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Final Addition...?


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So...I'm doing a run through with the following: 

Midnight (Deino/Hydregion) -dark/Dragon

Ulmo (Empoleon) - water/steel

Chesnaught- Grass/fighting

Mercy (Ninetails) - Fire

Gren (Rhydon/Rhyperior) (Rock/Ground)



What would you recommend for a final addition? Right now, Fighting type is the only type I am lacking an advantage over. Not that that is a big big deal. 

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4 minutes ago, Dragoknight said:

Gardevoir. You need a good fairy type and Gardevoir would work great for coverage. Other acceptable answers include Clefable, A-Ninetails, and Mimikyu.

Great team btw.

Really enjoying this team. Aside from Rhydon, it's a team of pokes I've never used or haven't used in years. 


I would add Gardy but I just used her last run. ANinetails isn't a bad suggestion. I could get down with that. 

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Since you've got a good fighting and dark type, completing that type core with a good Psychic sounds a good idea. Try Meowstic, Metagross, Alakazam or Reuniclus. Reuniclus in particular synergises well with your generally slower team, easily setting up Trick Room to Rhyperior, Chesnaught and Empoleon's pleasure.

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3 minutes ago, Azeria said:

Since you've got a good fighting and dark type, completing that type core with a good Psychic sounds a good idea. Try Meowstic, Metagross, Alakazam or Reuniclus. Reuniclus in particular synergises well with your generally slower team, easily setting up Trick Room to Rhyperior, Chesnaught and Empoleon's pleasure.

I'm not really familiar with Trick Room....at all. Lol


The Abra line sounds noticing tho, haven't used it in a long time!

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Just now, AlphaBran said:

I'm not really familiar with Trick Room....at all. Lol


The Abra line sounds noticing tho, haven't used it in a long time!

Essentially, for 5 turns, the speed stat is reversed, meaning the -slower- Pokemon moves first barring moves such as Quick Attack or Protect. Reuniclus, Rhyperior, Empoleon and Chesnaught are all slow but hard hitting, juggernauts if you will. Trick Room makes them fast too, turning them into wrecking balls.


This 5 turns can extended to 8 if you find an Amplifield Rock, I suggest looking into the Items Guide if you decided to use Reuniclus.

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In a different style, you can try to get a Typhlosion. This one makes an incredible combo with a drought Ninetales, especially if EV trained (to make sure you attack first). Sun boosted Eruption can burst through pretty much anything, and Nature power allows to abuse field even when you're supposed to be at a disadvantage. This is great for solo and even better for dual battle with are usually the hardest.


Add to that a pokemon with Grassy Terrain (Roserade for instance) to turn it into a burning field and you'll see why some people still have nightmares from when Charlotte's battle was released. I have more than two full boxes of fully trained pokemons, yet for most difficult fights I end up coming back to taking these three

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Yes it is since it learns Moonblast pretty early. If you tutor it with Pixilate Hyper Voice later on, it's a threat. Only down side to it is that it doesn't have good coverage moves to mons that resist Moonblast (I think Hidden Power is the best if you're lucky, considering Psychic and Shadow Ball TM is still unavailable). Also you have to be careful for powerful physical attackers, especially steel types.

Edited by Maqqy
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