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Reborn characters Hurt/Heal (post E17)


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  On 2/12/2018 at 7:37 PM, walpurgis said:

If we are going to talk about puzzles why don't we talk about the bookcase hell shelly has for gym.


It was like the water temple. but once I learned what I had to do I loved the puzzle (and I felt so stupid... that last PC... I never realized it)

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  On 2/12/2018 at 7:30 PM, Wolfox said:

I actually don't understand why you dislike the Radomus arc. It's probably one of my favorites together with the Apothyll arc. Radomus showing that he could have done what you did may be annoying, but it shows how far ahead he is on Team Meteor for one reason or another. And I really don't understand how you can hate G.Gardevoir. She's so sassy and funny (and part of the reason Gardevoir became my favorite mon)


He's far ahead on Meteor sure, but making us go down into the Arc, let us fight a bloody Fake Arceus, then swoop in and take the kill by taking out El by revealing he could've called Gardevoir at just about any point and ended the charade is nothing short of infuriating. Then he pretty much does it again the next episode. This is next to the tediousness of Route1(Especially on my first playthrough where it was lag incarnate)


The story arc itself is actually rather good, and I can appreciate the El/Radomus dynamic quite a bit, but good fucking god I can't stand him as character period.


Gardevoir is pure salt admittedly. A couple years back I did a nuzlocke of Reborn and a critical hit from G.Gardevoir wiped me out.


In terms of story arcs; E14-15 is probably my favourite. A cool chase up an ice mountain, parraleling Pyrous, except here it's a reversal of roles. Not defending the objective, but being on the offensive, trying to stop Blake from escaping with Ruby Ring. A cool boss fight later, you enter Glitch World, then into the sewers for Taka/Titania exposition, and into the Mansion Gauntlet, nothing's more catharthic than beating Meteor Goons, Fern and Blake and then Solaris back to back.

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I said that Ramodus was the most level headed character before, which it's quite clear that Ramodus can manipulate people in order to get what he wants (El, the player character, Luna possibly), and considering how every character is way to quick to act on a situation, I find Ramodus' laid back style of doing things quite entertaining (and his overall apathy to most situations is pretty funny too). But most of all, Ramodus has the best sense of fashion, easily.

G. Garde can suck it tho. My Crobat will OHKO you any day!


  On 2/12/2018 at 7:42 PM, Azeria said:

In terms of story arcs; E14-15 is probably my favourite. A cool chase up an ice mountain, parraleling Pyrous, except here it's a reversal of roles. Not defending the objective, but being on the offensive, trying to stop Blake from escaping with Ruby Ring. A cool boss fight later, you enter Glitch World, then into the sewers for Taka/Titania exposition, and into the Mansion Gauntlet, nothing's more catharthic than beating Meteor Goons, Fern and Blake and then Solaris back to back.


Same. Great arc there.


  On 2/12/2018 at 7:38 PM, Wolfox said:
  On 2/12/2018 at 7:37 PM, walpurgis said:

If we are going to talk about puzzles why don't we talk about the bookcase hell shelly has for gym.


It was like the water temple. but once I learned what I had to do I loved the puzzle (and I felt so stupid... that last PC... I never realized it)


Yeah, of all the puzzles, Shelly's bookcase puzzle probably took me the longest. I love solving puzzles, but that is just tedious really. I figured out what to do fairly quickly, just going up and down to get the right combination is annoying as all hell.

Edited by Dragoknight
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  On 2/12/2018 at 7:38 PM, Zarc said:

and what about the water center which i spend 1 hour the first time to solve it :/


I have to admit I loved that one.

  On 2/12/2018 at 7:41 PM, J-Awesome_One said:

Well it's hard if you're playing through the game for the 1st time but now it's just waaaaaay too easy.


I have more than ten reborn save files and it's true that you end up memorizing it, but if you stop playing for a few months.....



Field effect puzzles are best puzzles.

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  On 2/12/2018 at 7:45 PM, Wolfox said:

G.Gardevoir wiped you in a nuzlocke by a crit? Ouch. Garde knows it's of the best species


Went into Radomus with a seemingly decent team, was wrong. Ended up being down to a 1v1 between my Beheeyem who'd stacked up 6 Calm Minds, against Gardevoir. On the turn Beheeyem was about to obtain the KO; "G.Gardevoir used Moonblast! It's a Critical hit! Beheeyem fainted!"



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  On 2/12/2018 at 7:52 PM, walpurgis said:

Field effect puzzles are best puzzles.


I know! I love puzzles in which you actually have to think! A lot of "puzzles" you see are really just do some trivial task a whole lot and don't screw up from lack of patience. Ice sliding puzzles are kinda cool tho.

But my favourite is the Timburr puzzle in Agate Circus (yeah I'm a sadistic bitch i know)


Say does anyone else here love the Meloetta puzzles in Insurgence?

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  On 2/12/2018 at 7:55 PM, Azeria said:

Went into Radomus with a seemingly decent team, was wrong. Ended up being down to a 1v1 between my Beheeyem who'd stacked up 6 Calm Minds, against Gardevoir. On the turn Beheeyem was about to obtain the KO; "G.Gardevoir used Moonblast! It's a Critical hit! Beheeyem fainted!"




happened to me in emerald once. my Hariyama got OHKOed by a crit overheat :/ suddenly my team wasn't that good anymore

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  On 2/12/2018 at 8:30 PM, Q-Jei said:

Easiest puzzle: Julia’s

Hardest puzzle: Radomus’s

Shortest puzzle: Corey’s

Longest puzzle: Adrienn’s

My favorite one: Amaria’s


Adrienn's puzzle? Xe had one?

Also I found Ramodus' to be the second easiest, but that might just be because I'm pretty good at chess.


I'd rank 'em

Easiest: Julia (not even a puzzle, just blow things up)

Kinda tough: Ramodus (exponentially more so if you don't know chess rules)

Moderately Difficult: Corey (mainly trial and error until you see the pattern)

Still on the difficult side but rather simple if you know what you're doing: Charlotte (takes me back to Wallace's gym)

Tedious and most difficult: Shelly (kinda figuring out a pattern but is annoying going from one terminal to another)

I would necessarily call Amaria's underwater maze much of a puzzle but it was rather fun to go through (plus I love the music)

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Weirdly, I had so much trouble doing Shelly's puzzle my second time playing through than the first.

Corey is a 3/10 for me, I found it kind of like Shelly's but on a smaller, less complex scale. (Maybe it was a warm-up to Shelly's bookcases?)

+1 Victoria don't die yet please -2 Terra I'm taking you down before Victoria if it's the last thing I do


Cain: 23
Victoria: 4

Adrienn: 14

Amaria: 18

Aya: 21

Charlotte: 26

Ciel: 20

Corey: 17

Florinia: 29


Julia: 21

Kiki: 21

Luna: 20

Noel: 19

Radomus: 11

Samson: 19

Saphira: 20

Serra: 14

Shade: 30

Shelly: 30

Terra: 5

Anna: 21

DJ Arclight: 16

Cal: 27

El: 12

Laura: 22

Taka: 15

ZEL: 21

Solaris: 16

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I've already voiced my dislike for Reborn's story before, but relative to the game, the arcs I've enjoy playing are the Spinel Arc, The Jasper/Beryl arc, and Ametrine. I feel like these arcs have the best pacing and clear plotlines while not overstaying their welcome. There aren't any annoying side protagonists in Jasper/Beryl, and it's the place where I start to usually get permanent team members. Corey is still a stupid character though. As for Ametrine,  I like Shelly's friendship with Heather, and Heather, a character I didn't like at first, gets some nice development.


As for puzzles, I liked Radomus' puzzle (probably the only thing I like about him tbh), Charlotte's is fun too, even if she stole it from Wallace. Corey's puzzle takes like 10 seconds of random button pressing to figure out. Shelly's is sort of trial and error. I know it now, but it's hard to figure out on a first time.


@Bok Choi I can drink to that one, pal



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If I had to choose a favorite puzzle it would be the ones in Mirage Tower.

  On 2/12/2018 at 8:43 PM, Dragoknight said:

Also I found Ramodus' to be the second easiest, but that might just be because I'm pretty good at chess.



Same but without being good at chess. I mean, as long as you know how chess works you can figure it out more or less easily.

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  On 2/12/2018 at 8:08 PM, J-Awesome_One said:

So how many of you's find Corey's Gym Puzzle difficult? Curious on this 1. :o



Just as Zarc said, pressed all buttons and in a matter of second the door opened :)


The only Gym Puzzle i really struggled was Shellys Puzzle. I went in to battle all the trainers first. Healed up. Went in to try to solve the puzzle and struggled for like an decade, till i decided to look it up on a Youtube Video.

Did exactly the same thing as he did in the Video. When he left out of the Arena i thought like: Oh he also gave up, just to see him going to the 2nd floor for the PC to solve that damn Puzzle.

And i was like: DAMN there was a PC on the 2nd Floor.

Jeah kinda frustrating if you didn't see the PC on the 2nd Floor.

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