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X% Hype!!! [E18 Dev Discussion Thread]


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  On 8/8/2018 at 6:54 PM, Commander said:

Every episode release the script files get changed quite a bit to the point a modder would have an easier time moving and adjusting their work over trying to add all the changes back into their modded script file. Of course that would only take about 20 minutes to do if you label your code changes.


Im really not good at this, but to put it simple. i have to go back to the original script?

Edited by Bignoob27
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  On 8/8/2018 at 6:54 PM, TheTGU said:


30 more bugs...

Looks like this week we'll get E18...

What are you guys most excited about?

(Well, everyone that didn't participate in beta or ealier stages of testing)


I'm most excited about, how the story will progress. I picked the zekrom route, so let's see what taka's fate will be, if he shows up in Calcenon.

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  On 8/8/2018 at 9:34 PM, Khaisz said:

Releasing it either Friday evening or on Saturday, sounds like a good plan to me.

Hurray! Who?


That would be young Summer Tiki.

The best part about it was that before i finally got her, i pulled both Karla(+Def/-HP) and Ayra(with neutral IV's) as pity breakers.

I needed a good Dragon Unit. Next up is Male Grima. May RNGesus have mercy on me and my orbs.

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  On 8/8/2018 at 10:28 PM, HakuryuYukio said:

That would be young Summer Tiki.

The best part about it was that before i finally got her, i pulled both Karla(+Def/-HP) and Ayra(with neutral IV's) as pity breakers.

I needed a good Dragon Unit. Next up is Male Grima. May RNGesus have mercy on me and my orbs.


Idk if you've played this game called Brave Frontier, but it sounds awfully similar to fire emblem. Is Fire emblem a mobile game?

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  On 8/8/2018 at 10:44 PM, Bignoob27 said:

Idk if you've played this game called Brave Frontier, but it sounds awfully similar to fire emblem. Is Fire emblem a mobile game?


Fire Emblem is a series of games on nintendo consoles, Fire Emblem Heroes is a mobile game though, which is a gacha game and people tend to compare it to F/GO or Granblue.

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forgive me for asking as im not too knowldgeable about it but how does one know exactly what route (?) they are on................. never figured out how that mechanic works but am very curious in how it does sry if im asking in the wrong topic and feel free to redirect me to the proper topic if need be

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If you didn't fight Taka at the WTC and agreed with him going with you in the Desert, you're in Reshiram's route. If not it's Zekrom. 


Also, out there in the desert plotwise you wold know, you fight a "statue" of Reshiram or Zekrom depending on the route ^^

Edit: Now, it could all change when EP18 is around, they could branch into more different paths so...

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  On 8/9/2018 at 9:46 AM, Shaush said:

Now catching all those mons all over again is going to be pain



True enough... Not enough pokedollars for balls and pick-up items seem to be much more scarce to show up, than before. No nuggets on wild Grimer, either. Or Balm Mushrooms on Paras; or Comet Shard on Lunatone/Solrock/Clefairy...

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  On 8/9/2018 at 9:37 AM, Zane0144 said:

So according to the Maintenance message, can we assume the episode won't be available until the 10th?


i doubt it, it only means at some point on the 10th we will briefly be unable to use the game's online features from how i understand what it says.

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