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Oh look, you're planning on taking your grudge somewhere else. Grow up and get over it, you lost.

Now, don't misconstrue my comments about the team. Yeah, the 5 pokemon of the same type is bad. But for a what I'm assuming is a first hail attempt is a common mistake. Rather than beating a dead horse, comment on the other parts of the team. RMT's are there for critiquing, so you all have nothing to do but flam, kindly leave.

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Sorry if I didn't mention this was a BL team. Running 5 ice might sound like a lame thing to do but really. Have you seen what this team can do? Steelfags aside, this team can do serious stuff to their own weaknesses. And since other weather-bringers are in OU, hail actually stays in. About SR. I have hail to do decent damage and break sashes. Even Genesect can't stand the cold, if it actually moves down to BL. And the hail is not meant to be abused. It's for shaving hp.

If anymore arguments over this, I might actually consider locking this RMT.

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