Wendel Posted January 9, 2018 Share Posted January 9, 2018 On 1/7/2018 at 7:09 PM, Dragoknight said: And a nickname I made in Reborn for Hawlucha is Hawk Hogan, the greatest wrestler of all time, brother! Expand Hulk Hogan's the worst c: Let's see... I got my Espeon named Shira that I got since Silver Chibi the Salamence who I got since Ruby Poseidon the Swampert cause, y'know, Greek Mythology GateKeeper Sigilyph, ridicilously op and ftw My competitive Rhydon was called The Don Got me my Melia the Lilligant cause Xenoblade ftw A female Mienshao called La Belle Épée which translates to "The Beautiful Sword" Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hycrox Posted January 14, 2018 Share Posted January 14, 2018 I named my Whimsicott RAGE checkmate Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wolfox Posted January 14, 2018 Share Posted January 14, 2018 On 1/13/2018 at 10:56 PM, Synder said: I FOUND THE THREAD OH MY GOD but yeah, its archived so. time to bring back some old gold: Crustle: Lasagna Avalogg: CoffeeTable Goodra: Hallegooja Bisharp: PowerRanger Clawitzer: YNOTZOIDBERG Diggersby: DIGGERSBYTHO Bidoof: Paul let's see who here's been around long enough to get that reference Magmar: Titduck again. references. Pidove: PowerfulStaraptor, obviously. won't fit the character limit but compromise. Garbodor: Mr.Biggles. again. obvious. Excadrill: Molester actually maybe not Tangrowth: HentaiMonster yeahhhh maybe not this either Porygon2: Donald.exe or Duck.exe Garchomp: FairyBait Skuntank: Pepe le Pew Froslass: Elsa Audino: idk Conkeldurr: Mr Muscle Zoroark: Not Zoroark Carracosta: Crush Amoongus: Goomba Jellicent: Pringles Thundurus(T): Shere Khan Rotom-W: Washington Gardevoir: LadyGarGar... or maybe GossipGardevoir if you're unoriginal Metagross: Microsoft Vanilluxe: Ben&Jerrys or literally any ice cream brand ever. Malamar: Squidward Honchkrow: Al Capone aaaactually you know what icba to copypaste all of these you guys can dive into the thread if you want the rest Expand Paul, the Illegal Bidoof. Flying through the sky while letting out a Roar of Time Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
V for Vendetta Posted January 15, 2018 Share Posted January 15, 2018 I always nickname my Luxray Killua,pretty constantly in every playthrough where I use him.(Killua from Hunter x Hunter) I also name my Palossand Capone or Fire Tank if its female.( Capone "Gang" Bege,Captain of the Fire Tank Pirates from One Piece) Those are the only Pokemon that I give a certain nickname for multiple Playthrough. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pozyher Posted January 15, 2018 Share Posted January 15, 2018 Charizard: Fallen God Becuase of Mega Charizard X that looks like the brother of Mega Charizard Y that got corrupted ( or that decided to rebel against his brother because he was a dictator and thus was labelled evil ). Sceptile: Calm It just fits to me. Blastoise: Turtle Mass Heracross:HoneyDrunk Because of the anime that ash's heracross would always try to succ the nectur out of bulbasaur ( slurp ) Swampert: Mad Fish Metagross: 200 IQ ( League of Legends meme ) Lucario: Female:Hope Male:Will of Iron Female one: because if you have a Lucario on your team you can still win. Male one: I thought it was cool. Chandelure: Love Male or female because of the dialogue in rejuvenation V8. Blaziken: Ablazed or Blazen Magnezone:Eye of Metal Aegishlash:Excalibur Greninja:Hokage Serperior:Joel Gardevoir:Ellie Luxray ( male ): Simba Gengar: Gaspar From the Gengar in Sinnoh region Pikachu:Mousepad Machamp:FourArms From Ben 10 Infernape: Female:Oprah, Male:YoraFire or Harambo The Female one from a justice league game for ps2 the male on from a verse in ERB ( yogafire ) and the meme ( harambe ) Torterra ( Female ): Earth-chan From the meme Shiny Goodra:Pink Guy You already know why Conkeldurr: Strongman From Samson ( Reborn ) Brellom:Pothead I have a few more nicknames but those are the ones i can remember right now. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mimikyu dayo Posted January 17, 2018 Share Posted January 17, 2018 (edited) Usually, I nickname the Pokemon of my adventure team after characters of a cartoon or show I like, gives my playthrough an unique theme Edited January 17, 2018 by Mimikyu dayo Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord Vectra Posted January 17, 2018 Share Posted January 17, 2018 I got into pokemon like a week ago, but I have the following nicknames. Darkrai (fav pokemon): Reaper Hydreigon (2nd fav pokemon): Hades Charizard: Infernal Gallade: Don Froslass: Jura Luxray: Nightray Tyranitar: Lark Ariados: Sulven Haunter: Phantom Note: All male names except Jura (and reaper since it's kind of gender neutral) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Candy Posted January 18, 2018 Share Posted January 18, 2018 (edited) On 1/7/2018 at 7:38 PM, Rainlove said: I always give Nicknames lol It makes me feel more connected to my team Expand Lady Oscar? You're my new favorite Reborn community hooman xD For me, I give them nicknames always but I keep a "theme". Once I did manga/anime characters, another time I did names of flowers, and yet another, constellations, etc. Edited January 18, 2018 by Candy Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rainlove Posted January 20, 2018 Share Posted January 20, 2018 On 1/18/2018 at 3:25 PM, Candy said: Lady Oscar? You're my new favorite Reborn community hooman xD For me, I give them nicknames always but I keep a "theme". Once I did manga/anime characters, another time I did names of flowers, and yet another, constellations, etc. Expand Sweety~ Thank you! Rose of Versailles was one of my favorite Animes when I was like 7 years old. Lady Oscar is such a noble character, and a female Aegislash is like the perfect Pokemon for her. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NickCrash Posted January 20, 2018 Share Posted January 20, 2018 Other's I enjoy: Breloom --> Hitmontree Honchkrow --> Russel Crow Diggersby --> tho? Barbaracle --> High-25 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pyrromanis Posted January 20, 2018 Share Posted January 20, 2018 These nicknames never change in any playthroughs Raichu-Alola: Cakes Emboar: Bacon God Rotom-Mow: Grass Munch Charizard: Either Hamilton or Zippo depending if it's physical or special respectively Mamoswine : T H I C C Muk: Boogy Muk-Alola: Mr./Mrs. Rainbow depending on gender Swanna: Dolan Conkeldurr: Pennywise Torkoal: Raphael Eelektross: Scoopa Aegislash/Doublade: Hexcalibur Zoroark: Surprise Venusaur: Rivy Staraptor: Piwerkflu Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
doombotmecha Posted January 20, 2018 Share Posted January 20, 2018 Most of the time, I try to go with a theme, naming mons after characters in a particular series, but otherwise... Blaziken is always "foghorn leg" after Foghorn Leghorn, Cartoon Rooster Garchomp is always Ryouko ever since it was pointed out to me that Mega Gar is an identical upgrade to the one Ryouko used to beat Gamagori. Magnezone tends to be ZEL, because Reborn spoilers lol Alolan Muk is "Billious Slick" after a frog in homestuck that was also a universe and also because it's based on an oil slick Ironically, Metagross is my favorite pokemon, but I've yet to come up with a nickname I really like. Maybe Wintermute, after the AI in Nueromancer? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Froiky Posted January 25, 2018 Share Posted January 25, 2018 One that I recently started using was Play Dough for Tangrowth because it looks like play dough from one of those toys. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Autumn Zephyr Posted January 30, 2018 Share Posted January 30, 2018 I personally try to nickname the majority of pokes I get, though many are sort of on-the-spot and lame. Still, there are some diamonds in the rough, so let's focus on those! Breloom (Male): Yoshi Rex <Similar body type, and shared stretchy bits. Besides, the mushroom cap looks a bit like headwear, right?> Breloom (female): Jabbers <Am I the only one who's always found this species' arms to be mildly humorous?> Grovyle: Sliver <A reference to the bladed monsters in MTG; decidedly less applicable as a sceptile, though> Kyurem (White): Fuelado <The Spanish words for fire and ice, combined in a somewhat awkward package... kinda like the pokemon itself!> Porygon Z: Program: Insufficient Number Generator <P:I.N.G. for short; RNG's always a pain the butt, so why not personify that?> Cinccino (Male): McSwiffer <If you're gonna be a clean freak, might as well do it with style! Especially when you're cleaning up an absurd about of the game on your own *cough, solo'd black kyurem. cough*> Luxray: Pride <7 Deadly Sins name to match the 'dark' design? Check! Big cat joke? Check! Is probably a trait among members of a Champion's team? Check! Simple, but effective, I'd say> Girafarig: Palin <From 'palindrome', which the species name happens to be; also sounds like shorthand for 'paladin', which I find fitting after one took a Shadow Force to the (main) face, teaching me that Normal is immune to Ghost the hard way> Milotic: Borealis <It's less stereotypical than Aurora, and more androgynous to boot> Chimecho: Echologica <It's got the words echo and logic in it, hitting both its theme and its Type, while sounding not English. Worth it? Maybe> Cradily: Matte <From 'stromatolite', which I though might have some connection to the design. I mean, they're both ancient plant-like entities that are actually quite stony, so it's not that much a stretch, right?> Vileplume (Female): Eufloria <Kinda cheesy, mayhaps, but that's vileplume for ya. She was named before I found out that she had a Naughty Nature, though...> Sharpedo: Slavedos <While the first one's name stemmed from being my second HM slave for the file, I couldn't help but like how the name came out. I'll just tell the successors that it has 'slaver' as the root word and they'll be nonethewiser! ...Hopefully> Probopass (Female): Ms. Impasse <Mr. Potato Head joke combined with a jab at her overly-defensive nature. Not that I have a problem with tanks, myself!> Tynamo: WishiNotMe <Am I the only one who thinks this guy and wishiwashi's Solo form look similar?> Wishiwashi: Mr. Wishes <As in, he wishes he were stronger on his own. Still doin' better than magikarp, at least> Drifblim: Hindenburg <A century later isn't 'too soon', right?> Gourgeist (Supersized, Male): Squashen <Is what he's hopefully doin'! There's also the obvious pun aspect, but oh well> ...That turned out to be longer than I initially anticipated. My bad! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BandorKitty Posted January 30, 2018 Share Posted January 30, 2018 I just remembered one name that has served as an in-joke between my brother and I for many years. Reveal hidden contents "Bread is loafing around" Lame, I know XD Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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