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Hello all,

my name is AenaonDusky, or Dusky if you prefer simpler and shorter pleasures in life.

I love all kinds of game-related content, fan creations included, and have been playing Reborn since its earlier days (though the last time I played... I admit that must have been... 10 episodes earlier or something).

I try my hand at composing music, though I pretty much suck at it. I tried spriting once. It was fun while it lasted...

I love dogs, and I love dogs and  I REALLY LOVE DOGS. Hide your dogs from me, I will hug them until time collapses. Okay?

I may or may not have had...encounters with a certain Reborn League. That's classified. Do not even think of talking about that. I was in the shadows watching... heh...*coughs*. Or... I could be lying.... Hmmmm...?


Anyway, since its mandatory where I come from (the land of Promotionum Shamelessum, or P.S.)  to shamelessly promote things I've worked on... I will tell you a story.

I along with certain undisclosed ones have been playing games, specifically RPGs, even more specifically Pokemon, for years.

We decided to ditch playing and start making - especially since it's the first time we've got enough time in our hands. When Essentials was first released, (we are too lazy for  rom patches aren't exactly our thing) we had some ideas

that never actually came to fruition. Now, that changes. Please, look forward to things that may shortly come.


You can hit me up for a chat, I can talk about anything you want... except food, since I'm hungry 99% of the time, and such conversations drive me insane.

Edited by AenaonDusky
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Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone. I've run out of "reactions" for today so I can't like everything...

 B-but w-what is this...?

5 hours ago, walpurgis said:

hi dusky





1 hour ago, SilverHelio said:

Hello Dusky! Welcome to Reborn! ^_^


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....dog puns and cute dog pics, please nooooooooooooooooooo I can't take thiiiiiiiissssssss...

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