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Radomus' actions (kinda theory or something)


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So, Radomus did in an earlier episode take Anna's Amethyst Pendant for unknown reasons. I'm not sure if these reasons have been discussed on the forums before, but i apologize if that's the case. Anyway, the question i have is: Why?


Why did he take the pendant? I've been thinking, and so far, i've kinda posited a grand total of 2 theories:


1. Radomus knows the plans of Team Meteor, knows that they want all of the Crystal Keys, and predicts that the player character will collect all of them. 

As we know, Radomus is NOT stupid. There most definetely is a reason that he took the pendant, and this might be why. As a Grandmaster, he should be good at predicting the actions of people. Also, this outcome would explain the Meteor uniform that Radomus seems to possess during the attack on the Vanhanen Castle. Although this could also be explained by his "a hat/dress for the right job" policy, he could have been taking part in Team Meteor to learn of their ways, and subconsciously warn the player through taking the thing that Lin (through what she's said) needed the player character to have.


2. Radomus has a connection to the twins.

Now, this is more of a stretch than the other, but also very, VERY interesting to think about. Come to think of it, the twins are some of the characters in the game that we know the least about. If you check sources such as the wiki, the twins are also some of the very few characters that there are no known last names for, which combined with Radomus being fascinated by the Pendant leading me to believe that the twins' last name might very well be "Vanhanen". Anna said that she and Noel never knew their parents, which may make it, through some unexplained event, that Radomus' wife Zina died, and the twins were taken away. This is very farfetched, but remember that Radomus said that his "family" was long gone, implying that there were someone other than his wife. 


So that's something that might be food for thought. I'm probably very far off, but eh, can't help but speculate, eh?

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33 minutes ago, DigitalAmber said:

Quick detail to add in the popular theory of the Twins and Radomus. Radomus has been to jail on account of fraud. If Zinia is dead when he went to jail and he has no relatives, the twins might be sent to an orphanage. 

aha, i didn't know the thing about radomus' jail sentence, so that would be another piece to puzzle. also, as i said, i didn't know if this theory had been brought up before. I must look like a complete idiot for rehashing something that's already popular.

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I mean, once the player character has all the four keys I'm like 110% sure that we will go to the Arceus place and that will leave the way open for team meteor, so it makes a lot of sense that: 

  • Radomus takes the amethyst penchant from us to prevent team meteor from accomplishing their goals.
  • Lin talks in E17 as if we were working for her and wants us to keep the bracelets.

And about the Noel and Anna relation with him I'm pretty sure they're family, just look at the physical resemblance (and the only character that can be considered at the weird level of Radomus is Anna). I think that the ringmaster may also be his family but that's more of a wild guess than a theory

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2 hours ago, keltena said:

Ooh, remind me where we learned this? I'd totally forgotten.

If I'm not mistaken this happened to the IRL Radomus, so this was something not that well known even if you knew about the Pokémon Online Reborn League.

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Fraud huh?


Yeah - I don't trust the guy.


However, this could lead credence to both his actually being in Team Meteor -and- being related to the twins. The questions are this:


does he know he has children?


if so, does he care about them enough to stand by them against Meteor?


How much is he invested in Meteor?


He has no issue claiming Luna as a ward just because she merely shows up at his doorstep. Is he merely adding to the family out of benevolence or is he replacing the children he wasn't aware of/is aware of having but doesn't like?


I really can only respect Radomus' reasoning and observation skills. His character is very suspect after he forces you to cough up the pendent.

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Well it's surprised that it isnn't mentioned yet but Sirius claims to know Anna's father. So a relation with team meteor with Anna's father seems likely and we know it certainly isn't Corey. Also Anna seems to know Gossip gardevoir in the past, now I might dismiss since she isn't sure herself and might be a misinterpretation but we are talking about Anna here so I wouldn't write it off.


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I would add to that, that Radomus intervenes in the chapel only when he deems it absolutely necessary. He would sacrifice the player without a second thought if he calculated that revealing was against his own interest. 


It's implied he was the one to give Anna the pendant, and the way he acquired it may be linked to the 'fraud'. 


He has invested in Meteor enough to be known amongst their ranks as a "swine", who probably betrayed them. 


His taking the pendant is both suspicious and convenient. He takes an artifact that has enormous potential, but removes the burden from us, keeping it safe while we mindlessly fall into traps and might lose it at any given point. I always thought he took it for safekeeping, as he can fly under the radar.

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I guess the fair category for me then is that there are characters that I -really- want to like, but I may need to see the story end before I can get over their negatives.


1. Titania has a pleasing aesthetic, attitude, and Ace Pokemon. However, her story - for me - is seemingly wrought by her own choice. She'll probably need to try to genuinely fix the situation to improve her comfort one way or the other before my opinion improves. Titania isn't hiding or unlikeable in principle. It's more of a personal situation.


2. Radomus is almost Tania's antithesis. An aloof man who seems fairly detached from everyone even if there may be implicit relations to them. He kind of reminds me of 'The Last Jedi's DJ, a hacker who is in prison and played by Benecio del Toro. "DJ" isn't a name. It stands for "Don't Join". In order to determine if I like either DJ or Radomus, the stories they are in need to be resolved. What side of history do they fall on?


For now - Anna and Noel may be the only good things to come from him. And that's if he's actually their dad.


Isn't the only thing we know that Anna's father gave her the pendent? Where does Sirius say he knows her dad?


The theory has always seemed to be some degree wishful thinking.

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For Vanhanen Castle it read “This large castle is empty due to Radomus being attest for fraudulent charges and his adopted daughter Luna being absent.”

Well, this would bring up some continuity errors, as it is explicitly stated that his family was gone BEFORE he adopted Luna, making the timing unsyncable.

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(When will the quote function come back from the war...)




Ame posted a large drawn map of reborn with brief blurbs about locations. For Vanhanen Castle it read “This large castle is empty due to Radomus being attest for fraudulent charges and his adopted daughter Luna being absent.”


Oh, I misinterpreted what you were saying, then—I thought you meant Radomus was arrested for fraud, not arrested on fraudulent charges, which is a very different thing! But yeah, like others have said, if it's not in the game it seems unlikely as canon evidence, especially considering the details of that description don't match up with the game timeline at all. (It sounds to me more like "Radomus is arrested on fraudulent charges" might have been an early version of the plot we actually get in the game, where he doesn't get arrested but does end up running off somewhere while Luna runs away to Iolia Valley to hide? Or maybe it's something that was planned to happen later, or maybe it's just an early idea that got thrown out entirely; who knows.)



The theory has always seemed to be some degree wishful thinking.


I don't know about "wishful thinking"; I mean, Radomus being the twins' father would actually make me like him a hell of a lot less unless he turned out to have a damn good reason for not taking care of his kids. But it seems like the logical conclusion to draw based on what the story has shown us. The story has deliberately made the twins' father into a plot point, both by bringing him up at all and by specifically tying him to the plot-central Amethyst Pendant, so obviously he's going to be relevant somehow and the player is supposed to be wondering who he is and how he ties in to everything. And the story has also made a point of bringing up that Radomus has some connection of his own to the Amethyst Pendant, meaning that mystery also has to have an answer somewhere. It's natural that players are going to see those two puzzle pieces, realize that they fit together, and draw the neatest conclusion available (and that's even before you get into smaller things like Radomus's "my family is long-since gone" line being conveniently worded in a way that allows for the possibility of more than just a dead wife).


I mean, obviously none of this has actually gotten revealed to be one way or the other, but it's pretty doubtful anyone could write such clear foreshadowing for a specific twist by accident. Coincidences aren't impossible, but generally if a pair of plot points click together this neatly, it's because they're actually supposed to or because the writer wants to trick you into thinking they are. Theorizing that this one guy you met is actually these other kids you met's long-lost father would be a wild conspiracy theory in real life, but in a video game it can be a totally logical conclusion, because in a work of fiction you know every detail was put there for a reason.

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Hey - I like the fresh take!


Most people that claim Radomus' relationship to the twins is paternal do so almost to justify a past decision to side with him or do so because the community belief is that Anna is one of the two characters who you should always agree with.


I like to theorize and leave all potential avenues of thought open. Often - Radomus feels like a non starter because many people are all in on Mr. Vanhanen being Anna's father.


I'm not saying the plot points don't fit - knowing he was arrested and imprisoned actually makes the theory seem more believable. He's just a guy we don't "know" an awful lot about to be so sure of.

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