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Ntuafreak's Shiny only trade run


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NOTE: This is not a shiny run, in this run I trade the shinies I find to people.


Hello I'm on my 3rd playthrough of this awesome game and I decided to mix things up a little. Generally I would wonder trade any interesting pokemon I find in my runs to introduce some variety but this time I am putting an arbitrary rule to only trade any shiny pokemon I find. I would like to use the pokemon I get from this in at least a couple gym battles each but getting like 3 bidoofs in a row by wonder trading wouldnt be fun so I decided to make this thread insead.


So to get to the point, if you have any interesting pokemon you would like me to have and use for my run, trade them to me and in return you will get some shiny I happen to have at the time. Keep in mind I am experiened with this game and pokemon games in general so I would like a small challenge but please no bidoofs and these kinds of filler pokemon cause that would not be interesting at all. Something unusual/rare would be perfect or even your favourite Pokemon so surprise me!


EDIT: I should clarify that I want pokemon the lowest level possible and I would prefer eggs, it's fun for me to raise pokemon form babies lol

EDIT 2: I had an idea to name the pokemon I get by the trader's name just as a memorial to who sent what to me, but you could suggest another nickname for your pokemon if you want.


Shinies for trade (always up to date): None ATM.


Trade History:



TRADE 1: Rattata, Beautifly ---> Yellow Minior, Deino. Thanks @Lord Drakyle !! Renamed Lordy and Drakyle.

TRADE 2: Pidove ---> Snorunt (F) gonna be Glalie Thanks @CrimsonDragon21 !! Renamed Crimson.

TRADE 3: Trubish ---> Larvitar Thanks @HelloMegan !! Renamed Megan.

TRADE 4: Buizel ---> Ralts (M) gonna be Gardevoir Thanks @Karna !! Renamed Karna.

TRADE 5: Sewadle ---> Wooper  Thanks @DreamblitzX !! Renamed Dreamblitz.

TRADE 6: Tropius ---> Rotom Thanks @Stijnruijs !! Renamed Stijn.

TRADE 7: Wooper ---> Salandit Thanks @Sayia !! Renamed Sayia.

TRADE 8: Tepig, Wooper ---> Elekid, Eevee Thanks @NinjaGod !! Renamed Ninja and God.



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6 minutes ago, Lord Drakyle said:

hmm okay gimme a sec I will come up with a list of 6 pokemon I am willing to offer you (by the way is there any exceptions to the rules since I have deino by means of dark material trade XD (shiny deino) )

I would prefer if the pokemon you gave me is a surprise ;) Choose one I  trust you random  stranger on the internet (would not recomend) haha. And no there are no rules, anything you like (I have never used a deino ever so that would be interesting wink wink ) 


EDIT: Ah  should clarify, I am still afer the first gym so make any pokemon you give me the lowest level possible please, will also take eggs (if it is possible to trade them I don't know)

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1 minute ago, Ntuafreak said:

I would prefer if the pokemon you gave me is a surprise ;) Choose one I  trust you random  stranger on the internet (would not recomend) haha. And no there are no rules, anything you like (I have never used a deino ever so that would be interesting wink wink )

okay what if I offer 3 numbers and you pick one which will choose what you get? want in egg form or nah?

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Just now, Lord Drakyle said:

okay what if I offer 3 numbers and you pick one which will choose what you get? want in egg form or nah?

Yes lets do the numbers and yes I will prefer an egg, makes me more attached to the resulting pkemon :) Thanks by the way

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alright then lemme just pick 3 random mons, I will assign them a very random 3 digit number, you pick any of those numbers and then I will make an egg of the result

Just now, Ntuafreak said:

Yes lets do the numbers and yes I will prefer an egg, makes me more attached to the resulting pkemon :) Thanks by the way


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3 minutes ago, Lord Drakyle said:

Digit Number - 703 - This may or may not be a rough start but it certainly will be unique start
Digit Number 115 - How useful this one will be is entirely upon how you raise it
Digit Number 888 - Pure FLOOF



Alright I choose you Number 703! Do you want beautifly or rattata and also, we can do another one since you are the first person to participate in this and you will get both pokemon. 

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1 minute ago, Lord Drakyle said:

Floof was an Alolan Vulpix 31 ivs in all stats, timid, knew Freeze Dry, Moonblast, Nasty Plot and Blizzard

Oh man. >< Would be cool (get it) but probably would make things way easy. Now I am excied to see what my picks are

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2 minutes ago, CrimsonDragon21 said:

@Ntuafreak Oh so you are still accepting Mons :)


Edit: Mhh i try giving you something i think not many players play, but tbh i am not sure.

Maybe you like it. Maybe not.

Gonna breed an Egg then

Cool dude let me know when you are ready and if you want trubish or pidove.

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14 minutes ago, HelloMegan said:

@Ntuafreak Hey can I contribute to ur runthrough? And can u tell me what pokemon u have right now cuz I wanna give u something that might like help ur team or make it more well rounded or something lol

Hello, of course you can contribute! I will probably end up with multiple teams but right now I just beat the 2nd gym with Deino, Dartix, Snorunt, Klink, Minior and Vespiqueen. I am just after the 2nd gym now so you can pretty much guess which pokemon I have access to but you can give me anything yo like :) Something unusual to have at this stage or something kinda bad to challenge me or your favourite pokemon or anything like that. I can and will use anything ;) 

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2 minutes ago, HelloMegan said:

@Ntuafreak Okay, since you'll have multiple teams I'll give u one of my favorite mons that kinda helped carry me through the game lol, can post ur ID when ur ready to trade?

Yeah sounds good, my ID is Ntuafreak. Oh and sorry for the garbage. xD

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