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Hurt and Heal: Starter Pokemon Lines (Winner: Piplup with 18(!) points)


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8 minutes ago, Dragoknight said:

Same. Well I do tend to factor in competitive ability but I just kinda find the Chespin line to be overall kinda ugly. And really, the only reason it's somewhat effective is because it's a good spikes user. Bad 'mon if you ask me.

Tbh i thought its just a game for popularity. And i really didn't count competitive ability in so much. So i am just voting for Mons i really like, and downvoting the lesser appealing ones.

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Swampert going to "monster" with it's mega isn;t really accurate. while in a team dedicated to rain it's strong, it falls flat in every other situation. and the second something with e-ball lives... well you'll be holding a funeral.


as for the mons I like... based on how they play in competitive (not how strong, but if they're fun to use and stuff), design/origin and stuff.

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4 minutes ago, CrimsonDragon21 said:

Tbh i thought its just a game for popularity. And i really didn't count competitive ability in so much. So i am just voting for Mons i really like, and downvoting the lesser appealing ones.

Everyone votes with different criteria. Others the strongest, others the most appealing (to their eyes). There isn't a right/wrong way of thinking :) 


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Bulbasaur: 24

Charmander: 12

Squirtle: 10

Cyndaquil: 25

Totodile: 18

Treecko: 14

Torchic: 13

Mudkip: 26

Turtwig: 21

Chimchar: 19

Piplup: 21

Snivy: 17

Tepig: 5

Oshawott: 20

Chespin: 15

Fennekin: 19

Froakie: 20

Rowlet: 17

Litten: 16

Popplio: 21

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5 minutes ago, Jess said:

Everyone votes with different criteria. Others the strongest, others the most appealing (to their eyes). There isn't a right/wrong way of thinking :)

Jeah you are so right.


So cause we started a new page. Here is the updated Standing:

Edit: Nvm i was to late.

Edited by CrimsonDragon21
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35 minutes ago, Wolfox said:

Swampert going to "monster" with it's mega isn;t really accurate. while in a team dedicated to rain it's strong, it falls flat in every other situation. and the second something with e-ball lives... well you'll be holding a funeral.

I suppose your right... I just feel if you play your cards right, Mega Swampert is almost unstoppable (at least in my rainy day team). I also love it's only one weakness. Also, why aren't you swapping out Swampert against a bulky grass type? Even if your running a monotype team, you have some good choices to go into such as Pelliper and Toxapex.


Also, when judging 'mons I like, I tend to go with those I have the most fun with on my team. This usually includes the visual appeal of the 'mon (in no universe will I ever put 'mon like Probopass or Jynx on my team), it's overall effectiveness (I appreciate versatility a lot, so I like Protean Greninja and others with good coverage/few weaknesses), and most of all, the synergy it has with other 'mon as I try to build a team. If it's just a one trick pony like Blaziken, I don't really like it.

Edited by Dragoknight
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Bulbasaur: 24

Charmander: 12

Squirtle: 10

Cyndaquil: 24

Totodile: 18

Treecko: 14

Torchic: 13

Mudkip: 26

Turtwig: 21

Chimchar: 18

Piplup: 21

Snivy: 17

Tepig : 5

Oshawott: 20

Chespin: 15

Fennekin: 19

Froakie: 20

Rowlet: 17

Litten: 16

Popplio: 22

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Bulbasaur: 24

Charmander: 12

Squirtle: 10

Cyndaquil: 24

Totodile: 18

Treecko: 14

Torchic: 13

Mudkip: 26

Turtwig: 21

Chimchar: 16

Piplup: 21

Snivy: 17

Tepig : 5

Oshawott: 20

Chespin: 15

Fennekin: 19

Froakie: 20

Rowlet: 17

Litten: 16

Popplio: 22


chimchar got hit two times in a row, but twice only got -1 from the hurt. fixed the list.

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Bulbasaur: 24

Charmander: 12

Squirtle: 8

Cyndaquil: 24

Totodile: 18

Treecko: 14

Torchic: 13

Mudkip: 26

Turtwig: 21

Chimchar: 16

Piplup: 21

Snivy: 17

Tepig: 5

Oshawott: 20

Chespin: 15

Fennekin: 19

Froakie: 20

Rowlet: 17

Litten: 16

Popplio: 23


nice going bibs, you added a space to between the : and Tepig

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Bulbasaur: 24

Charmander: 12

Squirtle: 9

Cyndaquil: 24

Totodile: 18

Treecko: 12

Torchic: 13

Mudkip: 26

Turtwig: 21

Chimchar: 16

Piplup: 21

Snivy: 17

Tepig: 3

Oshawott: 20

Chespin: 15

Fennekin: 20

Froakie: 20

Rowlet: 17

Litten: 16

Popplio: 23

I'll save you squirtle, go get your blackglasses

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Bulbasaur: 24

Charmander: 12

Squirtle : 7

Cyndaquil: 25

Totodile: 18

Treecko: 12

Torchic: 13

Mudkip: 26

Turtwig: 21

Chimchar: 16

Piplup: 21

Snivy: 17

Tepig : 3

Oshawott: 20

Chespin: 15

Fennekin: 20

Froakie: 20

Rowlet: 17

Litten: 16

Popplio: 23



Not at all. " Open fire when you're ready".

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Bulbasaur: 24

Charmander: 12

Squirtle : 7

Cyndaquil: 25

Totodile: 18

Treecko: 12

Torchic: 13

Mudkip: 24

Turtwig: 21

Chimchar: 16

Piplup: 21

Snivy: 17

Tepig :1

Oshawott: 20

Chespin: 15

Fennekin: 20

Froakie: 20

Rowlet: 18

Litten: 16

Popplio: 24


For tepig the bell tolls ~

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Bulbasaur: 25

Charmander: 10

Squirtle : 7

Cyndaquil: 25

Totodile: 18

Treecko: 12

Torchic: 13

Mudkip: 24

Turtwig: 21

Chimchar: 16

Piplup: 21

Snivy: 17

Tepig :1

Oshawott: 20

Chespin: 15

Fennekin: 20

Froakie: 20

Rowlet: 18

Litten: 16

Popplio: 24

sorry @Thundermaze gotta stick to bulba-gen-1-dominance phase first then i'll start helping!

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Can't take another starter out as long as Torchic is still there...


Bulbasaur: 25

Charmander: 10

Squirtle : 7

Cyndaquil: 25

Totodile: 18

Treecko: 12

Torchic: 11

Mudkip: 24

Turtwig: 21

Chimchar: 16

Piplup: 21

Snivy: 17

Tepig :1

Oshawott: 20

Chespin: 16

Fennekin: 20

Froakie: 20

Rowlet: 18

Litten: 16

Popplio: 24

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Just now, Wolfox said:

@Awesome_One mind if I ask why you use blue to hurt and red to heal? it can be a bit confusing to see

Sorry. You know how when a stat is being decreased, it's blue and when a stat is being increased, it's red? Well that's how I've been doing it with this. But I can do it the other way if I'm confusing people.

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3 minutes ago, Awesome_One said:

Sorry. You know how when a stat is being decreased, it's blue and when a stat is being increased, it's red? Well that's how I've been doing it with this. But I can do it the other way if I'm confusing people.

ah. okay (should have been able to put 2 and 2 together).

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Bulbasaur: 25

Charmander: 10

Squirtle : 7

Cyndaquil: 25

Totodile: 18

Treecko: 12

Torchic: 11

Mudkip: 24

Turtwig: 21

Chimchar: 16

Piplup: 21

Snivy: 17

Tepig :0

Oshawott: 20

Chespin: 16

Fennekin: 20

Froakie: 20

Rowlet: 19

Litten: 16

Popplio: 24


I'll put you out of your misery Tepig

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Bulbasaur: 25

Charmander: 10

Squirtle : 5

Cyndaquil: 25

Totodile: 18

Treecko: 12

Torchic: 11

Mudkip: 25

Turtwig: 21

Chimchar: 16

Piplup: 21

Snivy: 17

Oshawott: 20

Chespin: 16

Fennekin: 20

Froakie: 20

Rowlet: 19

Litten: 16

Popplio: 24

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11 hours ago, Wolfox said:

nice going bibs, you added a space to between the : and Tepig

in my defense, it got added in in the post before mine, and I didnt notice it because I only looked at the previous hurt and heals. oopsie-doodles.


tepig eliminated, good stuff.


Bulbasaur: 25

Charmander: 10

Squirtle: 5

Cyndaquil: 25

Totodile: 18

Treecko: 12

Torchic: 11

Mudkip: 25

Turtwig: 22

Chimchar: 16

Piplup: 21

Snivy: 17

Oshawott: 20

Chespin: 16

Fennekin: 20

Froakie: 20

Rowlet: 19

Litten: 16

Popplio: 22

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Bulbasaur: 25

Charmander: 10

Squirtle: 5

Cyndaquil: 25

Totodile: 19

Treecko: 12

Torchic: 11

Mudkip: 25

Turtwig: 22

Chimchar: 16

Piplup: 21

Snivy: 17

Oshawott: 20

Chespin: 16

Fennekin: 20

Froakie: 20

Rowlet: 19

Litten: 16

Popplio: 21

Edited by Sayia
So Chikorita, and Tepig gone? Good shit! ;)
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