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Turning into you

Dw team late bw1

Yo guys, Skwayz here. Bringing a good old sand team I used to run late bw1 and got me #1 lots of time in smogon DW ladder, with some improvment. We can say it's pretty classical; although I tried to do my best to be a little original. DW was a super fast metagame with some broken shit, and sand was used 9999% of the time by the top players cuz it was the best in this format. Name of the rmt is just because I randomly took a song from my Ipod, and found it pretty nice. Pokemons are named after [AO] members, cuz they're good friend and good battlers. Anyway, here it comes !


The Team



Hucking Filarious @ Choice Band

Trait: Download

EVs: 200 HP / 252 Atk / 56 Spd

Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

- U-turn

- Iron Head

- Quick Attack

- Selfdestruct

Because Hucking Filarious don't give a shit and is only here to lol at other mons. Choice band is actually a really underestimated set. It works wonder with chandelure, and always grab a surprise kill with a +1 something. This hit 850 with a download boost, meaning it deal around 80% to bulky defensive toed,75% to Sdef jirachi and even 70% to bold 252 def chansey. It was before used as a scarf user, but I don't feel he was actually doing the job I wanted him to do.

Those EVs are actually doing wonders, as 52 speed allow him to outspeed most rotom-w variants, that's pretty much the only thing it need. 204HP allow him to be bulky (like, alot). Even a stab thunder from Thundu-T don't kill it. 252 atk and adamant for obvious reason.

U-turn because it's a really powerful stab and the reason why he's here, to obviously scout.

Iron Head because powerful stab too, not so much used though. It's cool for late game cleaning or grab a surprise kill on Terrakion.

Quick Attack is pretty damn nice. A +1 QA deal around 45% to Dnite, 50% to lando, and around 60% to those pesky scarfmence.

Selfdestruct because sometime, you need to go out with a BOOM. Or just simply OHKO tales when you predict a switch/or first turn. It's the button you hit when you can't switch anymore cuz SR kill you, or simply because he won't be useful for the match.

Credit to Hucking filarious for the EV spread. Really pro.


Slant (M) @ Leftovers

Trait: Sand Stream

EVs: 252 HP / 4 SAtk / 252 SDef

Sassy Nature (+SDef,-Spd)

- Stealth Rock

- Pursuit

- Fire Blast

- Roar

Slant because he's the one who create the whole thing. Without Slant, no AO, no sandstorm. He's basically the one that made this team work. This set is pretty classical except for a move. Sdef because I want him to be as bulky as possible, he's the one that take care of latios who's a pain to this team. He also bring the SR, even if it's not that easy.

EVs are pretty simple, bulk and bulky. 4Satk cuz fireblast.

Pursuit because Chandy, latios, annoying stuff like that. Can also grab a kill on toed.

Fire blast because ferro or skarm like to come in and put some EH.

Roar mainly because crep; it also help him to survive to ennemy duggy if he's at full HP.

Stealth rock because rofl, stealth rock.


Kamina (M) @ Choice Scarf

Trait: Shadow Tag

EVs: 252 SAtk / 252 Spd / 4Sdef

Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)

- Flamethrower

- Energy Ball

- Shadow Ball

- Hidden Power [ice]

Kamina is the chandelure. That OP shit that actually made everyone put shed shell on their loom, skarm, ferro, ammong and other stuff. I just feel like Kamina should be the broken thing on the team. Cuz y'know. Kamina is OP :3. Choice scarf because, choice scarf. Nothing to describe here. Standard and everywhere. He works wonder with Cb genesect.

Timid because that way, I outspeed adamant dnite at +1, who actually deal alot of pain to this team. And I don't need the extra-pinch of power that modest provide. EVs are pretty obvious too. Moar power, moar speed.

Flamethrower because overheat suck. It KO what I want him to KO.

Energy ball mainly for toed, rotom,keldeo., quaggy and gastro. It sucks to be lock on that; it let volca set-up, and I have to sac something so I can bring excadrill. But lol, I won't run psychic.

Shadow Ball cuz stab, hit things hard, and that's all.

HP Ice cuz dragonite, gliscor. Those two being pain in the ass for this team.


Sunshine! @ Leftovers

Trait: Levitate

EVs: 184 HP / 4 Def / 144 SAtk / 176 Spd

Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)

- Volt Switch

- Hydro Pump

- Will-O-Wisp

- Pain Split

Sunshine because he's the dude that like everyone. Rotom-W fit everywhere, so it seems legit. Rotom is too sexy for this meta, and with good prediction is ALWAYS a pain to deal with. Set is pretty common. I could run ChestoRest but I don't like passive dammage from sand to play without lefties. Bulky water for rain teams.

Modest because it's the best way to go with him, HP for bulk, allow him to check gene and torna-t better, and speed so it can outspeed toxic stall gliscor and stuff like that.

Volt Switch because scouting is pro, do decent dammage.

Hydro Pump because it's the only stab and hit hard when I want him to hit hard.

WoW because dunno, they like to switch on ferro or even gastro. Cripple also dumb stuff like lefties dnite to setup on him.

Pain split because it's pretty easy to predict a switch, and is actually so damn good against blobs and gastro. Good recovery move overall.


Skwayz (M) @ Air Balloon

Trait: Sand Rush

EVs: 4 Sdef / 252 Atk / 252 Spd

Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

- Swords Dance

- Earthquake

- Rock Slide

- Rapid Spin

Exca is me because I'm too powerful for this meta, they had to ban me. Pretty obvious set; baloon because I don't like being ditto'd or just looks dumb against other excadrill with ballons. It helps to switch on spikes or stuff like that without taking dammage, and spin those shit away.

Adamant cuz power, enough speed already. EVs are obvious.

Swords Dance because if you grab a SD, you've got power. Too much.

Earthquake because powerful Stab.

Rock Slide because edgequake combo, great coverage.

Rapid spin because spikes hurt me, and Iron head suck, lol.


Rupe (F) @ Life Orb

Trait: Levitate

EVs: 72 HP / 184 SAtk / 252 Spd

Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)

- Draco Meteor

- Hidden Power [Fire]

- Psyshock

- Recover

Rupe because he's bulky, he hit hard, and he looks cool. Rupe is da man and a second bulky mon for rain and sun teams. This set over CM set as it never really worked for me in DW except on bulky offense. As this team is offensive, I wanted an offensive latias. It actually hit damn hard, while being bulky enough to do the work so damn right.

Timid and full speed because we want to be fast in DW. 72HP because it provides more bulk, and 184 SAtk for power.

Draco Meteor is OP as fuck, hit damn hard, and yeah, that's all.

HP fire because ferrothorn and genesect on the switch.

Psyshock because stab, and OHKO 252 sdef ammonguss.

Recover because passive dammage from sand and LO.



Genesect @ Choice Band

Trait: Download

EVs: 204 HP / 252 Atk / 52 Spd

Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

- U-turn

- Iron Head

- Quick Attack

- Selfdestruct

Excadrill (M) @ Air Balloon

Trait: Sand Rush

EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd

Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

- Swords Dance

- Earthquake

- Rock Slide

- Rapid Spin

Latias (F) @ Life Orb

Trait: Levitate

EVs: 72 HP / 184 SAtk / 252 Spd

Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)

- Draco Meteor

- Hidden Power [Fire]

- Psyshock

- Recover

Rotom-W @ Leftovers

Trait: Levitate

EVs: 184 HP / 4 Def / 144 SAtk / 176 Spd

Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)

- Volt Switch

- Hydro Pump

- Will-O-Wisp

- Pain Split

Tyranitar (M) @ Leftovers

Trait: Sand Stream

EVs: 252 HP / 4 SAtk / 252 SDef

Sassy Nature (+SDef, -Spd)

- Stealth Rock

- Pursuit

- Fire Blast

- Roar

Chandelure (M) @ Choice Scarf

Trait: Shadow Tag

EVs: 252 SAtk / 252 Spd

Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)

- Flamethrower

- Energy Ball

- Shadow Ball

- Hidden Power [ice]

Alright guys, that's about it. Thanks to DeviantArt for the pics. Feel free to hate, steal, and rate !

Edited by Skwayz
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Solid team, Skwayz! I have to admit that I lolled at CB genesect at first, and then I got my ass handed to me by one of those. It's like a faster Scizor that also has that surprise factor. The rest of the team is well constructed too: rain counters in Latias and Rotom, sun counter in Latias, sand abuser in Excadrill, and glue/revenge killers in Genesect and Chandelure.

I had to think long and hard (that's what she said) to come up with any constructive suggestions, but for the most part these are tiny changes and mostly it comes down to personal preference.

-Roar on Ttar doesn't really beat crep, since Espeon and Mr. Mime can block it, Smeargle can outspeed and spore then ingrain. Just sayin.

-I really think Overheat is a better choice than flamethrower. Since Chandelure is a hit and run pokemon you shouldn't really care too much about the spatk drops, and the loss in accuracy is negligible.

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Thanks for the nitpicks slant !

Actually, roar Ttar is just another surprise for Crep. He never think of it. But yeah, it's not that needed : CB genesect pretty much destroy him already.

PrOblem with overheat is the miss. It happens like a lot, overheat miss on +2 loom, or dumb stuff like that. Personal preference, I guess :P.

Btw, you're so damn sexy as a Ttar.

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Skwayz nice team!. I agree that roar isnt really going to stop crep but it is a good phazer and i agree with you decision to keep flamethrower because overheat always miss for me too.

also neo if you are going to make accusations like that than provide some logs because saying that you saw the same exact team Last November (which is a year ago) is not credible at all.

example: i remember seeing neo's league team used in PO a year ago when blazakin was still allowed. meh coincidence

Edited by Berserker
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Actually, roar Ttar is just another surprise for Crep. He never think of it. But yeah, it's not that needed : CB genesect pretty much destroy him already.

If you're looking for a surprise for Crep, Chandelure learns Haze. That works every time against him, no matter what he throws out.

And one more thing. You should be using Explosion on Genesect as it has more power. The only Pokemon that should ever use Selfdestruct is Snorlax, but that's because he can't learn Explosion.

also neo if you are going to make accusations like that than provide some logs because saying that you saw the same exact team Last November (which is a year ago) is not credible at all.

Dude, what are you saying? It's totally credible. Easy there, man.

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also neo if you are going to make accusations like that than provide some logs because saying that you saw the same exact team Last November (which is a year ago) is not credible at all.

example: i remember seeing your league team used in PO a year ago when blazakin was still allowed in OU. meh conisidences

Shut the fuck up.

Anyway, it's a rather nice team. Can't complain, weaknesses covered and the like.


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Oh true, my bad. Explosion is better, y'right. Gonna change that later ;)

As for haze on scarf chandy, It's kinda meh on a choice version. Thanks for the nitpic though.

I'm gonna post some log to show you guys how to basically 5-turn win crep.

Keep the comments comin' guys !

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also neo if you are going to make accusations like that than provide some logs because saying that you saw the same exact team Last November (which is a year ago) is not credible at all.

example: i remember seeing your league team used in PO a year ago when blazakin was still allowed in OU. meh conisidences

Shut the fuck up.

I don't have anything to say about the team unfortunately, so this is totally off-topic in a way but that was completely unnecessary, Erick ._.;

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Big Mistake In Genesect Use This Set




Ice Beam

Don't listen to this dude, I agree with Roo the Baka - although Genesect gets outsped by Speed-natured base 100s such as Salamence and Ninetales, it still hits incredbily hard keeping in mind the EV investment of Pokemon with equal defenses, which will trigger an Attack boost meaning all of a sudden you're hitting at 2.25x the power. You should, nevertheless, pack a special move incase you get the SP. Atk boost from Download. (I suggest Flamethrower.)

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Don't listen to this dude, I agree with Roo the Baka - although Genesect gets outsped by Speed-natured base 100s such as Salamence and Ninetales, it still hits incredbily hard keeping in mind the EV investment of Pokemon with equal defenses, which will trigger an Attack boost meaning all of a sudden you're hitting at 2.25x the power. You should, nevertheless, pack a special move incase you get the SP. Atk boost from Download. (I suggest Flamethrower.)

I doubt that'd be worthwhile. First of all, you don't get a special attack bonus because you're banded. Second of all, CB Genesect doesn't have any Sp. Atk EVs invested into it. This means that it'd only be good for dispatching those 4x weak to fire... and the only thing that comes to mind is Ferrothorn. And the team has Chandelure, a Tyranitar carrying Fire Blast, and a Latias carrying HP Fire. With Calm Mind and Recover, Ferrothorn would be ASKING to be destroyed if it stayed in to face Latias.

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hey buddy :] nice team

a few little suggestions in EVs, that's all;

Genesect : 200 HP / 252 Atk / 56 Spd

This way you can outspeed speed creep base 100s + 44 spe evs as well as standard rotom-w with extra 4 spe evs. Also 200 HP gives genesect 333 HP, so it can switch into Stealth Rocks an entire one more time assuming you've taken no other damage. How cool is that?

I also don't understand why you put 4EVs into def for rotom, maybe move those to sp. def?

also move the 4hp EVs on excadrill to sp. def, just in case you get trapped in rain against RPsect. just a thought.

^you could also do the same for chandelure to avoid being locked into a bad move against RPsect and giving him a +1 sp. atk boost.

When I can think of more I'll edit this post.

EDIT: one other thing you can think about is running T-Wave > Will-O-Wisp on rotom-W, because Kingdra looks like it may be a problem to this team under the right circumstances.

Edited by Rupe
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Well Skwayz, this looks like a lot of OU sand teams out there now. But your sets are sexy. Cband set cos pro, YES. Ttar could be changed a bit, I actually use this set except I swap Fblast with Crunch/Stone Edge. Fblast isn't needed since it's used for Skarmory + ferrothorn + forretress, and you have a chandelure, so yeah. Chandy set is basic, I use overheat tho cos power. On rotom i highly reccomend a chestro-resto set with thunder wave for swift swim enemies. This set i personally use as well. It also can fake the choice and confuse your opponents, and switch into wilo's and thunder waves and stuff like that, then rest it off like a champ. On latias i would swap hidden power fire with surf. you are bait to a tyranitar completley and it will pursuit your latias. surf + life orb can do like 40% to a spdeff ttar providing a nice 2hko on the switch after SR. On Sexcadrill, I would get rid of rapid spin in all honesty. all spins do is help ttar and chandy, which i dont think is needed over your sweeping capability on excadrill. chandhy is just a revenge killer, it isnt your main attacking core. give excadrill xscizzor or return. i prefer x scissor. it hits latias and latios. celebi and serperior. although with return you hit harder on things that resist your moves. all in all good team. #singing [AO] baby lets go

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hey sexy, well thanks.

Protom set looks sexy, i approve of this.

I just feel like spinning on exca sometime; I never really need those coverage moves.

Flamethrower becuz i lost my r1 with a miss overheat on +2 loom.

I agree with latias cuz yeah.

sexy rate gurl :3

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Despite the fact I absolutely hate Genesect I still love this team a lot. I can't find barely any flaws cause you covered all the weaknesses cause you got a decently solid core. Even though I'm a newbie though lol.


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