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Tropical Storm {RMT}


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I had that feeling; but I have to respond from a moderator standpoint.

Understandable and understandable, it makes sense to not know what was behind the new set of rules that was posted, and also makes sense to take a little more harshness from things than people looking in. I still take that piece into account when viewing responses though.

I read all things! It's all right xD

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It's not like scarfchomp will help with your blissey problem, as EQ only deal around 60%. You' only looose momentum, and as this team ain't got any true pivot, it's meh. Chomp is cool, but don't choice it.

Edited by Skwayz
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Kamina! Sweet team bro, been meaning to try that Tornadus-T set just for Breloom. The Donphan is also a great add for the rain team, love having an electric immunity that can spin. Creative team, everything looks really solid. Great job on the team pal!

Edited by Sunshine
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aww thank you sunshine :D (also long time no seee! :3). Also Rupe i have tried out scarf garchomp and it just isn't preforming as well as donphan mostly because the team is now getting screwed over by hazards from stall team and i still have yet to find a chancy/blissey in ladder. Donphan's iceshard is also a nice priority to have since it can usually finish off dragon flying pokes anyways and none of my other pokemon have a priority move.

Jirachi needs dat protect because it has no speed investments in it meaning that opposing pokemon are usually faster than it unless they are paralyzed making wish not as safe of a move to use even with iron head. It need protect!

I am still testing out some of hucking filarious suggestions and i will post back after i have tried them all out.

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  • 1 month later...

steel weakness!?

do all 6 of my Pokemon need to have a fighting move?

personally i never had any problems with steel types [half my Pokemon know a fighting move and 1 knows a ground move] or stall for that matter.

much appreciated if you were more specific.

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Type coverage is awful with this team. Any steel type can run through this team after donphan is gone and if they have a balloon then donphan can't even deal with it. You need some sort of stall breaker as well.

I'm pretty sure everything you said is false. "Any steel type" will not enjoy taking boosted rain attacks, while in return the water types resist steel attacks. There's Donphan too. Also Kamina's stallbreaker is NP Thundurus, which has a pretty good shot of destroying Chansey.

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  • 1 month later...

Fuck donphan, you don't really need rocks that bad, especially if they are coming in so late and will most likely just get spinned off since you havent a spin blocker and you don't really need a spinner since team isn't really week to rocks since the tornadous can regenerate and thunderous is lead. The number one counter to this team is blissey or chancey right? Only thing that can even touch those fuck nuts is jirachi but that's just a giant stall war you are likely to fall short in. So instead of having a support pokemon you don't need let's throw in the most irritating pokemon known to the rain force. Toxicroak! Blissey will OBVIOUSLY switch out but then you just get a free chance to set up, he can't be poisoned and is immune to scald, highly decreasing chance of getting burned. You can just start with a sub against blissy and you will instantly regain all your life cause of black sludge and dry skin. He is just a really good sweeper in general and if you are up against a blissey, just don't let him die until that fat fuck is dead.

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I like the idea of an anti-metagame team; however, I would definitely agree with Tentacruel over Donphan since you run rain. Ludicolo is awesome on that team and should certainly be kept there. Thundurus is a stronk lead and I like how you use it to mislead people into switching/u-turning. Genesect does, however, threaten your entire team (including Thundurus; keep in mind that a lot pack Ice Beam) aside from Jirachi, and that's only if you have your weather up. I like the Sleep Talk Tornadus-T, but I'd keep Superpower over Focus Blast because Chansey and Blissey.

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