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Reborn characters Hurt/Heal (post E17)


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That's always what I thought of Titania telling her to not go to Calcenon, still being injured and recovering from Solaris his Direct Attack. Remember, as much of a facade Titania puts up that she "loves Amaria" she still cares for her enough to go through with it. Not in a lovers kind of caring, but in a strong friendship. I mean, let's face it. if you can face that relationship for as long as Titania has, you gotta either be a great actor or have a strong bond with the person already. Hell, she jumped after her when Amaria jumped off the waterfall. That's not something you do simply out of guilt (I think? Not sure about that. Never been in such a situation).

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  On 2/21/2018 at 9:53 PM, Wolfox said:

That's always what I thought of Titania telling her to not go to Calcenon, still being injured and recovering from Solaris his Direct Attack. Remember, as much of a facade Titania puts up that she "loves Amaria" she still cares for her enough to go through with it. Not in a lovers kind of caring, but in a strong friendship. I mean, let's face it. if you can face that relationship for as long as Titania has, you gotta either be a great actor or have a strong bond with the person already. Hell, she jumped after her when Amaria jumped off the waterfall. That's not something you do simply out of guilt (I think? Not sure about that. Never been in such a situation).


I totally agree with this. Titania genuinely cares about Amaria.

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  On 2/21/2018 at 10:10 PM, Wolfox said:

doesn't mean she can show it too well at times tho (maybe she is on the autism spectrum as well? THEORY BORN!)


In my opinion, they're both what the other treasures the most in the end, but while Tania can't realize that, in a way, she loves Amy, as is shown in her care for her (relatively to literally anything else in the game) and is therefore percieving their relationship as an insurmountable burden. Amy is just trapping Tania in this relationship simply because she's afraid to lose her. To the point where she is dedicated to keeping this up above all else. And therefore hating the player ex machina for potentially throwing this off balance.


Also can I add that it was completely unnecessary for Tania to go off killing people for little to no reason? Sure, it can be used to make the point that she cherishes amy by showing how she's completely oblivious to the value of life, but you can just do that with general indiffernce towards things. Either that, or she just doesn't care about some random meteors with emotions AND loved ones of their own just because they're meteors (not needing context for that situation too). Either that or she didn't think about them being people too 🤔🤔🤔

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  On 2/21/2018 at 10:25 PM, Hycrox said:

Also can I add that it was completely unnecessary for Tania to go off killing people for little to no reason? Sure, it can be used to make the point that she cherishes amy by showing how she's completely oblivious to the value of life, but you can just do that with general indiffernce towards things. Either that, or she just doesn't care about some random meteors with emotions AND loved ones of their own just because they're meteors (not needing context for that situation too). Either that or she didn't think about them being people too 🤔🤔🤔


Exactly. She's overplaying it for no reason. To the point of making me wonder whether she's doing all this to cover up a more sinister truth about herself. After all, the fact that she told us that she feeds false intel to Meteors doesn't mean that it's the truth. She hasn't done a single thing to make us trust her.

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Cain: 25

Adrienn: 12

Amaria: 4

Aya: 23

Charlotte: 4

Ciel: 12

Florinia: 26

Hardy: 27

Julia: 25

Kiki: 21

Luna: 20

Noel: 17

Samson: 25

Saphira: 8

Shade: 27

Shelly: 23
Anna: 22

DJ Arclight: 17

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  On 2/21/2018 at 10:58 PM, Jess said:

She only works in one mode. She doesn't think, she just goes ham. She's pretty much the only character that matches Lin in being two-dimensional. If not one-dimensional. 


I'd say 2.5 dimensional (I want you to know, if not for Grammarly I would always type that with a T instead of an S). She does still have the feeling hidden from herself card to play. at least adds the 0.5

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  On 2/21/2018 at 11:01 PM, the red guy said:

Theres probably more to her than we know for now. Something from the past had to have happened to make her so heartless 


We know that she's the culprit for Florinia's transformation into a (seemingly) emotionless person. That's more than enough for me to put Titania in the dark list, as my most hated Reborn character. Pity, because I kinda like Steel types.

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  On 2/21/2018 at 11:00 PM, Wolfox said:

I'd say 2.5 dimensional (I want you to know, if not for Grammarly I would always type that with a T instead of an S). She does still have the feeling hidden from herself card to play. at least adds the 0.5


I'd still take that over Amaria any day. E17 got her near the top of my top 5 least favourite chaarcters;

1. Radomus & G. Garde

2. Lin

3. Amaria

4. Luna

5. Got no idea, don't really have any characters I truly dislike outside of these 4. Even Luna is moreso a byproduct of Radomus in combination with her irrelevancy.



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  On 2/21/2018 at 11:05 PM, Azeria said:

I'd still take that over Amaria any day. E17 got her near the top of my top 5 least favourite chaarcters;

1. Radomus & G. Garde

2. Lin

3. Amaria

4. Luna

5. Got no idea, don't really have any characters I truly dislike outside of these 4. Even Luna is moreso a byproduct of Radomus in combination with her irrelevancy.




maybe putting either G.Gardevoir or Radomus second would help fill spot 5 if only for it looking nicer?


  On 2/21/2018 at 11:06 PM, the red guy said:

if thats the case, then i guess fern should be more mad at titania for be emotionless as opposed to florina herself


While yes, Fern directs his anger at Florinia because after she turned into the Flobot we know, she got more attention from their parents and others around them (for a good reason might I add. of course people worry about someone shutting out all emotions). This led Fern to the attention seeker path, not caring if it's positive or negative. In his mind Florinia stole the attention he should be getting

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  On 2/21/2018 at 11:06 PM, Wolfox said:

maybe putting either G.Gardevoir or Radomus second would help fill spot 5 if only for it looking nicer?


Nothing but pure hatred lies for both.


Pure opposite list(Top 5 favourites);

1. Taka

2. Corey

3. Hardy / Charlotte

4. Dr. Sigmund

5. Fern


Honorable mentions go out to; Blake, Elias, Sirius, Solaris, ZEL and sometimes Terra. I like basically all the Meteors aside from Lin a lot more than most of the cast. Go figure. Elias and Solaris are -just- below Fern and usually El takes the number 5 spot.


  On 2/21/2018 at 11:06 PM, the red guy said:

Maybe im missing something that happened this episode but what did amaria do that has everybody hating her all of a sudden



She got revealed to be; A: Conveniently lying about her Amnesia, B: Knowing about Titania lying to her all along and thus essentially making the jump off the Waterfall an even bigger cry for attention, C: Been emotionally manipulating Titania the entire time, and D: Ends up trying to kill the player.

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  On 2/21/2018 at 11:15 PM, Jess said:

@Azeria My top list would be:


1: Taka

2: Shelly

3: Corey

4: Laura

5: Florinia


I'm agreeing on something with Azery, god damn, the world is gonna end... xD


I don't see you liking Garchomp yet, hold your horses :^)


But yeah I consider Corey/Sigmund to be criminally underrated characters despite their huge impact on the story. Huge fan of Fern's archetype, character with huge potential in the coming episodes if pulled off right.

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  On 2/21/2018 at 11:20 PM, Azeria said:

But yeah I consider Corey/Sigmund to be criminally underrated characters despite their huge impact on the story.


Read Corey's diary. He's not really a criminal. He is just seeking vengeance. Even tells to Heather "my daughter, we will end it together".

I never knew why he gets all this hate. Amazing character.


Plot twist: Shade says (just after the Water Treatment Centre incidents) that only two of the four foreshadowed deceased souls will be taken. One is Kiki. What if the second one is Lin, and Shade actually resurrects/reincarnates Corey somehow? Maybe that's why he collected his body and soul?

Maybe we have something more to expect...

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when you have a huge post ready but one wrong click destroys it all (FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU)


least favorites:

1- Fern (hate his archetype, he's a disgrace to Roserade users. what more reason do I need? and how did he even evolve his Budew?)

2- Blake (fern with ice puns. No)

3- Bennett (disgrace to bug users)

4- El (I hate normal types, no fan of El's Arceus preaching and that Ditto Arceus...)

5- Solaris (he killed Kiki. Enough reason for me)



1- Cal (love his archetype and redemption. also helps that he reminds me of myself a lot)

2- Shelly (she's the cutest, names mons after friends and has good development)

3- Cain (I can't even hate the guy. Yes, he made mistakes. but isn't that what your teens are all about?)

4- Victoria (She has good intentions behind being a hurdle at times. With the Slums, she wants to protect you. With shelly she wants her to take it easy for a bit and let her mind come to rest. With Kiki, she just learned her mother figure is terminally ill. She wants to prolong Kiki's lifespan as much as she can.)

5- Laura/Charlotte/Aya (It can really be either of these 3. Laura is the only one coming close to shelly's cuteness levels and I would be the friend she needs so bad anytime. Charlotte may be a bit cocky, she does have the best intentions most of the time. Wanting to help her friends/family, kicking "the good doctor's" ass. She might even be a potential LI (Love Interest) for Cain, who is Pansexual (not so much looking at gender or looks but to the inside). That can't mean she's all bad. And Aya... I'm a sucker for Punks. What can I say? I love the music genre. I love the clothing style and I've had good experiences with punk people in the past. At to that a good story and the first really hard Gym Leader battle on reborn and you have a great character in my books)

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  On 2/21/2018 at 11:25 PM, Jess said:

Read Corey's diary. He's not really a criminal. He is just seeking vengeance. Even tells to Heather "my daughter, we will end it together".

I never knew why he gets all this hate. Amazing character.


Plot twist: Shade says (just after the Water Treatment Centre incidents) that only two of the four foreshadowed deceased souls will be taken. One is Kiki. What if the second one is Lin, and Shade actually resurrects/reincarnates Corey somehow? Maybe that's why he collected his body and soul?

Maybe we have something more to expect...


That + he's the first real WTF moment of the game, subverting expectations even further on top of his Crobat being a dick to fight. Corey is dope.


  On 2/21/2018 at 11:37 PM, Wolfox said:

when you have a huge post ready but one wrong click destroys it all (FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU)


least favorites:

1- Fern (hate his archetype, he's a disgrace to Roserade users. what more reason do I need? and how did he even evolve his Budew?)

2- Blake (fern with ice puns. No)

3- Bennett (disgrace to bug users)

4- El (I hate normal types, no fan of El's Arceus preaching and that Ditto Arceus...)

5- Solaris (he killed Kiki. Enough reason for me)



1- Cal (love his archetype and redemption. also helps that he reminds me of myself a lot)

2- Shelly (she's the cutest, names mons after friends and has good development)

3- Cain (I can't even hate the guy. Yes, he made mistakes. but isn't that what your teens are all about?)

4- Victoria (She has good intentions behind being a hurdle at times. With the Slums, she wants to protect you. With shelly she wants her to take it easy for a bit and let her mind come to rest. With Kiki, she just learned her mother figure is terminally ill. She wants to prolong Kiki's lifespan as much as she can.)

5- Laura/Charlotte/Aya (It can really be either of these 3. Laura is the only one coming close to shelly's cuteness levels and I would be the friend she needs so bad anytime. Charlotte may be a bit cocky, she does have the best intentions most of the time. Wanting to help her friends/family, kicking "the good doctor's" ass. She might even be a potential LI (Love Interest) for Cain, who is Pansexual (not so much looking at gender or looks but to the inside). That can't mean she's all bad. And Aya... I'm a sucker for Punks. What can I say? I love the music genre. I love the clothing style and I've had good experiences with punk people in the past. At to that a good story and the first really hard Gym Leader battle on reborn and you have a great character in my books)


Mfw your least favourite list is -outside- of Bennett composed of some of my favourite characters in the cast.

Opinions are wild.


Reminds me of how despite being my favourite types,  Ghost/Dragon/Dark's representatives in Reborn kinda suck. Saphira is mini Titania, Lin is fucking Lin of course she is, Shade is too enigmatic and Luna is too irrelevant. Lame.

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  On 2/21/2018 at 11:44 PM, Azeria said:

That + he's the first real WTF moment of the game, subverting expectations even further on top of his Crobat being a dick to fight. Corey is dope.


Mfw your least favourite list is -outside- of Bennett composed of some of my favourite characters in the cast.

Opinions are wild.


what can I say? I hate overly cocky people (Yes, Charlotte is a bit cocky, but in far fewer ways and levels than Fern and Blake. speaking of, the Ice puns manage to make Blake better than Fern, when have ice puns ever made someone cooler?). Bennett is a bitch, I hate normal types and Solaris killed one of the best teacher archetype characters ever.

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Cain: 26

Adrienn: 12

Amaria: 2

Aya: 23

Charlotte: 4

Ciel: 12

Florinia: 26

Hardy: 27

Julia: 25

Kiki: 21

Luna: 20

Noel: 17

Samson: 25

Saphira: 8

Shade: 27

Shelly: 23
Anna: 22

DJ Arclight: 17

Cal: 27

Laura: 25

ZEL: 19

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