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Offensively Based Underusement [UU]

The Fush

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Hey everyone, this is Roo The Baka. After the horrible lack-of-knowledge failure that was my last RMT, I've done a ton of improving since then, and am now ready to share a UU team which I think is working quite well.

At A Glance


While this team does have a main focus on offense, there are a few defensive motives surrounding it aswell.


Hipster Coffin (Cofagrigus) (M) @ Leftovers

Trait: Mummy

EVs: 4 HP / 252 Def / 252 SDef

Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk)

- Toxic

- Swagger

- Protect

- Night Shade

Believe it or not, the Protect/Swagger combo I'm using was based off what a trainer used in Pokemon White 2 (I'm not even kidding). This is an amazing staller, with Toxic and Swagger working away at the enemy while you use Protect to keep yourself up and use leftovers to heal your established wounds. With the EVs and Careful nature, practically no Special Dolt in UU or lower can harm this thing, although physical attackers are a different story.


Hippiesaur (Sceptile) (M) @ Flying Gem

Trait: Unburden

EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd

Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

- Leaf Blade

- Dragon Claw

- Drain Punch

- Acrobatics

Prepare to feel the physical pain with this one. Use a boosted Acrobatics with your gem to dish out some major damage, and Unburden's got you sped up and ready to rampage. Drain Punch helps to keep it up, and the Speed despite Unburden is there to take care of threats like Venomoth. Thanks for the suggestion, Erick.


Olivia (Gothitelle) (F) @ Life Orb

Trait: Shadow Tag

EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd

Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)

- Psychic

- Calm Mind

- Thunder Wave

- Dark Pulse

After Ryan C's suggestion, I searched for a pokemon that could help my team's weaknesses and still dominate the enemy. With this in mind- ok, I'm cutting to the point here. I can't BELIEVE how unnoticed this thing is. It gets Shadow Tag, is basically a Latias in UU, making it far more reliable for taking hits than say, a UUish Chandelure, and has an amazingly diverse special movepool. I've implemented Thunder Wave for trolling while taking special damage. All in all, I'm proud of this. Not to mention, this thing can stop both Nidoking and Crobat in their tracks with Psychic and special resistance to Nidoking. Thank you, Ryan C.


Metroid (Cradily) (M) @ Leftovers

Trait: Storm Drain

EVs: 8 HP / 152 Def / 116 SAtk / 232 SDef

Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)

- Giga Drain

- Barrier

- Earth Power

- Recover

I love this thing. It makes Water types want to cry, and it's actually got decent special offense. It's also an amazing tank, and after you guys pointed out how idiotic I was to forget Recover, I slapped it on here. Since Cofagrigus walls specials, I'd figure Cradily could wall physical attacks with Barrier, and combine that power with draining so it can stand against fighting and ice types.


The Cooker (Rotom-H) @ Choice Scarf

Trait: Levitate

EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd

Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)

- Volt Switch

- Overheat

- Shadow Ball

- Hidden Power [Grass]

A beast in special offense to begin with, Rotom-H also has levitate, meaning it's perfect to stop an Earthquake from say, Rhyperior, and hit back unsuspectingly with a HP Grass. Since this is a hit-and-run pokemon, Overheat is amazing on this thing. Another bonus for this thing is that due to it's synergy with Cradily, it's the perfect water type baiter. Simply Volt Switch the opposition, and send out Cradily to let Storm Drain let Cradily gain some more offensive power.


Chaos Dunk (Carracosta) (M) @ Custap Berry

Trait: Sturdy

EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd

Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)

- Shell Smash

- Waterfall

- Stone Edge

- Earthquake

This turtle is nothing to mess around with. The Shell Smash Sturdy combo is amazing, and Waterfall, Stone Edge and Earthquake are all great physical hitters. What, it won't always be fast enough to hit again? The Custap Berry covers that just fine.

So, this is my first PROPER RMT. Ratings are much appreciated.

Potential Threats:

-Nidoking: When Scarfed, there's a lot of my team that could receive hell from it. Using a combination of switch lock-in moves and Carracosta/Rotom-H would be great, especially Carracosta, because that pretty much gives him a free turn to smash.

-Venomoth: Noting to self NOT to let it use Sleep Powder or Substitute. I need to be prepared by having a pokemon ready to face it at all times. Volt Switching and sending out something generally good to outspeed it, mainly Sceptile, is the best, and possibly the only solution! That, or if it doesn't have Sleep Powder, it's Carracosta's for the taking.

-Kadabra: Generally powerful, varied special attacker. I'm gonna watch out for things like Shadow Ball and Energy Ball, because that can raise a lot of havoc on Gothitelle and the others. A good Shadow Ball will shut it up.

-Umbreon: Be it stall or half-stallish (say, with a move like Crunch), I need to prepare to face this thing when it comes out. Shell Smashing could be good, or crippling it with Thunder Wave or Cofagrigus is a surefire way to stop it. However, if it has Crunch, I'd best be wary if I'm trying to set up Gothitelle.

Update Log:

-Removed Stockpile and Swallow on Cradily, gave it Recover and Barrier.

-Slight EV changes to multiple pokemon.

-Replaced Lilligant with Gothitelle.

-Edited Sceptile's EVs, and Gothitelle's EVs.

-Replaced Gothitelle's Flatter with Thunder Wave.

-Corrected an EV fault with Cofagrigus, where SpDef was 212 instead of 252.

Edited by Roo The BAKA!
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Rating time.


Hipster Coffin (Cofagrigus) (M) @ Leftovers

Trait: Mummy

EVs: 4 HP / 252 Def / 212 SDef

Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk)

- Toxic

- Swagger

- Protect

- Night Shade

Believe it or not, the Protect/Swagger combo I'm using was based off what a trainer used in Pokemon White 2 (I'm not even kidding). This is an amazing staller, with Toxic and Swagger working away at the enemy while you use Protect to keep yourself up and use leftovers to heal your established wounds. With the EVs and Careful nature, practically no Special Dolt in UU or lower can harm this thing, although physical attackers are a different story.

I like what you're doing with Cofagrigus. No real complaints here. You've got a ghost-type Blissey type-of-thing going on here. Keep it up.

Rest of the team:

Nidoking takes out a sizeable chunk of your team, with only Cofagrigus and Rotom-H to pick up the slack.


[Nidoking] (M/F) @ [Choice Scarf]

Trait: [Encourage]

EVs: [252 Special Attack, 252 Speed, 4 HP]

[Nature] Modest

- Earth Power

- Ice Beam

- Flamethrower/Fire Blast

- Thunderbolt

He comes in, and will mess up your team.

From there,the opponents physical sweeper of choice can come in.

Otherwise, I love the idea behind the team. I think it was executed nicely.

Final score:


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Rating time.

I like what you're doing with Cofagrigus. No real complaints here. You've got a ghost-type Blissey type-of-thing going on here. Keep it up.

Rest of the team:

Nidoking takes out a sizeable chunk of your team, with only Cofagrigus and Rotom-H to pick up the slack.


[Nidoking] (M/F) @ [Choice Scarf]

Trait: [Encourage]

EVs: [252 Special Attack, 252 Speed, 4 HP]

[Nature] Modest

- Earth Power

- Ice Beam

- Flamethrower/Fire Blast

- Thunderbolt

He comes in, and will mess up your team.

From there,the opponents physical sweeper of choice can come in.

Otherwise, I love the idea behind the team. I think it was executed nicely.

Final score:


Oh, sheesh, I don't think even Rotom-W could stop that. I'd have to hope Carracosta set up without entry hazards could counter that. Thanks for the heads up, and for the rating.

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faced it and it was a pretty good team. I just do not understand why you have swallow? give it recover instead because it will still recover hp and also and more importantly you will not lose you defensive raise from stockpile. Also usually when you put an opponent poke to sleep they usually switch to avoid letting you quiver dance up so i would suggest getting rid of dream eater and adding hidden power rock so that i can counter fire and ice pokes which pose a threat to it. IF you make those fixes that 9.1/10

Also there is not much to worry about scarf nedoking when half of your team counters it. Rotom h counters it because non of nedokings moves even do neutral damage to it and overheat is a guaranteed ohko. Cradily also counter it because it is a pretty sp defensive wall and earth power will 2 hit ko atlest. Also if your Turtle is at full hp than you can get of a free shell smash and that finish it of with a water fall with will garentee a hit even if nedoking is scarf because of cutsup berry. And he mentioned a scarf nedoking which is easy to set up on if it gets stuck on thunderbolt since you can just switch to lilgrant and start quiverdancing up.

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My thoughts exactly.

Its Very Useful Try it copy Pasted From Smogon

Are you going to provide a reason as to why this set should be used over his current set? Are you going to look at the team, and analyze it rather than throwing out sets?

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I never trust a guy who has ever had Justin Bieber as an avatar.


You're running too much Grass, a type with defensive liabilities. Keep either Sceptile or Lilligant and axe the other in favor of Cobalion. Yes, I do know it's my favorite legendary, and I'm not playing favorites here (although it did come to mind quickly), but it has a few key things that the rest of your team doesn't have, the biggest of which being key 4x resistances to Bug (takes care of that problem), Rock (hits everything else neutral or better), and Dark (Potential problem for Cofagrigus, and Cobalion has Justified too) while being immune to Poison (and thus immune to Toxic Spikes), so it makes one of the best switch-ins in the game. Here, try this set.

Cobalion @ Leftovers

Trait: Justified

EVs: 252 HP / 184 Def / 72 Spd

Impish Nature (+Def, -SAtk)

- Sacred Sword

- Thunder Wave / Stealth Rock

- Roar

- Volt Switch

Supporting physical wall. Cobalion might be known for its CombatHead-TauntDance set, but people often forget that Cobalion has really high Defense - 129 base, in fact - as well as the ability to support its teammates with some great moves. Sacred Sword is the counter to Snorlax who, if you let him Curse, will otherwise get REAL annoying (Sacred Sword ignores defensive stat changes). Thunder Wave, I think we all know what that does, but with the lack of hazard setters on your team Cobalion could stand to run Stealth Rock instead. Your call, as both moves work very well with Roar. Volt Switch is a nifty move where Cobalion hits the enemy on the way out, and with Cobalion's Speed isn't too shabby either.

Overall team rating, as it stands right now, is 7.5/10

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Recover > swallow on Cradily...

Rest of the team I'd say 9/10.

Quoted By Kamina:

I just do not understand why you have swallow? give it recover instead because it will still recover hp and also and more importantly you will not lose you defensive raise from stockpile.

There goes my knowledge... I forgot Cradily even had Recover. Editing Cradily.

Edited by Roo The BAKA!
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I never trust a guy who has ever had Justin Bieber as an avatar.


You're running too much Grass, a type with defensive liabilities. Keep either Sceptile or Lilligant and axe the other in favor of Cobalion. Yes, I do know it's my favorite legendary, and I'm not playing favorites here (although it did come to mind quickly), but it has a few key things that the rest of your team doesn't have, the biggest of which being key 4x resistances to Bug (takes care of that problem), Rock (hits everything else neutral or better), and Dark (Potential problem for Cofagrigus, and Cobalion has Justified too) while being immune to Poison (and thus immune to Toxic Spikes), so it makes one of the best switch-ins in the game. Here, try this set.

Cobalion @ Leftovers

Trait: Justified

EVs: 252 HP / 184 Def / 72 Spd

Impish Nature (+Def, -SAtk)

- Sacred Sword

- Thunder Wave / Stealth Rock

- Roar

- Volt Switch

Supporting physical wall. Cobalion might be known for its CombatHead-TauntDance set, but people often forget that Cobalion has really high Defense - 129 base, in fact - as well as the ability to support its teammates with some great moves. Sacred Sword is the counter to Snorlax who, if you let him Curse, will otherwise get REAL annoying (Sacred Sword ignores defensive stat changes). Thunder Wave, I think we all know what that does, but with the lack of hazard setters on your team Cobalion could stand to run Stealth Rock instead. Your call, as both moves work very well with Roar. Volt Switch is a nifty move where Cobalion hits the enemy on the way out, and with Cobalion's Speed isn't too shabby either.

Overall team rating, as it stands right now, is 7.5/10

I was thinking about that to begin with, and Cobalion'll probably be an option. However, I'm DEFINETELY not running that set on it. First off, I already have two great walls, and this Cobalion doesn't have any EVs to back up attacking. I'll either take Cobalion with a different set, or find something else entirely. Cheers for the heads-up.

Bugs are a huge problem. Overheat may be deadly but it still cripples your SPATK, that's when bugs come in and take the prize. I can already forsee Pinsirs loling at Moxie boost. Great team otherwise.

Cofagrigus, Sceptile and Rotom-H all destroy bugs (heck Carracosta too, for non-fighting imbued). Sceptile has Acrobatics for a reason, y'know, and the whole point of Rotom-H is supposed to be a hit-and-run, so Overheat works perfectly. That, and you're implying most bugs will even survive a Modest Overheat from Rotom-H. Also, Cofagrigus laughs at bug and fighting type attacks, so Pinsir'd be a no-no. So yeah... where was that bug weakness?

not to mention once I remove Lilligant/Sceptile bugs are gonna be even less of a problem

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The change with Gothitelle is an interesting one, but a bad one nonetheless. You've kept the bug weakness you were trying to get rid of and added both a dark and ghost weakness.


Venomoth (M/F) @ Black Sludge

Trait: Tinted Lens

EVs: 252 SpA / 4 HP / 252 Sp

Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)

- Quiver Dance

- Psychic

- Bug Buzz

- Substitute

Guess who's gonna have fun with your team?

I was just thinking that if you're not going to go with Cobalion, then Gallade is the next best thing.


Gallade (M) @ Leftovers

Trait: Steadfast

EVs: 240 HP / 224 SDef / 44 Spd

Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk)

- Drain Punch

- Bulk Up

- Shadow Sneak/Night Slash

- Psycho Cut

He cuts the bug weakness, give you SE against dark, and has a means of dealing with the ghosties. Just some food for thought.

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Hi, I'll edit this comment with a better rate later, but for now I can see Umbreon with a stall core backing you up wrecking you. Try running Trick > Shadow Ball on rotom to either catch him off guard, or another really bulky Pokemon you're having problems with.

Umbreon seems like the only one, currently.

Why Shadow Ball on Umbreon? Is it because of the Sp. Def lowering? That's down to chance to begin with, and most Umbreons would prepare to switch out after something like that. Not to mention, I'm worried about what Rotom-H's performance would be for the rest of the battle after that. Unlike Rotom-W, Rotom-H has more than one weakness to worry about when battling, which is why I gave it Choice Scarf to begin with: to outspeed pokemon that might be a threat to it. It's synergy with Cradily would also deplete, although I admit in just one battle that isn't as much of an issue. Also, if I kept Shadow Ball, I'd be worried about replacing HP Grass with Trick. Sceptile is upfront when it says "yo, I have Grass so I shut down all yer stuff like Gigalith and Rhyperior", meaning that the opponent would be likely to switch out on him. If I wanted to keep a surprise factor due to not always wanted to predict enemy moves like crazy, HP Grass is the only other way on my team to do so. Oh, and before you point out Carracosta, it's useless while it's still slow. Using Sturdy because of a Rock pokemon that could otherwise be easily defeated by Sceptile, or said HP Grass, is kind of a waste.

Trick sounds like it could definetely be effective, but I think I'm sticking to my current moveset. I'm sticking to Cofagrigus to scout out enemy Umbreons. Not to mention, using Carracosta as a shell smasher when Umbreon is could be a great idea. It'd waste Toxic while I set up, and then use a move to destroy it, even after a protect.

Although I'll admit, Umbreon now seems like a threat in general. Thanks for the reminder.

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