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Hurt and Heal: Starter Pokemon Lines (Winner: Piplup with 18(!) points)


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Yes, because it's a crime that fire starters are bipedal. It should be outlawed. I've talked about this before but I really don't understand why people shoot themselves in the foot with a railgun by disliking a mon they would otherwise like just because it's not a quadruped. The gen 6 starters were based on classic and popular RPG classes, the Rogue, the Knight and the Mage, and I don't see Greninja and Chesnaught serving as a mage.

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  On 1/22/2018 at 10:14 AM, Dorcas said:

can yall stop bulbasaur and mudkip are like my favorite two starters


Yes! The war must end! It shall serve as a reminder of the mutual destruction that two powerful sides can do to each other.  We must move on from this atrocity an work together in peace! (and pledge Mudkip as best starter)


@NickCrash Can I borrow one of those for Mudkip?


  On 1/22/2018 at 4:50 PM, Zarc said:

Looks like anti cyndaquil are arrived.


There are equal of cyndaquil haters as lovers. And considering hurt = -2 , and heal +1 it's over i guess.


Never give up! Cynda can make it if we just believe!


  On 1/22/2018 at 6:11 PM, Thiazzi said:

Believe it or not, it is really coincidence, although I wouldn't mind if I could hurt Mudkip too (I really don't understand why people like Cyndaquil and Mudkip so much)


Cuz everybody liekz Mudkip and Cynda is adorable.


@Wolfox I don't hate any of the fire starters just for being bipedal, I actually think being bipedal worked in favor of the Gen I, Gen III, and Gen IV fire starters, but Incineroar should've stayed on the ground. It's supposed to be a tiger, so why make it stand on two feet? It's just plain stupid.

" Oh.. but it's supposed to be a wrestler."

We have too many god damn firefighters! It's like GF realized this and changed it to dark at the last second. Incineroar worst starter.


Also, brings me to the question, would you consider Typhlosion bipedal or not?


@BRS swag "This is already over. There is no need for your shining armor here." - Titania

So Titania hates Oshawott confirmed. Got it.


This is for Zarc, Sayia, and all those that are losing hope for our little one!

-2 Totodile +1 Cyndaquil

Bulbasaur: 16

Cyndaquil: 15

Totodile: 15

Mudkip: 14

Turtwig: 9

Chimchar: 5

Piplup: 20 

Chespin: 19

Rowlet: 15

Popplio: 14

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That's honestly an answer I hate coming from the people saying Incineroar should have stayed a quadruped. "Because it's a tiger and tigers are supposed to walk on 4 legs!". so are foxes, pigs, and lizards, but it's not a problem for them? The big reason (I belives, don't quote me on this) that we've had 3 fire fighting starters is that it's the easiest to combine those two. Fire is usually a badass and offensive type, and so is fighting. they're the two most offensive types in the entire game and combine they do a lot of shit right. You show me a gen where the fire starter was the bulky one if the trio. I can tell you that the only one coming close is Emboar, but Serpirior is actually the Bulkier starter in gen 5. If you don't like a mon it's fine, but just don't say "It should have been this because of this and this" because GameFreak did what they did for a reason. Just trust that they made the right one and try to like a mon despite your first impression. I used to hate the Popplio line but now it's my favorite starter line in general. Just look beyond the cover.

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  On 1/22/2018 at 6:46 PM, Wolfox said:

Yes, because it's a crime that fire starters are bipedal. It should be outlawed. I've talked about this before but I really don't understand why people shoot themselves in the foot with a railgun by disliking a mon they would otherwise like just because it's not a quadruped. The gen 6 starters were based on classic and popular RPG classes, the Rogue, the Knight and the Mage, and I don't see Greninja and Chesnaught serving as a mage.


 It's not just the bipedal part. I don't like anything about it's design. The bipedal part is just getting old that's why I also mentioned that.


I know what they're supposed to represent but for me personally the mage failed hard. 

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@Wolfox Yeah, I second Chim. I think Incineroar would look better as it currently is as not bipedal, but overall I just don't like it. When your riding fighting types for 4 gens, you gotta step it up. While I'm sure GF could very well make an interesting bipedal 'mon (I think Charizard, Blaziken, and Infernape look better bipedal), I just think it went terribly with Incineroar.

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I understand we've had enough bipedal fox pokemon. For me, Delphox has a nice design. I don't compare it to the likes of Alakazam (simplicity due to gen1) or Zoroark (for whom illusion should also appear on the design), simply because we shouldn't. 


Incineroar takes a step further into this, and for me looks like a cross-breed between an Arcanine and Machamp.

The fact that it's unoriginal is what repulses me. I would prefer a tiger pokemon being quadripedal (even tho I already got that from Lando-T), but this doesn't seem like they tried, or had alternative designs. Some GF artists have been consistent in creating the worst ones, and Incineroar looking like they do is probably that kind of fault. 


Anyway, let's move on. Delphox was cool, Infernape was cool, Charizard was cool, Typhlosion was cool (it's quadripedal - it's just standing up like dogs do).

Emboar is the 3rd of its line, so since it's not awesome, it's defacto bad.


@Dragoknight Sorry. Mudkip is 5th in my list of preference, right below Piplup. It's has a wide fanbase. It will survive.

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I'm not 100% sure if you all know this, but the Manga/Anime/Name of Tiger Mask carries a lot of weight in Japan. To the point where real live wrestlers have taken up the mask and name like the character in the Manga. With that said, don't you think that if the creator of Incineroar let his fandom of that speak a little. I mean he was finally allowed to create a Tiger Pokémon and Tiger Mask was the first thing that came to mind. And, seeing as it carries so much in Japan, the people behind gen 7's acceptances accepted it, as it allowed them to mix their culture and WWE in a mon. so what if it looks like a fighter, it does look cool and Menacing but Friendly, right? I've talked about people hating Incineroar just because it resembles a fighter in the past, as well, and I'm still baffled that that's another reason people shoot themselves in the foot with. if you don't like it, fine. I can't force you to agree with me. but at least try to understand the reasons Gamefreak has for their choices instead of just saying "It's wrong, it should have been this and that and RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH" because that get's old really fast.

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Unless I know the reason someone hates a certain mon I do group them there because I don't know their not. An example is @Jess. Xe hates Incineroar because it's too edgy. But others I've spoken to just say "because it's not a quadruped".

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  On 1/22/2018 at 8:10 PM, Wolfox said:

Unless I know the reason someone hates a certain mon I do group them there because I don't know their not. An example is @Jess. Xe hates Incineroar because it's too edgy. But others I've spoken to just say "because it's not a quadruped".


Well thats the problem. The main reason I hate Incineroar is because it goes from this:726.png.3d564c701fb70aaa38785a50a7972bf3.png to this:727.png.c31e946c8ef4b8729631fdda301503a8.png

i.e. cute to wtf just happened.


Now if a more vicious looking 'mon like Mightyena262.png.7ae4b78af580e070652932d914bd9f29.pngevolved into it then I would like it much more. But it ruined my cute 'lil baby!

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