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USUM moveset updates for Reborn E17 (updated 2.0)


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I think the title is pretty self-explanatory: inspired by all of the posts of people confused because they didn't get the egg moves they wanted or they couldn't teach tutor moves to their alolan Pokemon and specially this thread I decided to make a mod to add all the moveset changes from USUM that wouldn't be implemented in Reborn until the release of E18, so I hope that someone finds this useful. This is the first time I make anything like this, so even if it's simple stuff it's very probable that it has some errors and it's not humanly possible for me to check every single change to make sure everything is in place, so feedback is appreciated.


This mod includes:

-All the changes in the level up movesets-

-All the new egg moves-

-Compatibility with move tutors for gen 7 Pokemon-


This mod does NOT include:

-New Pokemon-

-New forms-

-New moves or z-moves-

-Move tutors other than the ones already in the game-



(not really because nobody has asked, just some things I thought you might want to know)


Q: Is it compatible with other mods?

A: Yes, it is compatible with the mods in this thread.


Q: Does it cause any conflict with the online features or the illegal mon detection system?

A: I haven't tested it, but it shouldn't.


Q: How do I install this mod?

A: It's as simple as uncompressing the zip file and then dropping the four different files you'll find inside into the Data folder of your game.




Special thanks to @Aironfaar for creating the module that allows this mod to be used in the way that the weather mod works, making the compatibility cleaner and simpler.

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1 minute ago, Zargerth said:

Oh. I'm not an expert on that thing, but now that I downloaded this mod, I can't use the weather mod. 

You can't use both at the same time, but you can switch from one to the other without problem.

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I'd like to use this, but there's no way I'll drop the weather mod pack. :(


What did you change in the Scripts.rxdata file exactly? Due to the weather mod pack's modular approach, it's very possible (and easy, actually) to maintain compatibility between this and that mod. If you have the time, you may want to check out how Waynolt created his modules and instead of modifying the Scripts.rxdata file itself, create a module to incorporate your changes in that same compatible way.

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5 minutes ago, Aironfaar said:

I'd like to use this, but there's no way I'll drop the weather mod pack. :(


What did you change in the Scripts.rxdata file exactly? Due to the weather mod pack's modular approach, it's very possible (and easy, actually) to maintain compatibility between this and that mod. If you have the time, you may want to check out how Waynolt created his modules and instead of modifying the Scripts.rxdata file itself, create a module to incorporate your changes in that same compatible way.

The thing I changed in the scripts was the move compatibility for pokemon with multiple forms (basically alola forms). If you change that file then non alolan variants of pokemon with alola forms will get access to tutor moves that correspond to alola forms while the alolan variant of the pokemon will be locked out of learning those tutor moves it has in common with the regular form, I think. I will look into making it compatible with the weather mod, but right now I can't really update it because it seems that there has been a failure in the wifi infrastructure of the company I get wifi from, so I can only access internet with my phone until it's fixed or they offer us another solution.

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On 21.1.2018 at 4:23 PM, walpurgis said:

The thing I changed in the scripts was the move compatibility for pokemon with multiple forms (basically alola forms). If you change that file then non alolan variants of pokemon with alola forms will get access to tutor moves that correspond to alola forms while the alolan variant of the pokemon will be locked out of learning those tutor moves it has in common with the regular form, I think. I will look into making it compatible with the weather mod, but right now I can't really update it because it seems that there has been a failure in the wifi infrastructure of the company I get wifi from, so I can only access internet with my phone until it's fixed or they offer us another solution.

I hope your regular internet access will be restored soon, if it isn't already!

I've been browsing the Scripts.rxdata versions (unmodified vs. yours) for differences and think to have found what you meant by move compatibility: the function "pbSpeciesCompatible?(species,move,pokemon)" in PokemonItems. I'm not sure whether I understood those correctly, so...let's take Diglett's entry, for insance:

    when 50 #Diglett
      if pokemon.form==0
        if isConst?(move,PBMoves,:WORKUP) || isConst?(move,PBMoves,:FLASHCANNON)
          return false
      elsif pokemon.form==1
        if isConst?(move,PBMoves,:EARTHPOWER) || isConst?(move,PBMoves,:SNORE) ||
          return false

The way I understand this is that the upper bit ("if pokemon.form==0") lists the move tutor moves of the regular form, while the lower bit ("elseif pokemon.form==1") lists the move tutor moves of the Alolan form.

I'm uncertain whether I did get that correctly though, since the regular Diglett's USUM tutor move list is Earth Power, Snore, Stealth Rock and Stomping Tantrum, while Alolan Diglett's consists of these plus Iron Head and Iron Defense (according to Bulbapedia, anyway). Did I miss something?

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3 minutes ago, Aironfaar said:

I hope your regular internet access will be restored soon, if it isn't already!

I've been browsing the Scripts.rxdata versions (unmodified vs. yours) for differences and think to have found what you meant by move compatibility: the function "pbSpeciesCompatible?(species,move,pokemon)" in PokemonItems. I'm not sure whether I understood those correctly, so...let's take Diglett's entry, for insance:

    when 50 #Diglett
      if pokemon.form==0
        if isConst?(move,PBMoves,:WORKUP) || isConst?(move,PBMoves,:FLASHCANNON)
          return false
      elsif pokemon.form==1
        if isConst?(move,PBMoves,:EARTHPOWER) || isConst?(move,PBMoves,:SNORE) ||
          return false

The way I understand this is that the upper bit ("if pokemon.form==0") lists the move tutor moves of the regular form, while the lower bit ("elseif pokemon.form==1") lists the move tutor moves of the Alolan form.

I'm uncertain whether I did get that correctly though, since the regular Diglett's USUM tutor move list is Earth Power, Snore, Stealth Rock and Stomping Tantrum, while Alolan Diglett's consists of these plus Iron Head and Iron Defense (according to Bulbapedia, anyway). Did I miss something?

Actually it's the opposite. The tm moves that a species can learn are defined as a whole without differentiating forms, so what is defined there is what of all the tm/tutor moves a species can learn (in this case the digglet species) aren't compatible with certain form.

The problem with my wifi was fixed yesterday, thanks <3

I've been taking a look at the weather mod and as you said it's actually very easy to make it compatible, so probably I'll do it by tomorrow.

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On 27.1.2018 at 12:10 AM, walpurgis said:

Actually it's the opposite. The tm moves that a species can learn are defined as a whole without differentiating forms, so what is defined there is what of all the tm/tutor moves a species can learn (in this case the digglet species) aren't compatible with certain form.

The problem with my wifi was fixed yesterday, thanks <3

I've been taking a look at the weather mod and as you said it's actually very easy to make it compatible, so probably I'll do it by tomorrow.

Happy to hear you're back online with more than your phone! :)


Also, I see. I guess I should have paid more attention to the "return false" bit, eh? Ha... Thanks for answering that question, you helped me deepen my Pokémon Essentials knowledge!


I didn't get to check further yet, so I'll just ask: Are the changes in the function I mentioned above everything you changed in Scripts.rxdata or is there more?

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6 minutes ago, Aironfaar said:

Happy to hear you're back online with more than your phone! :)


Also, I see. I guess I should have paid more attention to the "return false" bit, eh? Ha... Thanks for answering that question, you helped me deepen my Pokémon Essentials knowledge!


I didn't get to check further yet, so I'll just ask: Are the changes in the function I mentioned above everything you changed in Scripts.rxdata or is there more?

thanks <3


I'm very new at this too hahaha, I had to learn it as I was modifying it. 


There are a couple of egg moves for alolan forms in PokemonMultipleForms, power punch for a-grimer and hone claws for a-sandshrew (aside from a really minor change in kyurem forms moveset: level 64 imprison -> level 64 noble roar).


I still haven't done the thing to make it compatible, I'm so sorry I'm so lazy.

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8 hours ago, walpurgis said:

thanks <3


I'm very new at this too hahaha, I had to learn it as I was modifying it. 


There are a couple of egg moves for alolan forms in PokemonMultipleForms, power punch for a-grimer and hone claws for a-sandshrew (aside from a really minor change in kyurem forms moveset: level 64 imprison -> level 64 noble roar).


I still haven't done the thing to make it compatible, I'm so sorry I'm so lazy.

I'm very new to this too, but I've only looked into a couple of other things so far, so this was new to me. :) 


Anyway, if the entries of Kyurem, Grimer and Sandshrew in the module "MultipleForms" and the differences in the function "pbSpeciesCompatible?" are everything you changed in the Scripts.rxdata, the file I attached to this post *should* work with the weather mod. I didn't test whether everything works as it should, but the game does start with both your mod (with that .rb file in the Mods folder instead of your modified Scripts.rxdata) and the weather mod pack installed. Would be neat if you could test it, I currently can't spend more time on it.


How did you modify those .dat files, by the way?


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21 minutes ago, Aironfaar said:

I'm very new to this too, but I've only looked into a couple of other things so far, so this was new to me. :) 


Anyway, if the entries of Kyurem, Grimer and Sandshrew in the module "MultipleForms" and the differences in the function "pbSpeciesCompatible?" are everything you changed in the Scripts.rxdata, the file I attached to this post *should* work with the weather mod. I didn't test whether everything works as it should, but the game does start with both your mod (with that .rb file in the Mods folder instead of your modified Scripts.rxdata) and the weather mod pack installed. Would be neat if you could test it, I currently can't spend more time on it.


How did you modify those .dat files, by the way?


It doesn't seem to be working, but try it for yourself when you can just to be sure. How did you do that, btw? I searched a bit (probably not hard enough) but I didn't found how to create the modules. In the end what I did is going for the easy route and modifying again the scripts.rxdata I had already modified to make it read the mods folder, even if it isn't the most elegant I'm afraid it's the best I can do, hahaha.


To modify the .dat files what I modified the pbs files and then had RPGMaker compile them.

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Hmm. How did you test it exactly? I figure I can try just one or two things (like creating a Kyurem from debug mode and checking which move it learns at level 64).


Creating a module is pretty easy. The way they are loaded into the game is this one line of code that Waynolt added to the top of the Main page of the scripts:

Dir["./Data/Mods/*.rb"].each {|file| load File.expand_path(file) }

What this does is read all the files ending with .rb from the ./Data/Mods/ folder, starting in the game's main path, and add it to the whole script.


What you need to put into that Ruby file depends on what you want to do. If you want to add a class/module/function, just put it in that ruby file. If you want to modify an existing function, copy the unmodified function into your Ruby file and make the changes you want to implement. If you want to add a function to a class, implement the class with only that new function, so to speak.


Once you understand that these modular mods are basically just Ruby script files that are tacked on to the end of the game's Scripts.rxdata (which means that defining something that's already been defined overwrites the previous, unmodded definition), it's pretty self-explanatory. Just load the .rb mod files from Waynolt into your favorite text editor and compare his modifications with the original Scripts.rxdata. He commented "#####MODDED" and "#####/MODDED" at the beginning and end of his modifications, respectively, which I adopted in my modules, so it's pretty easy to find those changes. :)

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10 minutes ago, Aironfaar said:

Hmm. How did you test it exactly?

I brought an alolan sandslash to some move tutors it should learn and checked that.

12 minutes ago, Aironfaar said:

What this does is read all the files ending with .rb from the ./Data/Mods/ folder, starting in the game's main path, and add it to the whole script.


What you need to put into that Ruby file depends on what you want to do. If you want to add a class/module/function, just put it in that ruby file. If you want to modify an existing function, copy the unmodified function into your Ruby file and make the changes you want to implement. If you want to add a function to a class, implement the class with only that new function, so to speak.


Once you understand that these modular mods are basically just Ruby script files that are tacked on to the end of the game's Scripts.rxdata (which means that defining something that's already been defined overwrites the previous, unmodded definition), it's pretty self-explanatory. Just load the .rb mod files from Waynolt into your favorite text editor and compare his modifications with the original Scripts.rxdata. He commented "#####MODDED" and "#####/MODDED" at the beginning and end of his modifications, respectively, which I adopted in my modules, so it's pretty easy to find those changes. :)

Oh, I see, thank you for explaining <3

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Just now, walpurgis said:

I brought an alolan sandslash to some move tutors it should learn and checked that.

Hmm, I see... On my end, it seemed to have worked: In Debug Mode, I created a Kyurem at Level 63, gave it a Rare Candy and it learnt Noble Roar rather than Imprison. I sadly can't access move tutors yet.

How did you install the mods? You still need Waynolt's modified Scripts.rxdata and set up a Mods folder like he does in his modular mod setup.

Just now, walpurgis said:

Oh, I see, thank you for explaining <3

You're welcome! Since I didn't know squat about Ruby before starting to fiddle with Pokémon Reborn's code, someone from the Pokémon Reborn Discord explained to me what the "magic line of code" does, and I figured out the rest through observation and testing, so I figured I'd indirectly return the favor. Especially since it's so easy AND elegant. :)

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1 minute ago, Aironfaar said:

Hmm, I see... On my end, it seemed to have worked: In Debug Mode, I created a Kyurem at Level 63, gave it a Rare Candy and it learnt Noble Roar rather than Imprison. I sadly can't access move tutors yet.

How did you install the mods? You still need Waynolt's modified Scripts.rxdata and set up a Mods folder like he does in his modular mod setup

I figured I would, so I put Waynolt's scripts.rxdata in the data folder as well as the mods folder with your file and some other mods so I could test that it was correctly installed.

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Just now, walpurgis said:

I figured I would, so I put Waynolt's scripts.rxdata in the data folder as well as the mods folder with your file and some other mods so I could test that it was correctly installed.

Whew... Let's see... Can you shoot me a save file with Alolan Sandshrew in the party in front of a relevant move tutor so I can test whether it works on my end?

Also, please point out the abilities I should see or not see there, heh. I never ever dealt with move tutors so far in any Pokémon game (because I never played any Pokémon game after Gold/Silver before coming to Reborn, ha).

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21 minutes ago, Aironfaar said:

Whew... Let's see... Can you shoot me a save file with Alolan Sandshrew in the party in front of a relevant move tutor so I can test whether it works on my end?

Also, please point out the abilities I should see or not see there, heh. I never ever dealt with move tutors so far in any Pokémon game (because I never played any Pokémon game after Gold/Silver before coming to Reborn, ha).

Nvm, it is working, I just had forgotten to put the tm.dat file and the others in the data folder, I'm an idiot.

Do you mind if I put this file in the download folder for the mod (crediting you, of course)? 


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1 minute ago, walpurgis said:

Nvm, it is working, I just had forgotten to put the tm.dat file and the others in the data folder, I'm an idiot.

Do you mind if I put this file in the download folder for the mod (crediting you, of course)? 


Sweet, I'm happy to hear that!

Also, sure - go ahead! Would be silly if I'd have you repeat what I did. :)

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