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Pokemon Full Moon: Complete Playthrough


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Hello everyone! Tis I, J-Awesome_One! And yes. I'm doing another normal playthrough of Pokémon Full Moon. Some of you may know that I did something like this sometime last year but I realized that doing screenshots and saying something long about a segment of that part of the game just wasn't for me. So I'm scrapping that 1 and going to do a new 1 on this thread but this time with videos! And under the videos, I will make bulleted points about some of the events that happen in the video. Anything from the looks of the areas I've been to the dialogues to the looks of the characters, etc etc. Aaannnddd I guess I was lying about this being a normal playthrough. I'm gonna use Pokémon that I think the main character would use. Btw, anyone that knows this game that remembers where certain Pokémon are, help would be really appreciated. Just let me know if you want/can help and I'll tell you the mons and blah blah blah. So are you guys ready? I sure am! Let's go on Luna's adventure!

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  • Luna - I like the story with her so far. Weird to see her living in a cave but whatever. Although, I don't like the fact that she just falls in love all of a sudden when a dude, that's bullied her, just comes out and says I love you. That urks me. Also, yes. You can change the characters name. Which sucks but you get used to it as time moves on. By the way, NO! THIS IS NOT LUNA FROM POKEMON REBORN!
  • Redi - Looks like he belongs in Egypt. I'll say more about him later. Moving on.
  • Chan - He's alright... For now. Still don't like the way he's able to sweep Luna off her feet. But he does own a pretty sweet house. And yes. He may have a lot of Gary Oak's sprite but I think it's different enough that I can consider him a different person.
  • Arcanine as the only starter. It's... Fine I guess. Maybe if they had at least 3 different Fire Type Pokémon to pick from, I wouldn't be as annoyed with this decision but it is interesting.
  • Apocillips Cave - From where we're allowed to explore, it looks really shiny! Especially with all the crystals all over the place. But it does look cozy. Although, how did she get a bed into that cave?
  • Apocillips Beach - I deff like where she chose to live now. A cave that goes right out to the beach? That's pretty dope. Despite the fact that I actually hate going to the beach but this isn't about me. This is Luna we're talking about and it's a neat little area.
  • I will say the 1 thing I love about this game is that there's a decent amount of time that you're in the air flying. Not a lot of Pokémon Fan Made Games I've played have a lot of playtime or anything in the sky so this is pretty cool. Looks so peaceful up there.
  • Fling Cove - The home of Chan. I honestly like this area. It maybe a knock off of Charlotte's, Laura's and Saphira's home in Reborn but to be honest, I kind of like this 1 better. It looks more inviting.
  • Hidden switches in flowers to open up a secret cave... Alrighty then. I don't know how to explain how that works but it's interesting to say the least.
  • Blastoisinite. Next!
  • Lapras caught. Next!
  • The bottom of Chan's parents house looks pretty cool. I didn't show it in the video but you can have Luna eat, I believe they're called, Dried Cherubi Leaves or something like that and let her drink beer. It's the little things in this game that make me enjoy it more.
  • By the way, RIP Chan's (and siblings) parents.


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  • We more about Chan and he apparently had (or has?) a terrible disease and his brother basically became a doctor to help cure him. Aaannnddd I think he cured him? I don't know. I wish they were to do more with that.
  • We meet Kain & Dinor. Kain seems laid back and cool while Dinor seems more impatient but still cool. I like how they're cool all of a sudden with Luna just because she and their body Chan are now together. xD
  • I forgot to mention this in the last Episode but I like how the dialogues are different colors to represent who's talking. Even if it's hard to read sometimes, I like it.
  • PS. I know there's spelling/grammar errors but I can understand what they mean so it's all good to me.
  • Team Lightning. Interesting name. All I can say about it.
  • Fling Cave - Again, very very shiny cave. And that's pretty much all I gotta say to it.
  • Fling Cave BF2 - Very icey and again, all I have to say about it.
  • South Route 511 - Pretty original place. Looks nice.
  • Day/Night System - I like this but I also don't like it. I liked that the creators actually tried to put in real time based events that go with the day/night system but it's somewhat annoying that sometimes, you have to change the time yourself to progress through the game.
  • Route 511 - Basically same thing as South Route 511.
  • The double battle with the Tauros and Bouffalant is interesting. By the way, Kain is an idiot.
  • By the way, let me ask you all a question. From what you've seen of Chan's team so far (Dragonite & Jangmo-o), what do you think of it?
  • Calm Mind out of nowhere! Alrighty then.
  • Veggit Forest - Very interesting place. Reminds me of a certain place from a certain other Fan Made Pokémon Game buuuut the scenery is very different and unique and haven't seen it all yet. But I like it.
  • Ahhh! Girl fell or... Teleported? out of nowhere and is knocked out! What happened to her?! Not sure yet.
  • Larcheos Path - Basically the place of the academy. It's alright.
  • Larcheos Academy - This. Is. Awesome. I know I didn't explore all of the rooms in the academy but trust me. They look good. At least they do to me.
  • By the way, Chan is totally trying to get Luna in the sheets. ;)
  • I know I haven't said anything about plot yet but it's coming. Don't worry. The only thing that is worth mentioning is that Prof. Gobline is likely behind it.


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  • I love the way the Academy looks. It looks like an actual well Academy. Although, Team Lightning is around so that can't be good. And that girl doesn't seem to be doing all that too great. Which is even worse.
  • I didn't accept the Cleffa egg because it crashes your game if you accept. At least, it used to. I haven't tried since the last update. If you wanna and it works out, tell me.
  • We go to Chan to have fun (you KNOW that's what he wanted to do) but Redi comes out and orders his Seviper to Poison Fang him. (Thank you Redi) They leave and Chan tells us the reason why they were in his room. He then makes us do work while he naps his pain away.
  • (30 seconds later) We find a hidden entrance that team Lightning uses. Ohh and Chan is better. That was fast. We listen in on the password and gain access to their hideout and eventually find out their plan.
  • By the way, you can get the Cresselia right now but I'm not gonna go out of my way to fight and try to capture legendaries. So, I'm sorry about that but ohh well.
  • We leave to try Team Lighhtning's plans and BOOM! Mysterious girl, who's name is Orchedy, miraculously recovers and... We don't get an explanation on what happened to her or how she got better. Good going there game.
  • We go back to Veggit Forest and take on more Team Lightning Grunts and then we are confronted by Radius and... Yes. It is a different colored Corey from Pokémon Reborn. Before anyone says anything, they did ask permission to use the sprites from Ame so it's all good. Still though. I feel like I'm battling an Electric Type Corey Gym Leader.
  • Ohh yea. Almost forgot. Radius, Redi & Orchedy are a family. YAY!
  • They escape and ooo! Heracronite!
  • We go up into a cave and when we exit, we team with Orchedy, which I LOVE! I don't know why but I seriously love Orchedy.
  • Psyshock this early in the game. -hits myself in the head- WHAT?!
  • We battle Redi and I feel like this battle was easier than our 1st 1. Pretty pathetic Redi.
  • After our victory, we are teleported to somewhere else. And because the scientist that's helping Team Lightning doesn't know where we were teleported to, it's only fair that he is executed. YAY FOR MURDER!
  • Ohh yea. Professor Gobline is evil... And somewhat sounds like a turkey.
  • When we wake up, we wake up in... In... Ohh!... Oh My God! It's... IT'S... I'll tell you in the next video but OHHHH MYYYYY GOOOOOOD! :D


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  • IT'S CHRISTMAS TIME IN FULL MOON! Literally. I don't care what anyone says. I love this part of the game. :)
  • I like the fact that everyone talks about what they want to do/what their goal is. It's interesting.
  • We have a practice Gym Battle with Dinor aaannnddd as you'll see, we're no match for him yet. Another 1 of those supposed to lose battles. But he gives us some advice on what to do with the team. Which is pretty cool of him.
  • Speaking of Dinor, he has to leave because he's a Gym Leader and stuff. Boo! :(
  • Before I forget, Kain says he never really celebrated Christmas because of his father not being around because of his job. I know it's not important but it makes me sad for him because Christmas is a great time of the year. I love it a lot. Probably too much but ohh well... Did I mention it's Christmas right now in this game? Because it is.
  • Orchedy's parents, her brother and herself have a chalet in Snowleaf City... What's a chalet?
  • Guess where we're going to spend Christmas time?~
  • Snowleaf City looks pretty cool. I like how it has like the northern lights flickering around. Gives it a nice touch.
  • We reach the chalet (Again, what is that?) and we decide to do Secret Santa. I mean they don't say that but... That's what that is. Again, I love it.
  • We get Chan! Ohh... Yay. I think you always get him no matter what which kinda sucks but ohh well.
  • NEXT DAY! Everyone goes out to get their presents. But while Chan is back at his deceased parents house (Jesus Christ. How long did it take for him to get back there) his little brother comes back. Yay! More people to spend Christmas with! IT'S CHRISTMAS IN FULL MOON EVERYONE! Did you know that?!
  • We meet with Chan and Nello and then go back to the chalet and meet Kain but no Orchedy. Ohh no!
  • Ok. This here is where I have a problem with the game. Nello is INSISTED that he goes search for Orchedy. Why? He doesn't know her, doesn't know what she looks like. Makes no sense for him to get all bent out of shape about this. And somehow, when Chan tries to calm him down, it turns into a "I've been through more than what -name here- has!" kind of thing and like why man? There's no need to do that. It's stupid as fuck. I wished this was handled better. But let's move on.
  • We battle Nello to see who goes searching for Orchedy. I personally like his team as of now. It's weird but intriguing. My favorite kind of teams. Let me ask you all. What you think of his team as of now?
  • We search a cave to find Orchedy. Apparently these crystals, when touched, will show/hide a set of stairs. Weird but ok then.
  • We find Orchedy and apparently she's frozen to the floor in the cave or something like that. Did... Did she really just stay in the cave trying to find Kain's Christmas present for so long that she froze herself in there? Like you're that dedicated to get him a Christmas present that you almost freeze to death?... Ohhh who am I kidding. I can't be mad at her. SHE'S TOO CUTE!
  • We bring her back and seems like there's a little bit of a romance between Orchedy and Nello. This relationship I approve of cus no one has been bullied or anything bad has happened between the 2 in the past.
  • NEXT DAY AND IT'S CHRISTMAAAAAAAASSSSSSSS DAAAAAAAAAAY! :D But before I get ahead of myself there, it's only midnight. Orchedy, Nello and now Kain decide to go to a temple to see if they can see the Legendary Bird Pokémon Articuno. I like tht there's some kind of lure wrapped with Articuno and Christmas. Again, maybe it's not your cup of tea but I like it. Probably because it's about Christmas. And I love Christmas... CHRISTMAS!
  • NOW IT'S FOR REAL CHIRSTMAAAAAAASSSSSS DAAAAAAAAAY and we need to open presents! Yay! After gifts are exchanged (except for Nello because he wasn't there for that. But I think being with Orchedy is a good enough Christmas present as it is), a battle between girlfriend Luna and boyfriend Chan ensues because why not.
  • After the battle, there's a huge explosion. What is it? Well you're gonna have to find out next time.
  • ... CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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  • Random Dusknoir appears and threatens to destroy (?) the city. Well Kain will obviously... Be a pussy and tell Luna to do it. Ok. A wee bit of a rant here. Why are you scared of this Kain? Why are you making Luna fight it? You have a FUCKING LEGENDARY ON YOUR GOD DAMN TEAM! And yet I'm the only 1 that is able to defeat it? She's right. You are a pussy.
  • We are given the nickname Lu. This is something most of the Main Characters of this game do and I like it. Gives them a personality or something like that.
  • We battle Dusknoir, defeat it AND... We get sent to hell... Which is apparently black and white. Well... That sucks. Let's search for a way out shall we?
  • We meet up with an old man named Therus who was apparently teaching Dinor to become a Rock Type Gym Leader. I like him for now. But that'll last for like... 5 minutes.
  • Btw, can I just say how rockin' the music is in this area? Fucking awesome!
  • Tells us to beware of the fog and when something happens to the rest of the gang, he instantly forgets that the fog has something to do with it. Therus isn't that smart for someone who likes to do science stuff.
  • Ariados carry away Nello and... ORCHEDY! We must save her! Ohh yea. And him.
  • Shadow Ball. Ok. Can I just say how absurd it is how early a lot of these TM's are available to us? I mean the strong ones. Shadow Ball, X-Scissor, Scald, Dig etc. Jesus! There won't be any strong TM's left for the late game.
  • We rescue Nello and Orchedy and go into a fight against Luna's boyfriend. And we beat him really easily. What a shock. But what is a shock is that a Hypno was behind everything. But that gets thrashed and we're free!... Except Orchedy has been bitten by 1 of the Ariados and is now dying... NOOOOO!
  • We get to the next area and watch as Orchedy dies. This really sucks because I really like her and it sucks to see her go so soon. I even feel bad for Nello. He lost his parents and the love of his life. Although, they just met but their love story makes more sense than Luna and Chan's does!
  • But hey! Let's make her death pointless (in fact, let's make everything for the past 5 minutes completely pointless) and have Therus announce that he has an antidote to cure her! EVEN DEATH! Ok... Whhhhhhhhy?
  • He knows she's dying. He knows that we care about her. Why doesn't he give her the antidote before dying? I mean yea. She comes back to life but why have her die at all?! And then he starts acting weird for whatever fucking reason. (See what I mean for me liking him lasts for 5 minutes?)
  • We then enter the cave and Chan decides to team up with us AND... Well that's it.
  • The reason why this episode ends like how it does is because I was training up the mons I had in my team and then something came up so I decided to end the episode there. I'll be making a mini episode to wrap up our adventure in hell and then another episode that happens afterwards.


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  • Nothing to say til we get to the big battle between the evil Pokémon and the gang. And... WHY IN THE FUCK IS LUNA PLACED WITH THE ORDER OF TAKING ON THE FUCKING DEVIL WHILE KAIN HAS A GOD DAMN LEGENDARY POKEMON THAT WOULD PROBABLY BE MORE EFFECTIVE THAN!... You know what? Fine. Kain will always be too scared to take on anything really dangerous with his Legendary Pokémon. Btw Kain, I TOOK OUT THE DEMON OF HELL WITH ONLY MY ARCANINE! SUCK ON THAT! Ummm... Anyways, moving on.
  • Chan... Chan, you have 2 Dragon Types and a fairly decent Water Type Pokémon. How can YOU NOT... Fuck it. Luna will deal with it.
  • After everything is dealt with, it's time to get out of this dimension... Except the Garchomp we just defeated decides to use a Revive and kill Therus. Although, he seemed suicidal for whatever reason. Was being in the Distortion World really too much for him and he decided to give up on life? I'm not sure. But what I am sure of is that this will be completely useless in the end. Trust me. >.>
  • I do like the fact that it tells you when the end of a Chapter is. That's pretty cool. Surprisingly though, no gyms were to be had in this Chapter.



  • So apparently, we built cabins and have been on this island for 2 months. Ok. Seems reasonable. What I don't buy is that not 1 of us has journeyed to the other side of the island. But ohh well. Not a big deal I guess.
  • Jimmy is a really smart kid. Moving on.
  • We venture through the jungle AND... the other side looks exactly like it does on the other side... FUUU-
  • We explore the other side though and we run into Dinor with which we all feel happy about. Seeing old friends again. The 3 of us decide to go back to the cabins... Or should I say Chan and Dinor go back while Luna has to go back by herself. Chan is a bad boyfriend.
  • I'm curious as to know why Chan wants to stay on the island. I mean yea. Nothing bad has happened there but I don't want to stay there for the rest of my life.
  • Enter Arietta! She's deff a person I would be friends with. Funny, doesn't really care what she says, pretty cool.
  • We are informed that Team Lightning is coming to the island. Arietta and Kain decide to try to take out as many as they can on the water. FINALLY! KAIN IS GONNA DO SOMETHING USEFUL WITH HIS ARTICUNO! Everyone else will ambush the ones that get by them and make it to the island.
  • For some reason, everyone thinks that they're hideout is there because there's a couple of dead trees there. I mean, they're right but why would dead trees indicate secret base? That makes no sense to me.
  • We get cornered but thankfully, there's a fake tree stump that we all jump down into. And even though this is their own base, they don't check every nook and cranny to find us. This team is just so smart, aren't they?


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  • We get to team with Orchedy. Yay!
  • A lot of double battles which I don't mind.
  • The base looks alright. Nothing too fancy.
  • TM for Thunderbolt. OK!
  • After activating the computers, we go into the room that was closed off before and we get to battle Radius and Professor Gobline. Interesting battle. I'm liking Orchedy's team so far. I like it when someone's team isn't just filled with Starters, Pseudo's and Legendaries.
  • After the battle, we are then greeted by a man known as Lavius and he brings out Chan and Dinor and DAMN! They are fucked up. I love this part. Mostly because, well, Chan is beaten up. :P
  • After escaping that place, we start talking about Therus with Dinor who suddenly just won't listen to reason and says that Luna should have died instead. Ok. I know some stories need to somehow turn that good guy into a bad guy but really? Doing it like this? I mean it could have been done better. I don't have any examples but seriously. Basically everyone gets mad at him for saying Luna should have died instead of Therus and then the extra icing on the cake happens when he hits Arietta for telling him to shut up. And then BOOM! Instant evil turn. Like... Wow.
  • Kain wants me to battle the Gym Leader of this place: Berro City. Gee. I wonder why that could be?


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  • Berro City - Seems like a relaxing place. It's a nice area. Nice relaxing music too.
  • Nothing really too special here though besides the Gym and PokeCenter.
  • The only reason the PokeCenter is interesting is because this 1 also heals humans. So nice luck for you Chan!
  • The type of the Gym here is Grass. I must say. Throughout all of the main/fan made Pokémon Games I've played, where the gym was located always seemed to make sense. This doesn't though. Idk. Maybe it's because there's a beach by it or something like that but it just doesn't seem to fit. But at the same time, I don't hate where it's at.
  • The puzzle of this gym is to find a secret button and press it to move on. It's... Difficult if it's your 1st time playing it. But it's easy as you replay it.
  • After getting through the puzzles, it's time to battle Argramis. His team is... I could easily defeat it with just Arcanine if I really wanted to. Honestly, it seems that his team is specifically made for you to just solo with Arcanine which isn't a good idea. I'm not good at picking Pokémon teams but you should have something to try to stop Fire Types. Have Grotle evolved into Torterra to have that Ground Typing and with Earthquake. I would replace Vileplume with Ludicolo. Something like that. Ohh yea. Mega Abomasnow. Already. So every Gym Leader has a Mega which... I would imagine some people would hate but I don't mind it. I mean it has that extra difficulty. Although, I had a Fire Type here so I was lucky for that. But anyways, victory and... TM for Energy Ball. Do I have to say anything else?
  • BAM! Arietta, Kain and Chan ninja themselves right behind me. And it turns out that Kain and Argramis are father and son. Which is odd. Why is Argramis all about the Grass Types while Kain is about the Ice Types? (Although, bonus points for Kain for catching FUCKING ARTICUNO! Despite him barely using it.)
  • Turns out we don't have a PokeTalker but don't worry. Argramis can help us. I have to say, I like this a lot. It's WAY different than getting everything you need from the Professor of that region. It's unique.
  • By the way, why did Kain want us to beat his dad in a Gym Battle? o.O



  • I may have completely forgot to mention this but Luna can talk to Pokémon. Or I guess it's more like understand them? I always forget that about her until around this point.
  • Despite Chan telling us to chill with him at the beach, he wants to meet us in the route next to Berro City so... So he can train us for the Gyms... Ohh. Isn't that just so romantic?
  • We beat Chan and his almost full team of Dragon Type Pokémon. I still don't understand why he has a Milotic but it fits him I suppose.
  • After that, we run into a single member of Team Lightning and battle her. After wards, Arietta grabs her and... Can I just say I love Arietta? She is just abusing this little bitch so bad. xD I love her.
  • After learning where Team Lightning is gonna be gathering, we actually start talking about murdering them... in the middle of the town. That's ridiculous but I love it! Plus, it's kinda cool to see who's murderous and who's not.
  • We arrive at the place and the Team Lightning Grunt gets away, which causes Arietta to chase after her and we gotta wait til evening to proceed. Another 1 of these moments. Ugh. >.>



  • We team up with Orchedy (YAY!) and proceed to go to our destination. Unfortunately, an Ariados comes out of the trees and scares Orchedy. God damn you ARIADOS!!!
  • We then reunite with Orchedy and battle through multiple Team Lightning Grunts and watch as some of our friends kill them and others just battle them. It's interesting to see all of this go down.
  • We are then tasked with finding a key to get inside the castle. Which means we go robbing dead people. Yay! This is soooo weird.
  • After finding the key, we go and unlock the castle doors and make our way inside.


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  • It's time to sneak through the castle without any of the Team Lightning grunts catching us. This is a pretty fun part of the game buuuut... Some of it doesn't make sense. Let me explain. The detection is really weird. There's like a couple of grunts that are like a tile away from you. So it's Team Lightning Grunt - Tile - Luna. He/She literally won't see her because the detection is for that tile directly in front of the grunt. I kinda wish they did something like Reborn. Have like EVERY person be turning or something. That way, at least they ain't looking directly at you as you sneak by.
  • Turns out Radius isn't all that bad. He just joined Team Lightning because... Because... Ummm... I suppose we'll find out sometime.
  • Redi don't give a FUCK about us. He don't even care that we took the Light Stone from him. Which he says that stole right from the Unova Region.
  • And then we go into another room where... I'm not gonna lie. The dialogue here is a bit all over the place. It goes from demanding who this Team Lightning chick is to us beating them 2 times to then her challenging that she won't move if we beat her in battle. Like... WHAT?! Btw, her name is Sam.
  • Yes. This Episode ended weirdly because my stupid self paused the video, had to do something quick, came back and forgot to unpause. On to the next Episode that would have been connected to this 1 if I wasn't stupid!



  • Dinor has betrayed us... He has joined Team Lightning BECAUSE... We left him behind on an island. What a reason to join an evil organization.
  • Double battle against Dinor now! His team is pretty good. Surprising that he has more unevolved Pokemon than Argramis does though.
  • Lavia - a female version of Lavius. At least, that's what she reminds me of for right now.
  • We get captured and now it's time for the rest of the gang to come up with a plan to get us out and that includes... For the brothers to surrender as the father-son combo to surprise attack them during the ritual. I mean... I guess that works?
  • It's time to battle a Legendary Pokemon and OMG! Do we battle a lot of those in this game. I'm breaking the 4th wall. In fact, right after this battle and the next scene, we go searching FOR A GOD DAMN LATIAS! GRAWR!
  • After defeating the Pokemon, we all make a run for it (with the Light Ball in hand) and we meet back up with Arietta.
  • What was she doing all this time?... Being a creep and going through his clothes and sniffing them or something like that... Ok. I love Arietta. I really do. But this is just... Out of nowhere and totally unneeded. She just breaks down with Dinor joining the bad guys and feels out of place. Maybe if there was more on screen crushing between those 2, it would be more comfortable. But as it is, just waaaay to creepy.
  • We flying back to Berro City and OMG! LATIAS CRY! LEAVE THE GANG AND FIND IT!
  • After a tedious game of Marco Pollo, we find her. She's looking for her friend (Latios) but apparently doesn't mind battling against Luna. And also doesn't mind being captured by Luna so they can look for Latios together. (Btw, NEVER using Legendaries.)
  • We make it back to Berro City and now we have to wait until Sunday for a package to come for Argramis. And yes. You literally have to wait til Sunday for the game to progress. NOW this is getting annoying. We have to waste time changing the date to a Sunday and then proceed and it's frustrating. I'll give it to them for trying something new but this should never be implemented into a game. Or at least a Pokemon game.


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