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how long do you think the forums will last


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ive thought about it a lot and i know that once reborn is complete this site will not be as lively as it is

i really dont want to see a wonderful site filled with wonderful people to crumble and shatter

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Heck even if this site were to be terminated at some point, as long as the people wished for it, the community could still live on elsewhere right? I may be new around here but I can tell there's a positive aura flowing through everyone's interactions. There is also a discord right? I think I might go check that out once I'm done with my exams. 

Edited by Dartu-san
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At this point I do believe even Ame couldn't unilaterally decide to "close" or "shut down the community". (as if she wanted to, anyway :P )


Besides don't worry too much about Pokémon Reborn's end, guys. Starlight Divide will be a thing too.

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keep in mind that the reborn community isnt the forum only. you also have the discord server, and to a lesser extent since its kind of fallen into inactivity, the showdown server.


its much too early to say what will happen to reborn after the game is finished. yes, ame is working on another project, thats true. however, its not certain that said game will attract an audience as big as pokemon reborn did. may be more, may be less. its gonna depend a lot on that, id say.


should the forum die, then yeah, we also got those servers, like @Dartu-san mentioned. however, members also often make sub-communities with their friends from here. sometimes, most of their activity moves towards their new server, paying less attention to the reborn server itself. in that way, reborn may split into several small sub-communities that met through reborn, but arent really reborn by themselves anymore.


either way, even if something like that were to happen, I wouldnt expect it soon. the reborn game still got a few years left to go, and after that we have to see how starlight divide does. likely is that by the time this community dies, most of the people that have responded in this thread will have fallen into inactivity either way. that includes me, who actually should have done so before but couldnt really leave it all behind. so really, you all shouldnt worry too much about it just yet.

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That comes down to user participation. Without us, the community can't really be called that- so long as users stay active and give one another reasons to stick around, I don't think it is worth worrying about the end of the community.

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Don't worry guys. Reborn has a short respawn time.


Plus, reborn will be around at least as long as pokemon games in general keep coming out. And let's face it, there's no end in sight for that...

And yeah, Ame's got stuff she wants to do after the reborn game is finished.



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As everyone said we'll stick around as long as reborn is, and the end isn't near, so let's enjoy it. When the site dies we will be reborn anew in valhalla shiny and chrome the community will most likely either change its purpose or just move to sub-communities. And to be honest, I intend to stay as long as Ame and crew are creating games, I want to see those, like the place and the people so until we go let's just enjoy the ride.

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We've already somewhat implemented this shift, but after the reborn game is finished the community isn't being destroyed, it is just getting a bit of a focus shift from pokemon to games in general. Moving the main server from showdown to discord was illustrative of this shift, as we're trying to foster a community that exists regardless of whether reborn is in active development or not. That being said, even people who are only here for games Ame develops will have something to look forward to, as her RPG Starlight will be in development once reborn is done. So while the community will probably fade at some point, it would be very unlikely to disappear when the game is done. 

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The community in this incarnation won't survive completely. Change happens, it's already happened as the veterans will attest. What will remain is a core of members like Ame and the fuccos who just don't leave because this community is simply built on the foundation of what they're making and some people are just that attached to the place they found here.


That said, how long will the forums last? So long as there's a need for actual discussion or in general thought out replies aside from the chaos of a chatroom, there will always be forums. How active they are is an unknown, I find it waxes and wanes with a constant buzz of help threads and RPing.

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Dobby @Felix~ is here, Mael  @Maelstrom is here, Arkhidon @Arkhi is here, Bibs @Dorcas is here.

If you see them leave, then start to worry. Before that, all is good.


The first shift was the termination of the name "POKEMON Reborn". Well it used to be pokeplace before that. Anyway, not "pokemon" on the title shows the shift

The discord shift is also indicative, but it's mainly because discord is a much better platform for chatting and organizing things than showdown. Besides, we already had to make a shift from pokemononline to showdown and had enough problems with that in the first place.

There have been shifts.


Many of my friends have left or become inactive, but Ame holds this community as her baby, and she won't let it die. 

Besides, there are ~30K of you. 


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The Reborn Experience is kind of like a rad house party that the dedicated & interested members will have to be dragged out from. It'll have to end, sure, but focusing on that takes away from the moment, I don't think anyone has an answer for how long the community will last.

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