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Tropical Storm {RMT}


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well i have three pokemon that know phisical moves and one of which is exclusively a phisical attack which would be donphan. Even so, as slant has already mentioned above, this team has no problem dealing with special defensive walls with brute force.

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1. Do not post an incomplete team. This means a team that is without six Pokemon.

2. An importable of your team must be provided. The means of getting this means you have to click 'Export Team' in your teambuilder and copy/paste the raw data into your post.

3. Do not post here unless you are comfortable with anyone using your team.

4. Expect constructive criticism. You can ignore criticism/suggestions and argue them, but don't go too far.

5. Don't post if you aren't going to listen to suggestions

6. Contrary wise, if all you're going to do is bash/circlejerk don't post.

7. Including pictures would liven up your thread, so consider it!

8. Please base your RMT's competitively. A team of Magikarp or Arceus will not be accepted as an RMT.

9. Actually using the team before you post it would help you to better understand what exactly needs fixing, or help you understand the criticism you are receiving.

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Hey kam :]

Replace donphan with scarfchomp




stone edge/ aqua tail/ brick break

or you could use rp lando, but scarfchomp was better in the testing :]

and neo, i just want to take some time to thank you for reminding us the rules. idk where we'd be without you.

however, you should really try to actually comment on the team, you're getting dangerously off-topic and last i checked you weren't a real mod :[

Edited by Rupe
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Hi~ This is your resident mod speaking!

So; first I want to thank two people

Neo; for being diligent in keeping this thread intelligent and on topic

Kamina for taking the time to post a thread and use this section of the forum.

Meanwhile; there is some activity here that is simply post-spam. Small jokes are easily overlooked; but here I'm finding that the thread might be a page or so shorter had I gone through and deleted the unnecessary items in it. That's a problem. Also; I don't appreciate those of you who are making a mockery of the rules that were indeed approved by authority members. As it stands; you're looking at becoming issues on the forum if you keep moving in that path, and as people who have been here before, you should tread lightly.

This doesn't apply to everyone here; if you're concerned about your activity please pm me and we will discuss it.

Although; for some of you it should be painstakingly obvious that you should be concerned.

If the thread remains on topic, I won't take any action past this notice.

Thanks for your time, and efforts.

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In addition to that, it is within our power and right to dock you the $R for posts unsuitable for this section. This is a high-paying area; we expect your comments to be quality as well.

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Well put mods! And I do like this team build! Ludicolo is a very silly pokemon but very deadly if used correctly! The only difference would be to include that physical attacker you have heard so much about.. I would suggest Azumarill honestly, one of my friends swept with a physical Azumarill before... But it is your team and your decisions but it is great looking so far!

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thank you wild monkey for you rate. you are right about ludicolo being a monster in the rain! I have contemplated a physical sweeper for a long time and with most sp defensive walls being able to be brought down on my team it does not seem as pertinent to have. But i do like your Azumarill idea and i will definitely try it out.

Edit: also kizio I am sorry for what has gone down in my rmt and I will make sure that it never happens again. Though I think thanking neo for what he has done with mini modding is going a bit far. The cause for much of the troll in beginning and rage at the end can all be blamed on neo. It all started when he went to skwayz rmt and made accusation that he had battled his team a year earlier. I told him that he should offer some evidence in which he promptly told me to STFU. Than on my rmt he posted that my team looked copy and pasted. As fellow people in clan they started make troll post about what he said. Even after the trolling died down he had the gut to try an mini mod. I hope you can see the other side of the story and understand why we were not perticularly fond of his actions and also why he deserves no praise.

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Azumarill may be strong, but frail. I say, follow Erick and take quilfish. Posion/Water offers resistence to Grass.

Well Qwilfish or...Tentacruel. I dunno, depends on whether you want offense or defense. Offense is Qwilfish and Swift Swim; defense is Tentacruel with...I dunno, something. Rain Dish restores HP, Liquid Ooze makes it way better vs. Ferrothorn and Conkeldurr, as well as a few others.

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Azumarill may be strong, but frail. I say, follow Erick and take quilfish. Posion/Water offers resistence to Grass.

Well Qwilfish or...Tentacruel. I dunno, depends on whether you want offense or defense. Offense is Qwilfish and Swift Swim; defense is Tentacruel with...I dunno, something. Rain Dish restores HP, Liquid Ooze makes it way better vs. Ferrothorn and Conkeldurr, as well as a few others.

everything that you guys are offering is weak to electric. i have no trouble with grass pokemon for i have 3 pokemon that resist them and one that takes neutral damage. If i am to find a phsicial attacker or a better spinner it must be able to resist electric moves if i want it to synergize well with team

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I see everyone complaining about the special Ludicolo, and if your really contemplating using a physical rain sweeper why not sub-dragon dance Kingdra? It has nearly the same resistances to Ludicolo but the added bonus of being protected by status with substitute. Just food for thought if you need a physical sweeper.

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Mod-responses in Red, in response to Berserker.

Edit: also kizio I am sorry for what has gone down in my rmt and I will make sure that it never happens again.

Worst misspelling of my name aside, you're only responsible for your actions and not those of others.

Though I think thanking neo for what he has done with mini modding is going a bit far.

Thanking someone for minimodding might be distasteful, but, we actually wish to keep things under control, and we appreciate when others take the actions to do so.

The cause for much of the troll in beginning and rage at the end can all be blamed on neo.

I take up people on their own actions. I will not hold Neo responsible for other people trolling. I hold each individual responsible, regardless of who does what to provoke it.

It all started when he went to skwayz rmt and made accusation that he had battled his team a year earlier. I told him that he should offer some evidence in which he promptly told me to STFU.

Unfortunately, that's a different thread, in which I have to look at independently. If it's an issue, it should be taken up with a moderator in kind, like how I was brought attention to this thread. Taking it into your own hands is not the correct answer based on the way things have turned out.

Than on my rmt he posted that my team looked copy and pasted.

I can understand not liking that comment, hardly reason for the following though.

As fellow people in clan they started make troll post about what he said. Even after the trolling died down he had the gut to try an mini mod.

This is where you're [as in the clan/people involved] are in the wrong. The first five words, 'As fellow people in clan', denotes a mentality of friends first rule later, not rules first. Which is evident by the trolling which took place. This type of action not only makes the people in question look wrong, but also tints the clan in a negative light because of it. As you have a clan mentality, remember that your actions reflect on other people too. You should try to act as you want all people in your clan to be taken. Again, Minimodding isn't a bad thing in the eyes of the auth. Amethyst talked about this in his own post in the Mews and Announcements section a while back.

I hope you can see the other side of the story and understand why we were not particularly fond of his actions and also why he deserves no praise.

I can most definitely see why you're upset, but that needs to be brought to attention much sooner before you make irrational actions. You as the collective whole, again. Even if you're not fond of his actions, I will praise someone for doing the right thing, regardless of the past actions.

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kk i will try it out duster though it would make me lose an anti staller might be worth it :P.

for kiozo

sorry about butchering your name Kiozo, i think it was spell checks fault.

Also i never meant my previous statement to be justification for our actions just the other side of the story which i am aware was not the right thing to do.

Also it seemed to us that he was using the rule set up by himself and we were unsure if the auths actually approved of it.

making an rmt takes a lot of time and effort so telling someone that their work is copy and pasted kinda a dick thing to say, though just doesn't seem that offensive to a third party. Still i agree that our actions were unnecessary

tl;dr IM SORRY :( and happy black friday.

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Hey Kam :] back with a new rate.


ScarfChomp > Donphan

Garchomp (M) @ Choice Scarf

Trait: Sand Veil

EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spd

Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)

- Outrage

- Dragon Claw

- Earthquake

- Aqua Tail / Stone Edge / Brick Break

Donphan really isn't doing anything for your team and you really need this scarf user in case you ever find yourself out of Rain. We've spoken on the server about this so I won't go too far into this.

Put Stealth Rock > Protect on Jirachi

Since I've proposed removing Donphan, that would leave you without Stealth Rocks on your team, which is the best move in the entire game. Protect on Jirachi is nice, but under the right circumstances you can usually Iron Head Flinch and get the wish off anyway.

Get rid of Focus Blast and U-turn on Tornadus-T

Specs Tornadus-T doesn't have need any other moves 90% of the time, and Sleep Talk + Hurricane is a lot more reliable for sleep fodder against Breloom so you can still throw Hurricanes while sleeping :]

Run Encore / Perish song > Toxic / Protect / Haze (I believe only one replacement is needed) on Politoed

Encore or Perish Song can be used a lot more effectively on Toed than your current moves, for obvious reasons: Perish Song adds some form of phazing which is really needed on Toed, encore can be used otherwise to gain offensive momentum against their set-up users with Thundurus-T.

That's all for now :]

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Rupe your amazing i agree with everything that you had to say and I will update the tread in the near future.

Just 2 minor things that i would like some more explaining on which is why does garchomp have dragon claw and outrage and second why does politoed have perish song and haze?

the rest of you suggestions i will definately implement like sr in jirachi since it would still allow me to set up without keeping donphan.

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Rupe your amazing i agree with everything that you had to say and I will update the tread in the near future.

Just 2 minor things that i would like some more explaining on which is why does garchomp have dragon claw and outrage and second why does politoed have perish song and haze?

the rest of you suggestions i will definately implement like sr in jirachi since it would still allow me to set up without keeping donphan.

Scarf Chomp needs outrage and dragon claw, sometimes you don't want your only scarf user to be trapped into Outrage, because he can easily be rk'd by anything with an ice beam and passable bulk.

Toed needs either encore and p-song to be able to gain momentum or force a switch. Haze is what you already have.

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