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Tropical Storm {RMT}


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Tropical Storm


I decided to make an anti metagame team when I was starting to notice that there were a lot of common Pokémon’s that were being utilized in games like genesect leads and also weather initiators. I also wanted to make a creative team that would also perform well in competitive play. I was able to peak at 1350 in the first day I started laddering with it so it is definitely one of the best teams that I have made. Without further ado let me get right on with the team. Also I randomly named team mates after poke cuz their awesome.

Team at a glance


Team Building Process


while contemplating about an anti genesect lead I decided to use thundorus since prankster sub can scout out which moves they are locked on to and then switch accordingly or if they overpredict and u turn that I can dish out free damage to the poke that comes in


tanks everything that counters thundorus which is ice moves and thundorus evades ground moves which would otherwise do a lot of damage to jirachi


If you can’t beat weather, well you have to join’em. In a metagame filled with weather it is pretty hard to win without using weather of your own. I have politoed to prevent other weather abusers from sweeping my whole team. Also drizzle is able to get rid of jirachi’s weakness to fire and also allow it to carry thunder.


Higher levels of play also are using a lot more stall teams and ludicolo is a nice counter to all of them. Its coverage is also amazing and can tank water moves very well.


Breloom is another common poke that annoys teams a lot so I decided to add a sleep talking tornadoes-t. Besides just breloom it also counter grass pokemon which is usually a threat a rain teams and also fighting pokes.


I needed a spinner so that they would not be screwed over by hazards which are also very common in this meta game. The rain would also lessen its weakness to fire.


Foratress proved to be a mediocre spinner since it would still die fire moves anyways and it was so easy for pokes to set up on it. I got donphan instead because it is able to provide this team with not only priority but also was able to tank electric moves and spin. It was also a lot harder for pokes like dragonite to set up on it.

TEAM IN-DEPTH (kinda)!!!


Kamina (Thundurus) (M) @ Leftovers

Trait: Prankster

EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd

Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)

- Substitute

- Nasty Plot

- Thunderbolt

- Focus Blast

This thing is a monster and is usually able to 6-0 many teams instantly. Most pokes also expect it to carry taunt if it leads so with the element of surprise you can usually catch your opponents off guard. T tar is always 1 hit koed by focus blast if it hits (unless it has max sp def and max hp) and the opponent usually pays if they try to over predict with genesect and u turn because not only is my prankster sub not broken I can dish damage to next poke or nasty plot making it more potent force. Leftovers because it can regain lost hp from sub and Evs should be self explanatory. I am still debating about getting rid of focus blast because it is very inaccurate and grassknot gives it the same great coverage and it cans till take down hippowdown even better and also t tar.


Rupe/Sunshine (Jirachi) @ Leftovers

Trait: Serene Grace

EVs:4att/ 252 HP / 252 SDef

Sassy Nature (+SDef, -Spd)

- Thunder

- Iron Head

- Wish

- Protect

This thing can tank almost all special attacks under the rain besides water moves and ground moves. Wish allows me to heal another wounded poke by 202 hp and protect is if I want to heal myself with wish or leftovers and scount opponents next move. Thunder since it always hits in the rain and has a good chance of paralyze and then iron head for an almost guaranteed paraflinch from opponents plus it gets stab. It’s a mixed set for creativity since most people do not expect it. Evs should be self-explanatory since it is a special defensive wall.


Slant (Politoed) (M) @ Leftovers

Trait: Drizzle

EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef

Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)

- Haze

- Protect

- Scald

- Toxic

The mvp of the team since it prevents other weathers from utilizing their own weather and sometimes even being hurt by rain. Its defensive to make it live as long as possible and move sets are pretty standard for a defensive politoed. I have haze instead of parish song just to effectively counter crep.


DarkDesire (Ludicolo) (F) @ Expert Belt

Trait: Swift Swim

EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd

Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)

- Surf

- Giga Drain

- Ice Beam

- Focus Blast

I randomly selected AO members for my rmt except for ludicolo. I made sure his name was darkdesire cuz darkdesire looks Mexican. But even though he is Mexican he is vital to my team because he is able to do the dirty work that none of my other pokes want to deal with and that is stall teams. It is able to dismantle all stall teams because of its coverage is amazing coverage. I decided to give it an expert belt to benefit its coverage and I made it timid just to make sure it out speed all scarf Pokémon.


Skwayz (Tornadus-T) (M) @ Choice Specs

Trait: Regenerator

EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd

Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)

- Hurricane

- Sleep Talk

- Superpower

- U-turn

Breloom is almost in all competitive teams and its spore usually leaves one poke disabled in every match. I decided to add tornadoes -t because it is able to a ton of damage with stab hurricane in the rain and also its access to sleep talk making it absorb the spore from breloom and still do a ton of damage. Twas named skwayz because it is super pro and demolishes everything even in its sleep :3. [i will add more stuff about how pro tornadoes and skwayz is when i have more time D:]


Hedron/Duster/hucking (Donphan) (F) @ Leftovers

Trait: Sturdy

EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def

Impish Nature (+Def, -SAtk)

- Stealth Rock

- Rapid Spin

- Earthquake

- Ice Shard

Donphan is amazing spinner and am still surprised why it is not used more often. It is a nice defensive wall and it can set up rocks while also spinning. It is also able to absorb electric moves which would otherwise hurt my other teammates a lot. Iceshards is a nice priority which prevents pokemons like dragonite from setting up and earthquake is just a super good stab move. Evs are standard for defensive donphan.



no importables cuz lrn2teambuild

plz rate!

there is a team building process for those who might have not noticed

Disclaimer: found images on google

threat list - chancy

Update List

Switched Focus Blast with Superpower on Tornadus-t

Swapped jirachi 4 evs in speed to its attack

PSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS: i still update this mwahahaha >: D

Edited by Berserker
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Chiming in...

  • Donphan is not someone that you want to look to in rain. If it comes down to Donphan in a tight situation, it will drop very quickly as a result of people saying "hey, let's abuse some Water attacks!" The best spinner to use in rain is by far Tentacruel.
  • I'd give Jirachi an Air Balloon. That covers one of its weaknesses while the other weakness is covered by the rain.

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  On 11/18/2012 at 9:49 AM, Unknown Guy said:

Good Team One Thing Use Ice Punch On Jirachi Instead Of Thunder.

Use Ice Beam On Politoed Instead Of Haze

My Rate = 10/10

No, Haze is very useful. Especially since it says "fuck you" to this metagame and its setups.

Also, do you rate everything 10/10?

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This UG guy is weird. Really.

Anyway, nice to see that you're using Stalk torna.t and name it Skwayz!

Onto the team, well, it looks nice. If you like thundu-t stick with it, but NP set is kinda meh in my opinion.

More important ! You're just basically getting own'd by stall, as your ludicolo can't switch again and again, neither can torna-t : those are the two that can (maybe) break stall. Fact is lots of rain are stall-weak. Obviously, thundu-i with taunt would be a solution, but you don't wanna use it this way. I think that Keldeo is the way to go here. Why keldeo ? Because it stallbreak skarmbliss, and is only check by pringles, which is handled by the rest of the team.

I'd definitely go keldeo over thundu-i.

Yeahok, you lost some creativity but meh. Keldeo is sexy too anyway.

I complelty disagree with donphan. It really suck, spin block'd by jellicent and can't do a shit.

You've to make a choice here. Bulky rain don't work on DW meta, so you have to go with tenta+ferro support, or no spinner at all.

I don't think you want that.

That's why you probably wanna go with Duggy. As you lost your anti-weather lead, duggy could actually do the job. He can actually SR, trapnkill tales ( sun give you a majord headache) and prbbly same with ttar. With u-turn from torna-t, it really wrecks shit.

Finally, just a nitpick here. Protect jirachi isn't really my favorite; I'd go with u-turn, because chandy, annoying tales (trapkill with duggy) and scouting a wish.

Now you're weak to EH, but I gave you a more offensive way to go.


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There's waaay too many SpATKers on your team. I suggest putting some Physical killer in there. You never know when a SPDEF wall suddenly pops out and fucks your team.

You can't name your Pokemon after yourself!!!!!!1!!!

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  On 11/18/2012 at 11:04 AM, Skwayz said:

This UG guy is weird. Really.

Anyway, nice to see that you're using Stalk torna.t and name it Skwayz!

Onto the team, well, it looks nice. If you like thundu-t stick with it, but NP set is kinda meh in my opinion.

More important ! You're just basically getting own'd by stall, as your ludicolo can't switch again and again, neither can torna-t : those are the two that can (maybe) break stall. Fact is lots of rain are stall-weak. Obviously, thundu-i with taunt would be a solution, but you don't wanna use it this way. I think that Keldeo is the way to go here. Why keldeo ? Because it stallbreak skarmbliss, and is only check by pringles, which is handled by the rest of the team.

I'd definitely go keldeo over thundu-i.

Yeahok, you lost some creativity but meh. Keldeo is sexy too anyway.

I complelty disagree with donphan. It really suck, spin block'd by jellicent and can't do a shit.

You've to make a choice here. Bulky rain don't work on DW meta, so you have to go with tenta+ferro support, or no spinner at all.

I don't think you want that.

That's why you probably wanna go with Duggy. As you lost your anti-weather lead, duggy could actually do the job. He can actually SR, trapnkill tales ( sun give you a majord headache) and prbbly same with ttar. With u-turn from torna-t, it really wrecks shit.

Finally, just a nitpick here. Protect jirachi isn't really my favorite; I'd go with u-turn, because chandy, annoying tales (trapkill with duggy) and scouting a wish.

Now you're weak to EH, but I gave you a more offensive way to go.


Thanks for the rate!

I will definately try out the pokes that you had mentioned above and see how good they are (cuz you so good). but i am a bit sceptical D:.

I do not want to carry tentacruel because it is unable to set up rocks and also because i really needed a pokemon to absorb phisical attacks/electric moves/ do phisical damage. if i added tentacruel i was just adding another electic weak pokemon in my team. I concede that move electric pokes carry hidden power ice so i usually switch to ludicolo next turn to absorb hp ice and than finish them off with stab rain surf.

I also was sceptical about np thundorus but it kept taking others by surprise and it would usually take 2 pokes down till it died or sweep whole teams.

Ludicolo can counter most stall pokemon because of its coverage. almost every stall pokemon in slants stall guide was slightly countered by ludicolo except chancy and i have never seen that pokemon as much anymore. jellicant - countered amunguess max sp def and hp - countered by icebeam at 65%hp, Heatran- countered, hippopatas- countered, dragonite-countered and gastrodon and quagsire and ect so it usually does not have to switch as much.

I agree with jirachi though because chandy does hurt it immensly aswell as duggtrio and u turn wish is a good combo.

i cant let go of thundorus for the above D:. Also whenever i make team weak to entry hazards, it never goes well D:.

  On 11/18/2012 at 8:02 AM, Neo said:

This looks so copy pasted.

plz tell me where i copy and paste from. i explained donphan in above.

  On 11/18/2012 at 7:09 AM, rc52 said:

Chiming in...

  • Donphan is not someone that you want to look to in rain. If it comes down to Donphan in a tight situation, it will drop very quickly as a result of people saying "hey, let's abuse some Water attacks!" The best spinner to use in rain is by far Tentacruel.
  • I'd give Jirachi an Air Balloon. That covers one of its weaknesses while the other weakness is covered by the rain.

I have explained donphan above when replying to skwayz. Also i am not going to let donphan get hit by watermove anyways.even without rain it still gets demolished by water types. I have 2 pokes which evade ground all together and 1 poke that resist it so i do not think i need to give jirachi an air balloon. also it is ment to tank moves so airbaloon would always break if i am wanting somethign to absorb an normal attack.

  On 11/18/2012 at 2:13 PM, Summer said:

There's waaay too many SpATKers on your team. I suggest putting some Physical killer in there. You never know when a SPDEF wall suddenly pops out and fucks your team.

You can't name your Pokemon after yourself!!!!!!1!!!

yes your right i do have too many sp attackers but that has only made me weak to chancy/blissey. i have added it to my newly created threat list. But other than chancy i think my team can handle with:P. also why cant i name pokemon after my self!!!!!D:


Edited by Berserker
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Good core a friend of mine rund was tenta/gastro.

Could fit here but meh.

But I strongy recomend a stallbreaker somewhere somewhere. I mean, hard stall with chansey+jelli simply destroy you.

Taunt gliscor+uturn is actually a pretty good option, would give ya the upper hand. If you do so, i'd strongly go with toxic sub tenta, as it check jelli fully and then spin. You'd be kinda electric weak, but that change would really helpyou.

If you do so, move SR to jirachi. Even if u-turn is a pro move, you need SR anyway.

Ps: explain on the torna why I'm so pro at this game :D

Edit: This dude got... A JB avy ._.

Edited by Skwayz
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This looks so copy pasted Kamina. Get some originality, amirite guys?

Try running Beartic, if you get to +6 with SD and with swift swim you will demolish everyone. Don't just run politoed + tornadus etc. that's so unoriginal.

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What Washman said.

I do think that Beartic is a good idea. Perhaps in the place of...hell I don't know. Also gives you a physical attacker, and you need some more physical presence here.

I would use this for Beartic:

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EDIT: Love what you did with Tornadus.

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  On 11/18/2012 at 5:55 PM, slant said:

This looks so copy pasted Kamina. Get some originality, amirite guys?

Don't just run politoed + tornadus etc. that's so unoriginal.

So because he's using two very commonly used pokemon, you can insult him for unoriginality. Makes sense.

There's this thing here called teambuilding, and making your team support itself with the right pokemon.

UPDATE: Kamina tell me sooner -_-

Edited by Roo The BAKA!
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if i get kingdra than i lose ludicolo or tornadoes which are both really needed on team. as i said above only chancy and blissy kinda counter team after donphan dies but they are rarly used at all in this meta game. and NO skwayz no CB genesect D:.

Edit : its alright baka :P

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hey kam, rupehere!

i think torkoal is the best option to run over donphan, creates a very powerful Fire/Water/Grass core with toed and ludi and is pro rapid spinner AND stealth rocker!!!! how great is that?? torkoal laughs at the rain LOL!!

also i agree with slants comment. how fucking unoriginal can you get? learn to use different pokemon you tryhard noob!!!

Also 100%agreement with ryan C and slant. beartic > ludi

one other suggestion: specs pidgeot > torn-t.

Also, I completely agree with this statement by Neo;

"This looks so copy pasted."


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