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Tropical Storm {RMT}


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Dude, Beartic actually IS a good Swift Swim Poke.

._. okay the reason why i say it is a mediocre ss pokemon is because even with its speed doubled it is still out speed by most scarfed pokemon and also its typing is horrific as well as its defenses. common priorities like mach punch just demolish it and none of its moves get boosted by the rain (except if someone runs aquajet in which case its not going to do much anyways because its is base fourty) and its attacks are not at all impressive for an OU sweeper.

Also when did this become a plays to post troll sets D;. some people are taking you guys seriusly!

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I already gave the role of each poke in my team so unless it outclasses a specific poke in its role than i will not consider it. Quilfish is not a good anti genesect lead so it would not replace thundorus. Quilfish does not counter breloom or fighting pokes as effectivly as tornadues-t so it wont fit there. it is not a weather initiater so it wont be swapped for politoed. Quilfish cant spin so it wont replace donphan and it is not a special defensive wall so it would not be good to swap with jirachi.

Edit : it is not a good anti stall poke either

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As you'll see when my RMT guide becomes available to the public:

Why even post the guide, then not listen to suggestions? You're assuming that the team is perfect, and shutting everyone else down. You might as well lock the topic, and just have us all look at it.

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As you'll see when my RMT guide becomes available to the public:

Why even post the guide, then not listen to suggestions? You're assuming that the team is perfect, and shutting everyone else down. You might as well lock the topic, and just have us all look at it.

The reason i posted this was to see if there was any way to make it better. When ever i did not agree with someones suggestions i gave a valid reason for why i would not have it. I am not just going to add everything that people say just because they say it without seeing if it would benefit the team. If you can find me completely ignoring any suggestions than point it out. Also tell me why you think i copy and pasted this rmt.

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Honestly you have just a tad bit too many special attackers, If possible I'd probably add a Attack based ludicolo but I have only seen a few successful builds for one.

yah i have noticed that with my team. the thing about attack ludicolo is that its base attack not as good as its base special attack and neither are its move pool.

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Okay, first of all. Thundy's set should have HP ice, pokes like Gliscor, (especially with Ice Fang/Toxic stall) Can easily handle Thundy, and with how commonly used Excadrill and Garchomp are, Gliscor is the perfect wall for both. With Jirachi, I recommend a Thunderpulse set. Sub/Waterpulse/Thunder/Cmind. This set can abuse her serene grace, while still providing sweeping capability. Politoed should be a Perish passer, which can be passed to jirachi to get a free sub. This set has worked for me multiple times in the past, and has given me the victory. For Ludicolo, I love the set. I personally put hydro pump over surf for extra power since Ludicolos special attack isn't that great. You could even try swapping Ludicolo with a Specs Kingdra, since it OHKO's most things after SR/Spikes in Rain. With Tornadus I would give him Tailwind. Tailwind can be swapped over U-turn, and works in many ways over it. Tailwind can help outspeed Excadrills in sand on their switch / setup, and kill it off with Ludicolo. Double speed also helps against Scarfers of any kind. For Donphan, he is a great partner for this team as he can switch into Excadrill and Terrakion and force them out. In my opinon, since you're using Rain, I would go with a Kabutops. Kabutops can spin as Donphan, and also be an offensive powerhouse and switch out many pokes. You could even throw SR o him if you want. Kabu's SS makes him exceptional on a rain team, and a huge threat.

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Okay, first of all. Thundy's set should have HP ice, pokes like Gliscor, (especially with Ice Fang/Toxic stall) Can easily handle Thundy, and with how commonly used Excadrill and Garchomp are, Gliscor is the perfect wall for both. With Jirachi, I recommend a Thunderpulse set. Sub/Waterpulse/Thunder/Cmind. This set can abuse her serene grace, while still providing sweeping capability. Politoed should be a Perish passer, which can be passed to jirachi to get a free sub. This set has worked for me multiple times in the past, and has given me the victory. For Ludicolo, I love the set. I personally put hydro pump over surf for extra power since Ludicolos special attack isn't that great. You could even try swapping Ludicolo with a Specs Kingdra, since it OHKO's most things after SR/Spikes in Rain. With Tornadus I would give him Tailwind. Tailwind can be swapped over U-turn, and works in many ways over it. Tailwind can help outspeed Excadrills in sand on their switch / setup, and kill it off with Ludicolo. Double speed also helps against Scarfers of any kind. For Donphan, he is a great partner for this team as he can switch into Excadrill and Terrakion and force them out. In my opinon, since you're using Rain, I would go with a Kabutops. Kabutops can spin as Donphan, and also be an offensive powerhouse and switch out many pokes. You could even throw SR o him if you want. Kabu's SS makes him exceptional on a rain team, and a huge threat.

Yah i have been considering adding hp ice on thundorus because it would have given it more coverage so il try it out!

i will also try out the thunder pulse combo since my other set is not that good at sweeping. might try wish instead of sub though just so it can tank better

i also have the feel that surf does not do as much damage as i like so i might go to hydropump but i just fear the missess D:.

the tailwind sounds interesting as well since i will rarely be using u turn anyways since it is speced.

the thing about kabutops though is that it is not as durable and cant absorb moves as well and it would be another electric weakness though it is an interesting proposal for a rapid spinner and might give me a better phisical attacker.

tl;dr i will tryout all your suggestions in ladder and see how it goes

thanks for rate!

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Hey kamina,

Just thought of something. I think a special Lando with focus blast would be a great addition to this team over donphan. I view this team more as specially based heavy offense. Once you overload their dedicated special wall, you can go to town on the rest of their team. You will lose a spinner, yes, but at the same time you get to keep that electric immunity, a bunch of resistances, and a whole lot of offensive presence. The only pokemon that the loss of a spinner would really hurt is Thundurus. Lando takes neutral damage from rocks, and Tornadus doesn't really mind with regenerator.

PS for all of you guys saying that chansey wrecks this team, it really doesn't, especially not with smart play. NP Thundurus will go to town on Chansey unless it carries a status move. Even then Thundurus can take a decent chunk out of it with focus blast, before being sacrificed. Lando can 2hko Chansey, and even Tornadus does around 1/3 to it as well.

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Yah most special walls will eventually be over run by pokes - even chancy - so that is why I only consider them as soft counters. Having all the kami forms would definitely be interesting though. You know me i do not like to theorymon so i will try out all of your suggestions and come back to you.

Thanks for rate though slant!

And thanks UG though I need haze to prevent people from setting up.

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replaced focus blast with superpower on thornadus-t because it is more accurate and can still take down t tar easily. It is also phisical damage so it will make my team better suited to take out chancy a bit better. Also gave jirachi 4 attack evs to also help counter blissy/chancy a bit better

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