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5th gym is giving trouble


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Hi! it's me again, this is my second post today (Maybe some of you have seen my post asking for help in the lapis gym) and now i'm having some trouble with that creepy shade, the thing that i know is that after two attacks of electric type, the machinery turns on, with my pachirisu i can defeat gengar, but that rottom has no mercy...

him hit most of my pokemons with shadow ball, and uses discharge to turn de lights down and give more power to its shadow ball

if someone has any strategy that can help me with this, i will gladly try it

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10 minutes ago, Ladrillomagico said:

Hi! it's me again, this is my second post today (Maybe some of you have seen my post asking for help in the lapis gym) and now i'm having some trouble with that creepy shade, the thing that i know is that after two attacks of electric type, the machinery turns on, with my pachirisu i can defeat gengar, but that rottom has no mercy...

him hit most of my pokemons with shadow ball, and uses discharge to turn de lights down and give more power to its shadow ball

if someone has any strategy that can help me with this, i will gladly try it

Can you tell,what is the team you are using ?


And secondly for Rotom you can set up Light Screen if you have Meowstic,it is certainly faster than Rotom,and with Light Screen on you can ease the pressure on your team,


If you have status move like sleep,burn,poison or even leech seed that can help you a lot,


If none of these helps,i can give you Absol,Breloom,Venusaur etc,




Edit:And Krookodile is a great choice too,since it's Ground/Dark,immune to electric and resists Shadow Ball~

Edited by Thundermaze
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My team:

Swampert lvl 38 Hability: torrent Attacks: Rock slide, mud bomb, bide, water pledge

Fearow lvl 37 Hability: Sniper Attacks: Aerial ace, mirror move, roost, assurance

Lairon Lvl 40 Hability: Sturdy Attacks: Iron tail, iron defense, metal claw, rock slide

Pachirisu Lvl 37 Hability: Volt Absorb Attacks: Nuzzle, Spark, Charge ray, super fang

Ludicolo Lvl 35 Hability: swift swim attacks: absorb, bubble, rock smash, fake out

Pichu Lvl 14 (I'm leveling it) Hability: lighting rod Attacks: Thundershock, sweet kiss, tail whip, nasty plot




So, what should i catch/Level up to beat him?

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7 minutes ago, Ladrillomagico said:

My team:

Swampert lvl 38 Hability: torrent Attacks: Rock slide, mud bomb, bide, water pledge

Fearow lvl 37 Hability: Sniper Attacks: Aerial ace, mirror move, roost, assurance

Lairon Lvl 40 Hability: Sturdy Attacks: Iron tail, iron defense, metal claw, rock slide

Pachirisu Lvl 37 Hability: Volt Absorb Attacks: Nuzzle, Spark, Charge ray, super fang

Ludicolo Lvl 35 Hability: swift swim attacks: absorb, bubble, rock smash, fake out

Pichu Lvl 14 (I'm leveling it) Hability: lighting rod Attacks: Thundershock, sweet kiss, tail whip, nasty plot



I see~


Since you have no Dark or Ghost type on your team,it is perfectly normal that you struggle against Shade,


You can catch and train Houndour~


You can find them in Magma Gang hideout,or you can go back the Obsidia Slums and catch a scraggy


But i suggest that you go back to Peridot ward,get a pokesnax and catch the espurr and levet it up,lt learns Light Screen and Shadow Ball via level up ~

Edited by Thundermaze
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I remember the first time I went up against the one known as Shade...  Between that Gengar and Rotom, well, he can be quite a bit of trouble.

The best way to power through his team would be with a powerful dark type. At this point in the game you have access to Purrloin, Poochyena, Houndoor, and Murkrow. I recommend training one of them for your team. I'd go with Murkrow, but if you don't want to wait for a windy night, Moxie Mightyena works wonders. You can find Poochyena in any of the back alleys and Murkrow is in the Aqua gang hideout on windy nights.


EDIT: Oh yeah, Pangoro exists.... I still recommend Murkrow, but Pangoro is good.

Edited by Dragoknight
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Shade is really easy. All you need is a Mightyena with moxie. Crunch does work on him.


With that team you have a kinda bad electric type (Pachirisu) and a Fearow (which is really bad) so I would swap em out for a good fire, normal, psychic fire, flying, or fighting type. Otherwise you are going to continue having trouble with each Gym leader you face. I recommend Meowstic. She was extremely useful for me up until around the 12th gym. 

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Ok, I just beat Shade yesterday so I'm fresh on giving you advice. I had a heck amount of trouble with Gengar and Rotom especially. Everyone else, not so much.

His team is now different in episode 17! I'll put his team in this spoiler tag in case you want to challenge yourself by not knowing what his team is in advance.


Starts with Gengar. After this, he could send out anyone else:





A shiny different looking "Pikachu"



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@Ladrillomagico I think you should rebuild your team from scratch,i'd say keep only swampert,build your team around him~


You will decide,if you want a more offensive team or more balanced team,since it's limited what you can obtain you have to pick carefully,i'd say get magnemite right away,they're in Shade's gym anyway,also find the lost officers and get the growlithe,you can find how to do that event,there is good chance a great pokemon will hatch from it,you can keep houndoom til the late game as a fire type,


That being said f you can decide a team and can't find the right pokemon fo yourself,i can give you them via trade,that's what i do;Breeding,


But this team right know will cause you a lot of trouble in the future ~


Edit: Not mystery egg,growlithe my bad ~

Edited by Thundermaze
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well, trade sounds good! If you give me your profile name i can trade with you :)


P.D: with the mistery egg you are talking about that drowsee egg back in obsidia or the growlithe's egg that the police officer ask?

Edited by Ladrillomagico
I forgot something
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@Ladrillomagico For coverage reasons, I recommend a good fire type. If you have the Growlith you get from saving the 5 police officers, I say you should use that. Arcanine is fantastic and would be a great addition to your team. And, well, Ludicolo isn't a very good 'mon. Meowstic would be excellent for you, especially if you want to run dual screen support.


@SilverHelio A different looking pikachu, huh? I hear some people refer to that one as a "Mimikyu". I also heard it's quite effective.

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@Dragoknight Shhhh. I was being rhetoric.



Be careful of Mimikyu. not only can Mimikyu tank any one hit due to it's ability, it knows Swords Dance and could sweep your team right after with Shadow Claw and/or Play Rough. My Tyrantrum was sweeping his team until the finale with Mimikyu, where Tyrantrum lost and my other 4 members fought and I only one left standing till I finally beat Mimikyu. And they were all at full health and strong.


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@Ladrillomagico You can find the mining kit under the staircase,rock smash your way through north and a hiker will  give it to you,


And Lucario is always a good option,Fight/Steel is a great coverage for you and Lucario's vast movepool will surely help you out a lot ,


You can run physical or special Lucario or both depend on your preference ~

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ofc quote button isn't working


Aggron is pretty good though; Aggron can tank a bunch of physical hits and still take down opponents.


To get to the mining kit, go to the staircase cave and when the path diverges to the left, south and right, go to the right, you'll find rocks blocking your way, smash them and go forward (up), you'll find a hiker that tells you about those glowing stones, and afterwards gives you the Mining Kit.


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Okay,when you decide let me know and i will get your mon' ready ~

I think that i found a team that will be very good for both the history and competitive:







The problem is that, well, i need a thunderstone for the jolteon, a larvitar for the tiranitar, a kind soul that can give me a tortuig and a starraptor that learns close combat, also i will need much time dedicated to level up and hunt for stuff to improve the team

Edited by Ladrillomagico
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