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X% Hype!!! [E18 Dev Discussion Thread]


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  On 8/7/2018 at 9:20 PM, Zander said:

Can we know your team? Did you use the same team for all 3 gym leaders? And the "leader" in this episode? Not "leaderS"? So there's only one leader.


Telling us the team would just be saying who it is. And Ame said a long time ago that there was only one leader.

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  On 8/7/2018 at 9:17 PM, Commander said:

So I guess I can at least say something about the leader since you all are worried about the leader difficulty. Titania took me 4 attempts underleveled. Amaria took me 3 attempts. The gym leader in this episode I'd say took me at least 6 attempts but it was more like 8 with a team at a proper level...even with a type advantage.




So only one gym leader meaning we're not going to be getting to lvl 100 this patch?

Which kinda sucks but okay.


I also don't think you're talking about Hardy. Unless there's a rock strat we're not aware of.

Thematically the last gym leader should be Saphira as Dragon works as the "finale" before we go to Victory road. And Dragons are usually meta defining and with speed and field advantage wreck ships like season finales.


Or if Hardy is that rock solid we'll probably have to deal with 2 mega rock pokemon, or something that eliminates Rocks usual lack of SP defense and speed.

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  On 8/7/2018 at 10:06 PM, Mudcrab said:


So only one gym leader meaning we're not going to be getting to lvl 100 this patch?

Which kinda sucks but okay.


I also don't think you're talking about Hardy. Unless there's a rock strat we're not aware of.

Thematically the last gym leader should be Saphira as Dragon works as the "finale" before we go to Victory road. And Dragons are usually meta defining and with speed and field advantage wreck ships like season finales.


Or if Hardy is that rock solid we'll probably have to deal with 2 mega rock pokemon, or something that eliminates Rocks usual lack of SP defense and speed.


Lack of Special Defense can be covered by Sandstorm. So maybe he has Gigalith or Tyranitar. Both get Sandstream.

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  On 8/7/2018 at 10:13 PM, HakuryuYukio said:

Lack of Special Defense can be covered by Sandstorm. So maybe he has Gigalith or Tyranitar. Both get Sandstream.


I also checked the mountain field and Tailwind lasts for 5 turns which would solve the speed problem as well.


But Hardy having a full sand team sounds much better unless it's in doubles and the starters are Aerodactyl with the tailwind set up and a sandstorm Pokemon Possibly GIga and Tyranitar as a last sweeper.

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There was always one leader planned for E19 which we knew about since like E7 or something. Every episode would have a leader, but one episode would have two which was E17. So yeah me telling you there was one leader isn't exactly a spoiler given the information was passed out a long while back. As for my team, I actually am technically allowed to tell people that since it wouldn't really mean much, but what's the fun there before experiencing it yourselves. Besides, what is hard for one person might be really easy for another. That'd be true no matter which of the two were the leader this episode. 


And remember if I actually told you guys any useful information, I'd be gunned down by 5 mods and strapped into a chair forced to play a game of Ame's choosing until I acknowledge Budew is the worst Pokemon ever created. Maybe I'm guiding the discussion or perhaps diverting it instead. Nobody said I couldn't lie to the public. But lying is boring

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You know, I been thinking of something, Didn't Hardy play music? What if he plays Rock? What if his team will be based around Rocks and Music?


So that he like ends up having pokemon like Alola Golem, Exploude, Magneton maybe?

Maybe even Meloette and Diancie?

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  On 8/7/2018 at 10:58 PM, Khaisz said:

You know, I been thinking of something, Didn't Hardy play music? What if he plays Rock? What if his team will be based around Rocks and Music?


So that he like ends up having pokemon like Alola Golem, Exploude, Magneton maybe?

Maybe even Meloette and Diancie?


That would go a bit like Arclight in the idea so i don't think so.

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The possibilities are two: Ame is trolling us great or a legendary/ultra beast will be available. From what I read in the topic reserved to new obtainable pokemon the most quoted seems poipole, which I would see very well as an event pokemon, maybe obtainable at a low level after we have defeated the gym leader, especially if is Saphira.

In all this the hype is sky-high

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Probably won't happen, but i hope that it's Manaphy. It's my favorite Pokemon and with Phione already being obtainable who knows ?


Maybe their will be a event where we have to go back to the Citae with Phione, and then we have to go to the tower where arceus is sealed, and it will bestow it's power to Phione, allowing it to become Manaphy.

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  On 8/8/2018 at 3:32 PM, ShadeStrider said:

Truth be told, I was kinda hoping that all 62 Bugs would be fixed today. But we can't have everything in life.


I predict a 75% chance that all 30 bugs will be fixed by tomorrow, and the release will happen either tomorrow or day after.


Honestly, with us getting the community release soon, this week couldn't have been any better.

Yesterday it was announced that my Main in Dissidia NT will get a complete character rework.

I finally got the unit that i've wanted for a long time in Fire Emblem Heroes.

And now we're getting the community release (tomorrow or Friday).


Thank you Ame and the Rest of the Team, for making my week better then it already was.


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  On 8/8/2018 at 3:24 PM, Bignoob27 said:

aww, do i have to change back to the original scripts or will the mods just no longer work?


Every episode release the script files get changed quite a bit to the point a modder would have an easier time moving and adjusting their work over trying to add all the changes back into their modded script file. Of course that would only take about 20 minutes to do if you label your code changes.

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