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Life starting to get on track again? How long till either I derail again or I figure out I'm not a train?


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It's no secret that life has been a bit shitty for me. Failing to find an education I wanted to follow and even failing to find one later with help specifically with that. Note that most friends of mine at my age already have either a job, an education or both. I've been sitting at home with about 0 things to focus on for around a year (for some, 2016 was a better year than 2017. Believe it or not). Today, however, things changed. Thanks to some things I've been allowed to work 2 afternoons a week at a company focused on renting out party equipment (tents specifically). For the first time in over a year, I actually have something again. It will last 3 months and the days are Tuesday and Wednesday (This is actually how it's spelled? and I thought the Dutch had weirdly written words) from 13:30 (1:30 PM) till 17:00 (5 PM). Not exactly times to be bragging about but considering my situation I'm not allowed to complain. Just thought I'd share this for those interested.

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Wow that's nice. And don't worry about not having an education or a fulltime job yet. There are people who only start studying in their forties or not at all and that's just fine. Just because you're not where you had wanted to be doesn't mean you never will be. Your time will come, so there is no need to compare yourself to the others around you.

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I mean as someone going to university currently, I'm not really one to talk, but I think higher education (post-highschool) is a bit too strongly pushed by society, and it's really not for everyone, nor is it really straight up better than just getting a job or some kind of apprenticeship and working. different things work for different people. 


As for the title, you're not on a train. you're on a boat in an ocean of options and can go in any direction, just make sure to conserve your fuel and not blow out your engine.

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That's nice to hear. I'm currently in a similar situation, I stopped studying and I haven't been able to find a job yet, so I think I know how you feel and how awful must this past year have been for you. 

Hopefully I'll find a job soon too (and I'll probably also get back to studying if I can). 

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3 hours ago, Wolfox said:

It's no secret that life has been a bit shitty for me. Failing to find an education I wanted to follow and even failing to find one later with help specifically with that. Note that most friends of mine at my age already have either a job, an education or both. I've been sitting at home with about 0 things to focus on for around a year (for some, 2016 was a better year than 2017. Believe it or not). Today, however, things changed. Thanks to some things I've been allowed to work 2 afternoons a week at a company focused on renting out party equipment (tents specifically). For the first time in over a year, I actually have something again. It will last 3 months and the days are Tuesday and Wednesday (This is actually how it's spelled? and I thought the Dutch had weirdly written words) from 13:30 (1:30 PM) till 17:00 (5 PM). Not exactly times to be bragging about but considering my situation I'm not allowed to complain. Just thought I'd share this for those interested.


Sometimes, the absence of things happening as we want them to in life, is not an indicator of life being bad. Sometimes, our very expectations and dreams might seem far from being realized; this doesn't necessarily mean that we're either undeserving or have "fallen behind" too. Sometimes real growth happens whenever we think we've hit a dead end. Education is by no means representative of either success, or happiness in life; it is but a stepping stone for a particular direction one is following, and even that does not guarantee satisfaction, or better yet, employment.  Instead of thinking of life being like ocean waves with steep curves that repeat themselves, embrace this quite anomalous -usually-  journey, and use your newfound experience in working (congratulations, btw) as the foundation of your next experiences. If inaction is your (perceived) cup of tea, as it is for many young (and older) people nowdays, do not fret. Tackle different avenues of artistic expression, try things you were hesitant to try before, sit for a moment and think that as long as another day comes tomorrow, you've no real reason to feel down; just the fact that you can see the sun rising or the stars at night, or the warmth of sleeping in your bed, or the voices of passerby talking about the latest hot topic - all these are reason enough to rethink your position, for your life is but your life, and it is beautiful without needing any reason for it to be so, in the first place.


And do not worry about the "temporary" of your current occupation:


Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.

- Marcus Annaeus Seneca

Edited by AenaonDusky
Added smth
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Great to hear you got something going. I don't think measuring your success and comparing it with that of others is necessarily good though. We all strive through different means and by the sound of it, your on your way to getting something done.

Hope things get (and stay) better for you and good luck~

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Hey, congrats on finding a job :) It can only get better from here you know. Chances are by the time you finish your 3 months there you will have more of a selection of jobs to choose from, which will keep getting better and better as you build up your experience. Keep your head high and make the most of it. You can do it! ^o^ 

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