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Mono Ice BL


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Yo, the champ's here again ;)

This is just a random RMT I wanted to post

Feel free to let me know weaknesses to this team, and this is BL tier

460.gif@ Leftovers

Trait: Snow Warning

EVs: 252 HP / 76 SAtk / 180 SDef

Sassy Nature (+SDef, -Spd)

- Leech Seed

- Giga Drain

- Blizzard

- Protect

This specially defensive was meant to be an anti Politoed, but since it's a BL team, I seek some sets to this pokemon for the tier

Leech Seed to steal opponent's HP and stall

Giga Drain for the STAB HP recovering

Blizzard for a strong STAB

Protect to recover HP while stalling with hail

473.gif@ Focus Sash

Trait: Snow Cloak

EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd

Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

- Stealth Rock

- Superpower

- Earthquake

- Ice Shard

This beast can destroy many slower opponents, and when it's slower, Ice Shard is used

Stealth Rock for hazards, good for hail stalling and more likely to easily kill opponents

Superpower against weak to fighting

Earthquake for a strong STAB

Ice Shard is STAB priority, very good move when opponent's faster

584.gif@ Leftovers

Trait: Ice Body

EVs: 216 HP / 40 Def / 252 SAtk

Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)

- Substitute

- Blizzard

- Protect

- Hidden Power [Fire]

Vanilluxe has always been a very interesting Ice type pokemon for me, since it looks tasty to eat

Substitute to be annoying and be safe from very strong attacks while it lasts

Blizzard for great STAB, kills many opponents weak to it or neutral to it

Protect to recover HP from Ice Body and Leftovers

Hidden Power to Bug and Steel types

These bulky EV spread is really good, it has survived Bullet Punches, non-STAB Fire type and Fighting type moves and many

615.gif@ Leftovers

Trait: Levitate

EVs: 252 HP / 4 SAtk / 252 Spd

Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)

- Rapid Spin

- Blizzard

- Toxic

- Hail

Cryogonal is a really good specially defensive pokemon, its speed is amazing and Levitate helps me to avoid Spikes and Toxic Spikes

Rapid Spin to remove annoying Stealth Rock from this team, which damages Ice types by alot

Blizzard for the strong STAB

Toxic to poison opponents

Hail when necessary (could be changed to Recover since I don't see many other weathers in the tier)

471.gif@ Leftovers

Trait: Snow Cloak

EVs: 252 HP / 120 Def / 136 SDef

Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk)

- Curse

- Wish

- Protect

- Baton Pass

Glaceon sets up Curse and Baton Passes to Dewgong

Curse to boost the stats

Wish to heal itself or other team member

Protect to safely recover HP with Leftovers and Wish

Baton Pass to Dewgong

87.gif@ Leftovers

Trait: Thick Fat

EVs: 252 HP / 68 Atk / 188 SDef

Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk)

- Aqua Ring

- Avalanche

- Drill Run

- Aqua Jet

Once this recieves the Baton Pass, this is quite a powerful opponent

Aqua Ring for more HP recovery

Avalanche for the really strong STAB move after getting hit

Drill Run against Steel types and Electric types

Aqua Jet for the priority

Dewgong had originally had Ice Body, but it couldn't get Avalanche with it, so I changed it

It helps to survive Fire Blasts though ;)

Rate it and give me good suggestions :D

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I would say run Cryo doesn't need that many HP EVs unless it rund Acid Armor / Barrier / Iron Defense, but you'd pass that from Glaceon. I'd suggest more EVs in Special Defense so it makes a better switch in against specially-focused Pokemon, as Cryogonal does have heroic Sp Def.

And about Mamoswine...

  • Mamoswine with a Sash needs Endeavor, in my opinion. Then against a faster threat it is almost a sure KO with Ice Shard the next turn unless we're talking about Ghosts, who have frail Defense so its other moves. Axe Superpower because it brings down Mamoswine's Attack - that makes Ice Shard relatively weak.
  • Also I've found Thick Fat is a very useful ability on Mamoswine, as it takes away a weakness to Fire.
  • I said it before but don't run Superpower on Mamoswine here. Ice-Ground has stupidly good coverage in BL - out of 43 BL Pokemon, 17 are weak to one of those moves, and only two resist (Abomasnow and Bronzong)! Those Pokemon are both weak to Fire, so Vanilluxe has those covered; just beware of Gyro Ball. But yeah, Superpower also undoes stat changes passed to it by Glaceon.

Other than those things, it's better than I could have made it. Also...

Ya like Leftovers much errr......?

Edited by rc52
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hmm nice team just needs a few fixes which would make it better

first make cryagonal learn recover because if you are going to make it be a wall you want to make sure it can survive as long as it can and all other weathers in bl are almost non exsistant.

I also agree with ryan c that you should give mamoswine thick fat because it would make it be able to tank fire moves a lot better which is what a mono ice team critically needs. Since it would tank a lot better i might also give rid of the sash and preferably use life orb or expert belt to make it an even greater powerhouse.

Vannileux should probably have hp fighting just because blizzard already covers grass types and hp fighting also covers steel types but also rock which is also a threat to mono ice teams. also dark, normal and even other ice pokemon. Also its ev spread is kinda weird for a sweeper i would just go for max speed and special attack. that way you can be annoying with sub and protect since it should out speed most bl pokes

other than that nice mono ice and gl with it.

Edited by ♥Double Team♥
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Whoa. Looks like I got a competiter. We should battle with our Mono Ice teams sometime. Good overal team. The Glaceon that I use is a Doubleteam/Barrier Passer with Yawn. But thats me. Looks pretty solid.

Woah, hold that thought. What about me?

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