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Hurt and Heal: Starter Pokemon Lines (Winner: Piplup with 18(!) points)


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  On 1/23/2018 at 4:29 PM, K_H said:

My arguments for why Mudkip and Bulba should fall out of the running:


Mudkip: That meme died a long time ago. it's time to let other starters hold the spotlight.


Bulbasaur: Genwunners. It'd serve those guys right if the ones they like would go away.


So, you dislike Bulbasaur cause of Genwunners? That's not a legit reason imo. You also dislike Mudkip cause of a meme? That also doesn't sound like a real reason. I think that the only legit reasons to dislike a 'mon have to do with typing/design and/or playstyle/competitive viability...

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  On 1/23/2018 at 6:10 PM, Jess said:

So, you dislike Bulbasaur cause of Genwunners? That's not a legit reason imo. You also dislike Mudkip cause of a meme? That also doesn't sound like a real reason. I think that the only legit reasons to dislike a 'mon have to do with typing/design and/or playstyle/competitive viability...


Well it's his opinion how he sees them. So its his decisionmaking. Still don't know what Genwunners mean lol.


But i hate Bulbasaur cause of it's Design and cause we started a War :)

Time to hurt Bulbasaur.


Bulbasaur: 13

Cyndaquil: 17

Totodile: 16

Mudkip: 9

Turtwig: 7

Piplup: 18

Chespin: 17

Rowlet: 14

Popplio: 14

Edited by CrimsonDragon21
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  On 1/23/2018 at 6:34 PM, CrimsonDragon21 said:

Well it's his opinion how he sees them. So its his decisionmaking. Still don't know what Genwunners mean lol.


I agree that it's his decision making, but it is quite poor in my opinion. Deciding that you don't like a Pokemon because of what other people think/say about this.

Genwunners means Gen I hardcore fans that consider everything that isn't Gen I to be inferior (mostly moving via nostalgia).


  On 1/23/2018 at 6:34 PM, CrimsonDragon21 said:

But i hate Bulbasaur cause of it's Design


That's actually legit. I love its design, but it's subjective.

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  On 1/23/2018 at 6:41 PM, Jess said:

Genwunners means Gen I hardcore fans that consider everything that isn't Gen I to be inferior (mostly moving via nostalgia).


Oh lol there are people like this in the Pokemon Society? Weird. Darkrai outshines them all :D


And jeah everyone have their own tastes about Design and other reasons :)

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  On 1/23/2018 at 6:34 PM, CrimsonDragon21 said:

 Still don't know what Genwunners mean lol.


they are ignorant silly people who ignore all generations of Pokémon but the first one. Dubbing them all to be inferior. Usually, Gen 5 is their prime target. My favorite one they pick on is Garbodor. Garbodor is not a well designed Pokémon but comparing it to Muk makes Garbodor an amazing designed mon.

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  On 1/23/2018 at 6:47 PM, Wolfox said:

they are ignorant silly people who ignore all generations of Pokémon but the first one. Dubbing them all to be inferior. Usually, Gen 5 is their prime target. My favorite one they pick on is Garbodor. Garbodor is not a well designed Pokémon but comparing it to Muk makes Garbodor an amazing designed mon.


Since you mentioned it, whoever badmouths Garbodor and Trubbish are asking for it.

How can anyone hate this adorable lil thing?





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@Wolfox Jeah but Gen 5 is the Generation with a lot of worse designed Pokemons imo. I know there are expections that have amazing designs, but it also has a lot of bad designed ones.


@Jess Trubbish is cool, but the Evolution just sucks.

Edited by CrimsonDragon21
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  On 1/23/2018 at 6:55 PM, CrimsonDragon21 said:

@Wolfox Jeah but Gen 5 is the Generation with a lot of worse designed Pokemons imo. I know there are expections that have amazing designs, but it also has a lot of bad designed ones.


@Jess Trubbish is cool, but the Evolution just sucks.


it has a number of bad gen 5 mons, but it does have the most number of introduced mons in general. So it's only natural. Granted genwunners tend just ignore the good ones and only focus on the worse ones. Example's being garbodor, the monkey's and Chandelure (because a haunted chandelier is bad? since when?)

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  On 1/23/2018 at 7:09 PM, CrimsonDragon21 said:

@Wolfox but the design from Chandelure is pretty cool. At least i love it :)

And jeah Garbodor and the Elemental Monkeys just suck so hard.


the example I gave are mostly the only ones genwunners focus on, ignoring things like Hydreigon and Bisharp that generally are better than the best gen one mon

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  On 1/23/2018 at 7:12 PM, Wolfox said:

the example I gave are mostly the only ones genwunners focus on, ignoring things like Hydreigon and Bisharp that generally are better than the best gen one mon


but the best gen I mon is electabuzz and that one is the best of all pokemon ever created


joking aside, every generation has their good and less good designs. im usually more willing to overlook less creative designs from gen I and to a lesser extent II, because mons was still new back then. especially in gen I, even the creators themselves werent aware that what they were creating would be something that would stick for years and years. honestly, if you compare gen I mons design to, say, battle mechanics in gen I, the mons are really well made.

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nah, gen 3 did.


Cosplaying Airalin knows how much you like this mon


  On 1/23/2018 at 7:17 PM, Dorcas said:

but the best gen I mon is electabuzz and that one is the best of all pokemon ever created


joking aside, every generation has their good and less good designs. im usually more willing to overlook less creative designs from gen I and to a lesser extent II, because mons was still new back then. especially in gen I, even the creators themselves werent aware that what they were creating would be something that would stick for years and years. honestly, if you compare gen I mons design to, say, battle mechanics in gen I, the mons are really well made.



Perhaps, yet it doesn't excuse it in the slightest. Even if you're only making something without expecting it to blow up like Pokémon did, you always have to give it your all. Not saying they didn't in gen 1, but saying gen one is "excused", of only slightly, for the bad designs because it was the first and they didn't know it would get this big is plain wrong. you can't expect the beginning to be perfect but excusing it of its flaws because it's the first is probably as bad

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  On 1/23/2018 at 7:19 PM, Wolfox said:

nah, gen 3 did.


Cosplaying Airalin knows how much you like this mon



Perhaps, yet it doesn't excuse it in the slightest. Even if you're only making something without expecting it to blow up like Pokémon did, you always have to give it your all. Not saying they didn't in gen 1, but saying gen one is "excused", of only slightly, for the bad designs because it was the first and they didn't know it would get this big is plain wrong. you can't expect the beginning to be perfect but excusing it of its flaws because it's the first is probably as bad



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Gen 5 introduced a lot of pokemon I like: reuniclus, bisharp, excadrill, lilligant, serperior, chandelure, volcarona, scolipede, leavanny, sigilyph, eelektross, mienshao, haxorus, durant... 

The only other generation that can compete with that is gen 3.

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Gen 4 introduced this perfect motherfucker:

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Objective superiority, competing with it is futile.


Also Gallade, Gliscor, Honchkrow, Weavile, Glaceon, The Starters, Staraptor, Magmortar, Rhyperior, Giratina, Gastrodon, Toxicroak, Yanmega, Magnezone, Porygon-Z, Floatzel, Abomasnow. The list is huge. Only gen 2 and 5 can compare there.

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