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Dart's Normal Monotype Run


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Greetings everyone! With the recent release of Episode 17 of Pokémon Reborn, with all the Alola flair that has been added to the mix, I decided I wanted to start anew and what a better way to do this than with a challenge run. Now while I have played a fair share of Reborn before I have actually never completed an entire run and in order to fix this I will share with you readers my first complete experience of this game (I just recently joined the community even if I had been following part of it from the shadows, but that's beside the point xD). Anyway, as with any run of this kind I will attempt to clear this game using only Pokémon that are of the Normal Type (either pure or dual) for all the important story related battles, with the only exception being to breed, hunt for specific items or Pokémon (since I want this to be a complete run I'll also try to catch as many Pokémon I can to fill up dat Dex and make 'ol Oak proud).

As a side note I will make a few references here and there to the popular series Danganronpa, which as a few of you might have already noticed by this point is something I enjoy quite a lot :D. I might also quote or reference other animes or franchises, but I'll think about that as I go. With that out of the way I will now officially start this story.


Prologue: Hope and ThisBear 

The Protagonist that shall star in this adventure is Stanley (named after the word Standard). He's your average guy who usually keeps a low profile as to not get himself any unwanted attention and to stay away from trouble in general (which I'm guessing he won't be able to for long anyway).


trainer024.png.ed96903353df4af50d991d1f78cc6953.pngI picked this model because I think its color scheme better fits the Normal type and it also goes well with a few members of my Squad.

Before moving on I'd like to give a huge shout out to the wonderful people from the Request-A-Mon Thread (Looking at you @walpurgis) who made this run possible by giving me the two central members of my team.

This here is Starly: 



It has been with Stanley pretty much since it hatched from its egg back in his home region. He's Jolly nature and comes with the special move Double-Edge (which packs a punch but I'm pretty such a 'life-risking tackle' can't be good for such a small developing bird). The one other Pokémon that Stanley brought with him to the Reborn region will be mentioned shortly since it has a pretty unique story on its own.

It was a normal day just like any other and our hero was getting ready to leave his school and go home, when suddenly the intercom sounded: "Attention. The student Stanley Johnson is requested at the Principal's office." He wandered what this was about. He hadn't done anything that could get him in trouble as per usual, so he just grabbed his backpack and walked in the office's direction. There he was asked to sit down and then the Principal turned to him and said: "Listen Stanley, I have called you because there is something I must communicate to you. You have been chosen by the School's Committee via a random draft to leave this school and travel to the faraway region of Reborn. It is a wonderful opportunity to improve yourself as a trainer, see other places and meet new people. Hmm, yes... I would even go as far as to say you are our Luckiest student to have been selected like this, it's almost like a talent really!" With that and a few more parting words he bid Stanley farewell and wished him luck on his challenge to come.

Still a bit dazzled with this turn of events our protagonist went home to share the news with his parents. They were pretty pleased with this and thought it would be the perfect setup for their son to finally stand up from the crow and make a name for himself (which was by no means his intention). He replied with: "Mom, Dad, we've talked about this before...I use Normal types for a reason. I just want to be myself and live life at my own pace. I don't need recognition from others to be happy you know, since you guys were always there for me for that". They all hugged and Stanley then went to gather up his things to get ready for the trip next day.

On the next morning he left his house early with his next destination in mind, the train station. Even though Reborn as quite far away from his region, arrangements were made so he could make the trip by train. On his way there he bumped on a tall and attractive young lady. She had long blonde long hair and piercing blue eyes which immediately crossed Stanley's as they passed by each other. He apologized and was going to keep walking, but she grabbed his shoulder and said to him: "You! You are the one from the news, aren't you? The kid who won the draft and is going to travel to the Reborn Region to challenge its League!" He nodded, and she kept talking, clearly excited (almost abnormally so): "Ah yes! Reborn. Such a beautiful place. Well it was anyway. Seems like a recent traaaagic and awful event shook the entire region on its core. It certainly isn't looking that pretty nowadays from what I've heard. Aaaaaaaaaaaah! Just thinking about it gets my blood pumping! All the destruction, the pain they must have felt seeing their loved ones’ parish under the rubble, their hopes for a normal and peaceful future crushed under such anguish! Ah such beautiful des...Oh anyway, here, take this bear!" She reached for a Pokéball (from her... chest!?) and extended it to Stanley: "Take it, this little guy will help you out on your quest. You'll need all the help you can get since there are many strong trainers still looking for a purpose on those desolate lands. He has a bit of a... personality, but you'll see that it will serve you well. Now good luck on your travels byeeee~!" She left as quickly as she had appeared out of nowhere. Our hero was slightly creeped out by this odd character, but he could tell there was more to her than what her looks suggested. Still she had a point. He had heard beforehand that Reborn as different from every other known region. All their Gym Leaders were absurdly strong, packing full teams and fighting in special arenas which almost looked like they were costumed tailored to their fighting styles. What wrong could an extra team member be? He opened the Pokéball just before entering the station and there it was:



A strange black and white Stufful who had a faint red glow on his eyes. It certainly looked a bit unusual even among its species which was known for its violent behavior despite its cutesy exterior. This Adamant little bear proved itself to be strong right off the bat though, being able to envelop its small paws with an icy cold breeze. How the little one could punch like that was a mystery, but nonetheless it was still a Normal Type Pokémon, which was good in Stanley's book. 

And with that he put his new partner back into its Pokéball, took out his ticked and prepared to board the train. Five others were waiting, just like him, but only brief changes of words were made and they all entered and got on their seats, unbeknownst to the fact that this trip would be everything except... NORMAL (tuduuuuuuuuh).

Well guys I hope you had a good read with what I've come with for this introduction. Feel free to leave any feedback as to whether or not you would like for me to keep giving my outlook on the events of the story as they happen besides just listing my progresses on the Reborn League Challenge.

That is all for now guys and gals but expect the first Chapter soon! After that I'm afraid that the progress I'll make during this month will be kinda slow because of some external stuff but don't let that concern you. Cheers and see you soon!

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28 minutes ago, Zargerth said:

Slaking's a beast, so I highly recommend you get one.

Will do for sure. I have heard the Legends of the Ape King Countering the Land Shark Dragon atop a blazing volcano :D

Edited by Dartu-san
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Just now, Dartu-san said:

Will do for sure. I have heard the Legends of the Ape King Countering the Land Shark Dragon atop a blazing volcano :D

That's what happened in my Normal Monotype run. Slaking also took Hitmonlee's High Jump Kick like a champ and then OHKO'd it in return.


I also got Choice Band, so combine that with Slaking's insane Attack stat and Giga Impact... You can also pull of some funny stuff in Doubles, for example by using Oranguru's Instruct your Slaking gets to attack twice. Shame Audino's Simple Beam didn't work on Slaking.

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1 hour ago, Zargerth said:

Shame Audino's Simple Beam didn't work on Slaking.

Kecleon's Skill Swap would've been incredible! Give it Protean! Jesus Christ, behold the beast!

I'm starting my Normal monotype too, with a shiny Deerling for starter :) 

I have grown to be really fond of this type...


Good luck @Dartu-san! Maybe you restore NORMALITY in the Reborn region! 

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Just now, Jess said:

Kecleon's Skill Swap would've been incredible! Give it Protean! Jesus Christ, behold the beast!

I'm starting my Normal monotype too, with a shiny Deerling for starter :) 

I have grown to be really fond of this type...


Good luck @Dartu-san! Maybe you restore NORMALITY in the Reborn region! 

I don't know if that works, since Simple Beam failed. I thought you can't change Slaking's ability. I also didn't try Entrainment or Gastro Acid.

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3 minutes ago, Jess said:

Kecleon's Skill Swap would've been incredible! Give it Protean! Jesus Christ, behold the beast!

I'm starting my Normal monotype too, with a shiny Deerling for starter :) 

I have grown to be really fond of this type...


Good luck @Dartu-san! Maybe you restore NORMALITY in the Reborn region! 

Ah I see what you did there. Good luck on your run aswell! Sawsbuck seems like a pretty good normal type aswell with that powerful Horn Leech.

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2 minutes ago, Zargerth said:

I don't know if that works, since Simple Beam failed. I thought you can't change Slaking's ability. I also didn't try Entrainment or Gastro Acid.

Skill Swap definitely works.


Also don't you think Stufful as a starter ON TOP of Starly is a bit too much? Both are among if not the best Normal types you'd get.

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5 minutes ago, Zargerth said:

I don't know if that works, since Simple Beam failed. I thought you can't change Slaking's ability. I also didn't try Entrainment or Gastro Acid.

I checked it on Bulbapedia, it works. 


Skill Swap fails if either Pokémon has the Ability Wonder Guard, Multitype, Illusion, Stance Change, Schooling, Comatose, Shields Down, Disguise, RKS System, Battle Bond or Power Construct.

Gastro Acid works too.


Gastro Acid fails if the target's Ability is Multitype, Stance Change, Schooling, Comatose, Shields Down, Disguise, RKS System, Battle Bond, or Power Construct. 

Entrainment though, will fail.


Entrainment fails if the target's Ability is Truant, Multitype, Stance Change, Schooling, Comatose, Shields Down, Disguise, RKS System, or Battle Bond.


5 minutes ago, Dartu-san said:

Ah I see what you did there. Good luck on your run aswell! Sawsbuck seems like a pretty good normal type aswell with that powerful Horn Leech.

Thank you! :D It is indeed, Sawsbuck is (on top of my fav 'mon), quite strong. Especially if you set sun up, it can outspeed anything, and hits really hard too. Plus, it learns Nature Power by TM. It is by itself, invaluable in Reborn! 

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1 minute ago, Zargerth said:

Looks like I need to get me a Kecleon, then. Moxie Pyroar with Entrainment would be really awesome if it works.

@Jess Oh well, at least Skill Swap works, which is nice.

I have a shiny one of those in one of my other save files as well! Or, I don't. It's quite invisible, that shiny thing, I love it!

Moxie Slaking, Jesus Christ. Slaking be like




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Just now, Jess said:

I have a shiny one of those in one of my other save files as well! Or, I don't. It's quite invisible, that shiny thing, I love it!

Moxie Slaking, Jesus Christ. Slaking be like

I guess you could do that by using Entrainment on Kekleon, then Kekleon's Skill Swap on Slaking. That's not easy to pull off, though. However, all of this goes to show there's plenty of fun stuff you can do with Normal.

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@Azeria Even if that is the case, at least he didn't fill the whole team of OP Normal types. I think it's fair enough with what he has so far.


Btw, YES! MORE WRITTEN STORIES OF REBORN! I'm so happy more people are doing this. I love reading these. ^_^ I look forward to reading more of this. Good luck!

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Just now, Zargerth said:

I guess you could do that by using Entrainment on Kekleon, then Kekleon's Skill Swap on Slaking. That's not easy to pull off, though. However, all of this goes to show there's plenty of fun stuff you can do with Normal.

Hmmmm, true, I hadn't thought about that... It's like a Baton Pass chain, but with abilities!

Yes, Normal is extremely fun, and I like the nice coverage options they have in Electric, Fire, Grass, Ground, Water, Psychic. Yes, I really like Bibarel too! I'm kind of a missionary in favour of underrated 'mons.

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9 hours ago, Azeria said:

Skill Swap definitely works.


Also don't you think Stufful as a starter ON TOP of Starly is a bit too much? Both are among if not the best Normal types you'd get.

Well yes I won't deny that. Having these two at the start of the game is a pretty big advantage, but at the end of the day I don't think it's anything too crazy since you can get the both of them before your 3rd badge via their specific events (even if rng based). Besides, like I said this will be my actual first complete run of this game and boy does it get difficult later on (especially if you haven't experienced the battles beforehand). Kiki and later Samson will definitly be a pain in the neck, and having a bulky guy like Bewear will help out a bit along with the existent flying types. They are kind of essencial due to story reason aswell :P

9 hours ago, Awesome_One said:

@Azeria Even if that is the case, at least he didn't fill the whole team of OP Normal types. I think it's fair enough with what he has so far.


Btw, YES! MORE WRITTEN STORIES OF REBORN! I'm so happy more people are doing this. I love reading these. ^_^ I look forward to reading more of this. Good luck!

Thank you! Hope you enjoyed this first bit. I have checked out the first couple chapters of your James run aswell and I've gotta say that is also a pretty good idea in itself. Good luck with your run.

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Welcome back ladies and gentlemen to this Normal Monotype Run. Last time our main character was introduced, along with the two partners that will join him in his adventures in the Reborn region. Without further ado I present to you the next chapter of Stanley's tale.


Chapter I: A Life-or-Death trip – The End of Normality

From his seat, Stanley looked around. The other 5 aspiring trainers he had met at the station were all siting in the same carriage as him. A few moments later a beautiful woman came through the door. She had long white hair and a distinct look about her. She then sat in front of one of the others and proceeded to introduce herself and ask him a few questions. Since Stanley was sitting at the back it took a while before it was his time to chat. While waiting, he brought his Starly out of its Pokéball to keep him company as he looked through the window. The Pokémon quickly jumped to his shoulder and sat there, as he usually did whenever the two were together. Outside stood a large desert that streched farther than Stanley's eyes could reach. It was an almost desolated landscape coated by yellow sand and rocky formations that sprung from it. A few palm trees were also visible here and there, some of which were walking around! They were Exeggutor. These long necked plants (who were strangely enough also known as dragons) kept moving about, their large feet stomping the sand as they walked. He even saw a Flygon in the sky circling the area, which somehow made him feel nostalgic. And then he saw it. Sitting atop a cliff there it was...an Absol. Their eyes met for a moment as the train quickly passed through the area. Absol's intense look made him feel uneasy, as if something wasn't right. He turned to Starly, who had a frightened look on its face and said: "Calm down buddy. I know we are traveling through strange lands but I'm sure we'll meet some nice people when we get there".

After that the white haired beauty finnaly aproached him and sat down on the opposite side of the table he was at. She crossed her legs and extended her arm in his direction: "Hi. My name is Ame. I'm one of the officials of the Reborn League. So, what's your name?" He took out his shades and shook her hand, replying: "Stanley. I came here to try and get stronger as a Normal Type trainer. This little one here on my shoulder is Starly, he's been with me ever since he's hatched. Nice to meet you". "I see." said Ame. "Well I suppose you don't want to choose another Starter Pokémon when we get there then, since none of them have that type. Nonetheless I'll take care of your registration and get you started on your League challenge... you see Reborn is kinda of in a bad state right now. A lot has been going on lately and many catastrophes have been ravaging the region. There are many people who have left and even the Pokémon population has dwindled significantly. Anyway I wish you good luck and I... wait, Stanley do you hear something?" Suddenly the Pokéball on his waist started shaking erratically and Stufful came out of it by itself. It looked around for a moment and then it started doing a strange sound: "Pupupu... zetsu pupupu" Just then Stanley felt a presence right behind his back. Ame had a shocked expression on her face. Stanley asked: "Stufful, did you just... laugh?" He then felt a chill and looked over his shoulder. A tall black figure with bright red eyes was there, a few centimeters behind him, looking at him. Then it looked at Stufful, and when gazes met and they procceded to grin at each other with the mysterious figure then vanishing in thin air. Ame said: "Something's wrong, the train should be decelerating right now, and... it suddenly feels hot in here. Oh no! Stanley, jump!" She ran in his direction grabbed his arm and they both jumped through the window. 

For a while all Stanley saw was darkness. It was as if he was deep into a void, unable to find his way out. Then he heard a voice. First it was only a distant sound, but it kept getting closer and clearer. It was calling his name. He also felt a slight peck on his arm and suddenly he opened his eyes and looked around. Starly was standing next to him with a concerned look. Ame too was close, crouching next him with a similar look on her face: "Thank god! You are awake! Are you feeling alright, did you hurt anything?" Stanley answered "Yeah, I feel pretty beat but I didn't break anything. Hey what about Stufful? And the others?" Ame sighted and sadly looked at him and said: "I'm afraid e were the only ones who made it. No one else seems to have been able to leave the train in time... as for your Stufful, it's strange. It looked like as if he knew something bad was going to happen. Before I reached for your arm he jumped and Tackled the window right next to you, breaking it, and then quickly rushed for your Pokéball. After that well... you know the rest." Stanley gasped "So they all... died. It can't be why did this happen?! Why must we feel this anguish this des... no I have to stay calm. Ame, what now?" - "Don't worry, I'll get to the bottom of this. Seems like it wasn't a coincidence, someone must have planned this attack. I did hear an explosion right after we jumped after all."

As she said this a loud voice echoed: "Did someone said EXPLOOOOOSION~?" A green haired lady in yellow clothes skipped around in our direction with a jolly expression in her face. "Julia! Did you do this? Are you aware of what you just caused?" Said Ame. "Hmm but it wasn't me I swearies! I was just drinking some coffe back at the gym when I heard a big BOOM, so naturally I came running as fast as I could cause you know, no one blows stuff up without me around~". They both kept talking for a bit and Stanley looked at his Starly who was really scared by the wwhole turn of events. He called him back to its Pokéball and then said: "So Ame, what should I do now? She turned to him and said "Oh sorry about that Stanley. This here is Julia. I'll head back into the Grand Hall so we can take care of your registration. Meet me there alright? Just keep heading east until you reach the big round building, you can't miss it. Well then be seeing you Julia, try to not cause much trouble alright?" "Oooookay" she answered. With that our hero introduced himself to the explosion loving girl. Shen then replied "Hmhm alright. Well then I'll be seeing you very soon then. If you are taking on the Reborn gym challenge you most likely be coming to my gym here in Peridot for your first badge. Me and my boomies will be waiting for you! Now go, run like a Jolteon and get to the Grand Hall. Buh byeeee~" She did a cute cheerleader pose and then left.

Even though he couldn't stop thinking about how he couldn't actually meet the other trainers whose lives were cut short by the incident Stanley decided to head for his next destination, hopefully with a much more normal arrival than his last. He spoke to the few people he found on the streets on his way there and quickly came to realize how much sadness truly was being felt by those folks. Some even lost family, friends or other loved ones to that damn explosion. Besides the completely unrecognizable Peridot Train Station, he also noticed how badly the other buildings were looking. The police was blocking the access to the lower part of the ard which also upset some people who couldn't return home for the time being. When he reached the Grand Hall there was a robed kind looking girl standing at the entrance. She noticed him and said "Oh hi there! You're also here to register for the League right? Ame just passed by me and mentioned you were coming so I stayed here to introduce myself. My name is Victoria, it is really nice to meet you". He shook her hand and answered "The name's Stanley and likewise. So we should go take care of those papers right? Let us walk together then". They both entered the Hall and walked to its back where Ame was waiting behind a counter. "Ah there you are" she said. "So Victoria you said you'd like to receive a Starter Pokémon is that right?" - "Yes Ame, Kiki said it would be good for my training if I started anew with a another partner." - "Well while they are usually only meant to be given to new aspiring trainers in the region I think I can make an exception for Kiki this time". - "Thank you very much!" Victoria replied. - "Well then since you already have a Starter of your own would you mind waiting a bit while I go with Victoria Stanley?" - "Sure Ame, that's fine. Have fun Victoria". - They both climbed the stairs to the second floor.

While waiting for them to return Stanley noticed that a funny looky guy (?) with purple hair was looking at him and so he aproached him and asked: "You need something mate?" - "Oh! Sorry I was staring wasn't I eheh. Name's Cain. I couldn't help it but hear that you are a new trainer who's taking the league challenge. I too am starting over for some personal reasons so I was wondering if you'd mind giving me and my buddy a little bit of exercise." - "A battle eh? Well sounds good to me. Bring it on Cain!"

And here we go, the first battle of our run:


image.png.dcf6cb47eccbad5e7e9bca5aaaaeb214.pngSo yeah. This battle was pretty funny. I decided I wanted to try Starly's Double-Edge to se how much damage it could make (keep in mind it has Keen Eye as it's ability and not Reckless, so no boost from that) and this was the result:image.png.17004e3fddc3e1e12215de8c5f128f42.pngYep that probably hurt a lot. I then proceeded to use a Quick Attack and finished it off.


After the battle Cain exclaimed: "Stanley was it, well damn! Not only are you cute, you are also a pretty good battler~" - "Thanks. Seems like both our Pokémon need a little rest eh?" - "Indeed. Follow me, the Pokémon Center is right down here". The both changed a few more words after healing their partners when Ame and Victoria came back: "Oh hi Ame I was looking for you". - "Ah Cain, I forgot you  were coming by today. You also want to register for the league challenge right? Follow me". - "With pleasure master~. - "Hm right". said Ame while rolling her eyes. As they both left Victoria asked: "Hey Stanley I know Cain probably just grabbed you for a battle, but would you mind being my opponent aswell? I'd like to see how the little guy does". - "Sure, I'm up for one more let's go."

Battle number two begins:


I didn't really take any screenshots here but I'll share how it went. She sent out her Litten and once again Starly was up for the task. I refrained from using Double-Edge this time and instead went with a couple Tackles and a Quick Attack. Easy enough.

image.png.109e6767944ffe52d47cc0947806e979.png"You say that but I'm just a guy who uses Normal Type Pokémon Victoria..."

With that out of the way they both went back to Ame who does her job like a goddess and had already registered the three of them. Cain leaves and winks at Stanley who just goes "Dude, come on...". Ame then gets the formalities out of the way by giving Stanley and Victoria the standard (that's a good word) trainer gear. She adds: "We've found out who the culprit of the bombing was and it turns out he wasn't working alone. I'll get back to the questioning to see hat we can get from him. Good luck you too, be seeing you". Before leaving Victoria gave a few Pokéballs to Stanley and said: "I'm sure you've already heard but with all the disasters that have happened it's difficult to get more Pokémon through normal means. They are still around though, you just need to look in the right places. I'm leaving for the Azurine region south of here to talk with my Sensei Kiki. Feel free to drop by when you can, I'm sure everyone will enjoy getting to know you.


image.png.402bb1d80c56316faac82cd48fa9e496.pngStanley though to himself: "Well that woman is probably going to be trouble for my team when I get there"

"Thanks Victoria, see you soon". After that Stanley took his time to talk with everyone in the Grand Hall in order to get a few more leads and get to know what the people there were up to. In the process he got scammed by a pair of scrubs when he just wanted to buy a damn Magikarp. He left the Hall and started going around the grass to see what he could find. He did not leave that spot until he had caught EVERY Normal type Pokémon available there (These included: Pidgey, Rattata, Meowth, Hoothoot, Bidoof and Patrat). Happy with his progress he left the area and though: "Well from what I've heard there are other ways for me to spice up my roster around here. Time to look for some events happening around here".

And so he did. Battling every trainer he could find he searched the Opal Bridge first, ending up finding some thugs bullying a Zigzagoon: "Not on my watch you pricks!" After saving it, the Pokémon was thankful and seemer eager to go with Stanley, and he gladly accepted it into the squad:


image.png.45172d2a69fe2eac63def3c63002e34c.pngStanley had heard from a person in the Grand Hall that the shinies in the Reborn region had a different color than the rest and were slighlty more common aswell. 

By this point, with all the battles he had our hero started noticing some more weird things about the Stufful he got from that strange woman back in his region. That encounter by chance which felt like destiny in a sense was what brought these two together: A trainer with high hopes for his future and thisbear. The weird black and white bear cub who had aparently laughed moments before the tragic life-or-death situation at the train was revealing itself to have a twisted personality indeed. Stanley observed concerned how the Pokémon fought so violently against its opponents, mercilessly beating them to a pulp and grinning at the sadness of their trainers faces all the while laughing in that strange manner. Stanley had heard before how most Pokémon emitted sounds similar to what they endedp up being named, but this Pokémon, a Stufful said no such syllabes as 'stuf' or 'ful'. All he ever muttered aside from those strange laughs were the occasional 'zetsu' which Stanley felt as if he had heard it before but he wasn't sure.

After being done with the Opal Bridge he proceeded to the lower part of the Peridot Ward which was not being blocked by the Police officers anymore. There he fought a whole bunch of trainers in every part of the ward and found two other Normal type Pokémon in different conditions: A lone Whishmur who was inside an empty house close to the train station, whom he had to fight in order to capture it, and a Minccino which was scared by itself in another house which was being blocked at first by a hobbo who was asking for money (I sure hope the guy didn't to anything to it O_O).

Before he went further north of the Peridot ward he stopped by the Name's Rater House and decided to nickname his Stufful since it mostly didn't react to its species given name anyway. Based on what he was constantly hearing Stanley decided to give it a new name - 'Zetsubear'. This seemed to please the little guy who kept grinning in a creepy manner. He also visited Julia's Gym in Lower Peridot, but it's door was locked and in it as a letter addressed to her which mentioned a rendezvous at a nearby Factory. With that lead he kept heading to northern part of the Peridot Ward beating every trainer he could find (and taking their lunch money). He came across another Pokémon that caught his interest: A black Teddiursa that kept roaming the streets. Stanley thaught to himself: "Damn what's up with all these weird bears I keep meeting, please let this one have a more bearable personality". It showed itself to be a little bit michievous aswell as it wanted to play Hide-and-seek all around the Peridot Ward, with Stanley chasing after it everytime it ran away. Eventually he manage to corner it near the ruins of the train station and after a battle he managed to catch it. 

He also came across the goons that had escaped with the Pokémon he was promised back at the Grand Hall. As expected the salesman and the thug were in cahoots and then proceeded (after receiving an extra 500 cash that Stanley unwillingly gave them) to challenge him to a double battle. This proved to be a big mistake because aside from all the chaos and destruction, Zetsubear also seemed to enjoy money quite a lot so it proceeded to trash the hell out of those two's Pokémon. They ran off having mentioned that one of them got ripped off for real by a kid who ran to the Obsidia Ward (this is gonna be one hell of a journey to get a stupid fish ins't it?). Before heading to one of the factories which was located at the far west of the northern part of the ward he met a woman who was worried that her Igglibuff would get stolen by a couple of ruffians who were near the area. She asked him to leave and he did, but still he couldn't help but try and search for the criminals she mentioned. He found two mysterious strangers in an abandoned house near one of the alleys and overheard theirs plans to steal a Pokémon off from a lady nearby. When they noticed Stanley's presence they warned him to stay out of their business and vanished. Having learned beforehand what their target was he followed them to the woman's house and proceeded to beat them in a double battle (while they did not blast off again or had a Meowth or Wobbufet to help them in their antics, they had a motto of their own which would make good 'ol Team Rocket proud). Aparenlty grunts of the shady Team Meteor, still relatively unknown villains of the Reborn region, the two then left understandably upset at their defeat. Thankful but still worried the lady asked her young savior if he could take Igglibuff along with him and protect it from further harm. Stanley accepted this request and left.

When he reached the entrance of the factory he had the displeasure to meet a certain green haired gentleman who was rambling about not being told which factory to meet at. Noticing Stanley behind him he introduced himself and not much after challenged our protagonist to a battle:


image.png.48eb5a2acd122d75ee13ea516e216e08.pngI'll show you what the team's lineup was right before this battle (while I mentioned it earlier I actually only caught Teddiursa after the events at the Factory): image.png.6a26c7ac7b70d278ea0431fbad020bab.pngThe battle itself was not that hard but it's certainly cool they gave him Sandile right away, replacing Lotad (which he would later ditch in previous episodes anyway).

With the 'sasshole' beaten (and mad) we came to the conclusion (already had but whatever) that this was not the factory mentioned in the letter, so Stanley went back to the Gym. Julia came out of the front door and after briefly explaining the situation she invited our hero to help her and her friends raid Mosswater Factory which was located near the train tracks and was aparently where this so called Team Meteor had made their base. I followed her to said place and after she bombastically got us a way in her friends joined us, one of which was Fern (goddamit). When then entered the factory, ready to show those dingus not to mess with this city. Once inside our party bisected to cover both sides of the factory, with Julia pairing with her other friend, Fern's sister, Florinia (whom she affectionately calls Rini) and me getting stuck with Smug Leaf. We ventured deeper into the factory meeting many Meteor Grunts throught the way. After defeating the first couple grunts our partner Starly evolved! Most grunts didn't pose a treat at first but then they started using a few decent Rock and Steel Type Pokémon which at this point in time made Stanley's life a lot less easier. The biggest threat they faced were the grunts that had Minior and Crabrawler (also because Fern wasted 3 turns in a row trying to paralyze the crab while he laid waste to my team with Rock Smash). Once we reached the main area of the factory Julia asked us to aquire some boomies for her and after that was done we (didn't) burst into the room where the big baddies were waiting for us. This very serious (^_^) man which acted like their admin ordered a pair of grunts who had more authority than the others so far, their names Aster and Eclipse, to deal ith me and Fern while he himself dealt with the gym leaders. Zetsubear was able to tank everything the Rock doggos threw at it and in return brutally swing himself across the battlefield, hurting every pokémon, even Fern's (Yes!) and winning the battle. The ??? man was disappointed by how quickly his 'special' grunts failed to stop us and admited that fighting 4 trainers with a Seviper was probably not a good idea. With that they smokescreened the hell out of the place. Julia, in order to satisfy her explosive needs then proceeded to wire the control room of the factory (Which we were in mind you!) and went with her signature "Kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" before we were forced to leave the place.

That's it for this post everyone. Thank you for your patience and I hope you have a good read. I will make a different post for the Battle with Julia right away (In order to not exceed the file attachment amount). 

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Chapter I.5: Battle for the Volt Badge - The Bombastic First Gym

After leaving the factory the group took a moment to breathe. Julia's unhealthy love for explosions proved itself to be both useful and dangerous as one might expect but it got the job done. With that Fern remarked: "Well I've got stuff to do and places to go unlike Stanley who keeps dawdling, see you loser!" As he left Stanley sighted and then looed at Julia and Florinia and asked: "Can we all agree on how much better Fern would be if he couldn't talk?" - "Yes" they both replied. Florinia then talked about the existence of field effects and installed a useful app on Stanley's Pokegear. It came with data on Julia's gym field which made her say: "Oi! Rini that's not fair, are you trying to give him and advantage?" - Instead of answering directly she merely stated ho she needed to get back to Obsidia to deal with the issue at hand an then left. Sad with the emotional unresponsiveness of her best friend Julia looked down steadily and said: "I wish she would talk to me more you know. I know Fern is a jerk for saying it but she really does act like a robot sometimes. I only want my friend to be herself again..." Stanley puts his hand on her should and she sighs but suddenly she jumps and the air and says: "Buuuuuuuuuut I won't let this take me down. I need some coffe though... anyways come by my gym when you are ready and then we can battle! Thanks for you help Stanley byeeeeeeee~" 

With this our hero went backk to the Pokémon Center and made a few substitutions to his team. He took a moment to proudly look at how many Normal Type Pokémon he had already:


image.png.6d832534f48180df13a72a49836fa1c8.pngSince Zigzagoon learned Headbut quite early Stanley went back to the grass near the Grand Hall and used it on a couple trees to get himself a Spearow

He then proceeded to the next destination, the Neo-Circuit Power Plant, Aka the first gym. Once inside he found a telecommunicator wwhich he accessed out of curiosity, and from the other side he heard none other than Ame's voice: "Stanley! Glad to see you are making some progress already. I hope you are prepared for your first gym battle in Reborn. It certainly will be a challenge". She then gave Stanley some advice regarding Julia's field and fighting style, something which she mentioned she'd keep doing for the next gyms. She also said: " Well good luck. I heard from your school's principal that people around there started calling you the 'Ultimate Lucky Student', let's see if you live up to it uh ahah". And with that she hang up. Stanley thought to himself: "Right, I'd rather not have that as my trainer title but since I'm just starting out I guess I'll need a little bit of luck indeed. I hope I do well".

Afterwards he challenged the trainers around the gym for some extra last minute experience and proceeded to solve the 'puzzle'. After blowing up 4 gates with help of the local Voltorb and a trip back to the Pokémon Center our hero stood in front of the door that led to the gym leader's room. He browsed at his team and though: "Right, let's do this guys!"



He walked in and at the back there she was, the shockingly explosion lover cheerleader herself, Julia. They changed a few words, with her mentioning  a little bit more of her background and how she as the Cheer Captain at the Onyx Trainer School in the Obsidia ward. With the pleasantries out of the way it was time. She gave Stanley a playful look and suddenly her expression changed and her eyes, they were filled with... DETERMINATION:


image.png.d671ea0cebfeb6bdc7f7c21273834a18.pngAlright so this battle was a lot harder than I expected. Her new team additions as of episode 17 really make up for a more challenging first proper boss, and it took me a few restarts in order to beat her.


She leads with her Minun, which was frankly the least threatning member of her team but could still pack a punch with electric terrain boosted charge beam. After that was taken care of Voltorb came out. The classic little boomie was ready to blow up on its mistress's command, and blow up it did. Then came one of the big boys, her shiny Alolan Geodude. Let me tell why this thing is a pain. Galvanize + Electric Terrain boosted Tackles and Self-Destruct that's why! It also doesn't help that it's part Rock Type and that Stanley only uses Normal types eh. Anyway the only thing I could due to safely check it was send in Zetsubear ho hit with an Ice Punch (dealing about 45% of its health in damage) and then switch out to Zigzagoon (the weakest Pokémon of the team) in order for it to get taken down together with Geodude's suicide attack. With 3 of them out Julia sends in her Plusle (just to keep you thinking positive ^-^) which hits harder than Minun but also takes more damage from attacks, still it was dealt with with relative ease. Her penultimate mon shows itself. The most perfect Pokémon to go with Julia design wise - Oricorio Pom-Pom Style. This thing's Air Cutter dealt significant damage to any Pokémon in the team, however it lacked electric type moves so the best matchup was Staravia who's Double Edge and Quick Attack combo took it down.

Now the problem with this battle is having your team healthy enough to take on her Ace, Daddy Electrode. And even after a couple tries it was indeed Stanley's 'talent' that allowed him to win, his luck. After Zetsubear held it's own for a while against Electrode (even freezing it once with Ice Punch, which turned out to be useful cause it defrosted right away) thisbear fell and the task of beating the Big Ball was left to the only non fainted member of the party: Linccina the Minccino (who was without a doubt the mvp of this fight, taking down almost half of Julia's team (with some help from the others of course). 


image.png.3db9ae3c17f94e183e9f85ac4ab0111a.pngThis was what came out of the last turn of this battle. Electrode went for Sonicboom and ended up missing, to which Linccina responded with the main damage method she had bee using for the entire battle - Skill Link Double Slap

In the end after an intense duel, Julia (even though clearly a woman) lost in a rather ironic way - A slap in the balls. Stanley did gasp a couple times during the clutch situations he went through

during this match but in the end his luck brought him victory.


image.png.e77788d90fa75f7ef2c489156adb62a1.pngIt was indeed very satisfying.

With that Julia congratulated our hero and gave him his Volt badge and the TM56 - Charge Beam. She then proceeded to go for a 'power nap' and Stanley though: "Hey I don't blame her. After all, what a day this was." He then walked to the gym's entrance and left. Victoria was just outside (almost lookked like she was waiting for him really). When she noticed him she waved and said "Hey Stanley! So did you just have your gym battle? You won right? I knew you would. I was planning to go challenge Julia myself now but the situation in Obsidia has gotten worse, so I need to go there and see if there is anyway I can help. Anyway I've got to run. See you later Stanley". - "Hm bye". He couldn't even properly awnser her but that was alright. He had started admiring Victoria for how she would constantly think of others before herself. She was so thoughtful and kind to everyone she met. He then scratched his head and started thinking of what she said and thought: "Trouble in the Obsidia Ward hm? Well I think I had heard something about it on the news today. It was something regarding plants attacking the buildings or something...Gah I guess I should go check it out aswell". *Sigh* "All I wanted was a Normal day".

And there you have it folks! With the Volt Badge in his grasp Stanley and his team went back to the Pokémon Center for a well deserved rest and to prepare for the journey back to the Opal Bridge in order to access the Obsidia Ward which housed not only more desp... destruction, but also his next adventure. Stay tuned for the next Chapter. See you!


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16 hours ago, Awesome_One said:

Loooooooving this! I've been wondering. Do you plan on using a lot of different Normal Types or do you plan on using a certain team of Normal Types? :o

Well I'll keep switching things up for sure, diversity is what makes the Normal type fun in the first place, but there will be a main squad at some point. Expect Zetsubear and Staravia/Staraptor in ever major battle though since they are the team's mascots.

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2 minutes ago, Dartu-san said:

Well I'll keep switching things up for sure, diversity is what makes the Normal type fun in the first place, but there will be a main squad at some point. Expect Zetsubear and Staravia/Staraptor in ever major battle though since they are the team's mascots.

Lol. I expected them to remain on the team. Especially the Stufful. Seems like you got something planned for it. Haha.

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