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Reborn characters Hurt/Heal (post E17)


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Cain: 26

Adrienn: 12

Amaria: 0

Aya: 23

Charlotte: 5

Ciel: 12

Florinia: 26

Hardy: 27

Julia: 25

Kiki: 21

Luna: 20

Noel: 17

Samson: 25

Saphira: 8

Shade: 27

Shelly: 23
Anna: 22

DJ Arclight: 17

Cal: 27

Laura: 25

ZEL: 19




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  On 2/21/2018 at 11:03 PM, Jess said:

We know that she's the culprit for Florinia's transformation into a (seemingly) emotionless person. That's more than enough for me to put Titania in the dark list, as my most hated Reborn character. Pity, because I kinda like Steel types.


Did I miss something? When was Titania supposed to be the reason Florina turned into the Flobot? (geniune question I just don't remember that, was it in the Zekrom route?)


@Azeria @Jess I like these lists. I agree with most of them (except Victoria should be the most hated)

Top 5 most hated

1. Victoria (hindrance incarnate, not so bad in the recent episodes tho)

2. Terra (please, just stop existing)

3. Saphira (you deserve a death worse than all of those you murdered)

4. Lin (you probably deserve a worse death than Saphira)

5. Blake (I just find everything about you annoying)


And the Bizzaro World list (top 5 favourites)

1. Taka (RIP my insurgent friend)

2. Shelly (too pure for this world)

3. Adrienn (literally the greatest for fixing up Reborn City)

4. Cal (love his whole arc)

5. Laura (just a great character)

 and Titania/Amaria just barely missed the list (not really sure which one I like more, I just like the character dynamic the two have)


  On 2/21/2018 at 11:48 PM, Wolfox said:

Bennett is a bitch, I hate normal types and Solaris killed one of the best teacher archetype characters ever.


Yeah , that about sums up how I feel about those three perfectly (they're my 6, 7, and 8 on the least favourite list).

Although I'd like to see something good come from Bennett in one of the upcoming episodes. I mean, he's not entirely an ass like El.

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  On 2/22/2018 at 12:04 AM, Dragoknight said:

Did I miss something? When was Titania supposed to be the reason Florina turned into the Flobot? (geniune question I just don't remember that, was it in the Zekrom route?)


Julia mentions it when we all meet in Fiore mansion after WTC events. She says "you betrayed her, Tania! This isn't something you do to your friends" or something similar. It's not in Zekrom Route :) 

Titania is cocky enough to tell Florinia to "get over it already". Quite a bitch.


Also, I kinda agree with your lists. Victoria though has good intentions, so, she might be annoying, but she isn't a bad person. Also, you say Saphira deserves death for all those who killed, and yet Titania, who has done the exact same thing, is one of your favs... This is a bit contradictory.


Finally, since @Wolfox mentioned his Normal type dislike as a reason why he hates El... I think Normal types need more love... @Zargerth and @Dartu-san will agree here.

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  On 2/22/2018 at 12:11 AM, Jess said:

Also, I kinda agree with your lists. Victoria though has good intentions, so, she might be annoying, but she isn't a bad person. Also, you say Saphira deserves death for all those who killed, and yet Titania, who has done the exact same thing, is one of your favs... This is a bit contradictory.


Yeah I know. I don't really like Titania for Titania, I just like the part of her that selflessly cares for Amaria. Titania is just one of my favourite and least favourite characters at the same time.

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  On 2/22/2018 at 12:04 AM, Dragoknight said:

Did I miss something? When was Titania supposed to be the reason Florina turned into the Flobot? (geniune question I just don't remember that, was it in the Zekrom route?)


@Azeria @Jess I like these lists. I agree with most of them (except Victoria should be the most hated)

Top 5 most hated

1. Victoria (hindrance incarnate, not so bad in the recent episodes tho)

2. Terra (please, just stop existing)

3. Saphira (you deserve a death worse than all of those you murdered)

4. Lin (you probably deserve a worse death than Saphira)

5. Blake (I just find everything about you annoying)


And the Bizzaro World list (top 5 favourites)

1. Taka (RIP my insurgent friend)

2. Shelly (too pure for this world)

3. Adrienn (literally the greatest for fixing up Reborn City)

4. Cal (love his whole arc)

5. Laura (just a great character)

 and Titania/Amaria just barely missed the list (not really sure which one I like more, I just like the character dynamic the two have)


Yeah , that about sums up how I feel about those three perfectly (they're my 6, 7, and 8 on the least favourite list).

Although I'd like to see something good come from Bennett in one of the upcoming episodes. I mean, he's not entirely an ass like El.


My liking of Elias/Solaris comes a good part from Elias' Diary(Go read it, pretty interesting as to the reasons behind their actions), though I'd already liked Solaris quite a bit before then. Using a Garchomp? Being depicted as THE badass originalLeader of Team Meteor? Able to pretty much curbstomp everyone atop Pyrous Mountain on his own? Das some good shit. He gets wurfed into oblivion basically every moment after sadly, but that initial impression on top of Elias' Diary and him being best Character's dad and an actually respectable villain among Reborn's pack(Lin is ew) put him up high up there for me. Only things I really dislike about him is that his team's pretty generic by Reborn standards(something I'm hoping will change) and that he looks wayyy too much like Sirius.


Elias is mostly because fuck Radomus tbh. He's a well depicted character on his own rights, granted a lot of the characterisation that paints him in a good light comes from other characters such as Taka or his Diary. I totally get why this guy is extremely disliked, kind of the point I guess, just really like him for some reason - aside - from my innate hatred of Radomus. Hard to describe why. Might be the badass old man part.



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arriving to find Amaria blitzed to death smh, y'all are weirdos


Cain: 27

Adrienn: 12

Aya: 23

Charlotte: 4

Ciel: 12

Florinia: 24

Hardy: 27

Julia: 25

Kiki: 21

Luna: 20

Noel: 17

Samson: 25

Saphira: 8

Shade: 25

Shelly: 24
Anna: 22

DJ Arclight: 17

Cal: 27

Laura: 25

ZEL: 19

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Cain: 27

Adrienn: 12

Aya: 23

Charlotte: 2

Ciel: 12

Florinia: 24

Hardy: 25

Julia: 25

Kiki: 21

Luna: 20

Noel: 17

Samson: 26

Saphira: 8

Shade: 25

Shelly: 24
Anna: 22

DJ Arclight: 17

Cal: 27

Laura: 26

ZEL: 19

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Cain: 27

Adrienn: 12

Aya: 23

Charlotte: catch this L

Ciel: 12

Florinia: 25

Hardy: 25

Julia: 25

Kiki: 21

Luna: 20

Noel: 17

Samson: 26

Saphira: 8

Shade: 25

Shelly: 24
Anna: 22

DJ Arclight: 17

Cal: 27

Laura: 26

ZEL: 19


also, since we doing top 5 loved/hated:


Top 5 least favourites:


5: Victoria. She could shut up once in a while. Or all the time, that'd be even better. Well she talks a lot, doesn't listen though. She just doesn't really think things through either. I miss the time when she was stuck in Apophyll.

4: Lin. Literally nothing to say here. That sums it up.

3: Amaria. Well this one isn't too hard to figure out either. She's consciously trapping Titania in a toxic relationship with The Power Of GuiltTM. Aside from her sociopathic behaviour, she's just not a really rich character. Just a depressed sociopath.

2: G. Gardevoir. I did say I don't care for Radomus, but he's still barely decent enough not to be here. Garde is just an irritating character that is a means to send the player into a risky and pointless (in conception) quest, and that aside from it offers no help in any situation, unless you like to hear how great Radomus is for half her screentime. The other half is just pointless dialogue and rubbing the needless time you spent with Radomus on your face.

1: Titania. I think it's pretty clear why at this point, but to sum it up: rampant dishonesty with herself and others, completely needless violence, toxic and explosive personality, general indifference to everyone else's ideas/emotions/wishes/etc. (even when it benefits her)... she's pretty much the person to avoid at all costs. Amy's a sociopath, but this one's a full-fledged psychopath.


Top 5 favourites:


5: Taka. I'd honestly like to see him sabotage Meteor more often, but otherwise he was pretty cool. He was a wuss, but I'm letting it slide in his case for very obvious reasons. I'd like to have seen him take more initiative to try and halt Meteor's progress and/or protect his father from Sirius, Lin and his own ambition, but he wasn't a bad character.

4: Julia. Booms brought her down a bit, but she's a very fun character otherwise, mostly because she steers clear of unnecessary drama, and unlike Terra, is not a 2014 meme I grew tired of before I knew the game existed.

3: Shade. Some characters should do like him and not talk much. He's still the most mysterious character at this point, and even though he's not much more than an observer, he's still an interesting character.

2: Florinia. Aside from not infuriating me, she also keeps Fern in check, and is one of the two non two-dimensional characters I'd actually like to keep up with. She's been pretty cool so far, and I want more of her story.

1: Knuckles Hardy. He's rougher than the rest of em. The other non two-dimensional character I'd like to keep up with, Hardy's pretty cool, and he does have a good habit of separating himself from unnecessary drama. I want more screentime for him now. He also introduces himself by smacking Fern, which is great.

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Cain: 27

Adrienn: 12

Aya: 23

Ciel: 12

Florinia: 25

Hardy: 25

Julia: 25

Kiki: 21

Luna: 20

Noel: 17

Samson: 26

Saphira: 6

Shade: 25

Shelly: 24
Anna: 22

DJ Arclight: 17

Cal: 27

Laura: 26

ZEL: 20


So we're doing Top 5s?


Maybe next time I'll need some time to figure it out

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@uberle Same here. I'm thinking on it as well. In Reborn, there are so many characters, the player can easily indentify himself to one of them.


Cain: 27

Adrienn: 12

Aya: 23

Ciel: 12

Florinia: 25

Hardy: 25

Julia: 25

Kiki: 21

Luna: 20

Noel: 15 (I hated this Cinccino so much, that King's Rock made it practically impossible to hit ><)

Samson: 26

Saphira: 6

Shade: 25

Shelly: 24
Anna: 22

DJ Arclight: 17

Cal: 27

Laura: 26

ZEL: 21

Edited by Q-Jei
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Cain: 27

Adrienn: 12

Aya: 21

Ciel: 12

Florinia: 25

Hardy: 25

Julia: 25

Kiki: 21

Luna: 20

Noel: 15

Samson: 26

Saphira: 6

Shade: 26

Shelly: 24
Anna: 22

DJ Arclight: 17

Cal: 27

Laura: 26

ZEL: 21


@Azeria It's not often that you see lively Ghost users. Shade is more than an observer. He gets shit done when he needs to. He's been helping us from the very first moment.

In a way, Corey still lives thanks to Shade. 


Radomus is a well-written character. He has his own agenda, is cocky, and knows his place in the world, how to hide important information about him from people too eager to share, all the while protecting Luna, Cain and the main character. He is supposed to be disliked, not because he steals the spotlight when he can, but because his methods pretty much beg you to question his motives. I bet a lot of people were swayed by Elias's pleas underground and didn't follow Radomus because of his cold demeanor... at first. 

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Actually my main problem is i don't fully remember everything in Reborn.

I'm doing a second play through now, but it's been a while since my first and Reborn is a long game

I don't trust myself to properly remember certain events that determine how I feel about a character....

Maybe I'll read through someone else's run to get a refresher course.

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-2 Titania Saphira          +1 My favourite meteor admin 66% of the time


Cain: 27

Adrienn: 12

Aya: 21

Ciel: 12

Florinia: 25

Hardy: 25

Julia: 25

Kiki: 21

Luna: 20

Noel: 15

Samson: 26

Saphira: 4

Shade: 26

Shelly: 24
Anna: 22

DJ Arclight: 17

Cal: 27

Laura: 26

ZEL: 22

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Since Amaria and some others were mentioned, I'm gonna allow myself a little post just to explain why I find her and Tania fascinating (already did that somewhere else but wouldn't want to miss an occasion to talk about it eh)


Amaria isn't the kind of character that appears to have a lot of depth at first. A powerful Reborn league member who is admired by all, means to do well, rescues stranded Popplios, fights Team Meteor... generic good girl stuff. This image of her, although shattered during later events, lingers long enough to paint her as seemingly uninteresting. When the player learns about her issues, it's also a bit difficult to fully sympathize with her because she seems to have everything going for her (something she even points out herself in her school diary), so why is she so unhappy? That's not fully explained, and although this could be viewed as a problem that cheapens the character, I prefer to view it as a layer of mystery.

In any case, what I find really interesting is the whole dynamic between her and Titania. It's easy to point fingers, say that one of them trapped the other, but it's more complicated than that. They both contributed to building and maintaining this unhealthy relationship. Amaria, who has always been self-destructive, depressed and unstable, found an anchor to cling to in Titania, and Tania allowed her to cling, for lack of a better solution in her mind. It was her decision (to handle Amy herself, lie to her and protect her) that comforted Amaria in her attitude, and eventually doomed them both to be unhappy. What Tania should have done, is to help Amy seek professional help when it was still "easy". Alas, that's not what happened.


Is Titania a misguided, aggressive hypocrite who tells others not to lie but lives in a lie herself? Totally. And that makes her rather unlikable. But she's also someone who initially had good intentions, made bad decisions, and was subjected to long term emotional abuse that contributed to making her a violent person, devoured from inside by guilt, worries, and a crushing responsibility (her food and sleep-deprived self slaughters Meteors not because she enjoys killing, but because she will do anything to cut through obstacles and get Amy back). She's not a psychopath, since she is still capable of empathy. She's simply someone who has been stomaching too much poison for too long.

Is Amaria a dangerous, depressed, unhealthily clingy girl who ends up being toxic to her friends? For sure. But she is mostly a victim of not receiving the adequate help when she needed it, and her years of mental self-abuse turned her into someone capable of snapping and attempting to kill another person when her sole agent of stability, Titania, isn't there to keep things together. She's not a sociopath at all, she's still capable of interacting normally with her peers and has a genuine wish to do good around her (remember, she did save the protag's life in the factory, and always tried to help others until the diary incident). If anything, the "good girl Amaria" mask that we've been shown early on could have been the real Amaria. This Amaria ended up being a mere mask because no one was there to see the issues underneath (except misguided and socially awkward Titania), and no one was there to offer the right kind of help.


So yeah, it's easy to dislike and resent the both of them (they've earned it), but they are very complicated and interesting characters who deserve better than being sorted into the "psychopath" or "2-dimensional" boxes imo. I for one feel a great deal of sympathy for them (especially Amaria).


Quick note about Radomus: this guy plays in another league entirely. He definitely has his own agenda, so it would be foolish to fully trust him, but nothing he does is pointless. The whole chase after El, which is often described as a filler episode, could indeed have been prevented had G.Gardevoir teleported back to her master immediately. But Radomus didn't want that. He'd rather play along and discover El's true intentions, get the big picture, then act appropriately. Immediately foiling the baddie's plan just because it's possible to do so, is something Cain or Hardy would do. Radomus isn't this kind of man.

I'm really eager to know what he's been up to since then.


Thanks for bearing with me if you read everything :P

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Cain: 27

Adrienn: 12

Aya: 21

Ciel: 12

Florinia: 25

Hardy: 26

Julia: 25

Kiki: 21

Luna: 18

Noel: 15

Samson: 26

Saphira: 4

Shade: 26

Shelly: 24
Anna: 22

DJ Arclight: 17

Cal: 27

Laura: 26

ZEL: 22


I actually organized the Reborn characters in tiers based on how much I liked them a while ago (I was bored, okay). So I guess I'll paste it here. I'll probably explain the controversial characters later because I gotta do something soon and don't have time for the usual overblown essay. They do go in order, BTW

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Cain: 27

Adrienn: 12

Aya: 21

Ciel: 10

Florinia: 25

Hardy: 26

Julia: 25

Kiki: 21

Luna: 18

Noel: 15

Samson: 26

Saphira: 4

Shade: 26

Shelly: 24
Anna: 22

DJ Arclight: 17

Cal: 28

Laura: 26

ZEL: 22


  On 2/22/2018 at 9:25 PM, Alistair said:

Quick note about Radomus: this guy plays in another league entirely. He definitely has his own agenda, so it would be foolish to fully trust him, but nothing he does is pointless. The whole chase after El, which is often described as a filler episode, could indeed have been prevented had G.Gardevoir teleported back to her master immediately. But Radomus didn't want that. He'd rather play along and discover El's true intentions, get the big picture, then act appropriately. Immediately foiling the baddie's plan just because it's possible to do so, is something Cain or Hardy would do. Radomus isn't this kind of man.

I'm really eager to know what he's been up to since then.


Fully trusting Radomus is not a good idea, but not trusting him at all might be even worse of an idea. He is always multiple steps ahead of everything going on, having him as an ally will rarely put you on the bad end of the battle (the Arceus Ditto thing is one of the exceptions). He hasn't told us everything, but he has not lied to us yet either. He is, so far, honest with the player. But he only tells them things he believes they need to know.


@NickCrash I wouldn't really call Radomus cocky myself. He knows his place most of the time and doesn't really pretend to be better. He just does his thing and lets others do theirs. Unless your talking about his Chess skills, because then you might be correct.

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@Wolfox I completely agree, he remains in a sort of grey area in my eyes because he's adept at retaining information when that's his best interest, but he's certainly proven to both intelligent and motivated by decent intentions so far. I'd rather trust him than mistrust him, but y'know... still wary because we don't know his final goal yet.

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  On 2/22/2018 at 10:23 PM, Alistair said:

@Wolfox I completely agree, he remains in a sort of grey area in my eyes because he's adept at retaining information when that's his best interest, but he's certainly proven to both intelligent and motivated by decent intentions so far. I'd rather trust him than mistrust him, but y'know... still wary because we don't know his final goal yet.


Same. the best thing is he would compliment us on it. He knows blindly trusting someone you don't know well enough is not a good thing

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I'm not the most eloquent with regards to talking about characters in depth, -especially those like Amaria/Titania- so I'll leave out that stuff, wouldn't really do it justice after the damn good piece by Alistair above.


Radomus is out here playing 3D chess, trying to play both sides into the best possible outcome, while the whole game is a 4D chess game by Lin and Anna. Go figure, the chessmaster himself's but another regular piece, though I'll expect him to show up in 18, probably.



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Cain: 27

Adrienn: 12

Aya: 21

Ciel: 12

Florinia: 25

Hardy: 25

Julia: 26

Kiki: 21

Luna: 20

Noel: 15

Samson: 26

Saphira: 2

Shade: 26

Shelly: 24
Anna: 22

DJ Arclight: 17

Cal: 27

Laura: 26

ZEL: 22

Im just gonna attack whoever is lowest at this point since ive finally downed that chatot.Also since this top 5 thing is beginning to trend ill make one for the heck of it.

 1) Shelly- Although she may not be the strongest leader out there, she seems to be (atleast to me) the most down to earth and humane character in the game. We also get to see her grow a little bit later

2) Julia- she should use bombs more often. I feel like that would help alot in our team meteor issues. Or atleast scare them away. Work smarter not harder lol.

3) Victoria- While i know alot of people hate her because she comes off as a road block, i feel like she only has everybodys best interest in mind. Leads me to believe that she doesnt think that a gym badge is worth more than somebodies well being .

4) Taka- while he is on the enemy side, i can only respect the fact that he helps us out so much throughout the game despite knowing the consequences that will come if team meteor finds out.

5) Saphira- I know she blew up a bunch of meteor grunts while she was riding a dragonite, but if i remember correctly she didnt have much of a choice. Either she beams them to death or the orphanage kids get taken away again. It atleast shows that she is willing to take drastic measures to protect what she cares and go the extra mile, as opposed to killing those who are deemed defenseless.


Special mention

Hardy- Anybody who can shut fern up is a favorable character of mine.

Terra- I can always appreciate a change of pace with her attitude, plus i feel that she will have a much more important role in future episodes since she seems kinda unpredicatble. Not to mention she seems to have a past with Lin so it will be interesting to see how it plays out.


Least favorite


1) Fern - As if it wasnt enough that he is a jerk 24/7,    when you do beat him it almost he still feels like he has this sense of superiority over me. He also uses grass type( my starter is mudkip so let that sink in)

2) Blake- Basically in ice type fern but is slighty more douchy.

3)Titania- Its not that i hate titania, but i dont like how she makes it seem like we were the main reason as to why everything for her is going south when it was on her to begin with.

4) Dr. Sigmund - This guy locks up gym leaders in his "orphanage " for them to never be seen again. how is anybody supposed to complete the gymbadge challenge if they cant be found.  Plus he seems to be weirdly obsessed  with putting people in his orphanage.

5)Bennett( i cant believe i almost forgot about this guy)- he is a thirsty creep who cant take no apparently. Not to mention he probably unfairly got his way into being an elite four member. This dude is honestly just cringy after awhile. And tbh, theres only room for one bug user in reborn 


Those in the gray zone


Shade- I just dont know enough about shade if im being honest

Radomus- This man is hiding something from us.Weather its good or bad, we dont know yet. 

Lin- Id expect nothing less than the finally boss being OP, but i can only wonder how OP can she get

Florina- on one hand she is one of the more useful characters in reborn, but on the other hand she damn near made me quit the game when i had to fight her on my first run( marshtomp against grass aint a good matchup) I still respect her character tho.

Amaria- she is honestly just very lost at this point, there isnt really any going back for her. However i will say that it isnt completely her fault.    

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  On 2/22/2018 at 9:25 PM, Alistair said:

Since Amaria and some others were mentioned, I'm gonna allow myself a little post just to explain why I find her and Tania fascinating (already did that somewhere else but wouldn't want to miss an occasion to talk about it eh)


Amaria isn't the kind of character that appears to have a lot of depth at first. A powerful Reborn league member who is admired by all, means to do well, rescues stranded Popplios, fights Team Meteor... generic good girl stuff. This image of her, although shattered during later events, lingers long enough to paint her as seemingly uninteresting. When the player learns about her issues, it's also a bit difficult to fully sympathize with her because she seems to have everything going for her (something she even points out herself in her school diary), so why is she so unhappy? That's not fully explained, and although this could be viewed as a problem that cheapens the character, I prefer to view it as a layer of mystery.

In any case, what I find really interesting is the whole dynamic between her and Titania. It's easy to point fingers, say that one of them trapped the other, but it's more complicated than that. They both contributed to building and maintaining this unhealthy relationship. Amaria, who has always been self-destructive, depressed and unstable, found an anchor to cling to in Titania, and Tania allowed her to cling, for lack of a better solution in her mind. It was her decision (to handle Amy herself, lie to her and protect her) that comforted Amaria in her attitude, and eventually doomed them both to be unhappy. What Tania should have done, is to help Amy seek professional help when it was still "easy". Alas, that's not what happened.


Is Titania a misguided, aggressive hypocrite who tells others not to lie but lives in a lie herself? Totally. And that makes her rather unlikable. But she's also someone who initially had good intentions, made bad decisions, and was subjected to long term emotional abuse that contributed to making her a violent person, devoured from inside by guilt, worries, and a crushing responsibility (her food and sleep-deprived self slaughters Meteors not because she enjoys killing, but because she will do anything to cut through obstacles and get Amy back). She's not a psychopath, since she is still capable of empathy. She's simply someone who has been stomaching too much poison for too long.

Is Amaria a dangerous, depressed, unhealthily clingy girl who ends up being toxic to her friends? For sure. But she is mostly a victim of not receiving the adequate help when she needed it, and her years of mental self-abuse turned her into someone capable of snapping and attempting to kill another person when her sole agent of stability, Titania, isn't there to keep things together. She's not a sociopath at all, she's still capable of interacting normally with her peers and has a genuine wish to do good around her (remember, she did save the protag's life in the factory, and always tried to help others until the diary incident). If anything, the "good girl Amaria" mask that we've been shown early on could have been the real Amaria. This Amaria ended up being a mere mask because no one was there to see the issues underneath (except misguided and socially awkward Titania), and no one was there to offer the right kind of help.


So yeah, it's easy to dislike and resent the both of them (they've earned it), but they are very complicated and interesting characters who deserve better than being sorted into the "psychopath" or "2-dimensional" boxes imo. I for one feel a great deal of sympathy for them (especially Amaria).


I like this post, and can definitely see where the nuance comes from, but the problem I have with Amaria (and to a lesser extent, Titania) is that the writing doesn't make it seem like the traits mentioned are two sides of the same coin. Sociopath Amaria speaks and acts nothing like the Amaria we knew, which implies that the previous Amaria was indeed a mask. Unlike many tragic heroes, I don't think Amaria has any conflicting motivations. In the diary, she only does things to be the beacon her status needs her to be. She evidently doesn't value Titania's friendship because she willingly lets her clingyness corrode her friend. In actuality, I used to sort of feel bad for Amaria because she's somebody who tries to cheer everyone around her, yet has nobody to support her. However, E17 chooses to retcon those motivations and replace them with the toxic, sadistic motivations that are evident now. It feels like a really cheap Yandere schtick than an actually conflicted individual, and her (along with Corey) inadvertently paint mental psychosis in a rather negative light.


I'm a bit strapped for time, so I guess I'll just say that I think Radomus is a bad Chessmaster type character. The protagonist already knows that El is evil because he is with Team Meteor through some dialogue in the mountain, so does Radomus through Luna. The only two people who don't trust him are apprehensive because he isn't being straight with them. His untrustworthiness comes from his ass-backwards planning, and not from his motivations. That's another problem I have, we have no clue about his motivations, which is sort of important for a character like this. You don't need to know the reason behind his motivations, but this character trope sort of needs a drive. Radomus doesn't, so he seems like some immature manchild who puts people in peril solely for his own amusement.

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