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I believe that i have come across the most busted over powered move in the game that wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too many of the enemy trainers abuse and use with no punishment whatsoever.  SUCKER PUNCH NEEDS TO BE NERFED OR DELETED OFF THE FACE OF THE PLANET. Thanks for your time.

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  • Veterans

you realise that sucker punch AI is among the most abusable things in the game right?

just don't use an attacking move if you think they'll sucker punch, they'll keep using it until they run out of pp lol.

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Short Answer: Git Gud.

Long Answer: The current AI is good, but not human-good. If you don't fill your moveslots with attacking moves only, you will get an edge over it, not limited to Sugoi Punch. Especially when Psychic or Ghost type pokemon are in the field and you're facing off a pokemon that possibly carries the move, tread carefully

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pls remove move that can be easily toyed with. pls remove most op thing pokemons have ever seen. pls add punishment for using it. pls give eathquake tm its my favorite move. pls return ralts, gallade did nothing wrong! pls give gastly in mystery egg. pls fix the game oh wait

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Sucker punch is far from op, especially when an AI is using it. It only hits when the opponent pokemon is using an attacking move, so most of the times you can even use it as an opportunity to set up.


Fun fact: the base power of sucker punch got nerfed from 80 to 70 in gen 7.

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So, a move that's easier to read than a children book and easier to play around than a Slaking is a big issue? Honestly, I've never really had any issues with it because team coverage and strategizing being a big thing that makes Reborn Reborn. and as @walpurgis already stated: it's already been nerfed to base 70

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Ah, the classic thread where a new face voices some displeasure and the community be like "RAWWWWR" in a unanimous landslide of making the poster look bad.


Can we be better than this? They were not asking for a Gastly or Earthquake. All this person wanted was to not get hammered by a move that can really not be fun depending on the moves you have available.




OP, as brash as everyone else was, they are right. Use a non attacking move over and over with a Psychic or Ghost type until the Pokemon runs out of PP.


Yeah - it's cheese and possibly not the way you want to win your Pokemon battles - but the game is designed to make you think. If it works, then it doesn't matter if it looks ugly right?


Not every Pokemon will carry SP, so its not the best hill to die on.

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Haha thanks chase i was mostly just really heated in the moment and ate some food and figured it out, didn't realize the forum warriors in this community were that aggressive. Nonetheless i appreciate the feedback :) 

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I would say sorry too, but I won't. taking out a move that is, as I said earlier, quite easy to play around is not something that will often result in good feedback. I know I was incorrect, but eh.

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That's the thing though, Wolfox. Every post had the advice they needed somewhere in it. It's the extra haughtiness and frankly unrequired defense that Reborn gets in these posts that have a tendency to prevent the advice from being taken due to ensuing shame and continued frustration.


Reborn can be a very irritating game by design and by accident - even if the solution is there on the player's end and what suggestion there is from the newer folks seems not totally thought out.


Just because we as a community take our lumps and "git gud" doesn't mean that's something that will be easy or quick for everyone. The forums used to be more keen to help others who were struggling. Not belittling them for being upset at their struggle.


There's no reason to be a "forum warrior". If we're all playing the game - we're all on the same side.


It won't hurt Ame and the development team's feelings if their work is criticized. The game isn't finished. It's the time to be critical.



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  • Global Mods

Sucker Punch is completely overpowered......... when used by the player.  


Moxie Honchkrow with choice band and sucker punch shamelessly carried me through a good portion of the chamber of memories gauntlet in reborn hardcore, because unlike a player, they can't play around it very well. (though maybe that's changed in E17)

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I mean - you can believe it to be obvious but the onus of affirming what is implicit is not wielded by the speaker.


Text isn't a great medium to convey sarcasm, and your response read like it was directed at the OP regardless of whom you actually meant to address.


Glad we seem to be on the same page though.

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To be honest, I understand OP's frustration - Reborn tends to utilize some cliches, like repeatable, overpowered mons in leader's/rival's roster, or abusing attacks that player has no early/easy access too (yes, I do mean Earthquake and a few others). BUT, as almost everyone above noticed, those are usually easy to by-pass in this way or another - like, give your minion a baloon and watch enemy mashing ground with EQ while you set up, gg.


This has changed in the previous and latest episode and the inclusion of gen7, tough, so we are on the right track, I guess.

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