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Uber Team

Unknown Guy

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What's up, Donkey here. I already posted this RMT on Smogon and got very good criticism, making it into issue 20 of the Smog. I'd prefer not to get any suggestions as this team is basically finalized, and I know it has problems with late game Darkrai, Mewtwo, Arceus-Fight, Lustrous Palkia, and a few other pokes. I'm posting this here just to show it to you guys. Also, I stopped laddering with this team a while ago.

Anyways, onto the team. This team is probably the best team I've built. It's currently sitting at rank one on PO and peaked around 1470 on smogon. My old team had lots of problems with taunt and a few offensive cores, but this one has very few weaknesses since it's a lot more balanced. Sand is incredibly anti-meta in ubers, and when used well it can be nearly impossible to beat. To use this team successfully, you have to focus on wearing down opposing weather starters, getting up hazards, and preserving Excadrill for a late game sweep. Groudon and Kyogre have a very hard time staying alive against this team.

At a Glance:


In Depth:


Tyranitar (M) @ Lum Berry

Trait: Sand Stream

EVs: 252 HP / 64 Atk / 184 SDef / 8 Spd

Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

- Stealth Rock

- Superpower

- Stone Edge

- Pursuit

Tyranitar is one of the best anti-leads in the current uber metagame. It guarantees you sand 100% of the time, and also acts as a check to some of the common non-weather leads. Lum Berry absorbs Dark Void and Spore, allowing Superpower to bring Darkrai and Smeargle down to their focus sashes, which are taken out by sand. Tyranitar single-handedly prevents losing a pokemon to sleep and shuts down smashpass. Stone Edge is mainly a filler move to hit things hard on switches and stop Ho-Oh/Rayquaza from setting up (although Arceus-Rock can switch in on both of these). However, Pursuit is the most important move on the set. Since Ferrothorn can't really take specs Water Spouts, my usual switch-in for Kyogre is Giratina. Eventually, my opponent catches on to this and locks themselves into Ice Beam. At this point, I'll go into Tyranitar, easily take the Ice Beam, and do about 45% with Pursuit as Kyogre is called back, quickly wearing it down. Pursuit is also nice to use on Palkia or Reshiram after they Draco Meteor and drop to -2. Stealth Rocks rack up switch-in damage and wear down the opponent's weather inducer.

Possible Changes: Roar or Dragon Tail could be used instead of Stone Edge. This would rack up more hazard damage, while still preventing Ho-Oh/Rayquaza from setting up. Roar is also guaranteed to stop smashpass. Ice Beam can also work to help deal with opposing Gliscors and still hit Rayquaza. Similarly, Fire Blast could be used to hit Ferrothorn/Forretress/Skarmory, but I prefer having an all physical Tyranitar to optimize my EVs.

wol_error.gif Click this bar to view the full image. iWg2b.jpg

Excadrill (M) @ Life Orb

Trait: Sand Rush

EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd

Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

- Swords Dance

- Earthquake

- Shadow Claw/Rock Slide

- Rapid Spin

Excadrill is a great cleaner and revenge killer. Any team, offensive or stall, needs a pokemon that can sweep late game. Excadrill fits this role perfectly with Sand Rush. However, weather inducers such as Groudon, Rayquaza and Kyogre are the biggest threats to Excadrill since they stop it's sweep. This shows how well Arceus-Rock and Giratina synergize with Exca. Rockceus can switch in on virtually any of Rayquaza or Ho-Oh's moves and OHKO back, while Giratina takes hits from Kyogre all day. Groudon is also worn down by Earthquake spam + hazards pretty quickly (especially if I can burn it). Shadow Claw is specifically for Giratina-O. Rock Slide doesn't do enough damage to break Gira-O, so I prefer using Shadow Claw to help me spin. This being so, Earthquake hits Giratina-A harder because of STAB. Skarmory does completely wall this set, but at the expense of Excadrill getting free rapid spins. Excadrill's speed is maxed so as to speed tie other Excadrills. Excadrill not only can sweep, but provides great defensive support.

Possible Changes: Lum Berry breaks Giratina-A easily, but it means that leftover recovery is lost and Exca is worn down faster. Air Balloon works well too, since then Exca only takes resisted SR damage. I wouldn't recommend life orb, since it means you can't spam spins vs skarmory.

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Arceus-Rock @ Stone Plate

Trait: Multitype

EVs: 252 HP / 120 Def / 136 Spd

Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)

- Will-O-Wisp

- Judgment

- Calm Mind/Perish Song

- Recover

Arceus-Rock has a very special role on this team. It's main purpose is to check Rayquaza and Ho-Oh, which can cause the rest of the team trouble. Rockceus outspeeds both and OHKOs with Judgment, and can take +1 Life Orb Earthquakes from Rayquaza. Ho-Oh can't do anything to it besides land a burn. It also walls Specs Reshiram in sand, and Will-O-Wisps Groudon (and other physical attackers) with the benefit that common sun abusers such as Reshiram or Ho-Oh can't switch in on the expected Will-O-Wisp as they would vs Giratina. Non-Timid SD Arceus is outsped and burned while Arceus takes +2 Extremespeeds with ease. Physical attackers such as Excadrill, Garchomp, or Terrakion are walled by Ferrothorn and Giratina. I am starting to use Calm Mind over Perish Song a lot more since it helps with my Palkia weakness and is a nice sweeper. In sand, Arceus also is able to stall out Mewtwo, Palkia, and Dialga. With Gliscor spreading toxic, Arceus's becomes very threatening. It's not an easy poke to take down.

Possible Changes: Calm Mind can be used instead of Perish Song. Arceus-Rock can then setup on Palkia and other special attackers, and sometimes pull off a sweep. Since Kyogre is commonly brought it to check it, if you predict right you can hit Kyogre on the switch.


Ferrothorn (M) @ Leftovers

Trait: Iron Barbs

EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SDef

Sassy Nature (+SDef, -Spd)

- Leech Seed

- Spikes

- Protect

- Power Whip

Ferrothorn is a self-explanatory poke. With its evs maxed out in special defense, its a solid check to TG Manaphy, CM/Bulky Kyogre, and Scarf ogre. Protect helps scout scarfers, although Lustrous Palkia must be watched out for. It's water resistance and steel typing makes it a great option on sand, and synergizes well with Tyranitar and Arceus-Rock. If Arceus-Rock is low health, Ferrothorn also sponges physical attacks, particularly Zekrom. Leech Seed wears down pokes on switch-ins as well.

Possible Changes: Protect could be replaced with Thunder Wave or Toxic, but I find that Protect helps keep Ferro alive longer.


Gliscor (M) @ Toxic Orb

Trait: Poison Heal

EVs: 252 HP / 200 Def / 56 Spd

Impish Nature (+Def, -SAtk)

- Substitute

- Earthquake

- Toxic

- Taunt

Since this is a wifi team, I always lead with Gliscor vs Groudon. Taunt stops SR, Toxic cripples Groudon for the entire match and stalls offensive Groudon, and sub blocks dragon tail. Gliscor also beats Sub HC Zekrom, dealing over 50% with Earthquake and forcing Dragon Claws or Outrages. Gliscor is also great because it can switch in on Giratina-A, stall mons such as Chansey, Ferro, Forry, Skarm, etc, and setup a sub, Taunt, or Toxic/Earthquake on the switch. It helps put a lot of pressure on any offensive team with a few stall pokes. Toxic also cripples CM Arceus forms, which can be very important. Reaching 240 speed, it can Toxic Ho-Oh before it can sub, Earthquake Tentacruel, and Sub/Toxic stall any slower mon. Poison heal also means it can absorb Will-O-Wisps for the team, which is very important for Excadrill. Gliscor is the most fun poke to use on the team, and by far the MVP. Since it's set is unexpected, it can really do damage early on.

Possible Changes: You can run either a larger speed creep to outspeed other Gliscors, or a smaller speed creep to ensure that Ferrothorn Power Whips don't break subs. Protect is always nice to have on Gliscor, but there isn't really a moveslot available.

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Giratina @ Leftovers

Trait: Pressure

EVs: 248 HP / 244 SDef / 16 Spd

Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)

- Rest

- Sleep Talk

- Will-O-Wisp

- Roar

Special Defensive Giratina + Tyranitar is as close as you can get to a counter for Specs Kyogre without using Shedninja (lol) or Gastrodon. As I mentioned before, Giratina baits Ice Beam allowing TTar to Pursuit. Giratina is also a backup SD Arceus check. Without physical defense EVs, it can still tank one Shadow Claw and get a burn/remove lum berry. Gira also phases CM Arceus forms and Mewtwo; racking up hazard damage with Roar. Last but definitely not least, it spinblocks. Forretress can setup on it, but in that case I usually try to predict around it. Gliscor can taunt it and wear Forry down. Giratina is incredibly durable, and undoubtedly the best Kyogre check/Spin blocker in the game. Although this set is taunt weak, the rest of my team doesn't have that many problems with it.

Possible Changes: Dragon Tail instead of roar, but then sub Mewtwo, sub Ho-Oh, sub Exca, and sub Steelceus all become big problems. The lower pp means that Giratina has to use its moves more carefully as well.


Thanks for reading, here's the importable for anyone who wants to try out this team. Hope you guys enjoyed. I will be posting a complete threat list when I get the chance.

Shoutouts to Faint, Dotteh, Rudy, Loco, Hugen, Syrim, Princess Bri, Soulwind, Noodlez and all my PO bros.


Tyranitar (M) @ Lum Berry

Trait: Sand Stream

EVs: 252 HP / 64 Atk / 184 SDef / 8 Spd

Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

- Stealth Rock

- Superpower

- Stone Edge

- Pursuit

Excadrill (M) @ Life Orb

Trait: Sand Rush

EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd

Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

- Swords Dance

- Earthquake

- Shadow Claw

- Rapid Spin

Arceus-Rock @ Stone Plate

Trait: Multitype

EVs: 252 HP / 120 Def / 136 Spd

Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)

- Will-O-Wisp

- Judgment

- Calm Mind

- Recover

Ferrothorn (M) @ Leftovers

Trait: Iron Barbs

EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SDef

Sassy Nature (+SDef, -Spd)

- Leech Seed

- Spikes

- Protect

- Power Whip

Gliscor (M) @ Toxic Orb

Trait: Poison Heal

EVs: 252 HP / 200 Def / 56 Spd

Impish Nature (+Def, -SAtk)

- Substitute

- Earthquake

- Toxic

- Taunt

Giratina @ Leftovers

Trait: Pressure

EVs: 248 HP / 244 SDef / 16 Spd

Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)

- Rest

- Sleep Talk

- Will-O-Wisp

- Roar

Edited by Unknown Guy
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Iron head on exadrill instead of Rick slide /shadow claw because it hits flying pokes and is more accurate than rockslide and can flinh and is stab unlike shadow claw. Unstable shadow claw does same amount to ghost type as stab eq. Also make font more lighter so it is easier to read for future rmts. Also make exadrill jolly to out speed other exadrills And give air balloon to give extra protection against exadrill and it temporarily gets rid of one of its common weakness -ground types.

Edited by Berserker
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