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Favourite Reborn Characters


Favourite Reborn Characters  

126 members have voted

  1. 1. Favourite Gym Leader

    • Julia
    • Florinia
    • Corey
    • Shelly
    • Shade
    • Cal
    • Kiki
    • Aya
    • Serra
    • Noel
    • Radomus
    • Luna
    • Samson
    • Charlotte
    • Terra
    • Ciel
    • Adrienn
    • Titania
    • Amaria
    • Hardy
    • Saphira
  2. 2. Favourite Team Meteor member?

    • ZEL
    • Taka
    • Sirius
    • Solaris
    • Lin
    • Dr. Sigmund
    • El
    • Bennett
    • Blake
    • Fern
    • Cal
    • Terra
    • Aster and Eclipse
    • Simon and Tara
  3. 3. Favourite Character (Not a gym leader nor part of Team Meteor)

    • Victoria
    • Cain
    • Ame
    • DJ Arclight
    • Gossip Gardevoir
    • Anna
    • Heather
    • Laura
    • Corin-Rogue

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So many characters, who are your favourites and why?


For me it's Titania and Taka.

Titania's personally is so messed up and fun to watch. She gave a whole speech to Taka telling him to face his own issues while she couldn't face her own problems (Amaria). Tbh I really liked what happened to the two of them in the Reshiram route. 

Taka's just a good husband guy. I don't think anybody can not like this guy. Kinda curious what will happen to him in the Zekrom route, although I still think that he's gonna die.


Edit: I added a third category, to include the other characters that do not fit in the first two categories.

I would choose Cain in the third category. To be fair, I don't really like any of those characters except Cain and Gossip Gardevoir. Cain > Gardevoir because he had more interactions with the player and most of them are quite fun and interesting to watch.


Edit 2: Wait why can't I vote in the new category?

Edited by waynejoker251
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mine is Julia and ZEL

Julia Is a crazy girl and we learned how she got addicted to the bomies


When her boyfriend was cheating on her

She's a fun gal i wouldn't mind having her as a friend

For ZEL i think there's a big story and i still want to know did we kill Lumi and Eve because Zero is the only one there

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14 minutes ago, waynejoker251 said:

So many characters, who are your favourites and why?


For me it's Titania and Taka.

Titania's personally is so messed up and fun to watch. She gave a whole speech to Taka telling him to face his own issues while she couldn't face her own problems (Amaria). Tbh I really liked what happened to the two of them in the Reshiram route. 

Taka's just a good husband guy. I don't think anybody can not like this guy. Kinda curious what will happen to him in the Zekrom route, although I still think that he's gonna die.

It's Cain du'h!

Seriously tho Cain is such a sweetheart,you really have to pull something special to weird him out,all this shit going on around the region,as the story getting darker,i like how he has a calming affect on everybody,that's a special trait,also i quite like his team.And Radomus of course,he handle the situtation with El quite remarkably,and he reminds me of Urahara Kisuke from Bleach,he looks like he always have a plan and loves Chess,and you really have to be a special trainer to have a Gardevoir that loyal towards you.

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Too bad we can't vote for several characters in each category :(


For leaders, my vote goes to Shelly. She's precious and deserves love and protection. Corey, Shade and Amaria could also have had my vote (yes I do like tragic and/or messed up characters).


For meteors, my vote goes to Cal because I'm a sucker for redemption arcs. ZEL, Solaris and Blake could also have had my vote.

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1 minute ago, Alistair said:

Too bad we can't vote for several characters in each category :(


For leaders, my vote goes to Shelly. She's precious and deserves love and protection. Corey, Shade and Amaria could also have had my vote (yes I do like tragic and/or messed up characters).


For meteors, my vote goes to Cal because I'm a sucker for redemption arcs. ZEL, Solaris and Blake could also have had my vote.

Cal and Shelly got your votes. Coincidence?

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Pre E17 my vote for favourite gym leader would've definitely gone to Amaria, but after I heard what she does in the Reshiram route I'm suddenly not so fond of her anymore (I do understand her, but jeezus woman calm down). So I suppose I like Radomus best now. Titania was a close second though, but I think she's a bit too hypocritical.

For favourite Team Meteor member(s) I picked Aster and Eclipse. From their introduction I immediatly liked them. They felt like they were underdogs und their stupidity only added to their charm. ZEL is also very interesting but it's hard to pick 3 different people at once.

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I went with Florinia and Cal. While a lot of the interaction with Flobot comes earlier in the game, I've always felt like it is some of the strongest in the game, and as you uncover a bit of her backstory she becomes quite sympathetic. Cal was only just my vote here, but I've always loved his redemption arc and attempts to find a way out of Blake's shadow. 

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After recently blowing through E17, I have to say Titania and Taka.


I think that Taka's just a real sweetheart. Going through the Reshiram route, his dialogue is quite interesting and really depicts his life. He was born into his own hell and listening to how he copes with it, in addition to coming out and aiding your character really makes me feel for the guy.


As for Titania, well, she comes off as an ass, but despite her cynical nature, she really comes off as a caring individual. During the events before the WTC, she spent her time dealing with the Meteor threat by giving them false intel and even shouldering the work of dealing with them to herself. During the events of the WTC, you get to see her selflessness (towards Amaria) despite her own well being. Seeing the events of the Reshiram route, its rather nice to watch her begin to trust the player and begin to start acting for her own well-being (despite resulting in Amaria's breakdown). Her most common phrase is "I feel like shit" and to actually watch her feel good about herself is quite heartwarming.


So overall I just find those two to be the most developed and interesting characters in Reborn.


Before E17, I'd probably take Cal over Taka. I loved his redemtion in Ametrine. As for gym leaders before E16, I'd either say Adrienn and Shelly. Adrienn because I find xys resolve to rebuild Reborn quite admireable. Out of all the gym leaders, I feel like Adrienn is the one that has the greatest difference towards the well-being of the citizens of Reborn. And Shelly cuz I find her adorable and she needs love.


Also why is Terra on the list twice? I understand she's both a gym leader and a Team Meteor member, but why?


2 hours ago, waynejoker251 said:

Kinda curious what will happen to him in the Zekrom route, although I still think that he's gonna die.

Yeah me too. I think this is why we can't have nice things.


2 hours ago, Thundermaze said:

It's Cain du'h!

True, Cain is an excellent character. He should be on the list. Maybe as "other" or something for characters like him, Anna, and Laura.


EDIT: Oh, he is up. whoops. I vote for Cain now.

Edited by Dragoknight
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My favourite gym leader is Aya because I find her to be the most relatable of them.
I know a lot of people see her behavior played up as typical teenage angst, but with my personality disorder, a lot of what she says and how she thinks hits close to home. I'd have to type out multiple paragraphs if I wanted to elaborate on this, but I'd rather spare you. So let's just say I can sympathize with her a ton, and am very invested in seeing her (hopefully!) move into a better future. Also, her relationship with Hardy is wholesome.


My favourite of the non-leader/non-Meteor characters is Laura. I'm not really super invested in her character, but out of the choices we were given, I find her to be the most likeable. She's one of the more gentle characters in the game, and I appreciate that.



I'll leave my Meteor vote a mystery. I'm sure you'll never guess.

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My favorite character in the entire game is Cal.


In a game that leans heavy on strong female characters there are really only three male personalities in Reborn that hold particular value - and two (maybe one haven't seen the latest episode played out yet) of them are antagonists.


Cal IMMEDIATELY voices his actual intentions with the player as they try to head for Aya following the Pyrous Mountain debacle. Above, a poster claims that Cal was redeemed - and while the Ametrine situation certainly makes up for the Pyrous Mountain mistakes - Cal did not make those mistakes as a Meteor willingly and thus wasn't really in need of redemption. He had from the very beginning tried to navigate a difficult situation by setting up the PULSE-Camerupt only to have the machine sabotaged. If the player and company didn't do anything at all - Cal's plan would have worked and his reputation would have retained momentarily and Apophyll would have at least a little more time.


Cal isn't a heel-turn hero. He's a misunderstood NPC who is very unlucky and makes a strong resurgence in a moment that lends himself to his redemption. Ame threw him a bone - and he seized the opportunity. It's no wonder people genuinely like him - because he's one of the few men in this game that are truly likeable.




Favorite Meteor - while very much in depth with multiple options of various degrees of importance (Props) - still doesn't have my favorite Meteor as an option - so I answered Cal again.


To be fair - this is just a grunt - However, this particular grunt is special to me. An "Other" option would suffice. :)




Laura is probably my favorite non-gym leader, non-meteor. Florinia is my favorite gym leader not named Cal. Grass Type Best Type.

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3 hours ago, Thundermaze said:

It's Cain du'h!

Hey I added the third category. And yeah, Cain is a pretty likable character

3 hours ago, Alistair said:

For meteors, my vote goes to Cal because I'm a sucker for redemption arcs. ZEL, Solaris and Blake could also have had my vote.

Woah, I didn't expect anyone to like Blake. 

4 minutes ago, Chase said:

My favorite character in the entire game is Cal.


In a game that leans heavy on strong female characters there are really only three male personalities in Reborn that hold particular value - and two (maybe one haven't seen the latest episode played out yet) of them are antagonists.


Cal IMMEDIATELY voices his actual intentions with the player as they try to head for Aya following the Pyrous Mountain debacle. Above, a poster claims that Cal was redeemed - and while the Ametrine situation certainly makes up for the Pyrous Mountain mistakes - Cal did not make those mistakes as a Meteor willingly and thus wasn't really in need of redemption. He had from the very beginning tried to navigate a difficult situation by setting up the PULSE-Camerupt only to have the machine sabotaged. If the player and company didn't do anything at all - Cal's plan would have worked and his reputation would have retained momentarily and Apophyll would have at least a little more time.


Cal isn't a heel-turn hero. He's a misunderstood NPC who is very unlucky and makes a strong resurgence in a moment that lends himself to his redemption. Ame threw him a bone - and he seized the opportunity. It's no wonder people genuinely like him - because he's one of the few men in this game that are truly likeable.

Yeah Cal is a really likable character and one of the few male characters to have character development. The only other male characters I can think of that have changed are Fern and Taka. I don't there there are other male characters that have much development, correct me if I'm wrong.

Edited by waynejoker251
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My fav Meteor Character is Lin,

I am sucker for femma fatale,alpha female types,which is amazingly rare tbh,

And the fact she does not talk too much,and how her actions speaks for her (Like when she killed Ame immedieatly :/)umm gurll! i may even develop a Stockholm Syndrome towards her,and when she didn't die when Tania stabbed her,i was somewhat relieved,she is a neccessery evil that's for sure,but i am not sure i believe she is really the evil one.

Also i like how it's obvious in Lin there is more than meets the eye~

Edited by Thundermaze
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Number 1 overall is easily Taka. Needs no real explanation, by far the most likeable character in the game. Takes the no 1 for meteor, taking the spot from his Dad, Solaris and Elias, my second favourite character in the game. I like how E16/17 fleshed those three out and give them a lot of backstory. Solaris and El get painted in a much more sympathisable light.


Gym leader is Corey. His presence is short but his effect on the plot as a whole is massive; his actions end up starting most of the midgame. His diary reveals Sirius to be the actual Devil too, which is cool too.

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Can't believe you're making me choose between ZEL and Fern. Fern has excellent development, and it's very rare to find depictions of multiples in fiction where they aren't automatically treated as horror movie monsters. So I've just got a very strong bias for them. :P As for Gym Leaders, I voted Radomus, but Florinia is a solid second place.

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Just now, Azeria said:

Gym leader is Corey. His presence is short but his effect on the plot as a whole is massive; his actions end up starting most of the midgame. His diary reveals Sirius to be the actual Devil too, which is cool too.

I like Corey, too (but didn't vote for him). I kinda hope Sirius kills Solaris or something: the cutscene before the battles in Amaria & Titania's house leads to believe Sirius and Solaris aren't exactly allies. It's not that I hate Solaris, I believe Sirius has yet to play all of his cards so to speak, and considering his frustration with Taka something is bound to happen.

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3 minutes ago, Giratina said:

Can't believe you're making me choose between ZEL and Fern.

You're my favourite person in this thread now.

I'm cranky Fern no longer qualifies for "other" and I therefore couldn't vote for him.

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Saphira is definitely number one for me. I'm a sucker for the family trope, being very close to my family as well. I also have a soft spot for Cain and Fern too- Cain for just being a good guy all around, especially when it came to Heather, and bringing some optimism to all of reborn's doom and gloom. Fern for just being a complete mess, lol. I started to feel sorry for him halfway through the game and honestly just wanted to throw a battle to appease his inferiority complex a bit. Also, the fact that he's our only rival left who tries is a plus too.

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I'm surprised nobody mentioned Charlotte. She's gutsy and occasionally a little reckless but unlike Saphira she actually has a conscience. While Charlotte of course opposes Team Meteor she doesn't take her anger out on every single grunt she comes across. Charlotte also has some of the most amusing dialogue in the game and is my favourite character in general. She also has one of the most difficult gym battles in Reborn.


Solaris is my favourite Team Meteor member. Not just a straight up bad guy with no backstory like Sirius but not redeemable like his son. I like Solaris because he's not one of those villains who sits there and tells you about his evil plan. He sits there telling you about his evil plan and while you're distracted he kills you with his Garchomp. It seems like there's something more to Solaris, I'm looking forward to seeing what he does in E18.


I couldn't vote for him because the third category wasn't up yet but I doubt he needs more votes. Cain is, next to Charlotte, my favourite character in Reborn. His comedic relief throughout the game contrasts with all the dark events in it. I especially like his scenes with Charlotte.

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I wanted to vote for Radomus for favourite gym leader, but he seems to have been left out in favour of this mysterious Rodomus. We knew him well.



Typos of his name are a dime a dozen, honestly, I'm kidding. It at least wasn't Randomus this time.


Anyway though:


Radomus' whole involvement thus far was a delight to play through, from his wit and all the hats to hammering home the "not everything is black and white" concept.


Favourite member of Team Meteor is ZEL without contest. Lumi's diary in Ametrine and subsequently the PULSE Magnezone battle both broke me. Also PULSE Abra sassing Zero is brilliant. I really hope Zero gets closure of some kind from all this... but a part of me doesn't really expect anything but death. Please no. He deserves better. All of them do, honestly.


As for the third category, I'm going to have to go with Cain. All those innuendos, man. My kind of humour right there.

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