itself keeps resetting until they get it right. It doesn't matter how long do we grind or explore, the entire universe waits for us to be ready.

Also, there is surely a connection between the MC and Lin: she recognizes us immediately when we first meet her after the Pulse Abra incident, and seems to be ok with us holding the bracelets, even stating that we are together.



hmm, I see, I didn't think of her that way. I always dismissed her as simply being annoying, thinking her supernatural powers were just a weird quirk. But they do seem to bring it up every now and then so it is indeed quite possible that there is more to us than I thought.



3 hours ago, SHIA II said:


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Some have theorized before that the taciturn "woman" in the black and red suit is actually Shade. Though I do remember Anna calling them "Mister".




I'm not sure about that, he does have a red aura, but his suit isn't red. So regardless of being a man or woman, I don't think Shade is the mystery woman. 


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While this is a well thought out theory that I can mostly see to come true in later installments, I don't think we are the same character as Lin and if we were that would be a horrible plot twist. It is more likely that the wish made us come to the Reborn region than split Lin in two.


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Agreed on your interpretation of most points of the prophecy, particularly that "an enemy of his own blood" is referring to Florinia—not only is Fern the main character here and the only one that line really makes sense for, the rest of the sentence is unambiguously talking about him, so I don't think there's any other way to interpret it. I don't have much in the way of organized thoughts on the prophecy myself, besides the basic meaning of it you outlined, but here's a few thoughts on the rest of what you said?


I think you're jumping a little far on the "Florinia is secretly evil" part. This is talking about an alternate universe, after all—one where Fern of all people is the main good guy, at that—so I think it makes more sense to assume that Florinia, like Fern or anyone else in this timeline, was shaped differently by the different circumstances in one way or another that led to her fighting on the other side. It's not like Reborn hasn't already had plenty of characters with unstable or conflicted loyalties, even in the normal timeline. (Hell, at this point I think most of the Team Meteor characters we've met have had some sort of misgivings or conflict in their loyalty to the team. Corey was coerced into working for them; Eve and Lumi are hostages with literally nowhere else to go; Taka is only with them because he was born into it and doesn't have the nerve to leave; Cal, Bennett, and Fern were/are kids with inferiority complexes looking to prove something; rank and file soldiers like Eclipse, Aster, and Simon have turned tail when faced with the harm Team Meteor does to both innocent civilians and its own members; Sigmund is only interested in working with them for his own ulterior motives; and even the true believers Solaris and El have been in conflict with Lin's leadership since she hijacked their organization.) So, "Florinia is capable of joining Team Meteor under the right circumstances", definitely. But "Florinia is secretly evil and is only being a good guy now to spite Fern" seems way too reductive and simplistic, and I don't think it really fits what we've seen of her characterization anyway. Her exact motivations are a bit of a mystery so far (outside of "something hurt her badly enough to end her friendship with Titania and make her swear off feeling emotions"), but I don't think she comes across as fixated on showing up Fern the way he does with her (well, with her and everyone else he meets :P). The two of them definitely have major issues with each other, but honestly I always got the impression Florinia was too preoccupied with her own emotional problems to pay much mind to whatever Fern gets up to.


I would say the "shining armor" line definitely refers to Titania. Shining armor has always been her symbol, both literally in the sense that she's a Steel-type trainer who wears it and thematically with regard to her whole fairy-tale motif, and using it as shorthand for her is consistent with the way everyone in the prophecy is referred to with brief descriptive images in place of names. Whereas I think the only time Lin has worn armor was when she was specifically borrowing it from Titania's gym? I'd expect her to get a description that fits her personally if we were supposed to read that line as meaning her. And I don't think it's that weird to think that Titania might be an antagonist in the alternate timeline? We already know it's a different enough timeline that Fern takes up the mantle of hero against Team Meteor, Florinia ends up facing him as an enemy, Cal apparently starts off fighting against Team Meteor, and Arclight seems to be one of the primary protagonists from the start. And we barely know anything about the exact series of events that goes down, or what might be going on behind the scenes. Without more detailed information, I'm willing to say a lot is potentially possible.


At the end of the game something is going to happen which causes us to be wiped from history and this other universe to take place. From "that future follows shortly after" I gather that this event will happen soon, although I could be interpreting this the wrong way.

Yeah, I think you're misreading that line slightly. "the suited girl disappears. and that future follows shortly after"—i.e., the girl disappears, followed shortly by that future disappearing. So, like you said, Anna makes a wish to Jirachi, and that wish results in the girl in the suit disappearing and the universe being reset (or reborn, so to speak).


I'm honestly not sure what exactly Lin's whole deal is either, even this late into the plot. We have pieces like her childhood at the orphanage, her mysterious aging, and her various inhuman traits like immortality and apparently going unconscious and unresponsive for hours at a time, but I haven't had any luck putting them together yet beyond "welp, she's mysterious and plot-important". Whatever Lin's deal is, though, I do think you're onto something with connecting the mysterious girl in the prophecy and the player character. "Taciturn" is certainly a defining trait of the player character, after all! And the fact that the player character is the only person the fortune teller will ever see this future for must mean that it's only their future, not anyone else's, despite it being a future where they alone don't exist... so, "the player character is removed from existence to be reborn as someone else in the new universe" (and vice versa for the suited girl in the other timeline) seems like a logical conclusion. They never existed in the alternate universe, because they were someone else instead; but the fortune teller still sees that future for them and them alone, because unlike everyone else (who exist in the alternate timeline, but as that timeline's versions of themselves rather than the ones we know now), the version of them from this universe gets sent to the alternate timeline to become someone else. Thus why the suited girl disappears before the rest of the universe does.


It also would make sense that some of the most story-critical choices seem to be tied to Anna in terms of relationship points, if the overarching plot of the game is a repeating cycle of everything going wrong and Anna wishing for the universe to be reborn to try again. Those choices could be what it takes for things to finally go right, allowing her to end the cycle.


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I would say the taciturn woman in black and red may be shining armor Titania; I also think that we shouldn't focus too much on the characters as WE know them.

My idea is that 2 parallel timelines got to exist when Anna made her wish. The first Reborn was to be ended, so the new timeline was made so we (the true hero) could exist. In fact, I think that when we will stop team Meteor, we may be transported to the other timeline to try and save that world too. This would also explain why Lin is aged so quickly and why she is immortal: the first point is ofc because the Lin we meet is the one from the other timeline, that somehow travelled through universes to get to her goal. Also, by travelling through space-time, she is able to give notice to her past self of what not to do


Like when she was killed by titania in Zekrom path, in her last moments she may have travelled back to the other timeline and told her other self not to get in that situation. That way, the other Lin we see is another version of herself. I know it's kinda f***ed up, I hope I have explained well myself :D


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I have a theory. what if the reason the fortune teller sees this alternate reality is cause that the wish anna asked for was for someone who could fight this menace and time reversed and we (the main character)were created and also possibly the suited girl was erased from existence as another result of the wish

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On 30.12.2017 at 6:39 PM, Just2Reborn said:

Alright, first off: There may be spoilers if you haven't finished E16 (and I suppose E17 too) yet. This theory is based on a sidequest in Neo-Reborn which ends in a prophecy about you. If you haven't finished this sidequest yet I suggest you do that first (it starts with a woman who lost her ring in jasper ward IIRC).

Secondly: This is a theory and feedback is highly appreciated. I want people to start talking about what is going on in Reborn (especially with Lin) and if you can debunk my following theory than I'll gladly here it. Please be nice to eachother in the comments and don't attack them if they are wrong about anything or simply didn't know something.

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Okay, the theory. At the end of said quest you end up at Miss Direction. As the name implies what she says may sound misleading, but I don't think it's a lie though. I'll go over the prophecy now giving my thoughts and explaining what I think is being said.


"I would hope that what I see is different this time, as it sometimes is, but I know already that it is not"

What she states here is that she'll give you the same prophecy she gave you many times before, but that the future is not set and that you can still change it's outcome. Unfortunately this is not the case yet. Perhaps when you make all the right decisions she'll give a different prophecy, but since there are still choices left to be made in future episodes (E18 and E19) we haven't met the requirements for that other prophecy yet.


"What I see in your future is hard to understand. It is a future where you do not exist. It is a future where there were never any traces of you existing. This is strange, because you are the only one I will ever see such a thing for"

This is a strange fact, but for now we can interpret this as an alternate universe in which we were never born. I'll elaborate on this later on.


She then proceeds to tell the story of this world we are not in


"During a time that this ward (Jasper) is still garnished with a deadly flora, a boy with a beaded tooth necklace steps forward to destroy the chaos"

Since we never existed we never stopped team Meteor, thus someone else did: Fern. This might be strange but remember that Fern became the way he is because he want to be better than us. Without the player character he would've never joined team meteor and instead would try to defeat them.


"He earns friends to fight alongside him. A man with spiked bracelets... another with azure hair... a girl blessed with a sleeping star... and a taciturn woman in a black and red suit"

these are Arclight, Cal and Anna in order, Anna has a Jirachi plush and since Noël has a Clefable plush, yet also a real Clefable, many people have come to the conclusion that Anna has an actual Jirachi, on top of that, there is a field effect in which Jirachi would excell and it's very likely Anna is one of the Elite 4. Then there is the taciturn woman in a black and red suit. Unfortunately there is not a single character in Reborn that fits this description as the only woman in a black and red suit is Charlotte and she is definitely not taciturn. To me this person has been one of the biggest mysteries since E16. I'll go deeper into this later on.


"together they cut the tainted roots away from this city, purge poison from the lake, and chase fire from the mountain peaks"

They oppose team Meteor with succes.


"and then... the city streets crack, spiked bracelets splinter in the fissure below. shining armor strikes, azure hair is re-dyed red. An enemy of his own blood stands before him, and beaded hope breaks apart upon the tattered stones of a city forced to live up to its name once again."

The first two sentences of this line of dialogue say that they fail, due to shining armor (this is either Lin or Titania) and because of Cal's betrayal. Due to this Arclight dies. Now for the tird sentence I'm gonna speculate that Cal wasn't the only one who betrayed them. It says an enemy of his own blood stands before him and many have suggested that this "him" is Cal, but that wouldn't make any sense since Cal already betrayed them and I wouldn't see why Blake would be an enemy then. The rest of this sentence is about the beaded hope which might refer to the boy with the beaded tooth necklace: Fern. And in this story Fern is the hero so it would make sense to start a new sentence about him. This could only mean that the other person who betrayed the group is a relative of Fern: Florinia. I know this may seem far fetched, but it almost seems like Florinia despises Fern. I mean, She would've let him die in the Fiore Mansion raid. Florinia seems always so objective and calculated, but maybe, deep down, she's motivated by her feelings out to destroy her brother. Or perhaps there are other goals Florinia is working towards. Have you are stopped and wondered about why Florinia is helping us? In some cases like Julia they are simply portrayed as good and kind people, but Florinia isn't. Maybe the only reason she is helping us, is so she can thwart Fern. Or maybe she'll stab us in the back at the most opportune moment. Long story short: Florinia is not what she seems.


"The sleeping star invokes a wish. From there, the suited girl disappears. and that future follows shortly after."

This is the last line of the prophecy and certainly the most important. Apperently Anna uses Jirachi in some way to make a wish. although we do not know what this wish is, we do know the outcome. What I believe is being told here (the whole prophecy) is a cycle. A cycle of two universes, one in which we exist and one in which we do not. At the end of the game something is going to happen which causes us to be wiped from history and this other universe to take place. From "that future follows shortly after" I gather that this event will happen soon, although I could be interpreting this the wrong way. In any case, in this other universe Anna wishes something which causes mystery woman to disappear and the universe to be reset, this time with us in it. This might explain why we don't know who this woman is. But that still doesn't answer the question of what her role was? I just read a theory of @Waynolt which stated that the player character, Lin and Terra are different sides of the same person. It could be entirely possible that that original person the taciturn woman was. Though I must say, I don't see Terra fitting into this theory. we know she's connected with Lin, probably because they're half-sisters, but other than that I don't see her importance. Lin does seem to know more and we know possibly more too, the problem is: we can't speak, so I don't know this for certain.


Alright I want to adress a few other things since this theory has some holes. It does not explain how Lin is immortal or how she has aged so quikly (Laura or Saphira, I forgot which one, recognised her from the orphanage, but she was younger back then). It also doesn't explain Lin's motives or plans (maybe she just wants to break the cycle? That might explain why she wants us allive, but there is no prove for this theory). If this theory is correct it would also mean that shining armor can't be Lin (since she doesn't exist yet) and must be Titania, which doesn't really make sense in my opinion. All in all the future is still quite vague, but maybe some of you can think of plausible theories about Lin or our future.


tl;dr: We get wiped from history, but that's okay since it's a cycle. Florinia might be bad, Anna has a Jirachi and Lin and the player character are possibly the same person.




God, that took while. Lastly I want to say I didn't come up with everything here, but a lot of what's written above is a conglomeration of other theories I've seen in my time on the forums and I hope to see more of them as the game nears its end.

And there is this whole 'The Core of Reborn' thing going,how does that fit in this theory and do we have any clues what might this 'Core' be or what it does ?

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1 hour ago, Thundermaze said:

And there is this whole 'The Core of Reborn' thing going,how does that fit in this theory and do we have any clues what might this 'Core' be or what it does ?

I don't know how it would fit in the theory, but the core of Reborn seems to be whatever is under the Grand Stairway, the place where we find Adrienn. Solaris and Taka call this place the holy Citadel, their family was some kind of shrine keepers that watched over that place supposedly built where Arceus crashed into the earth, explaining the name and (original) motivation of Team Meteor. 

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10 minutes ago, walpurgis said:

I don't know how it would fit in the theory, but the core of Reborn seems to be whatever is under the Grand Stairway, the place where we find Adrienn. Solaris and Taka call this place the holy Citadel, their family was some kind of shrine keepers that watched over that place supposedly built where Arceus crashed into the earth, explaining the name and (original) motivation of Team Meteor. 

Yes this was basically hinted at that hidden book in the Beryl Library 'Destiny's End' i believe it is called,but since the book talks about how the world created vaguely and how everything comes from nothingness,the core could literally 'restart'the world as we know,the book's language seemed kinda dark although it was simply a information book,maybe the main character knew all along the plan,maybe we are gathering information for Team Meteor or maybe simply as in this therory we are Lin,or maybe could be the very 'CORE'  of Reborn,all seems far-fetched now,i can't explain how to rings and pendant would fit in ,they could simply be keys to that core,

Funny thing tho,this whole  core thing somewhat reminds of 'The Matrix',


We will see ~

Edited by Thundermaze
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2 minutes ago, Thundermaze said:

Yes this was basically hinted at that hidden book in the Beryl Library 'Destiny's End' i believe it is called,but since the book talks about how the world created vaguely and how everything comes from nothingness,the core could literally 'restart'the world as we know,the book's language seemed kinda dark although it was simply a information book,maybe the main character knew all along the plan,maybe we are gathering information for Team Meteor or maybe simply as in this therory we are Lin,or maybe could be the very 'CORE'  of Reborn,all seems far-fetched now,i can't explain how to rings and pendant would fit in ,the could simply be keys to that core,this core thing somewhat reminds of 'The Matrix',


We will see ~

The jewlery are the keys to get into the core.

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