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How tough was the battle against Titania?


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I haven't battled Anmaria yet so no spoilers please. 

Against Titania I have no clue whether I lucked out or whether I would have beaten her always by this method.


Her team was pretty balanced with some protect hax but everything was going fine till that Aegislash. How are you going to make it so broken like that?! 

Before facing the Aegislash I misclicked with Magnezone and accidentally fainted him along with Klefki. Then versus Aegislash it used king shield and I attacked with Granbull. But I thought the protect would still be active and attacked again instead of healing. It sword danced in that time. Then I decided to heal Nidoking while Aegislash changed stances, got an attack boost and killed Granbull.


Now I decided to send out Greninja hoping that the AI would make some dumb move. Aegislash went for shadow sneak. Plus 3 attack Aegislash used stab shadow sneak on a Greninja and I lived it with 3 hp! How?? I was almost at full hp and my Greninja was at level 82. No hp evs or defense evs. Is it because of the fairy field? Because my life orb dark pulse instantly okoed the Aegislash. 


I get that Greninja resists ghost but that was plus 3 stab and maybe with attack evs too. Was it luck? I have no clue.

So how did you guys fare against Titania. I want to know if my battle was tough or easy. It took me 3 tries to beat Titania. 

Apart from that I also had to reset so that Hydro pump and Hammer arm hit

Please do comment. I'm really curious. 

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On one run my Absol with sucker punch killed both Aegislash and Scizor in one hit. Trivializing the fight.
On the second she caused me huge problems, mainly that damn klefki and its boosted draining kiss full healing it.... I ended up having to stall the Aegislash while hail did most of the work.

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Mostly was ok, with most resistence coming from her Excadrill and (surprisingly) A-Sandslash, until Agislash started sweeping what remained of my team at the end.  After two defeats this way, I used my bulky Spiritomb and one-shotted it with Foul Play (or maybe it survived and fell to Sucker Punch next turn.....can't remember now).

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In my first run, I kind of stalled her and defeated her with Empoleon's Hydro Pump or Surf. The seeds are really useful in that field. In my second run, my Escavalier did it easily by using Drill Run. Esca got an OP boost of defense due to its shell armor ability. Learn to use her field and her shining armor is nothing but tinfoil.

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25 minutes ago, BRS swag said:

In my first run, I kind of stalled her and defeated her with Empoleon's Hydro Pump or Surf. The seeds are really useful in that field. In my second run, my Escavalier did it easily by using Drill Run. Esca got an OP boost of defense due to its shell armor ability. Learn to use her field and her shining armor is nothing but tinfoil.

Did you use Smart Strike on Escavalier too, or just Drill Run? Either way, I agree with you on both that seeds are really useful and that learning how to use her field is the key factor here.

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37 minutes ago, Zargerth said:

Did you use Smart Strike on Escavalier too, or just Drill Run? Either way, I agree with you on both that seeds are really useful and that learning how to use her field is the key factor here.

Nope. I just used Iron Head on it. I had actually thought it Smart Strike before but I guess I soft resetted on reshiram and forgot to save it. Then, I send Esca on Titania's Klefki or Scizor, I guess and the sudden shock was like...........OH........and then I just played ahead and won.

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I got through gyms 8-16 with wobbuffett and sharpedo destiny bonding everything. I set up trick room on bronzong, let it die, then counter/mirror coat would take out one or two, then destiny bond would take out another. Once trick room faded sharpedo took over as another sacrificial KO.

I finished episode 17 with a team of level 70s using these filthy strats. Though admittedly an 8 turn long freeze while I set up against amaria helped.

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Seems like everyone used some sort of gimmick to beat her. Lol, I guess I was the only one who decided to use hyper offense against hyper offense. I could have tried those seeds but I did not want to be at an advantage in her field. I thought that if Titania's gimmick was her field with seeds then I will break through with hyper offense. I still don't understand how my Greninja survived though..


On 1/10/2018 at 5:08 AM, BRS swag said:

Nope. I just used Iron Head on it. I had actually thought it Smart Strike before but I guess I soft resetted on reshiram and forgot to save it. Then, I send Esca on Titania's Klefki or Scizor, I guess and the sudden shock was like...........OH........and then I just played ahead and won.

You battled Reshiram? I battled a Zekrom though. I was wondering why was I battling a Zekrom when the tablets were all saying stuff about being incinerated and burning the world and stuff. It's weird.

On 1/10/2018 at 8:24 AM, Winnow said:

I can't wait to battle her. I hope my rotom can sweep the battle fast.


Your team looks good but you will have to rely on Golem and Metagross more than you think

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16 minutes ago, Zander said:

You battled Reshiram? I battled a Zekrom though. I was wondering why was I battling a Zekrom when the tablets were all saying stuff about being incinerated and burning the world and stuff. It's weird.

Depends on the point where you choose to fight Taka or not in the Water Treatment Center. I have two runs to check how both paths take their turn. Believe me, even with less story content, till now, Zekrom path was more comfortable than the Reshiram one. It's not really burning the world, per se , but


Taka poses as Lin to maybe accept death as his fate to escape the responsibilities of Team Meteor. He dies when Titania stabs him. Then, Lin almost kills Titania by being a second close to drop her in the dragon fire kind of thing in there. That is when Titania does the Aegislash stab thing to Lin in Reshiram path.

Open spoiler only if done till first gym battle of Ep 17.

I have a small request. Can anyone make a video of the Reshiram path of full Ep17 story content? Even if no, no problems. It's just that the one in YouTube is not complete in exploring all the places.

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I started of with Leavanny holding a seed, which protects it in the first turn against sandslash, I set up sunny day to end the hail and I outspeed it; now I set a sticky web before going down to iron head. Then Mamoswine with earthquake takes out sandslash,  empoleon, kelfki before going down to excadrill. I send out Gallade which KOs excadrill with close combat. Arcanine with two flamethrowers knocks out Scizor. I send out Gallade to stall so that Aegislash uses up its magical seed. Then Absol KOs Aegislash with a sucker punch.

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3 hours ago, BRS swag said:

Depends on the point where you choose to fight Taka or not in the Water Treatment Center. I have two runs to check how both paths take their turn. Believe me, even with less story content, till now, Zekrom path was more comfortable than the Reshiram one. It's not really burning the world, per se , but

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Taka poses as Lin to maybe accept death as his fate to escape the responsibilities of Team Meteor. He dies when Titania stabs him. Then, Lin almost kills Titania by being a second close to drop her in the dragon fire kind of thing in there. That is when Titania does the Aegislash stab thing to Lin in Reshiram path.

Open spoiler only if done till first gym battle of Ep 17.

I have a small request. Can anyone make a video of the Reshiram path of full Ep17 story content? Even if no, no problems. It's just that the one in YouTube is not complete in exploring all the places.

Well I just found a link in shofu's comments so here is the video. I think this pretty much covers everything although I really hated the narration.


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To be honest i feel Titania's field itself is more dangerous than her team. there is also the fact that's it's allways snowing at the start(unless i was unlucky) which is an annoyance considering her lead. Besides that it's all about targeting that aegislash weaknesses other than fire before it can set up.   

Amaria was peace of cake IMO, on doubles at least.

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4 hours ago, Zander said:

Well I just found a link in shofu's comments so here is the video. I think this pretty much covers everything although I really hated the narration.


Yup this was the one not totally done. He had missed some events in Tekinite Cave but doesn't matter, not everyone's perfect.

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Okay, after losing a couple of times I decided to give every member of my team a magical seed, to even the playing field. This made all the difference, this is how it went.


She started with her alola Sandshrew and I started with my Metagross. It would take just over two hits with meteor mash to get it down, but I knew she would use a super potion after the first hit, so at the same time I used a full restore and did it again. I got sandshrew down pretty easily this way, although my Metagross had a lot of damage because of her eathquake.


She put in her Excadrill and I put in my Rotom. We both had magical seed, so our first turn would be pointless. For this reason I used this first turn to us another full restore on my Metagross so my team would be full health again. The next turn I destroyes Excadrill with hydro pump (not to much damage).


Then she put in Mega-Scizor, a strong pokemon of hers. I forgot what was strong against it, so I put in Gyarados, who got owned in one hit... Then I put in Porygon-Z who did a lot of damage with zap-cannon. Porygon-Z won.


Klefki was the 4th opponent, and a killer one with her OP draining kiss... I put in Rotom and he only just survived a draining kiss... (I was able to restore Rotom to full health before starting). This is where I got sneaky. Rotom allways just survived a draining kiss and that was Klefki's only good move. I used full restore after her attack every time untill Klefki ran out of PP. After that I used my time to revive and heal all my damaged pokemon and then destroy Klefki as if it was nothing...


Empoleon was easy. Porygon-Z used zap-canon and it was gone :)


Aegislash... My nightmare... In attack mode it OHKO'd my remaining pokemon every time in my previous matches, so I knew I had to play it hard right away.... I started with Porygon-Z who got 1 hit in and a quarter of Aegislash's HP was gone, as was my P-Z... Next was Rotom who, with hydro pump, got him half way down. Metagross did nothing, dead, destroyed as a fly... Gyarados was back and got hir right away. I thought he was gone, but no! To my happy surprise he was left with 7 HP!!!!! I almost cried a little there, hydro pump got Aegislash and he was left with only a quarter of its HP! I only had 2 pokemon left: Crobat (flying and a little useless) and Garchomp (my planned ending pokemon). They both still had their magical seed, so I thought I had a good chance.


First I put in Crobat, a little bit of small damage, even if it was just 10 HP, every little bit helpt. Acrobatics, nice, quick, but I got a surprise here... It did more damage then expected! The Garchomp I saved for last WITH a magical seed stayed useless on the bench! The Garchomp I grinded with against the TMNS trainer in grand hall to get him to a decent level and battle ready wasn't even used!!!


Finally I was done and satisfied and who knows, maybe I need my Garchomp in my next gymbattle :P

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i absolutely lucked out on my main play through on my new one how ever...i found it expressly easy sivally halped alot in that battle with fighting memory going to go get it in my main one for hardy

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