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Dragonite and Gorbyss Rain Team.


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Hey what's up everyone. Here is another team I've made with a couple of my own sets, as well as a strategy I've never seen used before. The team's main strategy is for Gorbyss to pass a shell smash to Dragonite. I'll go more in depth when i talk about each individual Pokemon. Please let me know what you think of the team, as well any advice you might have for it. Also, as a side note, Please don't comment on this RMT if you have nothing useful to say. comments like "That team is unoriginal" or "Kingdra is sooooo OP." Please just don't. Now, my rant is finished and lets get to the team.

First Look



186f.gif(F) @ Leftovers

Trait: Drizzle

EVs: 252 HP / 140 Def / 116 SDef

Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)

- Scald

- Toxic

- Perish Song

- Protect

Okay, my Politoed is pretty basic, just a simple set up weather and tank set. Got it off of the Pokedex here actually. Scald is for damage, Toxic for Toxic stalling, Perish Song to stop baton pass and set ups, and Protect to recover with leftovers and to let toxic get a turn to hurt the opposing Pokemon.

368.gif(M) @ Focus Sash

Trait: Swift Swim

EVs: 252 SAtk / 252 Spd

Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)

- Shell Smash

- Baton Pass

- Surf

- Ice Beam

This is one of the two key members to this team. Gorebyss, Aside from being able to sweep independently half the time, can baton pass to whichever Pokemon i chose to sweep the rest of the match with. I usually shell smash to Dragonite, which you will see why in a few moments. Ice beam and Surf are two great moves for just about anything except ice and water types.

149.gif(M) @ Lum Berry

Trait: Multiscale

EVs: 108 Atk / 148 SAtk / 252 Spd

Hasty Nature (+Spd, -Def)

- Hurricane

- Thunder

- Outrage

- Earthquake

This Dragonite set was one of my own creation, a bit gimmicky, but it definitely works. The whole problem with my battling lately was that i could not beat most stall teams, even with my own stall teams. this Dragonite and Gorebyss combo is the best way to break a stall team that I've ever used. i thought Dragonite would be a good Pokemon to baton pass too because of multiscale. with multiscale, Dragonite can 99% of the time tank any hit coming at him while being passed too. the only time this wouldn't work is when someone uses an ice type move on Gorbeyss on his baton pass turn, but who would use an ice type on a water type. it's only actually happened once out of 150 battles. Now, for the reason this Dragonite is great at stall breaking is that it can viably use sp attack and attacking moves at once with the current ev spread and shell smash. Hurricane and Thunder are the two main moves i stick too since they both have 100% accuracy in rain. Thunder can take out Skarmory and Jellicent. Hurricane can take out Quagsire and Gastradon, as well as most other regular Pokemon Earthquake is useful for hitting Heatran and kind of useful for kind of wearing down Ferrothorn. Outrage is useful for stab against other dragons, as well as hitting Chansey or Blissey hard that thought they could come in and tank your thunders and Hurricanes. Another Reason why I thought Dragonite is awesome, is because he can still take down one or two Pokemon by himself. he may have an incredibly low speed, but his typing and multiscale let him tank hits and get some punches before he goes down.

598.gif(F) @ Rocky Helmet

Trait: Iron Barbs

EVs: 80 HP / 176 Atk / 252 Def

Impish Nature (+Def, -SAtk)

- Power Whip

- Stealth Rock

- Spikes

- Leech Seed

Ferrothorn is essential on any rain team, thanks to one of his two weaknesses being covered by the rain. Stealth Rock and Spikes to break sashes, which i think is a completely necessary thing to do if you want to sweep a team. Power whip to hit water and ground Pokemon hard like Quagsire and Gastradon. leech seed to recover some hp since i opted for rocky helmet over leftovers.

642-therian.png(M) @ Life Orb

Trait: Volt Absorb

EVs: 252 SAtk / 252 Spd

Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)

- Thunder

- Grass Knot

- Hidden Power [ice]

- Volt Switch

Thundurus T is here to abuse Thunder's accuracy in Rain, and he hits hard with life orb. Volt switch for obvious reasons, Hidden power ice to hit things like Zapdos and other Thundurus who can just soak up my electric attacks. Grass knot to take care of Quagsire and Gastradon as well as other ground Pokemon that can resist electric type attacks.

230.gif(M) @ Leftovers

Trait: Swift Swim

EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd

Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

- Substitute

- Dragon Dance

- Waterfall

- Outrage

Classic Kingdra Set. I use him to just mostly clean up late game like any other Kingdra. I rarely ever use him though, because i end up 6-0 or 5-0 teams. Subsititute is to block status and tank hits with his typing. Dragon dance to boost stats. Waterfall and Outrage and both powerful moves for stab and the rain boost on waterfall. pretty much a perfect rain pokemon.

Well there is the team, Leave your comments below and thanks for reading!

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Hey Conor,

Shell smash + baton pass Gorebyss is such a neat strategy, I consistently get wrecked by those teams. My only concern is that this team doesn't seem to be centered around the shell smash/baton pass strategy, in particular Thundurus-T, Kingdra, and Ferrothorn just seem to be doing their own thing, they don't support the dnite sweep in any way. If that's what you're going for, then cool, it seems pretty solid. Otherwise, here are my suggestions (again just pick and choose what you like, you don't have to necessarily go for all of them):

-Light Clay Xatu. This guy will take care of your hazard problem, and can also set up dual screens to support your shell smash sweep.

-You should consider having another recipient to your baton pass. I have two suggestions: 200atk, 200spatk, 108speed Jirachi with a moveset of Iron Head/Drain Punch/Thunderbolt/Energy Ball. This guy gets perfect coverage and can hit almost everything super effectively, plus the flinch rate of iron head behind a +2atk boost is just too good. Some other choices are Gyarados and Salamence - with Moxie they will just plow through the opponent's team. Salamence has better coverage, but Gyarados resists both bullet punch and mach punch.

I'd suggest getting rid of Kingdra and Thundurus for these changes since these two pokemon don't really help your sweep.

Hope this helps.

Edited by slant
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thanks Slant, I really like the idea of another passer, and I'll probably end up adding that jirachi set. but, the reason I have these three other pokemon is, is that I dont want to have to rely on one strategy to win a battle.

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So I've added 2 more sets to the team in place of Thundurus and Ferrothorn.

Jirachi @ Leftovers

Trait: Serene Grace

EVs: 200 Atk / 200 SAtk / 108 Spd

Naive Nature (+Spd, -SDef)

- Iron Head

- Drain Punch

- Thunder

- Energy Ball

This set was the one Slant gave me above and is working quite beautifully when passed too. i actually prefer passing to him then Dragonite now.

Genesect @ Choice Scarf

Trait: Download

EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd

Naive Nature (+Spd, -SDef)

- U-turn

- Thunder

- Ice Beam

- Hidden Power [Ground]

genesect was recommended by Rupe. Pretty standard set except i opted to switch out flamethrower for hp ground. this is because flamethrower is weakened by rain, and Hp ground can hit Heatran if needed. he also covers my celebi weakness that i have on this team.

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