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RMT #2: LU Sand Team.


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Okay so I don't really have a creative title this time. Regardless, this will be my 2nd RMT and this time I'm doing some LU Sand, inspired my Kamina. While I got the Idea from him, The team itself i came up with. This team is rather a rough sketch, so it definitely needs some work. Anyway, let's just get into it! :]

~At A Glance~


In-Depth Analysis


Erwin the Hippopotas @ Eviolite

252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Sp. Def (Impish)

Ability: Sand Stream

~Stealth Rock

~Slack Off



This is basically just the standard Hippowdon set, except with eviolite over leftovers and the pre-evo, Hippopotas, instead of Hippowdon. This guy likes to set up rocks first turn if the lead is favorable, and can easily switch if it isn't. Slack Off is there for reliable recovery, Earthquake is there to do damage, and Whirlwind is to phaze switches or stop sweeps.


Brick the Regirock @ Life Orb

158 HP / 252 Atk / 100 SpDef (Adamant)

Ability: Sturdy

~Rock Polish

~Drain Punch


~Stone Edge

My own custom Regirock set. This thing has monstrous physical defense, and his special defense is on par with Tyranitar, making it a very capable wall. However, I decided to turn this thing into a bulky sweeper with RP and 3 attacks. Stone Edge and Earthquake are there for fairly obvious reasons, and Drain Punch is there to add extra coverage and to get back health that I lose from Life Orb.


Gastronaut the Gastrodon @ Leftovers

252 Sp.Att / 176 Sp.Def / 80 HP (Modest)

Ability: Storm Drain



~Ice Beam

~Earth Power

Fairly new Gastrodon set. It basically comes in on scarf pokes that it can comfortably wall and set up a sub, giving it a free chance to attack. Surf and Earth Power are there for STAB, and Ice Beam is there to take down dragons and grass pokes that come in trying to kill me. This Gastrodon set is fairly new, meaning that it will probably be subject to change, but for now it works.


Lenny the Cacturne @ Expert Belt

252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 HP (Jolly)

Ability: Sand Veil


~Swords Dance

~Sucker Punch

~Seed Bomb

SAND VEIL IS ACTIVE. I had to use Sand Veil over Water Absorb just because of how haxy it is. It has the same premise as SD Acrobatics Gliscor, where it has speed to set up sub and SD, or spam subs banking for misses. Sucker Punch and Seed Bomb are there for reliable STABs. I'm also debating Drain Punch over any of these spots, but for now this set works.


Pinecone the Ferroseed @ Eviolite

252 HP / 160 Def / 96 SpDef (Sassy)

0 Spe IVs

Ability: Iron Barbs

~Leech Seed

~Gyro Ball



Classic Ferroseed wall set. Spikes is to reinforce my hazard, and LS / Protect is to recover some health while draining out my opponent. This thing serves great synergy with the rest of the team since Regirock and Gastrodon can take fire moves very well. Gyro Ball is there to do damage, and the incredibly low speed gives it maximum damage.


Casper the Driblim @ Flying Gem

96 Atk / 252 Sp.Atk / 168 Spe (Hasty)

Ability: Unburden

~Thunder Wave


~Shadow Ball

~HP Fighting

My team up to this point has a type that serves a massive threat to my team: Fighting. This is my ultimate Fighting counter, and it's a good one at that. This set provides Drifblim with several different options; it can either T-wave on the switch or get the unburden speed boost from Acrobatics while causing damage to whatever comes in.

Well, that was my team. If you have any questions or recommendations, leave it in the comments. Deuces! :]


Hippopotas (M) @ Eviolite

Trait: Sand Stream

EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef

Impish Nature (+Def, -SAtk)

- Slack Off

- Stealth Rock

- Earthquake

- Whirlwind

Regirock @ Life Orb

Trait: Clear Body

EVs: 156 HP / 252 Atk / 100 SDef

Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

- Rock Polish

- Drain Punch

- Stone Edge

- Earthquake

Gastrodon (F) @ Leftovers

Trait: Storm Drain

EVs: 80 HP / 252 SAtk / 176 SDef

Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)

- Substitute

- Surf

- Ice Beam

- Earth Power

Cacturne (M) @ Leftovers

Trait: Sand Veil

EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd

Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)

- Swords Dance

- Substitute

- Sucker Punch

- Seed Bomb

Ferroseed (M) @ Eviolite

Trait: Iron Barbs

EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SDef

Sassy Nature (+SDef, -Spd)

- Leech Seed

- Gyro Ball

- Spikes

- Protect

Drifblim (F) @ Flying Gem

Trait: Unburden

EVs: 96 Atk / 252 SAtk / 160 Spd

Hasty Nature (+Spd, -Def)

- Shadow Ball

- Acrobatics

- Thunder Wave

- Hidden Power [Fighting]

Edited by Hedron
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-What is Gastrodon doing as an NU poke-

Here's what I have to say.

  • Drifblim is one of those Pokemon that should not be run mixed as its offenses, while decent, need to be focused on one offense. You can't afford having it mixed as it needs to hit hard quickly to hide its defenses, which unfortunately suck despite its 150 base HP, which you're not running any EVs in anyway. Thunder Wave is good, but in many ways it's not as good for Drifblim as Will-O-Wisp. For EVs, 252 in one of the offensive stats, 252 in Speed, and a nature benefitting the offensive stat you chose. For a physical focus, run Will-O-Wisp, Acrobatics, Explosion, and some self-support move, perhaps Stockpile or Minimize. For a special focus, give it Leftovers and run Will-O-Wisp, either Hex or Shadow Ball, Hidden Power [Fighting] and Calm Mind. Special focus gives you a bunch of options as you can run a Flame Orb-Flare Boost set, and it also gets Weather Ball, which in sand isn't too shabby at 100 base. And personally, I would recommend a Special focus for this team as Gastrodon is the only other special attacker.

Other than that this is an awesome team by the looks of it.

Edited by rc52
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Need moar Hitmonlee.

Too broken. ]:

What happens if you run into a Gurdurr? It often packs payback, making your Drifblim useless.

You might want to rethink that a bit.

You talk as if a Gurdurr at +1 can live a Flight Gem Acrobatics.

-What is Gastrodon doing as an NU poke-

Here's what I have to say.

  • Drifblim is one of those Pokemon that should not be run mixed as its offenses, while decent, need to be focused on one offense. You can't afford having it mixed as it needs to hit hard quickly to hide its defenses, which unfortunately suck despite its 150 base HP, which you're not running any EVs in anyway. Thunder Wave is good, but in many ways it's not as good for Drifblim as Will-O-Wisp. For EVs, 252 in one of the offensive stats, 252 in Speed, and a nature benefitting the offensive stat you chose. For a physical focus, run Will-O-Wisp, Acrobatics, Explosion, and some self-support move, perhaps Stockpile or Minimize. For a special focus, give it Leftovers and run Will-O-Wisp, either Hex or Shadow Ball, Hidden Power [Fighting] and Calm Mind. Special focus gives you a bunch of options as you can run a Flame Orb-Flare Boost set, and it also gets Weather Ball, which in sand isn't too shabby at 100 base. And personally, I would recommend a Special focus for this team as Gastrodon is the only other special attacker.

Other than that this is an awesome team by the looks of it.

I run mixed offense that way Acrobatics is still a viable move even after I get the unburden boost.

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acrobatics does a big enough chunk to gurdurr. plus, +1 payback won't OHKO and another acrobatics or shadow ball will finish it off.


Plus, if it's a defensive gurdurr, then i'm not really worried about it punching holes in my team.

Edited by Hedron
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